
Chapter 3

A/N I haven't updated for a while, and I'm really sorry! But homework and life and crap captured me and I wasn't able to escape their claws for a while. But I hope this makes up for it!


Remus pulled the baseball cap down low over his eyes as he watched another group of frantic fan girls sprint around Hogsmead, obviously looking for him. He glanced down at the book in his lap and closed it frowning, with his gig tonight he was to hyped up to read. He gulped down the last of his coffee and stood up, tucking the book under his armpit. He gritted his teeth, 'better face them sometime' he thought.

Reluctantly, he pulled the cap off his head and left it on the table. He didn't need it. It had been bugged by some creepy reporter anyway, he could spot her hiding in a bush opposite the café, he nodded at her as he passed.

Walking along this brightly lit path, while the sun still shone brightly in the sky and students were milling about everywhere, he was bound to get recognised.

He heard the shrill screaming before he seen them and he inwardly winced. 'It'll wear off soon? Yeah right Lily!'


"So, are you going to Lupin's gig tonight?" James asked casually, sitting on the edge of the crimson sofa Lily reclined on.

"No Potter, I'm his manager, but I'm just gonna stay here and do homework." She said, sarcasm colouring her words. James nervously ran his hand through his hair.

"Um yeah. Do-do you wanna, maybe come with me?" Noticing the look she fired him, he continued quickly, "I mean, you don't have to, if you don't want to, okay so, I'll just leave now."

The bespectacled boy stood up dejectedly and began to walk away when Lily piped up softly, "James! Wait!" He turned around, hope shining brightly in his eyes in a way which tugged against Lily's heartstrings, "Sure, I'll go with you, but I'll probably be backstage most of the time." James nodded happily and Lily turned back to her homework.

Walking away, James punched the air and silently screamed "Yes!"


Why Remus had such a big female fan base, Sirius didn't know. He wasn't some tween pop singer, wearing spandex (Sirius wished!) and singing about 'unicorns' and freaking 'bicycle rides into the sun'. No, Remus had electric guitars and now, watching him onstage he wore tight leather trousers (far better than spandex) and what used to be a white tanktop but was ripped so much that Remus's tan skin and abs (he's drooling, actually drooling) shone through.

He didn't sing about bicycles nor unicorns, he sung about 'Every bodies got a dark side' and Sirius's personal favourite because Remus was made to take off his shirt ("Pass me the camera, will you James?") MIKA's 'Grace Kelly'. He also did a few Fall Out Boy covers, and then proceeded to dim the lights.

Remus was sweating and panting, but he still managed to say into the microphone, "So this is one of my own songs guys, so dance with whoever you want, or by yourself. Just dance. I hope you like it!" He turned to the side and nodded at the musicians behind him.

The base started up, slow but thrumming throughout the large open space. Remus rocked his hips to the beat, gripping the microphone in his hands, he started to sing softly into the microphone.

'I want to love you
Trust me, I do
But I'm terror itself
Boy, I don't wanna hurt you

Do you see me?
When I tell you I'm a monster
Can you believe me?
There ain't no cure,

Your hard to resist
I'm not playing hard to get
Please forgive me Darlin'
Your hard to forget.

If I told you the truth
About the monster with me
You'd run for the hills
Can't you see

Don't get too close
Cus' baby I'll bite
I love you truly
But I'll put up a fight

So I'm not gonna tell
Darlin' I'm gonna lie' Remus was shouting now, his voice ringing throughout the room and people jumped and swayed to his words

"It's what I do baby
'Cus I don't wanna die'

Remus grinned wolfishly and flashed a wink.

"Baby I bite.
Baby I howl.
Baby run as quick as you can
'Cus I'm what goes bump in the night. '

Electric guitars rung heavily in Sirius's ears, He watched as fists pounded while Remus continued to sing heavily into the microphone, eyes closed, sweat pouring down his body. Sirius let himself be absorbed be absorbed in the music.

"I'm not exactly friendly
But I'll try and be kind
I'm not gonna lie
Baby I am what I find

So run baby
Run for the hills
Darlin this monster inside me
Can't keep still

Remus peered at the crowd through his mop of sweaty tawny hair, his amber eyes glinting with adrenaline. He couldn't see much apart from lights and everyone jumping and grinding. He almost swore he seen Lily dancing with James Potter. He caught a glimpse of Sirius, rooted to the spot, Remus caught his eye and grinned, he would sing the last words exactly to him.

'Baby I love you.
I swear it's true.
But the monster hates you
Can't promise what he'll do.

Sirius stared back at the boy in shock. This-this dancing, sweating freaking-hot man wasn't Remus Lupin, that dude was to shy even to talk to people, so why was this man using his name? And why was he staring right at him?

As Remus's words trailed off into the darkness, the crowd around Sirius erupted into whoops and cheers, he found himself yelling too, but more like he was watching from a distance. That-that was freaking amazing! Those words! That voice! The bass, the body, the pounding in his head!

Well, scratch that last one. The pounding in his head was nothing to be amazed about.

Remus was grinning at something at the audience, "Okay, so first things first, Hi! I'm Remus Lupin! Most of you have probably been to one of Ray Lucas's concerts, and, if you live under a rock, I'm Ray Lucas."

Most people laughed and Remus continued.

"So that song that I just sung, was 'Monster' which was written by myself. I hope you guys liked it. I have to go now, some interviews and photo shoots that I really don't want to do, but before I go I just want to congratulate two people. 1st, is Mr James something beginning with a C Potter. For finally snagging my dear friend Lily Evans! And 2nd, is Sirius Black! For looking so darn attractive!" Remus winked boldly, "But doesn't he always?"

Laughing, Remus waved and walked offstage while Sirius had a mental fan girl (it was too squeaky and shrill to be considered a fanboy). A lot of the crowd turned to him and was shrieking "OH MY GOD! REMUS LUPIN THINKS YOUR HOT!"

Sirius could only scream back "I KNOW! THATS SO AWESOME!"


"So, Remus, is there anything between you and Mr Black?" It was a reporter again, grinning as she took in the sweaty, adrenaline pumped teen.

He laughed, "Oh god no! I just thought he was attractive that's all!" He was still missing a shirt and he waved off the reporter as he stalked towards his dressing room.

He fought through the crowd of photographers, wondering how the hell they got backstage and slipped inside the door, he locked the door and leaned against it, breathing heavily.

Just what the fuck did he do? He hadn't meant too, it just sort off, happened? Yeah right, he did it because he loved how adorable it was to see the overly confident Sirius Black blush.

He grabbed his phone (god he hated that thing) and pulled on a white shirt, buttoning it quickly, he grabbed a black tie and a blazer. He dressed quickly and slipped out of the room. 'Don't think about it now' he berated himself, 'You've got interviews and photoshoots to do.'

Remus sighed, all he wanted to do was crawl into a nice hot warm bed.

A/N so what do you think? I'm quite proud of this!