Gaius whistled as the noble woman led the thief through the home's art gallery. 'Anne Kaida original: three thousand nine hundred gold. Portrait by Vincent Salamis: fourteen thousand gold. The original The Twilight of Hardin: sixty thousand gold!'
"I was unaware that you were a connoisseur, Mr. Gaius," his guide commented.
"I am," Gaius said with a careful smile. He was afraid he'd drop his sucker. It had taken him three months to get a new shipment of the heavenly sweets. The tensions on the border with Plegia made it very uncertain when he could secure another shipment and he couldn't risk losing a single one of the delicacies.
The woman didn't catch the fact that Gaius had not technically answered her question. She had not specified which type of connoisseur he was, so in return, he did not give any additional information. The woman eventually reached a small, and private, library. A second noblewoman was sitting behind the desk. Gaius appraised the woman. She had a small mole under left eye and wore her hair in a tightly wrapped bun.
"Thank you for your timely arrival," the woman began. "I am Phila."
Gaius chuckled and shook his head. "The Commandant of the Pegasus Knights. I'm not sure what you want from me, but I know you lack evidence."
"It is well known that you are a master thief, but that is not why your Exalt summoned you," Phila said evenly.
"I wasn't aware my good looks were that famous," Gaius teased. Phila rolled her eyes, and to Gaius's surprise the retort came from behind him.
"Though word of your glib tongue had reached me," the noblewoman behind Gaius said in a clearly amused tone. Gaius wheeled around just in time to see the noble remove her hood.
"Y-You're the Exalt?!" Gaius hissed. "I didn't think you could leave the palace!"
"Technically, I'm not supposed to," Emmeryn answered. "My reputation paints me as an exacting follower of rules and protocol. No one would expect me to slip out of the palace, especially to sign a contract with a thief."
The master thief looked behind him towards the nearest chair. He was blindsided and needed a seat. "Well, uh, Your Grace…may I have a seat?"
Emmeryn smiled at both the thief and her guardian. "Phila, this is your home, may Mr. Gaius sit down?"
"Of course, Your Majesty. Our guest may make himself comfortable." Phila bowed before motioning to a nearby chair. Gaius nodded and flopped down.
He took the sucker's stick out of his mouth and grabbed another sweet. "So…Your Grace, what's this deal you want to work out?"
"I will speak plainly. While I refuse to give into the aggression of Plegia and truly seek to foster an era of peace with our neighbors, I am no fool. I know the realities of statecraft. King Gangrel has numerous spies in Ylissetol," Emmeryn said calmly as she took a seat.
Gaius leaned back in the chair. "I have a feeling I know where this is heading. You're getting a list together and want me to 'check out' a few houses."
"A clever idea," Phila stepped into the conversation. "We were going to leave the operational aspects to you. We are glad that your reputation was not exaggerated."
"Oh boy," Gaius groaned. He was beginning to wonder if this was going to be worth it. "I'm not exactly Prince Chrom. Love of country isn't enough to motivate me."
"It is unfortunate, but we recognize this," Emmeryn sighed. "The Halidom will pay you six thousand gold for each spy you uncover."
"That's a good sum, but counter-espionage is a good bit more dangerous than what I'm used to. I'm going to have to ask you to…sweeten the deal."
"I am sure we can work a suitable financial agreement," Emmeryn said neutrally.
The thief shook his head. "I'm afraid you're mistaken, Grace. I mean literally sweeten the deal. I'm sure you've got a Royal Baker or Royal Confectioner."
"Yes, we just hired Jacque de Loreant as Royal Confectioner…" Emmeryn began, but the almost crazed look in the thief's eyes cut her off.
"Jacque…de Loreant! Tell you what, you throw in three boxes of his candy per spy and you can shave two thousand gold off my fee!" Gaius was practically shaking with anticipation. Jacque de Loreant was the most famous candy maker on the planet!
Emmeryn and the Commandant of the Pegasus Knights exchanged a look. "We can agree to those terms Mr. Gaius," Phila said with a smile.
The Exalt and the Commandant quickly worked out the 'contract' with Gaius. Procedures for contact, payment, and even a few inventive contingencies were put into place. Emmeryn was slightly unnervered by the manic obsession with sweets her new agent possessed. However, Gaius's addiction would deflect suspicion away from the Royal House.
