Tai and Izzy never told anyone they had been faking, besides Joe. But when they got to school again, everyone noticed they seemed... different. Even more perfect than before.

The only thing anyone could figure out was...

"You had sex!"

Izzy turned red, and Tai got a dirty smirk on his face.

"No no Davis. Nothing like... well... not quite..."

Izzy was now even redder.

Tai noticed this, and squeezed Izzy's hand gently.

"Davis, that is kind of personal. Lets just say that we are very happy." He said that with a big, genuine smile. Izzy was a little surprised.

After school that day Izzy brought it up to Tai.

"Why did you... back off in telling Davis anything? I mean, sorry to say... I know more stories about you and Matt than I wish I did..." It was Tai's turn to blush. "You just seem to be the kind of guy to shout from the rooftops, but you just shut up. I was just wondering why."

Tai smiled and put his arm around Izzy.

"Because Matt was open about that stuff, like I am. You on the other hand, I could tell you were very uncomfortable."

Izzy smiled. "Really? That was all for me?"

"Yup. I want you to be happy."

"I am more happy than I thought I ever would be. Are you happy Tai?"

Tai nodded. "I am very happy."

Izzy didn't mean to get so emotional, but he was very happy about the way things were going. He started crying, happy tears.

Still, Tai frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm crying because I'm so happy."

Tai kissed Izzy passionately, and then after word, caught a tear of Izzy's in his hands.

"Even your tears are beautiful, Izzy. Your tears are like Diamonds."

Izzy blushed.

"But even with it being because your happy, and even if they do look like Diamonds, your diamonds bring me down. I always want to see you smiling."

So Izzy smiled wide.


As time grew on, Tai and Izzy got more and more comfortable with each other. Izzy was being more open, and Tai was being more respectful of the times he wanted to withdraw.

Everything was going perfect.

X x x x

A few days later, Tai and Izzy were at Tai's place. No one else at home, just the two of them making out.


Tai ignored it, It was Izzy that made him stop.

"The door, Tai?"

Tai just smiled. "Whats the point? You're on this side of the door."

Izzy returned the smile.

"Just go on!"

Tai nodded and went to the door.


Izzy blinked from the couch, wondering what he wanted, so he walked up behind Tai.

"Hey Tai, hey Izzy. I hope I'm not interrupting anything. Izzy? Would you mind if I talked to Tai in private?"

Izzy looked a little nervous, but was about to go.

"Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of him."

Izzy smiled wide at that reaction. Matt got a small smirk too.

"I should have known that you would have reacted that way. You were always protective. It's no offense to Izzy, just kind of personal."

"All the more reason." Tai said. "There's nothing private from him about me."

"Okay then... Tai, I think I am ready to tell you why I broke up with you."

Tai blinked. Izzy got nervous.

"You know Matt, I don't think I really care anymore."

Matt and Izzy almost fell over from surprise.


"Well at first, I was shocked and confused, and I desperately wondered why. But then I found out how Izzy felt about me and... I moved on. I don't think I want to know anymore, what I could have done wrong."

"But Tai you-"

"I don't want to know! I'm happy now, here with Izzy."

Matt nodded. "You sure you don't want to know?"

Tai nodded back. "Izzy will tell me whenever I do something wrong."

"But you d-"

"No Matt! I don't want to know!"

Matt turned around and hung his head. "Okay. Goodbye then." And he turned around and left.

Izzy blinked. Though he knew in Tai's mind he was doing a good thing, he knew what Matt was trying to tell him, and he agreed, he needed to know.

"Tai... I think you should have let him talk."

"Why? He was obviously here because he regretted what he did... which means the plan would have worked... except im not in love with him anymore, so what does it matter?"

"What if that's not it though? What if the reason you broke up had nothing to do with you, and your just assuming?"

"But why would it matter?"

"Maybe he feels guilty for what he did." As soon as he said it, Izzy covered his mouth.

"What could he have done to feel bad about?"

Izzy looked away. "I don't know."

