A/N: I'm sorry I didn't stick to my promise of double chapter update, but I got one chapter out, and the second one will be by next Tuesday. I really need to get rid of my habit of procrastination.

One more thing. I realised I can't write fluffy romance, or just plain romance. I hope its fine though, because I'm more of the suicidal/angst/blood and gore writer (or at least I think so). I can't do kisses either. I find it… well, mushy. But for plot's sake, I have to.

Chapter Four

Leo fell.

Well, he did have to land. But... It was all just the grey stormy sea to catch him. Not a really good thing prospect to look forward to. He grasped onto the astrolabe tightly, the raindrops lashing against him and closed his eyes. Leo could feel the wind howling and whipping around him, and it was surprising to know that suddenly everything seemed so warm before he crashed.

Calypso was, very interestingly, gardening. In good mood, at that. She planted and watered them daily, sung to them and spoke to them.

Was she insane?

The immortal girl wasn't very sure. But she knew, she knew Leo was coming. He was somewhere, and he would come for her.

He would.

He would find her.

He promised her.

With this positive thought in mind, she went on with all her daily chores, dancing around on the balls of her feet, almost like as if she was floating. Calypso had changed back to her Greek dress, with a braided gold belt tied around her waist, a circle of assorted yellow and white little flowers on her head.

Leo will come for me. I'm sure he will.

Leo only woke up finding that he could still move.

He flexed his limbs, stood up and shook his body and found that he was fine.

Perfectly fine.

"Hey, I'm not dead, right? Charon, you there?"

"Leo?" A voice floated in from outside the room.

Room. Ogygia… Calypso?

"Calypso, is that you?" Leo ran out of the room, nearly bumping into the girl he had been searching for.

"Leo! You're fine!" she said, tacking said boy into a hug. "I almost thought you were never going to come for me. I thought you forgot about me."

"I won't." Leo pulled away, smiling at Calypso. "Do you want to get off the island soon? I still have the astrolabe and we could always make a raft like the previous time."

"I've already prepared a raft. With food and all."

Leo really couldn't wait to show Calypso the wonders of the modern world. He couldn't wait to really start a new and normal life with Calypso, opening Leo and Calypso's Garage and living the rest of his life with her.

It sounded good, really good.

"You wanna go now?"

There was a look of hesitation on Calypso's face. "I… I don't know."

"But hasn't it been your wish all along to leave this island?"

"It is, but… I, I just want to stay here a few more days. I'm afraid I won't be able to get used to the modern world. Maybe you could tell me more about it and maybe I'll have more of a mental preparation when I get there, you know," Calypso explained.

"I get you, Calypso, but the only way to get used to anything is to experience it yourself. But since it's your wish, I shall respect it. So… what do you want to know?"

They sat on the beach, staring at the night sky dotted with stars.

"That's the big dipper, and that's Gemini and over there is Cancer. And there's Leo," Calypso said, pointing to a group of stars. "You know there's a myth behind every of them?"

"What's Leo about? About the prediction of the awesome Leo Valdez who was going to exist?"

The immortal girl laughed. "Yes, it's about you, Leo. Actually no. It's in honour of the Nemean Lion which Hercules killed. It was put as one of the constellations by… Zeus."

"Ah. Okay. That's nice though. Though I never thought Hercules was any better than me, the awesome Super McShizzle!" Leo stood up, and posed with his hands on his hips.

"You're becoming Narcissus," Calypso says, po-faced.

"No, the Super McShizzle is much more awesome."

"You are Narcissus now."

"How dare you!" Leo says in mock shock, chasing after Calypso who had already gotten up.

It was one of the best days Calypso ever had. It wasn't just some silly one-sided crush that she had. It was a relationship in which both parties actually liked each other enough.

Just being with the other due to a pure liking to the other.

She couldn't say it was love. She was hurt by the so-called 'love' she believed in.

Though she wanted to believe in it.

Because she's found it.

Calypso paused in her tracks, and Leo couldn't stop in time, pushing them both to the ground.

"Hey, you remember that last kiss before I left the island?"


"Could… well, could I… you like kiss me again?"

"Leo." Calypso's voice turned a little serious, a slight shade deeper.

"Yeah 'kay, I get you. No kiss, right?"

"I didn't say anything about that." She pulls him in, and pecks his lips. It was a slightly unfamiliar sensation. It had been so long since she had kissed someone, and much less loved someone.

Or be loved by someone.


"What?" That's –"

"Be grateful, Leo. Furthermore, during then I didn't know if I'd ever see you again. No man ever comes to Ogygia twice."

Leo brushes Calypso's cinnamon hair away from her face. Something clear rolls out from the sides of her eyes, leaving a trail of moisture behind.

"Hey, Calypso, don't cry. I'm here, right?"

"No, it's just. I know you're here, I'm happy that you here. But…" the girl cuts herself off and wipes off the tears on her face. "Everything's fine, Leo. I'm just too happy to know that here again." She forces a smile, though her eyes told a totally different story.

Leo didn't want to read too much into whatever emotions Calypso had shown. He wanted to take a smile for a smile.

And worry and sadness for worry and sadness.

Leo sits up and rolls to Calypso's side.

"Is it alright if we leave tomorrow?"

"Anything would do, Leo. I think I've had enough of Ogygia."

"We'll leave tomorrow then. It's decided, Calypso. I can't wait." Leo rolls onto his side to face Calypso, his face lighting up with excitement and joy.

"Yes. I can't wait too."

But Calypso feared. She feared not for herself, but for Leo.

A/N: Yay! Chapter 4 is done! I hoped you guys like it (cos' I'm not exactly the best at writing romance. Hehe. I actually find it cheesy, and I hate cheesy. But oh well. I tried).