A/N: This is a rare comedic story from me, and yes, it will be super fluffy as well. This is just setup. Don't worry my ducklings! Smoochies inbound! Just know that I will be as excited to write them as you are to read them.

Also, as usual, I will love you forever if you review.

"Uh uh! No more of this fucking nonsense!" Yang swore viciously, storming over to glare at her little sister.

"But Yang!" Ruby wailed.

"Shuddup! And don't even try the puppy dog eyes." Yang ranted, shaking an extremely threatening fist.

Ruby gulped. "Okay..."

Yang went into full big sister mode. "Jacket on, shoes on, you screwed around too much to eat breakfast. And if your butt isn't out of the door in two minutes, I swear to I am taking away your dessert for a week."

"That is nowhere near fair." Ruby grumbled, pulling on her boots.

"Nope." Yang agreed cheerily. "But it works! C'mon, is it really so bad?"

"Yes! I hate freaking gardening!" Yang scowled at the use of the word freaking in substitute for something worse, and Ruby ignored her.

"Well, little sis, you can be a gardener over the summer or you can be unemployed forever!" Her sister's face softened. "Really, it's just a job. Soon you won't have to deal with those assholes any more, and we'll have enough money for you to go to college when it's over."

"Three months!" Ruby ranted as she went out the door. "Three freaking months!"

Yang smiled as the door shut behind her. Ladies and gentlemen, Ruby Rose, who, like most teenagers, didn't know how good she had it. Yang sighed happily and went back to the kitchen. Soon she would need to head out too. But for the moment she could drink a cup of fresh brewed coffee and think of more ways to torment her little sister.

Life was good.

One of the few things Ruby loved about her job was the limo.

It was sleek, white, and fabulous, taking up their entire meager driveway space like a morbidly obese white guy in a suit trying to stuff himself into a one room apartment. Ruby also loved the driver, a sweet old German guy by the name of Otto who doted on her constantly.

"Miss Rose." He growled in his thick accent, or possibly just through his bushy white mustache. "How are you this morning?"

"Great!" Ruby chirped. "How are you?"

"Much better now that you are here." He said with a huge laugh. For such a skinny man, he had a massive voice. Ruby often thought he was rather like a walrus crammed into the body of a five foot nothing skinny white guy, very similar to how she thought of the car when it was in her driveway.

They slipped smoothly through the streets, heading out of town to the massive Schnee estate. Ruby, as always, marveled at the view. It was a perfect, beautiful day, and she loved just staring out at the sky and the city and the countryside in that order as the car grumbled its way out of town.

Exactly fifteen minutes later the limo pulled up to a house that was the exact reverse of Ruby and Yang's flat. Massive, gothic, and pure white, the Schnee manor more resembled a castle than something people actually lived in. Ruby worked there as a full time gardener after the last three had quit, most likely from having to deal with the Schnee's themselves. Ruby, however, refused to let anything get her down.

Besides. She needed the money.

She got out, thanked Otto, and headed around back to an equally palatial (well, for a garden shed anyway) garden shed, Ruby set to work, grabbing a multitude of tools, stuffing them into a brown leather utility belt, and buckling it so that it hung from one shoulder down to her opposite hip. For a final touch, she put a hairband on to contain her messy black and red hair.

"Super Gardening Girl, ready for duty!" Ruby declared, brandishing a pair of hedge clippers. Then she giggled. Being a huge dork, as long as nobody saw you, was the best thing in the world.

She wandered off into the huge gardens. They were a massive, sprawling affair, with a hedge maze, several artificial streams, arbors covered in flowering vines, many birch and willow trees, elegant marble benches and statues, and huge patches of roses in every color imaginable. The entire thing was, thanks to Ruby, forever a picture perfect accessory to the equally huge, equally beautiful house.

Since Ruby was the only full time gardener the Schnee's could ever keep employed, she had a ton to do in just one day. The actual garden itself was the size of a city block, and Ruby started doing gardening things. She was halfway through her first job, which was just sweeping off the freaking paths, when she saw something white.

It wasn't a flower or a statue, it was a pale, beautiful girl her age in a white dress with an identically colored ponytail, sitting on a stone bench and staring up at the clouds.

"Hello!" Ruby called cheerfully.

"Go away." Weiss Schnee, heiress of the Schnee fortune replied coldly. "You have work to be doing."

"Yup." Ruby said. "That I do. Nice talking to you Weiss."

She continued with her work, busily snipping back plants, sweeping, and in general doing garden stuff. But the entire time, she managed to stay within sight of Weiss. The other girl fascinated her like snowfall in Summer. She was always out here in the garden, doing homework, practicing her fencing, or just looking around, like she was now.

She seemed so very lonely, like a Faerie Princess or something cool like that. At least, to Ruby. Who was garden stalking her. It was always surprising what sorts of things she could come up with doing stupid chores like this, like that musing about Weiss being a Faerie Princess. Well, Weiss certainly had the looks.

Okay, she might as well come out and admit it. Ruby had the hugest crush on Weiss. It was pretty pathetic really, given that the other girl regarded her with about as much fondness as she had for the statuary in the garden. In fact, Ruby was pretty certain she like the statues more. At least they didn't talk.

It was half an hour after her brief conversation with the other girl when Ruby saw something else, this time black. It was another figure, darting over to where Weiss was sitting.

That wasn't good. Ruby had gotten a very serious lecture when she had started the job that the Schnee's and their property were often the target of attempted attacks on their company. And Ruby didn't know of anyone but her and Weiss who were supposed to be out here, especially not dressed like a ninja wannabee.

"Hey!" Ruby called, running to intercept them. "What are you doing here! Get off! Um, private property!" Oh right. That was extremely intimidating.

Weiss's voice came wafting over the roses as Ruby sprinted to reach her. "Keep it down, there's nobody here!"

"Yes, there is!" Ruby shouted, watching the figure dash under an arbor. "Weiss, run!" Ruby burst into the area Weiss had been relaxing in just as the figure did.

It was a Faunus, dressed all in dark, form fitting camouflage, with a pair of scruffy grey dog ears perched on his head. And in one of his hands was a gun, still at his side.

Time seemed to stop.

Ruby saw the Faunus start to raise the gun. She saw Weiss jerking back, trying to get off the bench quickly, but in her panic she had twisted her foot in her elegant high heeled shoe. Ruby knew what she had to do.

Ruby sprinted forward, barreling forwards into the Faunus with her hedge clippers swinging for his head. She got between him and Weiss just as there were two very loud noises. One was sort of a thump, maybe like someone getting hit in the head with a pair of metal hedge clippers.

The other was a gunshot.

Ruby fell into darkness.

A/N: Ooookay this was weird to write, cuz it's in a very different style from what I normally do. Welp, how didja guys like it! Hopefully new chapters soon, but I also have Roses Bloom to work on.