Introduction: Another Version of the Lake Incident

"We cannot go on like this any longer. He has to own up what he has done and accept the consequences of bullying." McGonagall said. She was visibly furious.

"Yes I agree Mr. Potter has really overstepped it this time." Slughorn added. The two heads of houses stared at Dumbledore for a final decision but his face remained ever as inscrutable. The old man closed his eyes contemplating. When he finally opened them he nodded his head in acquiescence.

"I regret to say this but I see no other solution to this than to expel Mr. James Potter from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." There was a silent pause as the professors looked around at each other as if to ascertain themselves that it was indeed the right thing to do. Minerva McGonagall could not remember the last time they had expelled a student.

"I know this seems harsh but we must keep in mind that this is the culmination of a long history of bullying. The Slytherins would say you're playing favorites if you go easy on him."

"Yes, this way no one can make such accusations. There are some unpleasant lessons to be learned in life and I am hopeful Mr. Potter will learn from this."

Severus Snape collapsed into a mess of arms and legs on the floor, the adrenalin still pumping and his heart in his mouth. He didn't even feel when his knees met the hard tiles of the boys' bathroom.

"Shit!" He couldn't quite remember what had happened mere minutes ago. Potter had had him dangling in the air; a crowd had cheered him on. He had been bullied for five years but this time it had been different. It had worse. How much had they seen? How many were there looking? It wouldn't matter as it would soon be talked about by the whole school. His life at Hogwarts was officially over. How could he possibly show his face now that half the school had seen his private parts? "Shit! Shit!" He repeated. Oh, sweet Merlin how he hoped Lily hadn't been there as well. Anyone but Lily! Angry tears forced their way down his cheeks. How would he ever be able to face her again. Would she laugh at him? Damn, he pathetic all right.

Severus hugged his legs close to the body. If only he could disappear. An hour passed with only a weak stench of urine for company. Yet another one went by until:

"Severus?" The headmaster addressed him by his first name from the other side of the door. He was surprised that Dumbledore even knew his name. Severus managed a squeaky noise for answer. His throat was all dried-up.

"Severus, will you come out please." He didn't really want to leave his toilet but he couldn't exactly disobey Dumbledore. He stood up shakily in the small bathroom stall. His whole body was trembling and he couldn't tell whether it was with fury or humiliation.

"I know today has been a really tough day for you and I am very sorry about what happened. I do not want you to feel bad; that is reserved for those who watched and for Mr. Potter, they are the ones who should feel ashamed."

The headmaster spoke this softly but Severus didn't meet his gaze. His cheeks blazed again at the mention of what had taken place by the lake earlier that day. The headmaster continued:

"I take this very seriously and Mr. Potter will be punished severely. I want you to return to your common room and take some rest. If you feel the need to talk, about this or anything else, come by my office. You can always talk to Madame Pomfrey if you should feel that it is easier"

Why did professors always assume you wanted talk? Severus Snape wanted to disappear.