AN: Here it is, the second part of the fight. And a little bit between Gobber and Fishlegs at the end. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The dog ate my ownership papers...

I'm sure I heard somewhere that if you didn't breathe for a long enough time you would start hallucinating, seeing things. Maybe I am seeing things, and am actually about to black out. I mean, it's not every day the weapons rack spontaneously combusts when I'm around. I know that it tends to happen to a lot of stuff when I'm nearby, maybe I've an aura of destruction. It would explain quite a lot, really.

Or I've been listening to Ruffnut and Tuffnut too much recently.

So what the heck happened? There is the obvious thing of the weapons rack being blown up, but how? Was it something the twins did? No, they look just as surprised as the others, even if it is hidden behind an awed expression. A dragon? I can only think of one type of dragon that could cause that kind of explosion, the Night Fury.

And I am pretty sure that he has no reason to be near here. Or destroying the weapons rack for no apparent reason. Of course, I could be missing something completely obvious like-

"Ooh, ooh, me next, me next. Shoot me!" Tuffnut ran in front of me and started jumping up and down.

"Yes, shoot him, please." Ruffnut cackled, trying to somehow make him an easier target.

Of course that obvious little thing I missed would be me. The Night Fury. Version 2.1. One more thing to add to my list of 'Things that I did not do intentionally, which somehow exploded'. At least it's not on the list of 'Things I accidentally burned down'. There's not much left to add to that one.

Besides, it's not like I planned to do that, contrary to what Tuffnut seems to think, with him maniacal grin, waiting to get blown up. I don't want to, though. I still want to avoid killing anyone, even though he would find some way to survive it. No, I would much rather hit Snotlout with one, but I'm not sure how that would go down with everyone else.

I grunted in annoyance from Tuffnuts antics, and used my tail to knock him away from me. Unfortunately, this had the effect of drawing everyones attention back to me. Before anyone could react, I slipped down the side of the group, planning to just get back to the cage and have it over and done with.

Before I could reach that safe haven, however, I saw Snotlout running at me from the corner of my eye. As he reached me, I flattened myself to the floor, ducking his clumsy blow. Rising, I pushed my head into his midsection, knocking the breath out of him and unintentionally flipping him over my head.

I started to continue on my path as he struggled to push himself up the wall. As he did so, I felt all my pent up emotions come to the foreground of my mind, wanting to be released.

I froze.

This would be the perfect time to do so. Moving quickly, I knocked Snotlouts shield off his arm, then pressed a paw to his chest, pinning him effortlessly to the wall. I saw the fear in his eyes, and a small part of me wanted to rip his face off, but I resisted. Killing him wouldn't solve my problems, it would only guarantee my own death. Besides, it's not like I could kill anything if I tried, my experience with the Night Fury showed that to me.

I started growling as I felt his desperate attempts to dislodge my paw, which further fuelled my emotions. And so I released them.

I let out a huge, wordless shout, feeling all the pressures of the last couple of days drain away into Snotlout's gaping face. As my roar faded away after a good dozen seconds, another sound replaced it. Apparently Snotlouts mouth wasn't hanging loosely. He was screaming.

I must tell you, there is not much better than hearing your own personal bully screaming like a little girl after years of torment. What isn't so good, when you have hearing that is very sensitive to loud, high-pitched noises.

It. Hurts.

Shuddering from the noise, I bashed his helmeted head against the wall and jumped off to the side. I waited for a moment for my vision to clear up again before looking back to where the others were standing. They all had their hands clamped over their ears, barely starting to recover as Snotlouts scream trailed off, some of them collapsed on the floor.

Fishlegs was the closest to me, and as he picked himself up off the floor he noticed my close proximity and froze. As it was obvious after a few moments that he wasn't prepared to try anything, I stepped back and continued to Stormfly's cage. I kept an eye on them though, but was pleased to note that nobody was in a position to continue.

Ruff and Tuff were both taunting Snotlout for squealing like a girl, Fishlegs was staring at me like he had never seen me before, and Astrid was standing in front of him defensively, waiting for me to make the first move.

And so I did. I opened the cage door. I moved to enter, but Stormfly was just standing there, blocking the way.

"Are you going to let me in or what?" I questioned her.

"Depends on whether you've actually finished with them or not." She answered vaguely.

"I think they're finished." I looked over my shoulder to see everyone as they were, panting heavily from the exertion. "I don't want to keep fighting them anyway. It's not good for my health." All the cuts and bruises I received announced their presence at that moment.

"Alright, but can I chase them around for-" Her eyes flicked behind me for a second "-DUCK!" I flattened myself to the floor and felt something whiz over my head. When it had passed I jumped up and put the cage behind me. Immediately, I spotted Snotlout lying on the floor. The next thing I noticed was that he was struggling to move. And then I realised that some of Stormfly's tail spines were pinning his clothes to the floor.