"Yes you do! I can tell!"

"But how would I know? It's not like I'm friends with Matt!"

"But what about that time you met him after school?"

Izzy froze. He had completely forgot about that.

"Oh.. Yeah..."

"Tell me Izzy."

"He... Told me not to tell you."

"Izzy, people in relationships don't keep secrets, now what did he tell you?"

Izzy looked down at the floor. He knew it had to come out with it sometime.

"He... realized he's not Gay... He's Bi..."

Tai looked confused. "Okay... But I don't get how that effects us, Bi still means half gay, so why did he have to break up for that? Did he think I would judge him?"

"No... He kind of... Realized he had feelings for... Someone else."

To Izzy's surprise, Tai's face softened.

"So it worked out? He found someone else, and I found you? Seems like everything happens for a reason." Tai smiled and kissed Izzy.

"But there's a tad more to it then that..."

Tai blinked. "Oh?"

"You know how you said you two hadn't messed around in a month?"

"Ye-... … … … please tell me your kidding."

"I'm so sorry Tai."

"Matt was fucking cheating on me?!"

Izzy looked to the ground. "He told me... not to tell you..."

"But why wouldn't you? With the plan?"

"Because... I really loved you... and I hoped that by being so close you'd feel the same way..."

Tai turned and looked at the door.

"That bastard." And ran out the door, looking for Matt, leaving Izzy alone.

Tai ran as fast as he could to catch up with Matt. He saw him at the end of the block and called to him.


Matt turned around and stopped to see Tai sprinting after him, and he looked ANGRY. Matt wanted to run, but he figured it was pointless running from a soccer player.


Matt turned back around not looking at him.

"I thought about never telling you, so you wouldn't be hurt like this, but I decided I needed to clear the air."

"What did I do wrong to make you do this?"

Matt shook his head. "It wasn't you Tai, it was me. I was selfish, stupid, and all I was thinking about was myself. I don't even know how Sora still wants anything to do with me."

"Because she's a whore apparently."

Matt turned back around and punched Tai. Tai fell to the ground, and he could see now that Matt had been crying.


"It may be your fault for cheating, but she betrayed my trust. Heh. Guess we know why she got the 'crest of love'. She was supposed to spread that like we were supposed to spread our crests. Like how Kari spread Light, and TK spread hope, She spread 'love'."

Matt punched Tai again. He was weak though, It wasn't having much effect. Then he hung his head, and sank down to the ground.

"No. Your right. I love Sora now, but still, I guess I can't really blame you for saying that about her."

Tai stood over him. "Why couldn't you just tell me that? If you would have told me before anything happened... Yeah I would have been pissed off, and fought for you, but we could have been friends still. None of this would have happened if you would had just told me the truth!"

"I hated myself at first, but then you found Izzy."

Tai's eyes flew open. Izzy...

"Still! He had the feelings for me anyway, he would have told me!"

'That's not true' Tai thought. 'he only told me when we got close.'

"Okay Tai, there's something else you don't know, That Izzy doesn't know."

"That you still love me?" Tai asked, not knowing how he would respond if that were the answer.

"...I really do Tai. Though, that isn't the thing I wanted to tell you."

Tai nodded not knowing what to say.

"It's not so much that I didn't love you anymore but... the truth is... Sora is Pregnant."

Tai froze. He wasn't expecting that. Matt put his face in his hands and cried.

"I loved you very much Tai... I still do... It was a one time weakness and... I snapped! I couldn't take it anymore. You weren't around and I snapped. I know its awful... I avoided you until I could think of a way to tell you... and when I found this out... I broke up with you. I knew you would never forgive me."

Tai knelled down to Matt. He didn't know what to say. He was so mixed between anger and feeling bad for the situation his ex boyfriend was in. He hugged him.

"I hate what you did Matt... But if you or Sora need me for anything... I'll be here..."

Matt looked up. "I knew... I didn't still have a chance..."

Tai had done his best to stay calm and be there for his friend, but that...