"Do you need us to show you out?" Phila asked.
"I'm good, Wings," Gaius said before bowing to the Exalt. "I have to say, Grace, that you're my most…top-shelf client. Have a nice day, ladies."
As Gaius slipped away, Emmeryn turned to her trusted friend and bodyguard. "I wonder how my dear brother will react to this development."
"I do not know how the Prince will react about the arrangement. I do know that Prince Chrom will not be pleased by this thief's glibness in granting us nicknames," Phila responded with a laugh.
Emmeryn returned the laugh. "Chrom means well. I know he always acts in what he believes is my best interest and the best interest of the Halidom as a whole."
"We should also see what council Abraham offers. There is something about him that makes me uneasy, but there can no doubting his keen mind," Phila advised with a twinge of nervousness.
"Yes," Emmeryn agreed. Phila noticed that the Exalt's eyes began to shine a bit with amused nostalgia. "We haven't slipped out of the palace like this since we were both little girls."
"No, Your Grace, we have not," the Commandant said with a soft smile. "Are you ready to return to the palace?"
"There is so much to do. Solomon delivered reports earlier about possible Risen sightings in Thessia." The Exalt finished with a deep breath and the amused light in her eyes were replaced by the cool green of a ruler.
"I will contact our Aeries in the area. We shall discover the truth of the reports," Phila promised her friend.
Emmeryn could only nod as she followed Phila to the catacombs that connected the House of Mahnya and the Exalt's Palace. As she emerged from the dark and reentered the palace proper, Lissa ran up to her sister. 'I am doing this for you, Lissa. For you, your brother, and all of Ylisse…I pray it is the correct path.'
Gregor remained very calm as he approached the three associates of the mysterious man evidently named Abraham. The red-haired mercenary had heard the excited chatter from the Plegian soldiers. Gangrel was sending his response in the form of a dozen Wyvern Riders.
"Gregor hope you plotting type have plan to make a crack from this place," Gregor announced sternly.
Kellam leaned on his lance. "I take it that means you've found out something bad."
"Took many drinks with Plegian armed men. They boast great deal of Gangrel's 'answer' to Laus. Soon, Wyverns will swoop on all," Gregor explained.
"It seems Abraham anticipated Gangrel's reaction perfectly," Lon'qu said with admiration.
Ricken decided to join the conversation. "We…we need to get out of here soon. If those Wyvern Riders get here, we'll lose our chance!"
Kellam nodded. "I managed to slip away with the Dragonstone. We need to get the Manakete, Maribelle, and Abraham quickly."
"Ricken, find Maribelle and Abraham. Kellam, Gregor, and I will grab the Manakete and secure our escape route," Lon'qu snapped an order.
Ricken nodded furiously before turning to run towards his objective. "Running is pauper's idea," Gregor called out. "You will paint much attention on your back."
"O-Okay," Ricken said before walking, quickly, in the direction Kellam pointed out. He just hoped Abraham wasn't in any trouble.
Abraham slowly got to his feet, and continued to make eye contact with the Dark Mage. 'If this comes to violence, I can't rely on my magic. This woman is far more skilled than I could ever be,' Abraham immediately began to strategize.
"You intrigue me," Tharja admitted. Abraham managed to keep his expression neutral, but that was not the response he was expecting from a Dark Mage.
"I can tell you aren't with Laus," she continued. "You carry yourself with a purpose that is far too complex to be from those simpletons. I have heard them talking, you know. There is doubt in their eyes and in their stance. There is no doubt in you."
Abraham quirked an eyebrow. "Observant. I do not have the luxury of doubt, not with this."
"What is so important about her?" The Ylissian tactician was shocked by the jealousy tinting the end of the question, but managed to hide his surprise well. It was an opening he could exploit.
He decided to exploit it with truth.
"She is a comrade, a fellow Shepherd. My comrades and I will take her home. We have no intention of giving Gangrel his war," Abraham explained. He pointedly ignored Maribelle's indignant hissing that he was putting everything in danger.
"It is very dangerous to tell the truth to a potential enemy," Tharja teased as she began to circle Abraham. The tactician matched her move. He was too close to his objective to risk any harm coming to Maribelle.
"Every moment I spend in this place is very dangerous," Abraham countered. "I'm beginning to believe you have potential, but not as an enemy."
