A/N: Sorry this has taken so long to update, but work and real life gets in the way. I still don't own Glee or any of its plot lines, this story is strictly for entertainment only. Thank you for the reviews and follows. I still can't believe that people read this. This chapter is mostly smut with a little fluff at the end and deals with some of the emotional aftermath of the accident. NSFW. Only one or two more chapters to go. I hope everyone had a Happy Easter!

Chapter 21

Rachel shifted uncomfortably in her seat. The train ride from New Haven to New York was cramped and her feet were beginning to fall asleep. She stared out the window and thoughtfully watched the scenery shift from impressive buildings to sleepy towns. A quiet snore from the seat across from hers called her attention and her pensive expression transformed into a dreamy one. Her beautiful, resilient, and amazing girlfriend had fallen asleep and the soft light playing across her features gave the sleeping blonde an angelic appearance. Quinn had fully recovered from her car accident and Rachel was thankful for it. They were headed to the city to spend a weekend together before they had to focus on their final exams. A sultry smile played about her lips as Rachel let her eyes roam the girl's body appreciatively. Her smile turned salacious as she reminisced about their recent time together.

After Quinn's accident, she and Rachel had become closer than ever. Because her injuries had been mostly superficial, Quinn had returned to her dorm the day after the accident, but Rachel insisted on securing a hotel room for a few days so Quinn could recuperate. Santana had returned to New York to resume her understudy work for Funny Girl, and Rachel had negotiated some time off so she had some time to spend doting on her healing girlfriend.

The diva worked on memorizing her script while Quinn napped and, when she was awake, Quinn would read various excerpts from her favorite poets. They watched movies and trashy television, but they also talked and cuddled and just enjoyed spending quiet time together. Most of the time they just laid peacefully in each other's arms while kissing gently and letting their hands wander. Rachel had been on edge the entire week and their last night together, in the hotel, was the result. Rachel shifted as the memory of their last day washed over her and caused arousal to pool low in her belly.

It had started, innocently enough, with a kiss. Quinn was sleeping peacefully and Rachel had been content to stare at her adoringly before the temptation to kiss the beauty before her became too much. She had leaned over and gently pressed her lips against incredible softness. As the minutes passed she had slowly kissed Quinn into consciousness. Sleepy hazel eyes fluttered open even as Quinn's mouth met hers eagerly. When their eyes met, something sparked and Rachel reacted by rolling over and pressing the blonde into the mattress while increasing the pressure of her lips. Their mouths had moved in tandem as the kiss shifted from loving to lustful and their bodies pressed closer together.

Rachel trailed her lips down Quinn's body and pressed hot kisses to the girl's throat and sternum punctuated with occasional nips. Within minutes the blonde was writhing in pleasure and arousal. Need overwhelmed the little brunette and, in her greed to possess Quinn's body, she forgot to be careful. The passion pouring out of her even caused the blonde to forget her own injuries as Rachel took control. Her ardor cooled when Quinn shakily put a hand to her shoulder and tried to flip them over.

"Quinn, what's wrong?" Rachel met Quinn's uncertain gaze as they sat facing each other. Hazel eyes were filled with fear and doubt.

"I..I'm not sure that..." she ran her fingers through her blond hair in frustration. "I'm afraid. I don't know how to act if..." she trailed off with embarrassment.

Rachel nodded as understanding washed over her. "Are you worried that I won't like how you react during sex?" she asked quietly.

Quinn blushed before mumbling, "yes. I'm scared to let go. Losing control has never been a good thing in my life. What if I do something that you don't like?"

She grasped Quinn's shoulders and looked her in the eyes. "There is nothing to be embarrassed about. I love you and I want to take care of you the way you do with me, but if you're not ready then we can just cuddle. Hopefully you'll be able to trust me and yourself, but for now I just want to hold you."

Rachel punctuated her words with a soft kiss and when she pulled back she caught the awed expression on Quinn's face. Without warning she leaned in and pressed her lips against Rachel's before pulling her onto the bed. She put her lips to the brunette's ear and whispered huskily, " I do trust you, Rach."

"A..are you sure? I don't want to hurt you." Rachel did her best to keep her libido in check, but it was straining against its bonds.

"I'm sure," Quinn smiled. "Show me what you've got."

With those words, Rachel's control snapped its leash and she pushed Quinn back onto the mattress before attaching their lips. They kissed for long moments, just feeling each other and reestablishing their connection until it turned into more. When Rachel pulled back to check in with Quinn and their eyes met, the blonde nodded before relaxing underneath her.

Quinn's submission was the spark that re-lit the fuse of desire within the Rachel. She practically tore Quinn's shirt off of her body before straddling the blonde, leaning down, and capturing an erect nipple with her teeth. A strangled cry as Quinn arched into her only spurred her into further action.

