The Past Uncovered

Authors Note: Hello everyone! I am back, but I am still having writer's block with my Wavelength story. So, I have been working on this story for a bit. I hope you all like this.

Disclaimer: I do not own any transformers (tho I wish I did!) They belong to Hasbro. I also do not own the oc, she is owned by a friend of mine by the same name, Nighten Gale. I do own Stormshadow and her twin brother. Enjoy!

Chapter 1:

Optimus Prime smiled at his mate, Nighten Gale, who was currently playing with their sparklings. He often wondered how he got so lucky to find love again after...he frowns, remembering again. He lowers his helm and sighs then turns away and walks to their sitting area.

Nighten, feeling his sadness, sets the twins into their playpen and walks out after him. She reaches him and wraps her arms around his waist, hugging him.

"Love? You ok?"

He smiles and places his servos on hers then turns around and hugs her close.

"Just wondering how I got so lucky as to find love again"

She looks up at him and smiles softly.

"You know, I don't think you ever told me about your first mate...can you tell me, please?"

He frowns and steps back, turning his helm away.

"I cant...please, I have asked you to not ask me..."

She looks away, getting angry. She steps up to him and forcefully turns him around, glaring up at him.

"And why not?! I can see its hurting you! I'm trying to help you and you wont let me!"

She finishes with tears falling. Optimus just turns away, unable to see her face, knowing he was hurting her by not telling.

Nighten clinches her fists.

"Fine! If you wont open up to me, I'm leaving! I'm trying to help you and you wont let me! I'm taking the sparklings with me. Let me know when you decide that you are going to let me help you!"

She storms back inside, tears falling down her face. She picks up the twins and leaves, before she leaves, she turns around.

"I love you Orion...Ill never stop..."

Optimus stays frozen, unshed tears in his optics. He hears her leave then he falls onto his knees, sobbing. She doesn't know what he had been through. He was so afraid to tell her, afraid she wont love him anymore.

He lays on the floor of their quarters on the earth base for hours, arguing with himself. He is so deep in thought, he doesn't hear anyone enter the room.

Bumblebee had been looking around the base, wondering where Optimus had gone to. He stops, hearing someone crying. He walks towards the sound and sees Optimus' mate, Nighten. He walks up to her and bends down for she was sitting.

"Nighten? Whats wrong?"

He asks with his newly repaired voice. She stops and looks at him then wipes her optics. The twins play nearby but close enough so she can see them.

"Oh, hey Bee. Nothing is wrong. I'm fine."

She says, forcing a smile on her face. He frowns and looks at her, not believing her. She sighs and buries her helm into her legs and growls.

"oohhhh that Optimus! Always so stubborn!"

Bee backs up a bit, not expecting her to be angry. She looks up and sighs.

"I'm sorry Bee, I didn't mean to scare you. Its just...I've been asking Optimus to tell me about his past and he wont tell me! We've been together for so long, doesn't he trust me enough to tell me about his first mate?"

She finishes softly and looks down.

Bumblebee goes to answer when he feels a servo on his shoulder and looks up. He smiles at Ratchet, the Autobots CMO.

"I've got this Bee."

Ratchet whispers with a smile. Bee smiles and nods, standing. He turns and walks away. Ratchet watches then sits down next to her, his joints groaning in protest.

Nighten looks up, hearing him and frowns.

"Ratchet? What are you doing here?"

"I heard what you said...I wanted to tell you something. Have you ever wondered just why Optimus hasnt told you about his past?"

Ratchet says calmly, looking at her. She frowns more.

"I figured he was just being stubborn...he isn't, is he?"

She asks, getting a sinking feeling. Ratchet shakes his helm, looking very sad and haunted.

"No, he isn't being stubborn...he cant tell you because he doesn't remember himself."

She gets a confused expression on her faceplates.

"What do you mean, he doesn't remember? He was there, wasn't he?"

Ratchet nods.

"Yes he was...but to understand why he cant remember, you need to know what happened."

He stands and holds out his servo. She just looks at it then at the twins.

"Come, Ironhide will watch Nightwing and Wingblade. You and I need to talk."

She sees Ironhide walk up and bend down, picking the twins up. She looks back at Ratchet and takes his servo, standing. He leads her to his and Ironhide's quarters, Ironhide being his bondmate.

He opens the door and allows her to enter first. As she enters, she looks around. She sees their sitting room has a couch, table, pictures on them, of what she didnt know for they were facing the couch. She walks further in and sees a kitchen area with an energon dispenser for them. She turns back around to see Ratchet entering and closing the door. He gestures to the couch.

"Have a seat and ill get us some energon. This might take a while. I've messaged Optimus and Ironhide to let them know."

She nods and sits on the couch as he walks to the kitchen area and pulls out two cups. He then walks to the energon dispenser and gets them both a cup of hot energon. He then walks to them and hands her a cup. She takes it and whispers her thanks as he sits down next to her. He takes a sip then sets it down.

"ok, where to start..."

He says, thinking. Nighten takes a sip and sighs happily, the energon tasting good. She then sets her own down and looks at him.

"What about how they met?"

He nods.

"Alright, that's good."

Author's Note: OK! There it is, the first chapter! Please be completely honest in what you think! I will be waiting!