The two 'adversaries' continued their verbal dance. The rest of world seemed to bleed away from their perceptions. Maribelle, for her part, began to notice an unusual tension that hung in the air around the two magic wielders. As a trained Troubadour, Maribelle was sensitive to magic and knew instinctively that there was nothing magical about the tension. She was beginning to worry that a violent encounter was only a single cross word away. Maribelle also knew she would be a liability in any confrontation.
'I hope you know what you are doing, Abraham,' Maribelle thought nervously.
"You certainly are the flatterer. Why so eager to believe that I am not your enemy?" Tharja questioned. She was enjoying this little game. As a Dark Mage, Tharja could sense fluctuations in Old Magic. This man was a practical wellspring of the Old Magics. 'Delicious,' Tharja thought to herself and nearly missed the man's next statement.
"You have not attacked us, nor have you raised an alarm. More importantly, your reaction to my statement of Gangrel's war was telling. I know that you have no desire to indulge in Gangrel's mad desires," Abraham pointed out.
There was silence for several moments. It was, honestly, a bit unnerving to Tharja to be read so easily. "As I told your 'comrade', I have no desire to die for an old man's grudge."
"So, you say," Abraham said cautiously.
"Let's just say, I have a rebellious streak…and a bit of a dark side," Tharja replied.
Abraham shot Maribelle a look. The captured Ylessian noble responded with a confused glare. She wasn't sure where the tactician was leading this odd encounter, but he seemed to have things vaguely under control.
"Maybe it is time to indulge in that rebellious streak," Abraham suggested. "If everything goes according to my plan…we might need someone with a bit of dark side."
That was certainly not a response she had been expecting. Tharja was used to people reacting with shock and disgust at her comments about having a dark side. 'Might as well go all out,' Tharja thought with a combination of nervousness and dark amusement.
"What if I agree to help you as part of a ploy to plunge a dagger in your back?"
"I'm a royal tactician. I always have to worry about daggers in backs. What's one more?" Abraham countered.
"Odd…" Tharja grumbled while blinking in surprise. "The backstabbing bit usually ends any conversation. You have truly intrigued me. I think I'll join your little plot."
Kellam slipped by the guards and prayed that for once his hated tendency to completely disappear would hold. He decided to act as casual as possible and simply walk in the general direction of the Manakete. The knight heard the young Manakete sniffle. At first, Kellam believed she was crying about her horrible treatment at the hands of the Separatists.
She proved him wrong a few seconds later. "Who's there? You're smell is different from those Laus guys."
'Wait…she knew I was here?' "My name's Kellam. My friends and I are here to get you out of here."
"Really?" She asked excitedly. Kellam nervously looked around, because he feared her outburst would draw the attention of the guards. "I think you really are! You have my dragonstone!"
"How did you know that?" Kellam asked.
"I can sense it, duh. What kind of half-rate Manakete do you think I am?" she asked.
Kellam shrugged at the explanation. "Well, let's get out of here. What's your name by the way?"
"I'm Nowi. Who are you?" Nowi responded with a mix of caution and elation.
"My name is Kellam. We have to hurry," the knight whispered as he undid the locks to the cage.
"Nice to meet'cha. Now, can we get out of here?" Nowi asked. Kellam nodded and the two conspirators slipped out of the crude holding cell. They expected to be greeted by Lon'qu and Gregor standing over several corpses quickly beckoning Kellam and Nowi to follow. Instead, Gregor and Lon'qu were calmly explaining Gangrel's response to Narcian's offer.
Lon'qu noticed Nowi and Kellam and calmly approached them. "We have convinced these guards to assist us. They realize that Gangrel's forces will win any engagement."
"Uh…I don't mean to question you guys since you rescued me and all…but I don't exactly trust these jerks," Nowi added.
Lon'qu tensed at the woman's words. "W-We don't trust them either. Trust us, but keep your distance, we have a plan."
Nowi gave Kellam an odd look as the Myrmidon scurried back to the other soldiers. "So…is he scared of Manaketes or sumtin'?"
"Scared of women," Kellam corrected Nowi.
"Huh, haven't met anyone with that fear," Nowi admitted.
Now, it was Kellam's turn to give Nowi an odd look. "You don't find that weird?"
"Nah," Nowi responded with a shrug. "I'm scared of beavers."
