11. Observation

They stood side by side on a tall hill, overlooking a vast field. Littered about the expanse was a multitude of bodies, weapons and armor. Humans and demons, of various shapes, sizes and walks of life lay about, waiting for the carnivorous animals that lingered on the outskirts, biding their time.

Kagome was sad as she noted some familiar faces among the dead, but she stood resolute at her husband's side. It had been close to 30 years since the spirits decided to warn them of the upcoming war... a relatively, short amount of time for a demon, though a small eternity for humans. She had, at one point, realized she was 'blessed' with a much slower aging body. She had her pure energy to thank for that bit. At least this way, she could remain at her husband's side. They decided to hold of on having any pups until this battle passed and they could properly gauge any threats. Her heart broke at the human warlords and leaders of various religious factions finally teamed up to remove the 'demon plague' from the lands. She let out a small sigh.

Sesshoumaru looked down at his wife and he couldn't help be feel a bit of pride as she stood there looking every bit the regal Lady of the West. He knew, when they returned home, there would be tears for lives that were destroyed, her heart was never made for battle. She would do so privately, when he would hold her and sooth away the sadness.

He regarded the corpses of the fools on the field below. A few warriors had limped away to lick their wounds and many cowards, human and demons, had abandoned their leaders, but the majority lay on the dead or slowly dieing. This battle did nothing except kill off so many demons that the species would never recover. The fates almost won, if not for him and the few allies that stood next to them looking over the field. Sure, there were stragglers all over the lands, but the majority seemed to find their way here. Inuyasha and his mate, Shiori, Shippo and Rin, Kouga and his mate (though the bodies of his pack mates Ginta and Houkaku lay on the field)... among a few others. There is not nearly enough left to repopulate the species. None of the other demon lords would even hear him or his beloved wife out as they tried to convince them of the fate of the demons. None would live long enough to consider the mistake they made with that decision. He realized that he could have been one of the ones laying on that field. He and the others had the spirits to thank for warning them and Kagome to thank for convincing those that would listen that this fight was lost before it started.

Slowly, the group left the grisly scene. They had plans to make, homes to build, lives to create. Sesshoumaru was thankful for a gift that one benevolent spirit gave to one little human girl.

That is what I wish for Merry Christmas, a wife for my Lord to care for him. Please grant my wish Mr. Claus.

Thank You,


A/N: I am soooo sorry this took so long. Ok, so I basically had to force the plunnie back into action with this story. Little bugger sat on my shoulder driving me nuts about this story, then flew off to Tahiti when I finally had a good bit of it written.

And if you are wondering about the 'benevolent spirit and little girl', I will refer you to Sesshoumaru's Gift and the letter to Santa that Rin wrote.

Let me know what you think. Thanks!