Last Chapter! About time right?!

I have a poll on my account page asking what story you guys want me to try and work on next :) go and vote!

I think my writing has improved a lot between when I first posted the first Chapter and now :D

Tell me what you thought of the story!

Forgive me for any spelling/grammar mistakes and for the shortness of the last Chapter!


Enjoy! :D

~3 days later~

The lump that laid under the huge pile of blankets groaned. It moved slightly before a forest green head popped out from underneath of them. Raphael blinked a couple of times as his eyes adjusted to his dark room. He took a deep breath and untangled himself from the mess of blankets; immediately becoming cold as he worked his way off of his hammock. He took shaky steps towards his door. The lair was quiet. Usually there was some type of noise going on; whether it be Leo training, or Donnie building or making something explode, or Mikey trying to bother someone or breaking something; the lair was never quiet.

But today it was.

The hinges squeaked as Raph opened the door. He poked his head out of his door and looked both ways before taking a wobbly step out of his room. The lights were on, so that meant it wasn't night, and everyone was awake… just being quiet…

The red-banded turtle furrowed his eye-ridges and took a deep breath before shakily making his way down the stairs. His eyes wandered to the wall clock that hung just above the kitchen doorway.

His eyes widened. It was the middle of the day! He had slept right through morning training! Raph ran over to the dojo; catching himself on the doorway of the dojo as he peered in. Nobody there. He growled slightly. He clung to the doorframe for a moment longer and then pushed himself off.

Raph sighed and went to the small hall closest that was in between the dojo and Don's lab. He pulled out the vacuum and went off to do his chore. He probably was already in deep water for missing training, he didn't want to get a lecture from Splinter for skipping his cleaning duty too. Raph untangled the cord of the vacuum and then plugged it into the wall.

"I already did that"

Raph stood up from plugging in the cord only to see his big brother, Leonardo. "What?"

"I already vacuumed." Leo said; crossing his arms.

Raph rolled his eyes and went to go unplug the machine. "If you wanted to switch chores, you could have asked me first" He stated; rewinding the extension cord. "What's your job this week? Dishes?"

"Already did that too" Leo responded.

Raph raised an eye ridges and rolled the vacuum back to the closet. "Ok, fine, what do you want?!" Now Raph was crossing his arms. He glared at his brother.

"I want you to rest." Leo said bluntly


"You heard me." Leo said "I want you to go back to bed and rest. I did your chore so you could do so."

"I have rested! I missed training so-"

"You were excused from training today" Leo stated.

"But I was excused yesterday!" Raph huffed.

"And you will be excused for the rest of the week. Or until Donnie gives you the ok… So you might be excused all of next week too." Leo closed his eyes and took a breath; calming himself down so he wouldn't end up yelling at his brother. "Now, I want you to go back up to bed and rest. I'll come and wake you up for dinner later."

"I'll go crazy resting and doing nothing for that long." Raph proclaimed.

"Not if you're sleeping." Leo reasoned "Now come on." He grabbed Raphael's hand and started to guide him over to the stairs that would lead up to his room. He was surprised when Raph didn't jerk out of his grasp and start yelling, but actually allowed Leo to guide him. 'Must be sicker than I thought…' Leo thought.

"You're a mother hen. You know that right?" Raph grumbled as he took his shaky steps up the stairs. "You're annoying and over protective! You don't know when to just let something slide! You can't accept the fact that we can take care of ourselves and don't always need help. You have to be 'Big Brother Leonardo' all the time; babying everyone you-"

Leo tuned him out as he led Raph over to his room. He gently helped the still rambling Raphael into bed and tucked him in.

Leo knelt down and kissed Raph's forehead. Raph's mouth stopped moving; ceasing his talking. He glared at Leo and wiped his forehead. "Don't ever do that again!" He grumbled; scrubbing his forehead again with his forearm. He turned to his side so his back was facing Leo.

"Love you Raphie" Leo said; putting a hand on Raph's shoulder and stroking it with his thumb; earning himself a groan from the sick turtle.

"Go away, you mother hen" Raph shot; his voice muffled from the pillow.

Leo chuckled. He turned and left; shutting the door quietly.

His family may see him as the irritating 'mother hen' of an older brother. But he just saw it as his job. It was all a part of protecting his precious baby brothers,

By being the... slightly annoying…

Big brother.