Hey guys I had this great idea for a story! So I just had to write it! Let me know what you think!

Chapter 1 – Dark Pasts

I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound

You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around and say

That it's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I'd take another chance, take a fall
Take a shot for you
And I need you like a heart needs a beat
But that's nothing new, yeah yeah

I loved you with a fire red, now it's turning blue
And you say sorry like the angel
Heaven let me think was you
But I'm afraid

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late, whoa whoa

It's too late to apologize, it's too late
I said it's too late to apologize, it's too late

I said it's too late to apologize, yeah
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah

I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground

"Wow that song is going to be a hit!"

Eddie smiled at his dad, "You really think so?"

"Yeah but this is a whole different image for you are you ready for this?"

Eddie looked at his father and saw concern. He knew his dad was just trying to help but he didn't want to be pitied anymore. "Yeah I'm sure, but I got to get going."

Max smirked, "Are you heading to Aroma?"

Eddie rolled his eyes, "What is that supposed to mean?"

Max raised his eyebrows, "It means you have been hanging out at this café watching and talking to this girl and you haven't even gotten her number."

Eddie sighed, "Dad it has only been a month since I broke up with Chloe I'm not ready for anything. Loren is just someone I talk to for advice that's all."

Max shook his head, "Oh please she is more than that."

Eddie glared, "No she isn't she is just a casual friend pop nothing else."

Max raised his hands in defense, "Alright Ed just trying to help."

"I know but I can't talk about that stuff right now. Do you know how much I loved Chloe? I was going to spend the rest of my life with her and I found out she lied about who she was and she had been using me and cheating on me the whole time. You don't know what it feels like to have somebody who you thought loved you never did. It was just you all a long."

Max heard the devastation in his son's voice. He really was broken by this girl and there was nothing he could do about it. "I know son I'm sorry."

Eddie just nodded, "I got to go."

Max watched as Eddie walked out of the apartment.

Eddie walked into the café and saw Loren wiping off the counter. She looked up and saw him and smiled. Her smile always took his breath away and made the darkness around him dissipate. He sat down at a table waiting for her to get off her shift. He thought back to the day he first met Loren.

Eddie had just come into the café after he had been driving all night. He had just broken up with Chloe the night before and he felt as if his entire world had collapsed. He sat down at a booth and slid down. Loren had walked up to the booth.

"Can I get you something?"

"Yeah how about a new life?"

Loren looked at him confused but then understanding filled her face. "Your life can't be that bad. I heard this quote once. There is never a bad day just a bad moment in a day. Don't let a bad moment ruin all the good things that happen."

Eddie had taken off his sunglasses in surprise. She was so wise was all he could think. It shocked him even more that there was recognition in her eyes when she saw him but she didn't completely freak like most girls did when they met Eddie Duran. "Thank you."

She smiled, "Of course. Now how about I get you a shake on the house and you can tell me all about this awful life of yours?"

Eddie smiled as the girl walked away.

Loren slid into the booth across from him shaking him out of his thoughts. "How are you?"

Eddie smiled slightly, "Alright, I wrote this new song and I want you to hear it. Loren nodded, as Eddie took off his sunglasses and pressed play on his phone."

Loren moved her head along with the melody. When it finished she smiled, "That was amazing Eddie." Loren stood up and held out her hand, "Come on I want to show you something."

Eddie took her hand and let Loren lead him out of the Café.

Loren drove through a suburban neighborhood in Tarzana. She pulled off the side of the road across from a house and looked at it. Eddie looked at the house, "What are we looking at?"

Loren looked at him and Eddie could see that her eyes were wet. "That was the house I grew up in."

Eddie looked at the house again, "Did you move?"

Loren laughed, "I wish. My dad left me and my mom when I was four. It was really hard we struggling with it for a long time and I still struggle with it. Well a little over six months ago it started to get really bad, my mom started getting depressed and drinking. She had eloped with this awful man and one day she decided she couldn't take it anymore and she killed herself. I found her the next morning and as soon as the guy find out that married her he took the house and gave me thirty days to move out. So I work at the café to pay for an apartment."

Eddie looked at her shocked Loren was such a happy optimistic person. He would have never guessed that something like that had happened to her. He didn't respond he just pulled her close and kissed her on the cheek. "I'm so sorry Lo. I am always here for you."

Loren sniffed still holding him tightly, "Eddie you're my best friend. When all this happened I pushed everyone away even my best friend Melissa."

Eddie hugged her tighter, "I will always be here for you Lo. But I don't want you living by yourself. I want you to move into the guest room at my place."

Loren looked at him surprised.