"As long as you don't hurt anyone too badly. Give them a scare if that's what you want" I answered her unfinished question.

I moved aside to let her out and lay down just inside the cage, listening to the shouts and sounds of exertion as Stormfly had her fun. After a few minutes, everything seemed to go quiet. I poked my head out to see what was happening.

I saw that both Astrid and Fishlegs had escaped the arena, albeit with a couple of new burns and bruises. Gobber was on the floor by them, apparently unconscious with a nasty looking bruise forming on his forehead. The twins were both hanging off the wall, pinned there by spines. Snotlout was also pinned to the wall, splayed out like a star, but looked considerably paler than the others.

I found out why fairly quickly. Stormfly had stationed herself around five metres away from him, and was flicking spines between his legs. One by his feet, then another a little higher, then another, and another. Snotlout flinched every time one hit the wall, until one came too close for comfort, causing him to faint.

Gales of laughter erupted from where the twins were hanging, and I saw Astrid poorly restraining a smirk as well.

"I'm not going to ask what happened here." I stated, before returning to the cage. She laughed and poked her head in.

"Aren't you going to clean yourself up?"

In the faint light I could see the small lines of blood trailing down my body. "I would love to, except I don't think dragons use baths like I would of." I replied dryly.

"I have no idea what a 'bath' is or what you do with it. But you don't need it now. Use your tongue like everyone else."

"What?" My brain could not understand what she meant by that, so I just stared at her.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. "Lick your wounds, stupid. Your saliva is the best thing for them, keeps it clean and heals it faster"

"Oh. I never knew that" I felt stupid after hearing such simple dragon logic.


Fishlegs P.O.V

Looking through the metal bars of the arena, I still have more questions than answers. Way more questions. And that fight gave me even more. It's obvious that it isn't an ordinary dragon, but as no-one's ever seen a Night Fury and survived before it's impossible for me to tell what is considered normal for it. There could be a chance that all Night Furies are like this one.

Although there is only a minute probability that the other Night Furies were originally human. But what if they were, and lost their minds? Will that happen to Hiccup? There were some moments during the fight that it acted like other dragons. But other times when it seemed more human.

Too many questions!

"Alright class, that's it for today. Dismissed!" Gobber dismissed us with barely a glance once we gathered outside the arena, and they happily took the opportunity to remove themselves from the area. I could hear Snotlout's painful attempts at flirting, followed by the painful smack of Astrid's fist hitting his face, again. There is a zero percent chance of them ever getting together.

I held back, and followed Gobber over the bridge. He seemed to be thinking about something, but one question that I had demanded answering, and only by Gobber himself.

"Gobber?" I asked, getting him out of his trance.

"Yes Fishlegs?" He didn't even glance at me when I called out to him.

"Sir, there's something I wanted to ask you." I said hesitantly.

"Go ahead." If anything, he sounded a little bored.

"Um, why did we face that dragon, out of all of them?" I asked timidly.

"It was a test, of course." His answer only confused me further.

"A test? But that was only the second dragon we've faced! He could have killed us! We don't know his shot limits, his speed, strength, or anything about him!" As my disbelief grew, my voice grew louder until I was on the verge of shouting.

"I know all of that, but that test wasn't for you kids. Besides, I could've got in and stopped it before it did any major harm."

"Then who was it for? The Night Fury?"

"Yes" I nearly dropped my hammer from his reply. After a few moments, I managed to speak again.


"To find out if it is the boy or the dragon that is in control."

"So you wanted to see whether it would act like a dragon or not" Realisation dawned upon me when Gobber explained his reasoning. "What have you decided?"

He shook his head "It's too early to be certain."

"But if you watched him more you could be?" An idea formed in my head after a few quiet moments. "What if I watched him? I could start putting information into the book of dragons, which could help us fight it, and if I watch what it does between fights I can see whether it is Hiccup or not."

He didn't decide immediately, but stopped and considered it. "Fine. I don't care much about the book of dragons, but do what you can. Just try to make sure it doesn't see you. That'll help us a lot more than if it knows we're watching it." He finished with a firm not, before turning to walk to the forge.

I decided to grab a notebook from my house, and then headed back to arena, grateful that neither Snotlout nor his noisy followers were around.

AN: So Fishlegs will meet Hiccup for the first time properly. About the remainder of the fight, just remember that they are absolutely exausted from what they've already done. The next chapter will be focusing mostly on the interaction between the two, but I'm wondering whether it's about time I brought Toothless into the story properly. If you have any ideas feel free to bring them out.