"No way in hell. Maybe, JUST maybe, if you would have came to me when this happened, there may have been a chance... that our love could have conquered this... but by lying and not trusting me with it... You have ruined it."

Tai turned around, and slowly walked away.


Izzy was at Tai's getting his stuff together when Tai came back. When he walked in, Izzy had his back to him. Izzy stopped what he was doing, and just stood there, with his back still to Tai, and with his head hanging.

"I'm sorry Tai. I should have told you. I never thought I'd have a chance any other way, but that doesn't excuse it. I'm so sorry."

But the next thing Izzy knew, Tai's arms were around him.

"I forgive you, my love."

Izzy blinked and turned around.

"You mean-" Izzy was cut off by Tai kissing him passionately. Izzy was surprised, but once he got over the shock, he kissed him back. After they broke the kiss, they hugged each other, and they continued their embrace for a long time. Finally, still hugging, Izzy spoke.

"What happened with Matt?"

Tai let go and sat down. "He still loves me, and wanted me back."

Izzy half smiled, knowing that since Tai was here, saying he loved him, he knew that Matt wasn't a threat.

"How Ironic." Izzy said. "Your plan would have worked!"

Tai shook his head. "No, there's more to it. He only slept with Sora once..."

"Huh? Then why did he break up with you?"

"Because... Sora's pregnant..."

Izzy's jaw dropped. He couldn't believe it! But then he thought of something...


"Oh Izzy, one more thing."

Izzy blinked, and then blushed, when he saw Joe was pulling a condom out of his pocket.

"If that were to happen... Be safe okay?"

Izzy nodded. Good old reliable Joe.

-End Flashback-

"Joe was trying to tell me! And I couldn't take the hint!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Before we had the sleepover, I talked to Joe, and he offered me a Condom in case something happened. He had to have been trying to tell me about Sora without actually TELLING me! I'm so sorry Tai that I couldn't figure it out... If I would have, I WOULD have told you at that point."

Tai got on his knees in front of Izzy, holding his hands.

I completely forgive you Izzy, as long as, your always open and honest with me from now on.

Izzy blinked. "I can't believe your forgiving me so easily!"

"Well, you did this for love, and I think my life would be a wreck right now if not for you. But you took a chance on love, and you won- WE won!" Tai jumped up and kissed him, and they cuddled.

"Ai Shiteru" Tai said.

"Suki Dayo" Izzy replied.

And they kissed deeply and passionately, and they ended up in the bedroom. Lets just say, They were tangled again, but in a good way...


Everyone was shocked that Sora was pregnant, but all the Digi-Destined, vowed to help her, even Tai and Izzy.

At the end of the school year, Tai, Izzy, Matt, Sora, and Joe graduated out into the world.

Joe went on to Med school, and because of the advice he had given, he looked into being a Psychiatrist.

Matt and Sora were kind of lucky. Right after graduation, Matt's band was discovered, and was offed a lot of money for a record deal, enough to take care of the baby.

10 Years Later -

(On TV)

"Yamato, or Matt, the lead singer of "the wolves" Has made over $50 million dollars in his career! He is so successful.."

Izzy turned to Tai on the couch. "Ever think about that? You could be married to a Rock Star, living the good life. Ever wish you had that, instead of me?"

Tai answered with a kiss.

"I would always choose you. A million times over. My little genius." Izzy smiled, And then the two cuddled.

Out of high school, Tai and Izzy both went to college, Tai for Soccer and Izzy for computers. It's possible, on his current track, Izzy could be the next Bill Gates. He has designed an Operating system that make ALL others look like junk.

Tai never made it huge with soccer, so, he got a job working as a Travel agent.

As Tai and Izzy sat on the couch cuddling, and sitting next to Izzy's cat, who was pretty old by now, Felix.

And it's true that every couple fights...

"I love you Tai."

"I love you more, Izzy."

"No, I love YOU more."

"No, I love YOU more!"

….This couple agrees, this is the best fight ever, and they hope it never ends.

The End