Chrome Dokuro left the small shop struggling to carry three large grocery bags. She walked blindly down the street toward her apartment, which she had only moved into recently. The girl was deep in thought about what to make for dinner. She hoped she was still going the right way, once she got to a corner she could lower the bags and see where she was going.
Meanwhile, Rukia Kuchiki was too busy on her Soul Phone to notice her surroundings. She was assigned to the small town of Namimori, which she gladly accepted. It was better than being stuck behind a desk, but the problem was she didn't have anywhere to stay, even for the night. She underestimated their prices and did not bring enough money.
"Everything is so damn expensive..." She muttered to herself, finishing her text. She was just about to put her phone away when she bumped into someone, knocking the person down. Without thinking, Rukia snapped at the other. "Oi! Watch where-" Rukia paused when she realized she was the one who had knocked a young girl down. With groceries to add. The girl muttered a 'sorry...' before bending over to pick up her fallen groceries. Rukia shook her head. "No... I'm sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Here let me help you." Rukia cursed herself silently and knelt down and helped picked up some of the things. Almost all of it had spilled open on the sidewalk and many of the fruits and vegetables were bruised and filthy.
"Aww... Now I have to go back..." The small girl murmured. Rukia sighed softly, feeling guilty now.
"Look, I'm really sorry. How about I help you take these home." Rukia tried to pick up a bag, but the girl snatched it away.
"I-I can take it myself... but thank you..." She muttered, once again hiding her face behind the bag. Rukia raised an eyebrow, but wouldn't take no for an answer, no matter how kind it was.
"I insist. It is the least I can do for knocking you over." Before the girl could say anything. Rukia took the other good bag with a smile. The girls' face was still hidden, but she made a small noise in acknowledgement. They both stood up and the girl motioned for her to follow.
"A-alright then, follow me." Rukia trailed behind the young girl and followed her to her home. When they got there, the girl opened the door and Rukia followed her inside.
"Please put the bag on the counter." The girl stated, putting her two bags on the counter.
"Alright." Rukia placed her bag on the counter and looked at the girl. Her face was finally visible and Rukia was surprised at the eye patch and pineapple-shaped haircut. The way her face rounded, she almost looked like a pineapple. Rukia smiled, putting the bag on the counter.
The girl must have noticed Rukia staring at her face, her cheeks brightened a little.
"Um, you can go now. Thank you for your help." She stood there, looking nervous. Rukia shook her head.
"It's my pleasure. Again, I apologize for knocking you over earlier." Rukia said, bowing her head. The girl shook her head and waved her off.
"No, it's okay... Really..." She muttered, blushing again. Rukia nodded farewell and stepped out the door, but was surprised to see the girl follow her.
"Where are you going?" She asked.
"Well, I need to go back to buy the items that were spoiled." The girl said, adapting a pace faster than Rukia, who trotted after her to catch up.
"Wait a minute! Let me help you out. I do owe you that much. Please?" Rukia asked, stopping. The girl stopped and lowered her head for a second. She then turned around and nodded, her cheeks turning a light pink.
"Well... Okay." Rukia smiled when the girl agreed.
"Thanks. Oh, of course. My name is Rukia Kuchiki." She stepped forward and politely held her hand out to the girl. How could she forget to introduce herself? She noticed the girl was beginning to blush again, and it darkened when Rukia held out her hand. Maybe she wasn't used to kindness?
"Chrome... Dokuro... t-that's my name..." The girl finally shook her hand. Rukia smiled at her.
"Nice to meet you Dokuro-san. Come on, let's go." She noticed that Chrome didn't move her hand. She coughed quietly, Chrome was holding her hand, not the other way around.
"Oh! Sorry..." Chrome pulled her hand away from Rukias. "Well, we should get going now..." Together they walked back to the grocery store in silence. Rukia tried to initiate small talk, but Chrome clearly wasn't one to do so, so she kept quiet. By the time the got there, it was getting dark and Rukia remembered that she had nowhere to stay. She looked at Chrome, but shook her head, she couldn't ask a stranger she just met.
"So Dokuro-san…" Rukia started, looking back at her. "What exactly will you be replacing at the grocery store?" She asked. "We can split the list and meet at the register if you want." Chrome simply nodded in return. Rukia frowned and looked away. 'I can't tell if she's' rude or shy…' She thought to herself. They reached the store, and Rukia held the door open for Chrome. Upon entering, Chrome looked back at Rukia.
