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Probably the last update of the year :( I have my exams in two weeks and then Christmas Holidays! Maybe I'll update then, but I wouldn't count on it. Hope you like the chapter though!

He popped into the motel room and watched bemused as Dean screamed like a little girl and Sam flinched back.

"Well hello, beaten and broken" Azrael said, raising an eyebrow. "What happened to you guys?"

"Demon" Sam said and Dean hushed him.

"Not surprised. Heard something about an angel from the demons. You know of them?" He walked towards Sam and vanished the thread he had been working into his skin.

"Hey!" Sam said, before Azrael healed the wound and the others on his body with two fingers to his skin. "Um… thanks" Sam said warily.

Azrael raised an eyebrow and walked to Dean: "Well?"

"We know of the girl that plays radio to the Angels, yes." Dean snarled before Azrael pressed fingers at him and healed his shoulder and wounds.

"I heard she was a fallen Angel, any idea where she might be?" Azrael asked. "Wonder if the Angels want her dead since she's a threat? I might have to reap her."

"We don't know. Ruby took her" Sam said.

"Great, give away all our secrets!" Dean snarled: "How do we know we can trust him." He held up his hands as Azrael turned to him: "No offence."

"None taken" Azrael said: "Because you don't. Know that is. I'm going to search for this angel and see you later. If you do happen to find her, I'll be following you to wherever that is." He disappeared.

"I can't believe we made it out of there" Dean said to Sam.

"Yeah" Sam said.

"I can't believe you made it out of anywhere alive" a cold voice spoke from the back of the Impala.

Dean drew the knife and jumped off the hood only to see Azrael standing there.

"Took you long to find us" Dean said.

"I was there when you set up my brothers against those Demons. I wished they had come later, than that little bitch would've been dead."

Dean shared a look with Sam, then turned towards Azrael: "Isn't she one of your sisters?"

"I don't call her my sister" Azrael said and sneered: "She believes she is so much better than us, while she could not be more wrong. Telling you she wanted emotions. What utter bullshit."

"Then why did she fall?" Sam asked.

"The murdering of five young angels" Azrael answered. "I was the first. After that, she didn't seem to be able to get enough of it. She was to be imprisoned but she cut out her own grace as to escape down to precious earth, where she could live as blasphemous as she could want. If anyone is going to lay that Angel to waist it will be me. You don't have to worry about that."

"But… but…" Sam stammered, unable to find the words. Had Anna really done all that?

"You are right in front of us, so you did not die" Dean said.

"I did" Azrael said: "I died, but my father refused to reap me so my soul went into babies that would otherwise be stillborn or miscarried. I was reborn and reborn until finally I became immortal once more and was contacted by one of my brothers. Oh, by the way, I have a task for you. There's been a guy who died in a locked house, might be one of your cases, right? Mind if I tag along?"

"Why would you want to?" Sam asked, surprised.

"You know. I didn't reap the guy, but I do have a job in the neighbourhood soon. Thought I might tag along." Azrael shrugged and smiled.

"You don't kill those people, do you?" Dean asked again.

"No, I reap them" Azrael smiled, he would leave the killing to the Winchesters. He would have to find Anael soon. She was going to die for what she did to him. It was not going to be fast, or painless.

Azrael was amused by the antics of the brothers. They were so busy with each other it seemed they had forgotten he was seated in the back of their car. He had gushed over the car when he had seen it, come on, it was an Impala. Normally he liked his cars a bit faster but this was also awesome. Dean had looked awfully proud of his car and had called it his 'baby'. Azrael had merely smirked.

Azrael flipped open his phone and called Gaby, one of his grandchildren. He did not remember what generation she was but he would have to use her help soon.

"Hi?" Gaby asked when she opened her phone.

"Gaby?" Azrael asked: "This is Uncle Harry, how are you, dear girl?"

"Uncle Harry! We haven't seen you in ages!" Gaby said: "Are you coming over for dinner soon?"

"Yes, perhaps" Azrael spoke: "Listen, darling, I need your help, think you can help me out?"

"What do you need my help for?" Gaby asked confused.

Azrael understood why she might ask that, she was the only one of their family who was a squib. Her parents and the others obviously hadn't cared and sent her off to muggle school, paid for all the expenses as they did with the others.

"You are still in the stone and quartz market, aren't you? I need some rare stones."

"I'll see what I can do" Gaby answered: "When can I expect you?"

"Umm, two weeks I think. You know money isn't a problem, don't you?" Azrael asked.

"Of course I know" Gaby answered: "See you in a fortnight, and you better stay for dinner!"

"I will, darling" Azrael answered: "Love you, bye!"

"Love you too! Bye!" Gaby answered before she hung up.

Azrael closed his phone and looked at the two hunters, who were staring at him. "What?"

"You seriously know humans and they call you uncle?" Dean asked incredulously.

"I am a father many times over, did I not say I was reborn as a human several times?" Azrael asked.

"You spawned kids? Are they some sort of half angels?" Dean asked.

"I'm not enough Angel to give it to them" Azrael answered: "Too much Death magic, which isn't hereditary. You shouldn't worry so much. Most of them are born with magic, though."

"Born with magic?" Sam asked: "Is that possible? I thought you could only get magic by the demons?"

"Oh no, there is an entire culture of witches and wizards out there, they mostly live apart from humans though, so I'm not surprised you don't know of them."

"What if we killed some of them by accident?" Sam asked Dean.

"Doubt it" Azrael answered: "And even if you did, you mostly go after murders, so they probably weren't very nice in the first place. There are good and bad witches and wizards, just like with humans. That shouldn't really surprise you. Anyway, you go check out the house and I'll go to the diner. I heard they have amazing bacon on their burgers here."

Dean spluttered as Azrael disappeared from the car. He wanted a burger too!

Thank you for reading! Please review!