AN-So randomly got this idea. I know I know I should be working on the current stories I have, but once I get an idea I have to write it down or its all I can think about.
She sat in the living room of her two-bedroom apartment looking over the email again and again. She couldn't believe she had agreed to go back and work for Oliver or rather Walter who had taken over as CEO again. It had almost been three years since she had left the City. She thought about the night she left Oliver threw her a going away party at his mansion while that wasn't her type of thing she had enjoyed herself. Images of that night flashed through her mind, perhaps she had enjoyed herself a little too much. She had allowed herself to let go and do more then just sip on a little wine. She had done shots and kept up with Oliver and Dig. Boy was that a stupid idea. Why hadn't she thought clearly she hadn't gotten that drunk since college let alone with the man she had worked for. She knew Oliver hadn't wanted her to go, but she had to her father needed her help he had been really sick so she had transferred promising when she could she would come back. Back then that had seemed like a wonderful idea.
Over the three years she had been gone she let herself fall out of touch with Oliver and Dig. She knew she didn't belong in their world. Mostly in Oliver's world, both worlds. She wasn't the rich type that fit into his everyday public day and life. She also wasn't best suited for his after dark life. She missed those days of being part of something great, but in the recent years she knew she couldn't go back to that life. Not with how everything had changed. When she had first moved Oliver tried his best to keep talking to her, but she ignored his calls ignored his emails. It was better that way. When her father died a year after she moved she didn't return she couldn't not after everything. She did keep her attention on the city she knew that the Vigilantly was around while he wasn't seen as much he still did stand up against what ever injustice that happened in the city, but he was quieter now. Over the past year he had taken down some pretty bad men, men who made Felicity scared to go back. If anyone found out his secret, if anyone found out her secret she didn't want to know what would happen.
She was scared to go back after how she treated Oliver she knew he wouldn't be too happy about seeing her again. She wondered if Dig and him even still saw each other. She missed their smiles and all the laughs they used to share, but she knew if she went back it wouldn't be the same. The company she worked at now was a lot smaller then her last, it was now closing and she was out of a job. When Walter found out he waved a big paycheck in front of her and while she wanted to say no she couldn't just think of herself. The living room was almost completely empty except for the chair she sat on. Walter had paid a moving crew to come get all her stuff and move it back to the City. She would be following it all tomorrow. She knew she should be sleeping, but she couldn't what was she going to do? What was she going to say when she saw him again? He used to be her best friend, but now? Now he would just be a stranger again.
Everything had changed from how it used to be, and nothing would ever go back. And while at times she missed the past she wasn't sure if it was too great to begin with. While there was a thrill to her secret job it was dangerous. How many times since she agreed to help Oliver had she come close to death? She hadn't thought about it until she left the City, but someone shouldn't have his or her life risked that much especially if you have someone relying on you. She couldn't risk it she couldn't risk her life not anymore.
And Oliver he could never know her secret. She admired his work as the Arrow, but she couldn't be part of that anymore she couldn't risk anyone finding out especially Oliver. She didn't know how she could hide her secret moving back to the City, but she had. It was the only way she could make money not many were hiring, she had looked she had tried to find someone, anywhere but there, but in the end it was all she could find. She turned her head to look at the closed bedroom door and sighed tomorrow everything would change, tomorrow would begin a new life one she had thought she left behind. She stood up and walked to the open bedroom door knowing she should get some sleep or try her best before she got in the car tomorrow. She slowly walked to her room not wanting tomorrow to begin, not wanting to enter a world were she would have to keep so many secrets from those she had thought she would never have to.
Taking a deep breath Felicity stepped out of her car and looked up at the apartment building she would be living in. Last time she lived in the city she had what she thought was a pretty good apartment, but just by looking at the building she knew this new one would blow her old apartment out of the water. Walter called it a 'Company Apartment.' She wondered how many Techs' got a company apartment. Why did he want her here so bad? Her eyes fell onto a doorman, which almost caused her mouth to drop open; she wasn't this kind of girl. She had never lived in such a nice place. Especially in the last three years she had learned to really love the little things she had taken a major step down in her salary living in her hometown. Now she was back in Starling City with a major pay increase even from the last time she was here and moving into an apartment that she knew would have a view she only wondered which one it was.