"Can you get some green apples and bananas and red grapes?" She asked. Rukia nodded and walked off toward the fruit aisle, while Chrome went off elsewhere. Rukia collected the items Chrome asked for and put them in protective bags. She looked around, not seeing Chrome. She walked up to the front and waited for the girl at a register. 'I'm waiting for someone, but I can pay for these right now." She took some of the money out of her pocket and paid the cashier. A couple of minutes later, Chrome walked to the front holding a small basket with a couple of jars and a package of meat. "I will pay for those too." Rukia pointed at the food in Chromes basket as she walked over and placed it on the counter.
"Yes Ma'am." The cashier started scanning the items and putting them in bags. Chrome leaned in to Rukia.
"U-um…. Y-you don't have to do that." She muttered, taking out her wallet out, but Rukia stopped her and shook her head.
"I got it. Really." She turned around and paid for the items and took one of the bags. "Come on let's get these home." She said walking out with a blushing Chrome behind her. Rukia couldn't help but smile, when this girl blushed, it was very cute. The duo walked back toward Chromes house in silence. Rukia looked down, the sun was beginning to set. She sighed, trying to think about her living situation. There was none. It was too far to go back to Karakura, and unless it was an emergency, she couldn't return to Soul Society. That was considered abandoning her post. Chrome was the only person in this town that she actually knew, it wouldn't be too hard to ask her to stay the night, and unlike the last time she came here, she was more prepared to blend in with humans. She nodded to herself and caught up to Chrome. "Dokuro-san." For a second, Chrome didn't respond, but the girl did turn her head. "I have a rather odd question to ask you, despite us just having met." Chrome nodded again, looking a little confused. "I need a place to stay." Chrome opened her mouth, but Rukia interrupted her. "Please, it would only be for a bit, and I didn't bring enough money for a hotel. Normally I wouldn't ask someone I just met, but you seem like a kind person, and I have a very important job to do. Please?" She looked at Chrome. The girl simply looked at her, a little surprised and concerned.
"….." She looked ahead and was silent for a couple of minutes. "Well, this does seem important to you… a-and you seem like a kind person… I-I don't mind letting you stay." The girl blushed lightly, it was almost unnoticed. Rukia couldn't help but smile at her.
"Thank you so much. I appreciate your kindness, and I will assist you in any way you see fit." She said, nodding at Chrome. "I really am grateful to you Dokuro-san." She bowed lightly to the girl, making her blush.
"I-it's all right… L-let's just go, okay?" Rukia nodded and set off again, grateful that she had a warm place to stay for the night, a least until she could get more money.
They reached Chrome's apartment, and after ascending the stairs, walked inside and set the bags on the counter. Rukia looked around the place, it was nice. Although it didn't have a lot inside of it, she could tell that Chrome decorated it herself with care.
"May I ask where I can sleep?" Rukia asked, taking out the vegetables. Chrome nodded and took out some jelly, putting it in the fridge before pointing to the couch.
"I only have one bed, but that is a futon, you can use that. She started to unload the fruit. "I'll show you around, although there isn't much…" Chrome motioned for Rukia to follow her. Together they went into the small hallway. "This is the bathroom." she motioned to her left. "This is the linen closet. I keep the towels and sheets here." She tapped the door on her right. "This is my room. Please knock before entering." Rukia nodded in response. "Oh, um, wait here I'll get you sheets. Do you have pajamas?" Rukia shook her head. "Okay, I'll give you some." Chrome walked into her room and Rukia followed. On the dresser there was a single silver earring with four large spikes on it. Rukia picked it up and examined it.
"This is very pretty. Where's the other-" She was cut off as Chrome snatched it from her, her face suddenly red. Whether it was from anger or embarrassment, Rukia couldn't tell. She put the earring in the drawer and handed Rukia navy blue pajamas and socks.
"Here... You can change in the bathroom. Or wait until later if you prefer. I'm going to make dinner." She turned and walked out the door, going into the kitchen and taking out a slab of ground beef and started cooking. Meanwhile Rukia went into the bathroom to change. Her nosy side got the best of her and she started looking through the drawers. There was nothing of interest in Chromes bathroom that you wouldn't find anywhere else. If anything it was like the Kurosaki's bathroom, but with less. Rukia quickly used the bathroom and changed before coming back out. She stood next to Chrome in the kitchen, watching her place French fries on a tray and putting them in the oven.
"Making burgers for dinner?" She asked. Chrome sighed.
"Yes." She said slowly. Rukia looked at her.
