I do not own Sherlock or James Bond

All of these chapters come from a bunch of stories I posted on my tumblr account - griffinquillsandoctopusink dot tumblr dot com

These one-shots are sent in my Fem-Sherlock universe! In this universe Sherlock was partnered with James Bond to hunt down the rest of Moriarty's gang. They have done that and now they just have Moran to get. And they will. In one of 5 ways, By accident or as a plan ;)

Agent Holmes

They were looking at a ghost there was no other explanation for it.

Greg Lestrade and Sally Donovan stood behind the glass which from inside the interview room would look like a mirror.

"She's alive," Greg whispered hoarsely, his eyes fixed firmly on the person inside the room, his mind trying to work its way around the fact that he was looking at a very alive Sherlock Holmes.

"You were found with a gun, standing over a body, a freshly dead body,"


"Was there a fight, a scuffle, maybe the gun misfired?"


"Or maybe you were in that warehouse with every intention of being the only one to leave it alive"

The questioning had not been successful and Sherlock had just sat there, looking blankly ahead with that slightly hazy expression she sometime got when she went into her 'mind palace'.

Greg had left the room before he lost his temper and they were now waiting for her contact to arrive.

"Yip," Sally whispered, just as gob-smacked.

"She didn't say anything?"

"Not a word after she told me I had gotten my wish,"

Sally didn't elaborate. Greg didn't need her too.

Gun fire had been reported coming from a shut-down factory and they had arrived to find Sherlock Holmes standing over a dead body with a gun in her hand.

"It looks like you got your wish, Sally,"

"Just give me the gun, Sherlock,"

They had received a call from someone miles higher up the chain of command that they were to keep the 'suspect in custody' until someone with a shinier badge than theirs came to collect her.

"Was anything found on her?" he asked softly, just wanting to fill the silence, something to take his mind off what he was seeing and what Sherlock had done.

There was a knock on the observation room door and a junior officer popped his head in.

"Someone to see you sir,"

There was someone alright.

Greg arrived back at his office to find two men waiting for him, their steel filled gazes locking onto him as though they were itching for him to do something to put them out.

Greg was not easily intimidated, He found killers for a living and if he was he wouldn't have lasted very long at his job. But there was something about these me that made him want to leave the room and tell the higher-ups that hell would freeze over before he let them go anywhere with Sherlock. One of them stepped forward, holding out a hand for him to shake.

His smile said that he was friendly. His eyes yelled something dangerously different.

Greg took the offered had out of habit and griped it firmly.

"Felix Leiter, Mr Lestrade," he introduced himself.

"Detective Inspector," Greg corrected, for some reason wanting these men to know just what he was. His job was his accomplishment and he had earned the title.

Felix froze for a moment, his smile never wavering.

"My apologies, friend. Detective Inspector Lestrade, we have been sent to retrieve Sherlock Holmes,"

His heart pounded as he looked at the identification card that was now being held out to him. He took it and glancing over it he handed it back.

"What has Miss Holmes done that is of interest to the CIA and…" he looked at the other man, blonde, broad shouldered and glaring at him like he wished Greg would drop dead.

He glanced at the strangers clothes.

Both of the men were dressed smartly but there was something about the blonde that from years of experience just said 'British Government' to Greg.

The blonde stepped forward and shook his hand a bit harder than needed.

"James Bond," there was a pause as though he was thinking if adding something was a good idea or not, "MI6,"

Oh Sherlock, what have you done?

Greg's stomach dropped. It looked like Sherlock had been busy during her afterlife.

"We would appreciate being taken to Miss Holmes," Bind reached into the inner pocket of his suit and pulled out a sealed letter and handed it to Greg.

He ripped open the envelope -that had his name written on it – and unfolded the letter.

Before he even bothered reading the perfect black typing her skipped to the very bottom.

Mycroft Holmes was swirled in black ink at the bottom of the letter.

Probably used a fountain pen.

He slid his eyes back to the top and read. A coldness filled him, blooming from the pit of his stomach to encompass the rest of his body, There was no way out of this and thanks to Sherlock not speaking he didn't even know if he could help her or even delay them in some way.

He led the way to the interview suites with the two agents at his heals.

Sally looked at him in confusion from where she stood in the doorway of the observation room. He opened the door to the interview room and his yes immediately travelled to Sherlock who was sitting at the table, her cuffed hands sitting in front of her. Her eyes were closed and she was breathing steadily, in that controlled manner he was used to seeing on the few occasions she went to her 'mind palace'.

She was pale in the glaring lights of the interview room.

He cleared his throat and stepped away from the door to allow the men to enter.

He stood in the hallway and watched as her eyes slowly opened and she turned her head.

Her eyes seemed to light up in a way he had never seen before. They had come close to that kind of a glow when she was with John but never had they been so bright.

"Agent Bond," she spoke steadily, nodding her head, "Agent Leiter,"

In all honesty Greg didn't know what he had expected.

For them to barge in, grab her by the arm and drag her from the building?

For them to stay in the room and play good-cop-bad-cop?

"Agent Holmes,"

He had not expected that.

A smile, almost feral like, danced across her mouth.

Leiter turned to him, requesting the keys for the cuffs.

Sally brought them when he gestured her foreword.

"You're late," Sherlock told Bond as Leiter freed her of the cuffs.

Greg struggled to keep his mouth from dropping open. She had been gone for three years and all that time she had been a government agent.

Leiter dropped the keys into his palm.

"You will find that the appropriate paperwork will be arriving shortly," he was told.

Greg nodded.

"In the meantime, could we have some privacy while we wait?"

"Of course," Greg was feeling shell-shocked while at the same time thinking this was just bloody like Sherlock. She could have quietly come back from the dead it had to be tied up with government secrets and ordered hits didn't it.

He had left them alone and returned to his office.

Sitting on his desk was the file of the dead man.

He flicked it open.

Sebastian Moran


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