She turned back to the cab and leaned into the back seat as the cabbie finished unloading the few suitcases she had packed since most her other things had already arrived. Hesitantly she pulled out her little girl who looked just like her mother. Big Blue eyes and long wavy blonde hair. The little girl rubbed her eyes as she woke up from the long drive, but instead of fully waking up she sleepily put her head on her mother's shoulder without making a sound.
"Thank-you." Felicity said with a smile as she handed the cabbie the fare for the cab.
"Can I help you?" The Doorman asked.
"Uh." She paused, "I think I'm moving in here." Maybe she had gotten the address wrong.
"Felicity Smoak." She shifted the little girl's weight onto her hip to get a better hold.
"Ms. Smoak." The man said with a smile as he waked over another man, "Yes we have been expecting you."
"Let me help you with your things." The second man." Told her as he picked up her suitcases, "I'll help you up to your apartment."
"This might sound silly, but what number is it?" she asked.
"It's the Penthouse Ms. Smoak." The doorman told her.
"Pen-Penthouse?" she stammered, "Really, just for me?"
The doorman gave her a strange look and nodded his head, "And your little girl."
"Sorry, Thanks." She tried to wrap her mind around not only having a nice apartment with a view, but now it was the penthouse as well. "This is going to take some getting used to." She mumbled as she followed the second man into the building.
"Huh?" The man asked.
"Nothing." She said quickly getting into the elevator with the man. She took another deep breath and tried to keep on her brave face, when in reality with every second she could feel her heart getting faster, how was she going to keep her secret? And why did Walter go through so much trouble and money to get her back here?
She still had a few days before she had to start work and she was already getting used to living in the City again. Defiantly different from her hometown, which while it wasn't a small town, it seemed small when you stood in the middle of the City. The past three years she had tried to convince herself that she hadn't really liked the City, but the past few days reminded her how much she had missed it. Especially at this time of year, Christmas.
"Mama." The little girl said softly looking up to Felicity with her beautiful blue eyes. "Look Santa!" She squealed excited as the past a small petting zoo in the park, "And Reindeer!"
"Yes." She said with a smile.
"Can we please!" she jumped up and down.
Felicity laughed, "Sure." As she spoke the little girl took off running for the line.
"Lyanna!" Felicity yelled after her as she went after her daughter, who was now darting quickly around the people walking in the park, "Don't run off!" Her heart began to race as the amount of people made it hard to keep her eyes on the little girl. "Lyanna!" she called out. She stopped moving forward for a second trying to find the little girl in the crowed, "Lyanna!" Her eyes settled on the little girl who was sitting on the ground. She hurried over, "How many times young lady do I need to tell you that you don't just run off, especially here in the big City."
The little girl was rubbing her nose, "I hit a hard wall." She sniffed tears welling up in her eyes.
"Sorry, my fault." A man's voice said almost making Felicity jump she hadn't realized there was someone standing in front of her daughter.
"No its-" She stopped as she looked up at the man. Not just any man. Oliver.
"Felicity?" he asked frowning.
"Oliver." She felt like all the air had just left her lungs. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here."
"In the park?" She asked knowing the words sounded stupid leaving her mouth, "I mean no you don't live here, you're talking about the City right?"
"Mama." The little girl sniffed, "my face hurts."
"Well maybe you should have taken off running then huh?" she asked as the little girl glared at her.
"You have a daughter?" he asked.
"Um- Yeah." She said looking down at the girl.
"She's beautiful." Oliver smiled, "She looks just like you."
"She is beautiful." Felicity said with a smile, "But I don't think she gets that from me." She quickly looked away, "I promised her she could take a picture with Santa and the animals."
"My treat." Oliver said with a smile.
"No, you don't have to." She said, "I'm sure you're busy."
"Not at all." He grinned, "We can catch up."
"Actually we're meeting someone, some other time though." She lied as she took her daughter's hand and quickly led her away from the park.
"But Mama Santa!" The little girl pouted.
"Tomorrow baby, we will go tomorrow." She said quickly as she flagged down a cab, which quickly pulled over for her. She opened the door and let the little girl climb in before she turned her head and glanced back into the park. Oliver was still standing where she had left him; her eyes met his for a brief moment before she quickly ducked inside the cab.