"Are you okay? You seem upset." Rukia looked at Chrome worriedly, but the girl walked over to the oven and looked inside.
"I'm fine." She went back to the stove and finished the burgers. She put them on a plate and went into her room. Meanwhile Rukia walked around the room looking at everything in sight. Nothing really caught her eye until she came across a small photo album. She reached out for it, but the door to Chromes room opened and she was standing in the hall entrance. She looked at Rukia with a blank stare, her eye was unreadable. "What are you doing?" Rukia jumped and turned around.
"N-nothing, I was just looking around. This is a nice place." She ran her hand over the album. "May I?" Rukia blinked, was that embarrassment in Chromes eye? Whatever it was, it was gone quickly. The timer on the oven dinged.
"D-dinners ready. Come on." She whirled around and took the fries out of the oven.
"I guess that's a no.." Rukia muttered before following her. Chrome passed her a plate with a burger and some fries, and then sat down. Rukia timidly sat down next to her. Clearly this girl was not used to house guests. She took a bite of her burger and smiled. "Wow, it's delicious!" She smiled, and Chrome blushed, taking another bite herself. "So, Chrome… What… Um do you do?" It was an odd question, but Rukia wanted to learn more about this girl. She put down her water.
"I go to school." She simply responded. Rukia put her hand on her cheek, taking another bite.
"May I ask what school?" She asked again.
"Namimori Middle." Chrome took another bite.
Rukia nodded. "I see… So tell me about yourself." Chrome swallowed the last bite of food.
"Nothing to tell I mean, I'm not very interesting…" She muttered. Rukia was sitting on Chromes right side, so she couldn't gauge her emotions very well. She sighed and gave up on conversation. Like Ichigo, Chrome wasn't the talkative type. After a few minutes, Chrome finished her food and stood up, putting her plate in the sink. She turned to Rukia.
"I'm going to do my homework. Feel free to watch TV or something…" She walked into her room and closed the door.
"…." Rukia nodded and soon after, finished her food. She stood up and since Chrome was in her room, Rukia decided to clean up the kitchen, washing the dishes they used and cleaning out the pan that Chrome cooked with. She was about to lie down on the couch when her phone suddenly rang. "Ugh… Hollow."
She took out the soul candy and swallowed. Her gigai separated from her body. "Chappy, stay here and please, act natural. I'll be back. Okay?" Chappy raised her hand to her head in a salute.
"Yes ma'am! Pyon!"
"Oh, I'm staying at a girl named Chromes house. Keep that in mind, okay?" Chappy nodded enthusiastically. Rukia opened the window and jumped out of it. Chappy stretched out on the couch.
"Okay, pyon. What to do…" She looked toward the table and noticed the TV remote. She turned it on and watched the news for a while before falling asleep.
Meanwhile Rukia was running across the rooftops looking for the hollow on her soul phone.
"Hmm… Ah!" She turned left and was about to land when a very loud and high-pitched 'HIIEE!' caused her to slip and fall to the street below. "Ugh… Damn it…" Rukia rubbed her head and came face to face with a brunette boy with large eyes filled with fear.
"M-m-monster!" The boy pointed to the hollow behind Rukia which swiped at her. Rukia rolled her eyes and in one swift movement, drew her zanpakuto and sliced the hollows arm off. The boy whimpered. The hollow roared in pain and swiped at Rukia again but she was already behind it. In one clean swipe, she sliced its head off. The hollow gave out one last roar and dissipated.
Rukia sheathed her zanpakuto and turned to the boy with a warm smile on her face.
"Don't worry, you're safe now." She held out her hand and helped him up.
"T-thank you…" Rukia looked at his chest. There was no chain.
"Oh…" This boy was living, yet he could see her. The boy started fidgeting. "I have to get going. If Reborn saw this…" He shuddered. "Thank you again." He bowed to Rukia and ran away. She looked back at him in confusion. He didn't seem to be too fazed by the hollow. Then again, neither did Chad or Orihime. She shrugged. There was no point to erasing his memory, unless he was attacked again. Rukia pulled her phone out again. "Three more..." She sighed and went off, looks like shed be in late.
Chappy woke up two hours later to see Rukia crawling through the window. "Hi! Pyon!" She waved at Rukia happily.
"Hey." Rukia put on her glove and knocked Chappy out of the gigai. She put it on herself and laid down on the couch, getting under the blanket Chrome gave her. Finally, she lay down and quickly fell asleep for the night.