Izaya groaned softly, stirring from his unconscious state. He tried to remember what happened... Let's see... he had been at Shinra's... he drank tea that tasted funny... and then he was out cold. Shinra... Shinra had drugged him? He tried to open his eyes now, blinking when he realized he was still at Shinra's... okay so the doctor wasn't selling him to anyone... good.

And then, there was a bit of clapping. "Ah, Izaya. You're awake! You were out for longer than I would have thought. But, no matter. No matter. How do you feel?" His eyes glistened with delight. Like he was happy about something.

Izaya groaned, "Shinra... what did you do to me?" He asked. His body felt heavy and he felt strangely tired... Shinra must have done something...

"Ah, of course you'd ask. You have to ask; else it wouldn't really be you. But, that doesn't matter. It was a success. Go look in the mirror and you'll see." Or hey. He might just notice his tail.

Success... what was... wide-eyed he got up and looked in the mirror... it took him less than a second to notice... "SHINRA WHAT THEY HELL DID YOU DO TO ME?!" He shrieked.

"Hahahahaha. Well, I just experimented a bit. But, really, I turned you into a neko." Thing is... He probably should have made the reverse before experimenting... But, Izaya was there and he had this ready to test.

Izaya was livid, his new tail was three times larger than it was supposed to be and his ears -the cat ones anyways- were flat against his skull.

Again, Shinra laughed nervously. "Ah, you're mad. I can see it. Don't worry. I can fix it... Eventually."

"E-eventually... meaning... Shinra, how long am I going to be stuck like this?! I can't be seen with cat ears and a god damn tail!"

"Eventually meaning that I don't yet have a way to reverse it. And, well, you can hide it. Put your hood up. Stuff your tail down your pants. Easy."

"Shinra, I can't meet with clients like this and if that monster spots me like this..." He would never live it down if Shizuo saw him like this...

"Then take a break. And you're good at avoiding Shizuo. So just avoid him some more. Other than that, you have to wait. Sorry." Ah... He really didn't think this through. Bad idea, but oh well. It wasn't like he had a time machine. And changing the past was supposed to be a big no-no.

Izaya scowled, "Where are my clothes?" He asked. He'd been stripped of his pants only since the tail had to have room to grow

Shinra pointed. "There. Table next to you."

Izaya scowled as he dressed, "Shinra... don't think I am going to just let this go..." Shinra could expect Izaya's revenge any time between today and eighteen years from now.

"Yeah. I know. I'm going to be punished." He waved the other off. "Go go. You should get home."

Izaya kept his new tail hidden and covered his new ears up with a scowl. It was bad enough that it was so damn cold out but this too... damn it...

However, the raven was in Ikebukuro, so...

"Iiiiiizaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Shizuo would have, of course, found him.

Shit... not today, why today? He ran for it. It was cold, there was snow on the ground and ice too, but Izaya never cared when he was running.

The blond growled as he ran after. "GET BACK HERE FLEA!" Again, he roared as he ran.

Not today... not today damn it... Shizuo had bad timing that was for sure. He barely paid attention to where he ran though, so long as he got away but that was always hard where Shizuo was involved.

And again, Shizuo roared. He had to catch the other. "I-ZA-YA!"

Damn, damn, damn! He ran out onto a bridge that spanned the river too, and unless Shizuo threw something he could stay on the main path.

Izaya just jinxed himself. Shizuo ripped up a stop sign and chucked it. "FLEA!"

He jumped, holding onto the safety railing but it was iced and he realized too late. He plummeted off the bridge and into the icy water below.

Shizuo roared as he looked over the edge. Damn flea had jumped. He glared over the edge then. "Stupid fucking flea."

Izaya's panic was enormous when he hit the freezing water. He clawed his way up and sputtered when his head broke the surface but he couldn't stay afloat. Water had always been his biggest fear and he couldn't swim in a pool, let alone a freezing river. He couldn't keep his head above the water either and water kept rushing into his mouth as he was carried downstream.

Shizuo scowled as he watched. What the hell was Izaya doing? All he had to do was swim to the shore.

But... as he watched, it seemed more and more likely that Izaya just couldn't swim.

If he couldn't then...

Shizuo ran across the bridge and down to the shore before diving into the water.

Izaya sunk under the water... he couldn't see, he couldn't breathe... his lungs ached, they burned... and they burned worse when water rushed into them though he floated better when he stopped managing to take in oxygen and stopped struggling because of it.

Shizuo internally swore to himself before he started to swim towards the other. He was floating now. That was bad. It meant he had no oxygen.

It didn't take long for him to get to Izaya. Only about 30 seconds. He was swimming with the current, while he was just there...

Soon, He dragged the other to the shore, and checked for a pulse.

...Was there a pulse?

Izaya's pulse was still there, though it was weak and getting weaker. He wasn't breathing anymore and he was unconscious too, not enough oxygen left to keep his brain working.