Three Years Ago
"Thanks again Oliver." Felicity said as she stumbled forward. The only thing that kept her upright was the fact she was holding onto Oliver's arm.
"No problem." He said carefully so he didn't slur his words.
"I drank way to much." She laughed as they walked around the garden outside his house.
"Yeah, me too." He smirked.
"Look." Felicity squealed excitedly as her eyes fell onto the fountain in the middle of the garden, "Oh Oliver it's beautiful."
Oliver followed behind her watched the way she seemed to skip. She was moving around surprisingly well for how much she had drank. "My father had that built for my mother when they first got married."
"That's so romantic." Felicity said as she reached the edge she took her shoes off.
"What are you doing?" he asked as she stepped inside the water.
"Dancing." She smirked as Oliver raised his eye brow he had never seen her so outgoing before.
"You're going to catch a cold." He smirked, he thought about getting her out, but he seemed frozen his eyes on her as she danced to music he couldn't hear.
"Dance with me." She said smirking as she reached out her hands to him.
Oliver knew he shouldn't, they were both drunk and he knew where this was going. She was leaving tomorrow and who knew when she would be back, he tried to reason with himself that he wasn't going to do anything with her, but with every second he stood watching her the shots of tequila the two had just taken seemed to be hitting him. He shrugged off all the reasons why he shouldn't join her and stepped into the fountain with his shoes still on as she wrapped her arms around his neck. "Now what?" he asked softly as he leaned in to kiss her, but before he knew what was happening Felicity pulled back.
"Now you catch me." She quickly got out of the fountain she held her shoes in her hand before she hurried off into the dark garden.
Oliver stood frozen for a moment a smirk growing on his face. "You really want to play this game with me?" he called after her as he got out of the fountain. She had no chance against him.
Diggle watched from the porch thinking he should stop them, they were young and drank too much, but he had seen this coming. The way the two always interacted there was always an unspoken attraction between them. It wasn't his place to get in between them they were adults they could make their own decisions. He watched as Felicity thought she was being stealthy as she snuck around one of the rock walls. He heard her scream as Oliver jumped out at her, which turned to her and Oliver laughing. He went into the house and got ready to leave when he saw them start kissing knowing it was wrong to watch them any longer.
Oliver pushed Felicity up against the wall his eyes locked on hers his head only inches from her's. Both their breathing was heavy. He leaned forward and planted a hungry kiss on her lips. He wasn't sure how she would react, but he was happy when her hands reached around him and wrapped around his neck. He moved his hands down her thighs and cupped her butt in his hands as he picked her up she wrapped her legs around his waist. He turned and walked slowly through the house not needed to look where he was going he had lived in this house his whole life. It wasn't hard finding his room; it wasn't hard finding his bed. He carefully laid Felicity down on the bed. He pulled his shit off over his head as knelt over top of her hardly wanting to break the kiss. He stopped for a moment and looked at her his eyes meeting her's.
"Are you sure Felicity?" he asked
"I've wanted this since you first walked into the IT department." She grinned as he pulled he back down on top of her.
Oliver watched as Felicity hurried away almost acting spooked. He hadn't seen her since the morning she left the City, that morning she had apologized to him about getting drunk and that it was a mistake. He had gone along with her letting her say it was a mistake, even though he had wanted more from her he would have been happy if that night had started a line of nights they would have spent together. That morning when he had woken up he had thought he could get used to seeing her laying next to him. But she hadn't seen it that way, to her it was a drunken mistake, she hadn't felt the way he had.
That didn't explain why she had run away from him so quickly, they had spent one night together three years ago. Did that make her feel awkward around him? She hadn't returned any of his texted or calls a few months after she left. She had started out always replying to him, saying how much she missed the City and all the work they did together, always acting like the night they had together never happened, but then one day it just stopped all of it. At first she used excuses saying she was busy, but then she stopped talking to him fully and never tried to call him back. His mind flashed to the little girl that Felicity had with her. How old was that little girl? Since when did she have a daughter? Then as if someone smacked him over the head his eyes grew big, that little girl looked about three. Three years ago she had spent the night with him and a few months later she acted distant. Could that little girl be his? If so why hadn't she told him? And why was she here now?
AN- so what do you guys think? Worth continuing?