A/N: THIS IS IT GUYS. LOVEBIRDS IS BACK. I don't really have much to say, except that this will mainly follow comic plotlines, and focus a lot on friendships. Don't worry. There will still be Lovebirds moments, but what's a story if it ONLY focuses on TWO characters when there are LOTS of awesome characters for the two main ones to bond with? ;) Without further ado, here's it is.

JUNE 24, 2011
03:24 PYT

I peeked through the glass window of the ceiling, careful not to be spotted. I activated the infrared of my mask and scanned the area below me.

No lasers; alright then.

I scanned the window to see if there were any alarms attached to it.

There were, so I pulled out a small pocket knife that was deadly enough, but it was only used to cut through glass. Just before the glass fell, I caught it swiftly, pulling it up with ease and setting it to the side.

I jumped down, my hair flying behind me and caught the arm of a large, twenty-foot tall statue and swung myself around its arm before hiding behind its head just as a security guard walked by. I held onto the top of its head tightly, careful not to fall.

When the security guard disappeared down the hallway of the museum, I let go, landing on my toes to not make a noise, bending my knes in the progress. I lowered my heels gently, and proceeded to walk through the museum, going for my target.

I heard footsteps as I walked down the hallways and launched myself up to the ceiling, grabbing onto another statue. The security guard walked past me, oblivious of my presence. I looked down at him through my mask, and he continued to walk up and down the hallway.

Really, now?

After his fifth run up and down the hallway, he finally left. I waited a few more seconds before heading off. I found my destination: the ancient artifacts room.

I scanned the room for any abnormalities and found what I was looking for. The floor was tiled by small black and white squares, but there was a specific combination to step on certain squares.

I walked forward in front of an artifact. I stepped on the combination I had deciphered, and a few seconds later, a secret passage opened beside the artifact.


I entered the room before the passageway closed. When it did, it was pitch black.

I activated the night-vision in my mask and continued to walk down the stairs.

Batman had sent me on this mission alone, because… well, let's face it: The Team is so not the ideal covert ops team. Plus, they were on another mission with details that were undisclosed to me because I left before Batman gave the assignment.

I soon saw lights as I approached the end of the stairs and hid quietly against the wall to avoid any detection.

A man in a lab coat walked past me, and that got my curiosity running. A lab coat? What were they doing down here?

I looked around for any cameras and noticed one a few feet away. Thankfully, the boxes I was hiding behind covered me. I pulled out my gun, taking out an EMP bullet. I found a perfect location to shoot the EMP and when I did, I fired without hesitation.

I skirted off quietly, still pressing myself against the walls and crates to avoid detection. Where was the computer?

I dropped onto all fours when I saw someone coming and began to crawl, hoping to avoid being spotted. It didn't help that this place was freaking bright and I was wearing pure black and dark blue.

As I was crawling though, something caught my eye and I froze.

The Jerusalem cricket, commonly known as the potato bug, crawled closer and closer to me. I ignored the shiver up my spine caused by the disgust of the gross creature. I grabbed my gun and whacked it away from me, right into the floor of the laboratory.

I heard a scientist shriek in shock as the creature of terror crawled around and used the chaos as an advantage.

I grinned to myself as I stood up, though still crouched lowly, and ran off, finding a computer.

I quickly found one and hooked it up to the monitor before dropping to my stomach to avoid any detection. Thank God they had so many boxes around here.

I hacked through the systems easily. There was no challenge at all.

I accessed all of their files with ease and once all of the file downloading was done, I unplugged my USB.


Now to get out of here without being detected.

"Intruder!" someone called and I froze. There was no way I was spotted. I peeked up and saw the scientists running around, before a green light shot from the entrance.


I recognized that green light.

Green Lantern?

I peeked out and indeed, there was a Green Lantern standing at the entrance, with a cocky smile on his face that reminded me of someone…

I observed him quietly. He was definitely a Green Lantern. The symbol on his chest and the ring on his finger said it all. But he had black hair that framed his strong cheekbones and he wore a mask.

The only Green Lantern I knew that wore a mask was Hal, but Hal had brown hair.

I noticed someone coming from behind Green Lantern and quickly pulled out a gun. I didn't know who he was, but I was pretty sure he was on my side.

… Hopefully.

If he wasn't, at least I had some experience fighting a Green Lantern.

I shot at the enemy that went after Green Lantern, and the attacker pulled back. Green Lantern also stopped in his attacks, and he looked at me.

"Hey! I was looking for you!" he exclaimed.

I blinked. "Pardon?" I inquired.