"Shit!" He couldn't just let the other die though. Not when he had just saved him. That meant.. Cpr. Shit.

After sighing, he started. He had to get Izaya breathing. Breathing and then warm.

It took three breathes from Shizuo before the water bubbled out of his mouth and he started to cough. He was still unconscious though and he needed to be rolled over on his side now that he was trying to breathe again.

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Of course, Shizuo did. He knew what to do in this situation. After Izaya could breathe steadily... well, he had to be made warm. Which wouldn't be out here.

Izaya's body was shivering, and he was still unconscious. If he was left here he would freeze to death, the wet clothing already doing damage to his rapidly cooling body.

"Fucking shit." Now, Shizuo lifted him up and started to sprint home. Shinra's would be too far. But his own apartment was close by. That'd have to do. Get him warm. Get Izaya warm or he'd die.

Izaya was still unconscious by the time they arrived and trembling so violently he might have been having a seizure.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shit." Now, he stripped the other of his clothing before stopping. What... He had... Neko ears? And a tail?

He could hardly hide it like this. So now Shizuo knew what had happened too.

Still, Izaya needed to be kept warm. So, after he finished removing the other's clothing, Shizuo carried him to his room and set him in the bed. However, that wasn't enough. Or, it was... But it'd take too long by itself.

After just a moment's hesitation, Shizuo climbed into the bed with Izaya, and held him close under the covers. Body heat and warm blankets in a heated apartment. That should keep away the hypothermia.

Izaya shivered and trembled for a while yet but eventually it subsided... now he began to stir, his eyes opening blearily.

Since the other was stirring, Shizuo moved away from the other. But he didn't leave. After all, Izaya was a neko.

Izaya blinked awake, realizing suddenly he was in someone's arms. "Huh... what?!"

"..." Shizuo still didn't say anything, and instead just watched Izaya. How would he react?

"Sh-Shizu-chan?" He asked cautiously, worried that the blonde man would hurt him.

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"What?" Well, didn't seem too shocked. Then again, maybe he was still cold. Or something. The raven still felt cold.

"What... are you doing?" He remembered hitting the water but he wasn't sure really what happened afterwards.

"Making sure you don't get hypothermia." Simple answer. And the truth. That's what he was doing.

Izaya blinked, "But... why?" He asked. Why would Shizuo help him? Ah... Shizuo knew now didn't he? The horrible, embarrassing truth that Izaya Orihara couldn't swim.

"Cause you're a dumb ass who can't swim. Idiot." The blond scoffed and looked away. But really, he guessed that he didn't know why. It had just been on a whim.

Izaya flinched slightly at the insult. He couldn't swim because he was too afraid of water... always had been... "W-why am I naked?" He asked now, the ears moving down lower in embarrassment.

"Because your clothes are soaking wet. And I don't have any clothes for you." Shizuo shrugged then. "By the way... Why the hell do you have cat ears and a tail?"

Izaya flushed, this was a question he didn't want really but...

"Shinra slipped me something..." He mumbled, "and then I woke up like this..."

"Tch." 'Course. Shinra. Whatever. Now, Shizuo got out of the bed, leaving Izaya in it. "He's an idiot. Just like you are."

Izaya sighed and pulled away now, hoping to escape. Shizuo though... Shizuo could have... "Why did you save me?"

"Why the hell does it matter?" Maybe because he really could have killed his enemy off. But he didn't.

"Because you always try to kill me... you could have just let me drown and no one would have been any the wiser..."

"Yeah? Well, that's not the kind of person I am. So shut up. I'm going to see if I have any clothes from high school or any of Kasuka's clothes here. Those should fit you." He couldn't exactly check before since the other was freezing. Now though, it was fine.

Izaya shivered though when Shizuo tried to move away and immediately moved closer to the warm body next to him. He started purring too, though he didn't notice it himself.

The blond blinked in surprise. So, Izaya was still cold. But he was... purring? Now tempted, Shizuo shifted before starting to rub one of Izaya's new cat ears.

Izaya didn't think... he purred louder, his head moving now for more of the feeling. He suddenly loved being touched, loved being petted... it felt really good...

Shizuo smiled lightly as he continued to pet the other. Huh. He isn't annoying anymore. And this is cute. Maybe Shinra isn't that much of an idiot. He smiled lightly.

Izaya purred softly and closed his eyes, not even questioning what was happening. He would sooner or later...

Shizuo kept petting Izaya for about a minute before just sighing and getting up. He had to get the other clothes. After all, Izaya couldn't just stay naked in his home with him.

Maybe if he's annoying, I can pet him and make him shut up. Seemed to work just then.

Izaya whined softly when Shizuo's warmth started leaving again but then he realized what they had been doing. He let go and pulled away, blushing again.

Shizuo didn't notice. Not this time. It took him a few minutes, but finally, he found some clothes. "Here. Put these on." Not wasting time, he threw them at Izaya and left the room.

