Hey, so this is my new story and I will be working on it along side my other story, Happy Ending, which I hope that you will read.

Disclaimer: I don't own Once Upon A Time, but I do own Ms. Jensen and any other characters that you do not recognise for the duration of this story.

Please review after reading, it will help me write faster!

Chapter One

Adopted. Emma know exactly what that meant, even at the tender age of two she knew what adopted was and she so desperately wanted it printed across her folder. It was the one word that every child that was like Emma wanted and dreamed about. And now she gets that.

Emma had been told earlier that morning that she had been adopted by a young teacher from a little town in Maine. The woman had never met Emma, not once, but after taking one look at the picture of the little blonde clutching a thick, white knit blanket with her name sew into the corner in purple and her thumb stuck in her mouth, she knew that that little girl was hers.

"When awe we gonna be dere Ms. Jensen?" Emma lisped around her thumb.

"Emma, take your thumb out when you talk. We are going to be there soon. Why don't you color your new mommy a picture?" Ms. Jensen said, trying to distract the toddler.

"What if she doesn't like it?" Emma asked, her lisped voice filled with worry that no toddler should have.

"I am sure that she will adore anything that you will do Emma. Maybe you could draw her a picture of a puppy," Ms. Jensen told her, trying to focus of trying to find the road that she needed to turn onto to get this little girl to yet another home.

Emma didn't answer, instead tried to reach for her bag beside her. The bag had all of her belongings except for her blanket that was placed across her lap. She finally grabbed the strap and managed to pull the bag close enough to get out a pad of paper and a box of crayons. Emma set to work right away, pulling colors out of the Crayola box, scribbling something and then putting it back in favor of another crayon. Throughout the whole project she had her little tongue stuck between her front teeth and her hazel eyes narrowed in concentration.

"What are you drawing Emma?" Ms. Jensen asked after a few silent minutes.

"I tan't tell you. Id's a secwet," she whispered, looking up from her drawing long enough to look at the social worker in the eyes through the mirror before going back to scribbling on her sheet again with a blue crayon.

Ms. Jensen just smiled and went back to driving.

It took them another fifteen minutes for Ms. Jensen to pull down the street with a sign that read Welcome to Storybrooke.

"Emma, we are almost there! Look at the sign!" Ms. Jensen said, trying to get the little girl excited.

"Ms. Jensen, I tan't wead yet," Emma said, making it sound like it was very obvious and that everyone should know that.

"Of course. It says that we are in Storybrooke and that is where your new mommy lives," Ms. Jensen told her.

Emma's little face broke out into the biggest smile that Ms. Jensen had ever seen and she was happy that she was here to witness it.

"When awe we gonna be dere?"

"In a few minutes Emma."

"I so escited!" Emma squealed, clapping her little hands together quickly.

Ms. Jensen laughed at Emma as she turned into a small parking lot. According to the files Emma's new mother lived in the loft at the top of this building. Now all she had to do was get Emma up the stairs and into the loft without the toddler throwing up like last time. Of course she had the stomach flu, but she didn't have to puke all over her new parents. Needless to say, the adoption had not lasted long.

"Okay Emma, let's get out and get upstairs to meet your new mommy!" Ms. Jensen said enthusiastically.

Emma's eyes grew wide and instantly her left thumb was stuck into her mouth and the picture she had drawn and her knit blanket clutched in her right hand.

"Do you want me to carry you Emma?"

Emma looked up at the social worker through her thick lashes and Ms. Jensen knew exactly what the blonde toddler wanted.

She grabbed Emma's purple duffle bag, placed the crayons and paper back in and zippered the bag. Throwing it over her shoulder she unbuckled the toddler and placed her on her hip. Ms. Jensen left the car seat, knowing that she would need it for the next child she would bring to a new family.

"Okay Emma, here we go. Now what are we going to remember?"

"My peases and tank yous. And always be nice to da odder tids," Emma said, taking her thumb out of her mouth just long enough to answer.

"And remember that your new mommy will love you, I just know it," Ms. Jensen assured the little girl.

Emma had been through four homes in two years, always getting the taste of what she desired, but never completely getting what she wanted. Her own family.

"Okay Emma, here it is," Ms. Jensen had to put Emma down to knock on the door and the blonde was unhappy to be put down and she instantly glued herself to Ms. Jensen.

Emma's wide hazel eyes stared at the door, not even daring to blink. She could tell that a thousand emotions were running through her head.

Ms. Jensen quickly knocked on the door and soon enough the deep green door that lead to the loft was thrown open to reveal a woman with midnight black hair cut into a pixie cut with a pale face and hazel eyes that matched ones that Ms. Jensen had seen many times throughout the two years she had been working in the adoption agency.

"Hi, I'm Mary Margaret. This must be Emma," the woman smiled brightly at Emma, slightly ignoring Ms. Jensen.

"Say hello Emma," Ms. Jensen prodded the little girl.

Emma raised her hand, waving it along with the slightly crumpled paper and her blanket. Mary Margaret crouched down to look Emma in the eye, a smile plastered on her face the whole time.

"How are you sweetheart?" Mary Margaret asked, reaching out to take Emma's hand.

"Dood. Awe you my new Mommy?" Emma asked, not taking her thumb out of her mouth to speak.

"Thumb out when you speak Emma," Ms. Jensen reminded the little girl gently.

"Yes I am your new Mommy Emma, is that okay with you?" Mary Margaret asked.

Emma nodded, a small smile coming onto her face around her thumb.

"Shall we go inside and I can show you your room?" Mary Margaret asked as Emma took her thumb out of her mouth and grabbed Mary Margaret's hand with her slimy, wet hand.

Emma had adored her room, looking around in awe as she took in the large space that was just for her. She had never had so much space just for her before and it was a nice feeling for the little girl.

The room was filled with purple and blue, Emma's two favorite colors. The large single bed was placed against one wall along with a rocking chair placed into one of the corners. The bed was covered in pillows of different shapes and sizes and there was even a purple feathered one shaped like an E in the middle of the stack. Toys were placed neatly around the room, spanning from stuffed animals to Barbie dolls and clothes.

"Dis is all fow me?" Emma asked, amazed as her eyes scanned the room.

Mary Margaret smiled affectionately down at the blonde toddler and nodded. "Do you like it?"

Without a word spoken Emma walked over to the bed and placed her baby blanket and the crumpled up picture on the bed before scrambling up the side. Getting comfortable in the middle of a nest of pillows and her white knit blanket she waved her had at Mary Margaret in a sign to come over.

Mary Margaret obeyed the girl and sat down beside her. Emma stuck her hand out with the picture in her palm.

"For me?" Mary Margaret asked.

Emma nodded and pushed her hand out again.

This time Mary Margaret accepted the crumpled, slightly damp, paper and smoothed it out slightly.

Looking down at the picture, she teared up in happiness.

The picture, although it was mostly child's scribbles, was a crudely draw pair of people, one was small and yellow haired, with a blanket in one hand and her other one tucked into the other person's. The second person was a taller one, with black hair and a smile on her face. They were standing on a patch of green grass with the yellow sun peeking out from the corner of the page. There was one flower drawn beside the taller person and it was a bright blue.

"Dat is me, and dat is you," Emma said, pointing out each figure on the page.

"Thank you darling, it's beautiful. And later I'll put it up on fridge for everyone to see," Mary Margaret smiled, putting her arm around her baby girl.

Because there was no doubt that this was her little girl, biological or not, Emma was Mary Margaret's and Mary Margaret was Emma's.

Please review! Thanks!