Disclaimer: All chapters bare the following disclaimer, all characters and places recognized belong to Tamora Pierce. The songs used for this story all belong to the band Muse.

AN: I was planning on waiting to post this story until I finished Out of the Pot and into the Fire, but it has been begging me to write it, so here it is, hope you like it. It will be 13 chapters (one chapter per song) and relatively short. If you are not familiar with the songs, please listen to them! Enjoy!

King Maggur's rule had been in place for years. At first all the people of Scanra praised the war chief. He showed leadership, brought peace to the land. He promised power and riches to those who would fight with him against those of the south. Tortall he said was wanting, waiting to devour their country. Turn the people into slaves.

Wake to see your true emancipation

Is a fantasy

Policies have risen up and overcome

The brave

But that was years ago. All of his promises, a quick war to overtake the evil country below, a better Scanra for the future of the children, it was slipping away. The dream replaced with the reality. The king was not using his men to help better their country; he was destroying all that the people cared for. Children were learning nothing but war.

Greatness dies, unsung and lost

Invisible to history

Embedded spies, brainwashing our

Children to be mean

There had been whispers from the remote corners of Scanra, all about the evils that were happening. Children missing. Villages deserted. But nothing bore fruit. All the news seemed to be rumors. King Maggur informed them that it was the Tortallans; they were trying to tear apart their country.

You don't have long

I am on to you

The time, it has come to destroy

Your supremacy

Finally the truth was coming out. King Maggur had the children take to his pet, they were turned into monsters. There would be no future for either country. All he wanted to do was empower and control those weaker than him. He cared not for the people under his rule. He was focused on his own greed. They were finally seeing his true colors. It was time for a new rule.

You don't have long

I am on to you

The time it has come to destroy

Your supremacy

The people would rise up against their king. His loyalists were still fighting Tortall. Preparing to finish their opposition. It was time to end the mad man's rule.