E/O Drabble Challenge

Challenge: A birthday drabble for WifeyMcWiferson. She wanted to see a Bobby-centric drabble using the words journal, panic, apple, and quilt plus include a bad dose of motion sickness in the mix.

Word Count: 300

Other players in the challenge are now too many to list here! There are lots of people playing in this Supernatural leaf pile. You can find the list of names at Enkidu07's profile page and/or OnyxMoonbeam's profile page. Also, to find all of the lovely drabbles, there's a sweet little C2 community out there to subscribe to and enjoy. You can find the link on their profile pages mentioned above.

Disclaimer: Neither the boys nor anything related to Supernatural belongs to me. I'm just having some fun with the boys, playing around with Eric Kripke's sandbox.


By: Vanessa Sgroi

Bobby clutched the two motion sick little boys to him and hurried into the house, feeling more than a touch of panic at the amount of vomit covering the youngsters. He laid them both out on the couch then quickly covered them with an old threadbare quilt. The boys moaned piteously, and Bobby felt his heart clench.

"There now," he gently rubbed their heads, "I gotcha and you're okay now, ya little idjits."

Dean's glazed eyes locked on him. "Did ya get her, Uncle Bobby? That mean old witch that was gonna cook Sammy in that big oven?"

"I got her, son. Don't you worry none. But later, after you boys get cleaned up, you and I are gonna have a long talk about you goin' after Sammy on yer own."

Dean blinked slowly. "Had to, Uncle Bobby."

Bobby watched as Sam burrowed closer to his brother and Dean's arms draped protectively around him.

"I know ya did, ya idjit. Now then, Hansel and Gretel..."

"I'm not-a girl, Unca Bobby!" squeaked Sam, blinking through his too-long bangs.

"Okay, fine. Now then, Hansel and Hansel, I'm gonna go get you some apple..."

"Pie? Apple pie?" A spark ignited in Dean's eyes.

Bobby snorted and ruefully shook his head. "Apple...sauce. It'll settle your stomachs. Then we'll get you cleaned up."

Despite his disappointment, Dean nodded tiredly. "S'pose applesauce will be okay."

Bobby ruffled the blond hair again. "Ya don't say."

Later, after cleaning up the boys and getting them re-settled on the couch to sleep, Bobby poured himself a scotch and sat down at his desk. He rubbed at his eyes, working to sort his emotions. Cracking open his journal, he began to record this latest hunt. He needed to get it all on paper before he made that call to John.