Hello and after literally 2 years I am back with a final chapter. Please read the final author's note?

Armin opened his eyes groggily. Groaning, he rubbed his eyes. Did I wake up before my alarm again? He thought. Half-asleep, Armin glanced up at his clock. Where's the time...?

"Shit!" Armin cursed. His clock had died overnight. He was going to be so late! He threw off his bed sheets and quickly rose from his bed. He ran to the bathroom to hurriedly brush his teeth and his hair before changing into jeans and a light sweater. He stuffed his binders into his backpack and skipped down the stairs and out the door.


It was 8:05am and Armin was just walking into the front of the school. He was much later than he normally was and he ended up missing the bus. He rubbed his eyes tiredly, thinking this day can't possibly get any worse, when he bumped into someone and sent them flying to the floor.

"A-Annie!" Armin panicked. "I'm so sorry!"

The blonde girl looked up at him and glared until she realized who knocked her over. Her gaze softened, "It's alright."

Armin outstretched a hand to her and helped her up. "I should have looked where I was going, I'm so sorry!"

Annie rolled her eyes, but there was a faint trace of a smile upon her lips. "I said it was okay." She stood up on her feet and brushed herself off with her hands. She picked her bag up off the floor and swung it back over her shoulder. "Walk me to class?"

"We share the same homeroom."

"So you follow?"

Armin smiled at her and laughed, "Yeah," and turned around. "Let's get going then!"

They turned the corner of the hallway when something started blaring. A loud siren roared throughout the entire city. The two blonde's halted and looked at each other in confusion. "But," Armin started, "that's the alarm for—"


They looked down the hallway in a panic and gazed at their teacher. "SIR! THIS IS—"

The PA system screeched, forcing the two to cover their ears. Car horns blared from the parking lot. The ground had begun to shake. People had started to scream. Armin looked down at Annie with wide eyes full of panic and fear.


Armin and Annie both started to run towards their class, but the earth shook harder. The two teens stumbled and Armin had to catch Annie before she fell onto the ground again. There was a loud rumbling around him and he looked behind him cautiously. An enormous crack had started to get closer and closer to him and the blonde girl. Annie had glanced behind her and her eyes widened in alarm.


"Yeah, I know!"

The boy quickly tried to hoist her up but the tremors kept making them fall to their knees over and over again for support. Behind them, walls had started to shake and collapse. There were bloodcurdling screams coming from classrooms and the ceiling was falling in chunks.

"Annie—" Armin started.

Annie glared at him. "If you're going to say something just because we're about to die I swear to God, Armin!"

"FINE!" He yelled over the ruckus. With tears streaming hows his cheeks, he pulls the girl towards him and presses their lips together. It's hysteric and it felt rushed to him, but it also felt so right.

The last thing he felt was Annie grabbing the collar of his sweater in desperation and pressing her lips harder against his before the ceiling collapsed on them.

I am very sorry to say but this is the end. Completed. Done. You may be pissed off but truth be told I had absolutely no motivation for any Attack on Titan fanfics for the two years this story was on hiatus. I wanted to bring this to an end and I did in the most disappointing way possible.

Armin never found out about Annie's abusive father, Annie never kicked smoking, Annie's family life was never dived into more, and there was an entire chapter already written for 2 years with attempted suicide. Like the "self-harm" warning was in the beginning for a reason and there's no reason for it now because I mentioned a past thing I think once and that was it.

I'm pulling this out of my ass but this could be symbolic. Not everything can be resolved. Not everything has a happy ending. This was the result of that meaning. Take it as you will; sloppy writing, laziness, but I'm going with the meaningful part. Like, I'm in grade twelve now. So much has happened in two years and I'm more emotionally mature to believe in this more.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who actually followed this story to begin with all those years ago, and to the people who followed it even more recently with hopes that I would update. I'm very sorry that I could not update this anymore—I thought the anime would have had season 2 ages ago and I would get my groove back but it didn't—but I wouldn't have done this story justice if I had.

Thank you guys, it's been awesome :) y'all were so supportive.