'Do I know any normal people?' Kellam wondered and, admirably, managed not to groan.
Ricken had listened to Gregor's advice. He really had, but the second he saw Abraham and the Dark Mage circling each other he broke out into a sprint. The young mage was fumbling for his Elwind when he arrived at the 'battlefield'. Ricken had been expecting a fight or even an argument where Abraham was trying to convince the Dark Mage not to raise an alarm.
His craziest ideas definitely hadn't included the Dark Mage to be that beautiful and practically flirting with Abraham.
"If I'm going to commit treason for you, I would appreciate learning your name," Ricken heard the Dark Mage say.
"Abraham," the Tactician responded. Ricken's shock doubled when Abraham finished his greeting with the proper protocols of greeting a person of noble birth. He even bowed slightly more than required.
"And here I thought you couldn't keep up the flattery. I think I'm going to steal you away and keep you all to myself," the Dark Mage said with a laugh. "And where are my manners? I am Tharja."
As Ricken came to a skidding halt, he revised his earlier thought. The Dark Mage was clearly flirting with Abraham.
"A fitting name," Abraham responded smoothly. "A variation of the old Khadein word Sallya, princess. Very fitting indeed…"
Ricken wasn't sure what in Abraham's statement had caused Tharja to look like she was about to pounce and attack. The young mage recalled that Khadein had been responsible for releasing Medeus and nearly reviving the Fell Dragon thousands of years ago. 'Was Tharja offended by being connected to Khadein?' There hadn't been any violence, and Ricken wanted to keep it that way.
"A-Abraham!" Ricken called out. Abraham didn't turn his attention away from Tharja, but clearly acknowledged the young mage's presence. "We've got a problem."
"Gangrel is preparing to slaughter Laus," Abraham pointed out casually.
Ricken nodded. "Yes, we get Maribelle and get out of here!"
"So we do," the Tactician agreed with a smile. He turned his attention to Tharja and his gaze hardened. "She was not harmed, I hope."
Tharja smiled darkly at Abraham. "There was no gain from harming her. Gangrel wanted her unharmed and unaffected by hexes so that she could be paraded in front of the Exalt unharmed."
Abraham nodded politely, but headed into the small hovel. "Is she telling the truth, Maribelle?"
"I have not been harmed. The food has been unacceptable, however," Maribelle said haughtily. She had a ghost of an amused smile on her lips. "How soon can we leave?"
"Ricken?" Abraham addressed the younger mage quickly.
The young man seemed surprised he was acknowledged. "Well, Gregor and Lon'qu have gotten the Manakete out and convinced a few Laus soldiers to come with us."
"Excellent," the Ylisse Royal Tactician smiled devilishly. Maribelle and Ricken were caught off guard, but Tharja was becoming even more enamored by the devious, and mysterious, man. "So far everything is exceeding my most optimistic projections."
"Wait…you were planning on Gangrel deciding to kill everyone?" Ricken balked.
Abraham shook his head. "Hopefully, Gangrel is not that bloody-minded. I'm counting on him not wanting to weaken his own position too greatly. Regna Ferox is likely to press his borders if he shows too much weakness. The Khans might need an outlet for all their warriors."
"I just hope we can escape," Maribelle said quietly. She was so close to freedom that it was hard to think about being stopped now.
"Tharja, how soon can you leave with us?" Abraham asked.
"You seem confident that I'll come with you to Ylisse," Tharja pointed out. She was planning on following Abraham to Ylisse, but she was curious to see if she could catch the man off guard.
Abraham chuckled as he motioned for Ricken to lead the way. "I do not believe you wish to be around when Gangrel discovers his favorite prisoner escaped a prison you designed."
'No, I don't think it is possible to catch this man off guard…maybe with a hex…' Tharja thought and giggled. "You really do see all the pieces."
"If I don't, I fail my friends and comrades. I refuse to fail," Abraham declared. It was an easy thing to believe someone who spoke with such conviction.
Chrom leaned back in the luxurious padded chair and groaned. He was technically Governor of the Mycea Province that bordered Yllisetol to the South. The territory was little more than his family's ancestral lands, and a few fiefs of ancient families who were content to live the luxurious life of the nobility. Sedition and other problems were unlikely in Mycea. The presence of Prince Chrom and the Shepherds in the capital and a Pegasus Knight Aerie in the heart of the province provided a wonderful deterrent. Still, Chrom was required by ancient laws to present an annual report on the state of his charge to the Exalt.
