Ok! Summer is here and that means NO HOMEWORK! So I can finally work on my stories without stressing! That sounds so amazing and unreal right now!

So Sorry for the wait! This isn't the longest chapter, and it's kinda a filler, but also very necessary for this chapter! I hop you guys find it decent. Please leave comments :) (does that smiley face scare anyone else, or is that just me?)

"Any fool can know. The point is to understand."

-Albert Einstein

'Pain meds my shell' Raph smirked as he opened his eyes and sat up, holding out his hand to reveal the two pills Donnie had tried to feed him. He chucked them into the trash before standing up. Don had said they were for the pain, but Raphael could tell his brother was lying, no matter how good he was doing it.

'Stupid leg doesn't even hurt no more.' He thought bitterly as he looked down at said limp and took a few trial steps on it. He smiled triumphantly to himself when it didn't collapse under him like the last fifty times he had tried.

Thus why his siblings were getting desperate enough to drug him at night to get him to sleep.

Raph had been restless. Ever since his fever had broken and the stitches had been removed, all he wanted to do was move. Whether it be with training, or just taking a spin on his motorcycle, he was sick of sitting in one spot and being babysat 24/7.

He couldn't help but cringe as he thought of Leo. His brother had finally just gotten his stitches removed the other day and didn't even have the strength to get off of the couch. Not that he didn't try. Donnie had restricted him from walking, or doing anything for that matter until he was able to breathe probably.

He remembered having to watch Leo take breathing exercises with Donnie as Mikey tried to feed him soup. It was supposed to be easy, in and out. Something you don't even think about.

Raph ignored the spoon that was presented before him and his younger brothers whines as he overserved Leo wince every time his side had expanded too far.

"You're doing great, Leo" Donnie said as he watched Leo carefully. "One more really deep one, ok?"

Leo sighed and cringed at the cold metal of the stethoscope that Donnie had slipped into his shell. He took another deep, painful breath, held it like Don had instructed him to, and then released it. He sighed when the stethoscope was removed and he was able to take small, less pain afflicting intakes of air.

"Your lungs sound great, all the pain should just be from your side." Donnie stated as he grabbed a bottle of pills from the first aid box.

"I could've told you that." Leo mumbled bitterly as he leaned back into the couch and closed his eyes.

Donnie ignored the remark. "I'll be able to remove the stitches in a month."

"A month?!"

Donnie handed the pills to Leo before grabbing the cup of water he had planned ahead for. "These things don't heal overnight. You should have thought of the consequences before you were dull-witted enough to face the Shredder alone."

He sent a vexed gaze towards Raph, making the said turtle look down with guilt.

Raph sighed and looked around his room, purposefully avoiding the crutch. He limped a couple of steps towards the door and growled. He wouldn't be able to get anywhere if his brothers heard him before he even got through the hallway. He took a large breath and continued, forcing himself to stay as stealthy as possible.

He opened the door, stopping it at a certain point, knowing it would squeak if he didn't. He entered the dark hallway and could already hear the distinct snores that belonged to Donatello and Michelangelo. He quickly passed their rooms, knowing they were tired, but alert. This wouldn't be the first time he had attempted to do this.

He really hoped Splinters door was closed and that the rat was in a deep sleep as he edged his was towards the lair door, debating on which route would get him out of here faster.

He was suddenly blinded when a lamp was flicked on. He growled and covered his eyes with his hand. Just because he hadn't taken the sleeping pills, didn't mean he wasn't still doused with something. He blinked a couple times, trying to get the fog and blur out of his eyes.

"Where're you going?"

Raph clenched his teeth. Apparently they trusted Leo enough not to try the same stunt on him as they had done on Raph.

"Out." He replied sharply, not meeting his brother's stare. He already felt guilty, but the walls were closing in, and the room was getting stuffy, and he just couldn't stand all of the attention any more. He needed to breathe.

"No you're not." He had known that reply was coming and couldn't help but snap back.

"Who's going to stop me? You?"

Leo's eyes narrowed dangerously and he sat up straighter. Just because he was hurt, didn't mean he was off of his job of being his protective self. "I can, and will if I need to. I can always scream for Donnie too if you want me to."

Raph growled.

"I would advise you to just go back to bed."

"You can't stop me, Leo." Raph took a step back and Leo looked ready to jump over the couch. "I'm leaving, taking a breather, and then coming back."

Leo's mind whirled. Raph was telling him what he was planning on doing, which was a very unRaph like characteristic. He felt bad for his brother, having been able to feel his brothers need to move, hit something, do anything for the past couple of weeks.

"… Just up and then back?" He asked slowly, wanting desperately to join his brother, but knowing he wouldn't be able to make it too far.

Raph's tense shoulders fell slightly as he let out a small breath. "Just up and back. I'll go to Casey's or something, but please Leo… I just, I need to…. I… needa, I've… I need to breathe, Leo. I can't stand this anymore."

Oh, how he could relate.

Leo nodded slowly, his eyes narrowed as he looked at the younger's leg. "How bad does it hurt?"

Raph gave a small shrug, "Doable."

He gave out a large huff and rubbed a hand over his face. 'I'm going to regret this…' … "Got your phone?"

Raph nodded, his stomach clenching with excitement. "Yeah, course."

"And no getting into any fights, even if it's just a mugger. If you're hanging out with Casey, he can handle it, but you are not to fight at all tonight, and-"

"Leo, I got it!" Raph said to ecstatically.

"…And you better get a jacket, its cold-"

"Bro! Chill would you!?" Raph let out a loud, exasperated laugh, still surprised, that his overprotective, stubborn, killjoy older brother was actually allowing this.

Leo glanced at the time and scowled. "Raph…"

"I'll be back before anyone else wakes up! I swear it! Now… uh, can I go?"

"Maybe I should come to… just to be sure…"

"No way bro," Raph countered and glared at the blue-clad turtle. "Don says that too much movement right now might reopen the wound, even with the stitches out." He quoted and turned to leave.

"He said the same thing about you!" Leo snapped and Raph quickly ran out.

"I'll see ya!" He yelled, but not loud enough to wake anyone up.

Leo glared. He plopped back down into his pillow and stared at the dimly lit ceiling.

He knew he should get some more sleep, and maybe take another prescribed (according to Donnie) pill because of the small throb that was starting up in his side. But as his internal clock slowly ticked off the seconds, that started to turn to minutes that began to sneak by, he knew that he wasn't going to be able to do anything.

Not until Raphael was home.