Izaya caught the clothing and pulled it on but it was still too big. He was going to borrow Shizuo's

The blond wasn't going to complain. Right now, he made his way to the kitchen to make something to eat. Something for Izaya too.

"Where is your laundry room?" He asked, assuming Shizuo had one and Izaya didn't have to find quarters.

"Down the hall and to the right. What do you want to eat?"

"Fish," He said. He didn't care what it was right now... fish was preferable though.

Shizuo rolled his eyes. Of course. Sushi. Well then, he'd just order some.

So he did. Some generic cheap sushi for them both. Now, he just had to wait for it to arrive.

"If you order sushi though, get Ootoro, I'll pay for it." He called as he emptied his pockets. Ahh... this was a mess...

"Too late. Already ordered. You'll have to deal with it. Now sit down and wait." He made his way to the couch and sat down before turning on the TV.

Izaya made a face but sat down. He was still shivering a little though, still cold. His tail stuck out from the leg of the shorts awkwardly and tapped the floor.

"Do you want a blanket?" Maybe it wasn't good for the raven to be out right now. He was in the frozen river. And he wasn't breathing for a time. So that didn't help with how Izaya might be cold.

Izaya blushed wishing this hadn't happened. All the same he nodded, yes... he was so cold still, deeply set.

Shizuo just nodded before getting up and heading to his room. He grabbed the blanket off the bed before returning. "Here. You're gonna have to get warm and head home soon. I don't really have anything for guests to be staying here."

Izaya cuddled under it but it just wasn't enough and he instinctively sought heat out now. He latched onto Shizuo, who was very warm... and Izaya really liked that, more than he would have as just a human...

"Eh? Izaya. What are you doing?" Was he really that cold? He didn't really seem that way anymore.

"Warm..." He mumbled, snuggling up happily. The purring triggered again and a rumble ran through him, his whole body it seemed.

Again, Shizuo blinked. Izaya was purring. "Izaya?"

"Hmm?" He asked, still where it was warm... ahh... yes, Shizuo was better than any blanket -though he didn't abandon that either.

The blond sighed. "Nothing." He was just purring again. It was... cute. It was cute...

Izaya sighed softly and closed his eyes as he enjoyed the heat Shizuo put off, purring softly the whole time he held onto the other.

Shizuo couldn't help but blush just a bit. Izaya was clinging to him and purring. It was... strange. Very strange.

After a moment of hesitance, Shizuo wrapped his arms around the raven. If he asked, then Shizuo would just say that Izaya was freezing, and it was to keep him warm.

Izaya only cuddled closer and when the doorbell rang to signal their sushi Izaya started, hissing softly.

Shizuo sighed though. "Izaya, that's our sushi. So up. Come on." He was a human cat. And... It was adorable.

Izaya blinked and moved so Shizuo could go get the door. He hid under the blanket in the mean time though, still cold and not wanting to be without it.

After paying for the sushi, Shizuo returned. "Here. Its cheap stuff, but I ordered it before you offered to buy it. So you'll have to deal with it." He set one of the sushi dishes in front of Izaya before sitting down next to him to eat his own sushi.

Izaya sniffed it, surprised to find his scent sense had increased. He ate it and was surprised to find it was pretty good... Ootoro was better, but this was still fish and he couldn't help but purr while he ate it.

"Ne, can we have milk to drink~?" He usually didn't like milk... and they probably should warm it up since he was still so cold.

"Huh? Oh. Sure. I guess we can." Shizuo sighed before getting up and making his way to the kitchen. He got two glasses and filled them with milk before returning. "Here."

Izaya shivered again though, "We should make mine warm milk..." He pointed out.

Again, Shizuo sighed before picking up Izaya's glass. "Fine." He was tempted to ask the raven if he wanted it in a bowl too, but decided against it as he made his way to the kitchen. After it was warmed up, he brought it back before setting it down. "Here. Warm milk. Drink up."

Izaya drank gratefully, his purr still loud and happy as he finished his meal and when he was done it was back to clinging to Shizuo. He was tired too though... so very tired. Drowning and being turned into a neko on the same day took a lot out of you.

The blond sighed softly before running one hand through Izaya's hair. "You're staying the night, aren't you?" Seemed he couldn't go at the moment.

Izaya mumbled something, dozing off as he lay there against Shizuo.

Shizuo sighed lightly as he picked up the raven and carried him to the bed. "Come on. You're exhausted and it is late. So let's head to sleep."

Izaya couldn't keep his eyes open, he was asleep before Shizuo got him into the bed simply too tired to get up anymore.

"Stupid flea." Now, he got into the bed with Izaya, still holding the other close.

"...You are actually kinda cute this way..." What the hell was he saying? Maybe it was because he had a soft spot for cats.

Izaya even curled into a ball and snuggled into Shizuo.

Shizuo smiled lightly before running his hand through Izaya's hair for a moment. "...Night..." And then, he drifted off, still smiling.