'Almost done with this bureaucratic nonsense,' Chrom mentally celebrated as he reviewed the staggering amount of taxes the Dalkea family was paying on the profits from their silk farm.
A polite knock drew Chrom's attention to the door. "Enter," the Prince ordered. Frederick, Virion, and Vaike bowed as they entered the room.
"My lord," Frederick spoke first. Chrom nodded politely. The prince could tell that his friends had something to say. 'And I know what they are going to ask about.'
"Sir, it has recently come to our attention that several of our comrades have…discretely deployed." Chrom watched the looks Vaike, Virion, and Frederick were giving.
"Abraham took a small group to covertly determine the situation along the border with Plegia to provide myself and the Exalt with a more accurate picture of the situation," Chrom recited the well-practiced cover story with silky ease.
Vaike and Frederick did not look entirely convinced, but they accepted the Prince's explanation. Virion, however, looked very pleased by Chrom's explanation. Vaike and Frederick decided not to press and asked only a few questions. Chrom answered each of them and further allayed their concerns. The two frontline fighters left after thanking their Prince and Commander for his time. Virion remained behind for a moment.
"Is there something you need, Virion?" Chrom asked politely, but firmly.
"Just that Abraham has done a marvelous job teaching you the realities of statecraft," Virion answered in his usual aristocratic manner. The foreign noble bowed politely, but his amused smirk never left his face.
Chrom wasn't sure he was pleased by Virion's approval.
Lon'qu was not thrilled by Abraham's tendency to pick up new women. The Manekete was not as distressing because of her unique nature. The Dark Mage, however, was absolutely terrifying. The Plegian woman was not only a powerful magic user, but she was absolutely aware of her own beauty. Fortunately for Lon'qu, Tharja was completely focused on Abraham.
Kellam approached Lon'qu. "Do you think we can do what Abraham's planning?"
"Yes," Lon'qu answered without hesitation. "It is required to prevent Gangrel's War."
"I suppose you're right," Kellam said quietly. He turned his attention to everyone around them. Maribelle, Ricken, and Nowi were talking aimlessly. Gregor was distracting the Laus soldiers with a bawdy tale involving a pair of tavern wenches. "How close are we to the border?"
"We should arrive by nightfall," Lon'qu reported. Kellam nodded and walked away. He, completely unintentionally, approached Abraham and Tharja with his natural stealth.
"Abraham," the Knight announced his presence.
Tharja leaped at the sound of Kellam's voice. "Ye gods! What kind of hex did you use to be so quiet?"
"I'm not using a hex," Kellam said sheepishly.
The Dark Mage's eyes narrowed. "I will definitely have to…investigate."
Kellam gulped. "I, uh, just wanted to know when we'll be going go to the next part of our plan?"
"Ah, yes," Abraham began with a knowing smile. "We will begin the second phase once we are around fifteen miles over the border."
"Should I find a way to let Gregor know?" Kellam asked. Abraham took a moment to weigh all the options and possibilities. He nodded the affirmative and Kellam walked away to let the red-haired mercenary know about the plan.
"Second phase?" Tharja questioned with a raised eyebrow.
Abraham smirked. "I'm afraid that you'll have to 'defend yourself' from a sudden and unprovoked attack from our Laus associates."
"I did not expect an Ylissean to be so devious," Tharja complimented the tactician.
"I may be loyal to the Exalt of Ylisse, but I am not Ylissean. I am the shadow that allows their light to shine even brighter." Tharja could not respond as Abraham walked away.
She couldn't fight it any longer. In fact, she didn't want to fight it any longer. Tharja was well and truly obsessed with this man. Her every waking moment would be dedicated to claiming Abraham for herself. If he wanted her to 'defend' herself, then she would defend herself fiercely.
'I might even protect that haughty noblewoman,' Tharja thought with a smirk. Abraham would be amazed by her skill and Tharja would claim him.
There was no mortal force on the planet that would deny Tharja's desires. And she always got what she wanted.
Author's Note: Here's chapter three! I hope you enjoy! Please read and review! Also, I'll be making a major announcement about a few of my fics in my next update for one of my Naruto fics or Chains of the Kindred whichever comes first (and then remind in the next few updates).