Jim Kirk had never fit in. That is, of course, because he was a Human-Vulcan hybrid. His mother Vulcan; his father human.

They had fallen in love, and with them they gave birth to James Tiberius Kirk— the blonde haired, blue eyed, pointy eared boy. They adored him, but they both feared for how others would treat the hybrid.

On Vulcan, the kids shunned Jim because of his looks and his trouble with controlling his emotions. When he was 8, Jim's parents pulled him out of school on Vulcan and made the decision to move to Earth. They had let Jim grow his hair out, so he looked like an upside-down mop. The hair covered his ears, making him seem more human.

Once on Earth, they had decided to enroll Jim in the local elementary. Jim was dead terrified of other kids, and he was wailing when his mother dropped him off on his first day. He stood there and watched her drive away, not even looking back. Puckering his lips, he turned on his heel towards his class. He shuffled into the classroom reluctantly, finding a classroom full of loud, hopping students and a teacher smiling and doing her work while the kids enjoyed their free time. At the sound of the door opening, the woman's head shot up as she noticed Jim. She walked over and bent down to smile at Jim, and Jim looked back up at her, nervously smiling back.

She introduced herself as Mrs. Uhura and ruffled his messy blonde hair, stopping when she felt a point. She gave a small gasp and pulled his hair back, making Jim flinch back. He pulled his hair back down over his ears and started to draw into himself. Mrs. Uhura smiled down at him, placing a finger on her lips.

"It'll be our secret," she said, "Just don't let the others know, okay?" Jim nodded furiously, his bangs flying around everywhere.

Over the years Jim had become more popular, his father's dominant human genes clearly showing. Jim always had a smile on his face, making him an arrangement of friends. He also became known as a womanizer— all of the girls fawned over him. Well, most of them, but that wasn't important to Jim. He freely flirted, but never established a relationship with anyone. His best friend Bones called him crazy for not trying to get with any of them, but Jim never let him in on why. Jim wanted to form a real bond with someone, not just have some fling.

Jim found himself up in the morning at Starfleet academy, getting ready for his first day.

Hat- check. Couldn't have ears showing...

Foundation- check.

Blush- check. Damn green blood.

Gloves- double check. Jim had found that over the years, his hands became more and more, ah, sensitive. Might as well keep them safe. He grinned at his reflection in the mirror, figuring this was as human as he'd get.

He walked out of the bathroom to find a scowling McCoy waiting by the door. McCoy jabbed his head in the direction of the clock. "Guess who's going to be late for their first class." Jim groaned as he looked at the clock, throwing his PADD into his messenger bag, giving McCoy a slap on the shoulder before running away.

Dear fucking almighty I hate school. Jim thought, making his way to his first class- xenohistory. He hurried in, seating himself in the far back. He set his things down before leaning back and resting his head in his arms. Jim watched as the students trailed into the room, and nodded at the few amount of people he recognized.

He raised his head slightly as he saw one of his old friends, Nyota, walk into the room, talking to someone unseen, but then sat up straight as the person she was talking to came into sight. Tall, powerful, and with the grace of a mountain lion, strode in a man that made Jim choke on air.

Holy fucking shit. Jim bit down on his lip, watching the man sit next to Nyota. Jim stared down intensely at the man, who Jim felt he would now refer to as 'The mean, lean, sex machine', okay, maybe not really, but damn. Jim slunk down in his seat, eyes peering at the man.

Class began at some point, but Jim couldn't really care. He whipped out his PADD, sending Nyota a message as the teacher droned on about Klingon battles.

jkirk: nyota holy shit whos the sex on legs next to you

nuhura: Jim, seriously. We're in class.

jkirk: nyota pls

Jim snickered, hearing Nyota's scowl from across the room.

nuhura: If you must know, he's my friend Spock. He just came to earth from Vulcan- so back off. No one could be prepared for you, especially a Vulcan.

Ow. Ok, that stung. Jim's hands unconsciously flew to his hat, rubbing the tip of his ears through the fabric.

jkirk: jeez wonder who the new kid is and suddenly get attacked by a wild nyota

jkirk: -20 hp

nuhura: Look, I'm sorry. Just… Spock would probably not be your type.

nuhura: Actually, it's more like you're not his type.

jkirk: i wasnt aware that i *had* a type

jkirk: …and youre not even going to let me try?

nuhura: Look, if I introduce you two after class- and you promise to not be weird- will you stop messaging me long enough to listen to the class?

jkirk: pinky promise?

nuhura: Sure.

jkirk: :D

Jim grinned, spending the rest of the lecture jumping around in his seat excitedly. When the teacher dismissed the class, he practically jumped out of his seat and towards Uhura. Nyota walked up to him scowling, the other man following her curiously.

"Spock, this is my, um, acquaintance, Jim." Spock raised an eyebrow, making Jim's breath hitch in his throat.

Oh god oh god just say something you freak- Jim's gloved hand sprung out, as if it was a toy arm. Spock stared down at the hand, and Jim could feel Nyota's anger attempting to murder him. Jim was about to put away his hand when the other suddenly grasped it, making Jim let out a small gasp.

Dark brown eyes met baby blues as the other said "I am Spock, as stated by Nyota previously. I am pleased to meet you, Jim." Jim tried to say something, but only managed to let out a strangled-sounding squeak. Jim saw something flash behind the dark eyes, something like amusement. Jim froze, unable to feel anything besides the warm hand in his and the intimidating stare of Spock.

Then it was all gone as Spock retracted his hand and put it back behind his back. He nodded his head at Jim before announcing "I am afraid I must take my leave, as I have to go do work assigned by my professors. I will see you tomorrow Nyota, Jim." Nyota smiled at Spock as the man took his leave. She turned back to Jim and grabbed his cheek. Jim flinched at the contact, feeling a slight rush of Nyota's emotions- confusion, anger, concern.

"Are you okay Jim? You're looking a little green." She went to feel his forehead, but Jim stepped back violently.

"I'm- I'm- ah- I'm fine. I'll um- I'll see you tomorrow Nyota." Jim let out a loud and awkward laugh before he turned tail and rushed out of the room, feeling his cheeks burn. Even his makeup couldn't hide the dark green blush across his cheeks. He dashed through the academy, running into his room and slamming the door behind him, panting.

What am I, a school girl with a crush? Jim sighed, sliding down his door, slumping onto the floor.

This, Jim thought, is going to be interesting.