Rachel focused exclusively on the pert breasts beneath her. Her position gave her the control she needed as she moved her hands to Quinn's ribs. Her thumbs moved in small circles directly below the soft mounds her mouth was busy torturing with brushes of lips, teeth, and tongue. Soft moans and whimpers from the blonde only encouraged her explorations and she relished the fact that Quinn was helpless beneath her determined seduction. Rachel used her position to slide impatient hands up Quinn's arms as she moved from the girl's chest back to her mouth. She held the blonde's hands captive in one hand as she set about ravishing the quivering girl beneath her. She moved alongside Quinn until she could flex a lean muscled thigh against her. Quinn hips thrust blindly against hers until Rachel's other hand slid down the blonde's soft curves and slipped beneath damp panties to massage a wet and aching core. Quinn's hips lifted and Rachel helped her strip down the last barrier between them before returning to her position between creamy thighs.

Rachel used her fingers to make tight circles against Quinn's opening. The desire to take surged through her along with the urge to give and she thrust two fingers into silky heat. She quickly set a steady pace as she thrust and curled her fingers. The stimulation was enough to send Quinn over the edge and the blonde shrieked with pleasure as she climaxed. She collapsed onto the mattress as her body quivered with aftershocks, but Rachel was determined to give Quinn as much pleasure as possible and continued to thrust into the blonde's tight channel. Wanting to reestablish their connection she kissed her way back to Quinn's swollen lips without breaking her rhythm.

It was only a few moments before Rachel's movements caused Quinn's body to react. Her hips thrust eagerly against the brunette's fingers as Rachel sucked on her tongue with abandon. She quickened her pace and used her hips to add power and depth to her thrusts. She could feel walls tightening around her fingers and it wasn't long before she sent Quinn flying again.

Rachel felt powerful, primal, as she regarded the girl beneath her. Love and lust tangled together and she licked her lips at the wanton look on Quinn's face as she raised her fingers and licked them clean. The small sample of Quinn's arousal just wasn't enough and Rachel smirked as she bent over the still quivering girl beneath her and kissed her way down her body to the apex of her thighs. "Rachel, please...I can't," reached her ears as the blonde gasped.

Rachel smile turned feral at the blonde's pleas. "Are you sure?" she asked as she pressed her mouth against soft flesh.

"Y...yessss," Quinn hissed as the brunette's tongue flicked her clit.

Rachel used her thumb to massage the blonde's clit as she moved to nibble at the inside of creamy thighs. "Are you really sure, Quinn?" Her mouth moved deftly over the soft terrain of silky skin before her tongue gently thrust into the blonde's opening as her fingers toyed with her clit.

Pale hands disappeared into dark hair and legs tightened their grip as Quinn's hips rocked involuntarily against Rachel's mouth. "I...I," Quinn's words were lost as sensation took over, but Rachel pulled away slowly.

"Ask me, Quinn. Tell me what you want." Tan fingers continued to flick and swirl against Quinn as she waited patiently for a response.

"Put your mouth on me, Rachel. Please." Quinn almost screamed. "I need you!"

Rachel was quick to acquiesce as she thrust her nimble tongue deep inside. She alternated deep thrusts with shallow licks trying to draw out Quinn's orgasm. The blonde was helpless to do anything but beg for release as Rachel teased her relentlessly. Incoherent words flowed from Quinn's mouth as sensation overtook her. "Rachel, please," Quinn begged.

Eager to push her that final distance, Rachel brought her fingers back into the fray as she began to suckle the blonde's clit and thrust inside her. A curl of her fingers and gentle nip of Quinn's clit sent the girl soaring. Her body arched and trembled before collapsing onto the bed. Rachel moved to embrace the exhausted girl, who was still shaking as she recovered from her climax, and grinned when Quinn curled into her and lifted swollen lips to hers before...

"Whatcha thinkin' about?" A soft voice shook Rachel out of her sensual reverie.

She gazed at the blonde adoringly before replying huskily, "I was thinking about our last night together and how much I love you."

Quinn blushed prettily before huffing, "I still have to pay you back for that. I could barely move the next day."

"I'm disappointed with you, Quinn. I thought that you were in good shape. Surely someone who trains for marathons wouldn't be sore after a weekend of hot se..." Quinn cut off Rachel's comment with a hand to her mouth.

Her eyes glittered with both arousal and mild irritation. "I train for running marathons, not sexual ones," she hissed quietly.

Rachel pulled the hand away from her mouth. Her eyes glittered as she teased Quinn, "Well, practice makes perfect. Pretty soon we'll be able to have that sex marathon without similar repercussions."

Quinn rolled her eyes goodnaturedly before giving Rachel a quick kiss. "I've created a monster."

Rachel hummed at the pressure of soft lips against her own before nodding her agreement. "You're right there with me, sweetheart." She squealed when Quinn tugged her onto her lap before nuzzling into her.

Quinn's voice was soft as she buried her nose in dark hair, "I've always been right here, sweetheart. I've been right here waiting and I'm so glad that you looked for me and gave me a chance." Rachel sighed contentedly and they stayed in each other's arms for the rest of the trip. Sometimes they traded soft kisses, but mostly they cuddled as the train continued its journey toward the city that brought them together.

A/N2: What did you think? I hope you enjoyed it as much as they did. I tried to bring Quinn full circle from the scared girl from early chapters to opening up fully for Rachel. Rate and review please.