A/N: My moderately long-time readers may remember a span not too long ago when I completely stopped updating for a few months with no warning. Well, this piece is sort of an explanation of that. It's rather watered-down as I can no longer understand just what was going through my head at the time (probably a good thing) but the gist is there. This may be completely uninteresting to read, but I felt the need to attempt writing it so don't mind me.

It wasn't a gradual thing, but nevertheless Merlin failed to notice the morning he woke up and no longer cared. The morning itself was completely unremarkable on the surface. Gaius called to wake him as usual, but rather than lie in bed and construct elaborate schemes to get him out of work for the day as per usual he simply rolled off the cot and dressed without thinking. The physician was surprised to see his ward appear so soon after being called, but didn't comment. Instead he handed Merlin the hunk of bread he typically ate on his way to the kitchens after getting up late.

"Would you like some porridge? You have the time to eat it."

A grunt was the only reply as the young man walked straight out into the corridor, pulling the door shut behind him. Gaius shook his head and tucked into his own breakfast.

Merlin made his way to the kitchens, only occasionally answering the many greetings he received with a vague nod of his head. The other servants thought nothing of it, assuming he was still half-asleep from getting up on time. Upon reaching his goal he picked up Arthur and Gwen's breakfasts, sliding his uneaten bread onto the king's plate- that glutton would never complain about receiving more food.

One perfunctory knock later and the servant was laying out the food- Guinevere was always ready and waiting- and dragging Arthur from bed with barely a word spoken. In almost no time at all the king was dressed and seated at the table, food still warm. Blond eyebrows furrowed in confusion.



"Have I done something to offend you?"

"Why would you think that, Sire?"

"Maybe because you just called me 'Sire' and have been behaving like a perfect silent servant- you've practically melted into the shadows!"

"Oh... sorry?" He stepped forward and tried to look more lively.

The royal couple exchanged a look before Guinevere took over.

"Merlin, have you had anything to eat today?"

"Of course," he answered without thinking, then realized he had lied. Oh well, no sense correcting it- she just wants to offer me food anyway and I've no need.

"You're welcome to more- we have plenty."

He smiled automatically, "I'm perfectly alright- Gaius made some porridge." Normally such an equivocation would be accompanied by a twinge of guilt, but this passed from his lips with no trouble.

Apparently satisfied for the moment, Gwen smiled in return and Arthur cleared his throat.

"Well, now that that's out of the way I'll need you to do the usual chores, Merlin- and make sure you're on time with lunch. Don't think you can be late with another meal just because you were on time with breakfast."

"Certainly," he nodded agreeably and quickly began setting the royal apartment to rights, oblivious to the eyes sneaking furtive glances at him.

He was giving Arthur's horse a good brushing when Gwaine waltzed into the stables, clearly up to no good. Spying his friend, he sidled up along side him.
"So, Merlin, care to join me in the tavern tonight?"

"Sure," he answered off-hand.

"It'll be a lot of fun- we're going to take bets on who can beat Percival in an arm wrestle and- did you just agree?"


Gwaine simply stood in shock for a moment before grinning hugely and clapping Merlin on the back.

"Good to hear! I knew I'd wear you down eventually- ha!" The knight practically did a jig on his way out, already singing tavern songs under his breath.

Once he was gone Merlin's hands stilled in their task. What did I just agree to? The tavern? Oh well, I'll worry about that later.

Evening came and Arthur dismissed him for the night with a surly "Get some sleep, Merlin, this infernal efficiency is driving me mad." Having nothing better to do he did just that, wandering back to his quarters and falling into bed to stare at the ceiling. Didn't I have something- right, the tavern. Hm.

Deciding it wasn't important he rolled over and blew out his candle, lying in darkness until sleep came.