"Another intruder!" the scientists exclaimed, pushing a button. Why they didn't do that earlier, I will never know.

The room took up a red tint as an alarm flashed loudly. Crap. I hope nothing exploded.

Green Lantern ran towards me and grabbed my hand. "Let's go!" he called, pulling me through a different door, further into the laboratory we were in.

"Do you even know where you're going?" I exclaimed through all of the chaos. It was so loud I had to scream.

"Nope!" Green Lantern replied, beaming at me. A gear turned in my head, as I somewhat recognized that smile. I've seen it before… I tried to match a face to that smile, but I just couldn't.

I huffed and pulled back my hand, summoning up a map of the area I had downloaded. I scanned the blueprints quickly, trying to find the most efficient exit.

"This way," I said after a few seconds, taking off to the right.

"Wait up!" I heard before I heard a sound and the next thing I knew, Green Lantern was flying beside me as I ran.

I heard guns being launched and jumped quickly out of the way, swinging myself from the ceiling. I kicked down a door as I flew through it, never missing a beat.

"You're pretty good at this," Green Lantern commented, flying beside me.

"Years of practice," I replied easily. I jumped over a set of crates, before spotting the entrance to the stairs I was looking for.

I pushed open the door, running up the stairs as quickly as I could. "Do you think you can destroy the lower steps?" I asked, grabbing onto the railing as I turned so I wouldn't fall at my speed.

The Green Lantern by my side gave me a smirk before he blasted the lower steps, effectively disconnecting them from the railing. Good. Good. "Stay behind here until I give you the signal," I ordered.

I hoped he listened to me.

I pushed a door open as I reached the top of the staircase, and found myself inside the museum again. At once, I found around ten guns pointed at my face, cocked and ready to fire.

"Crap," I muttered, before raising my arms in defense. "GL?"

A green light shot out from behind me, knocking all of the security guards to the side. Green Lantern rejoined me by my side and he looked down at me. "How'd you know there were people waiting?"

"How wouldn't someone know?" I responded back.

I heard some shouting and multiple footsteps as shadows got larger and larger. Back-up was coming. Grreeaat.

I turned around so quickly, if I was someone else, I would've twisted my ankle. I darted off, with Green Lantern flying behind me. I ended up in the room I had entered from and looked at the guardian.

"Give me a boost?" I asked, pointing upwards.

Green Lantern nodded his head, flying right towards me. He picked me up easily, and I braced myself before we crashed through the window. He let me go, and I landed smoothly on the roof.

Some rapid firing appeared from belong me, shattering the glass. A shard cut my cheek as I turned to observe my surroundings, and my eyes widened.

Well, crap. Looks like there was going to be an explosion after all.

I took off, ignoring the fact that I was going to run right off the building.

And it was a damn good thing I decided to as well.

A stray bullet had hit the gas tanks I had spotted, and just as I launched myself off, the gas exploded from the bullet. The explosion hit my back, pushing me further into the air and my hair whipped around me insanely.

Before I could fall any further, a green platform appeared below me and I landed smoothly on it.

I let out a sigh of relief, and looked up at my savior.

Hal looked down at me, a smirk on his face. "So much for a covert mission, huh kid?"

I narrowed my eyes. "It was going pretty well until one of your guys appeared. Where is he, anyway?" I looked around for the new Green Lantern.

"Right here," a voice coughed out. "Thanks for the warning, by the way." The new Green Lantern flew towards me, coughing. He glared slightly at me and flew alongside me as Hal flew me towards the location where I parked my jet.

"Thought you saw already," I replied, looking at him. I then turned to Hal. "So, who is he?"

Hal gave me a grin. "Thought I'd follow in everyone else's footsteps and get myself a protégé too. Fal, meet Kyle, the newest Green Lantern."

"Hal!" Kyle complained. "What happened to secret identities?!"

Hal looked at his protégé. "What? She's bound to find out anyway. I can guarantee that in three hours, she'll have your full name, your address, your occupation, and what school you go to."

"… Wait… Kyle?" I gaped, looking at the Green Lantern. "As in Kyle Rayner?"

"… Or three seconds," Hal shrugged.

"How'd you know that?" Kyle gaped at me. "Talk about being the protégée of the World's Best Detective…"

Hal chuckled, placing me in front of my jet in the woods. I opened the door and entered, and the two Green Lanterns entered as well.

Hal peeled off his mask the second I closed the door and I turned to the two. I looked at Hal and then Kyle, before peeling off my own mask.

If Kyle was a cartoon character, his jaw would've dropped to the ground in shock. "No. Way," he gaped. "Verena?!"

"The one and only," I sang, looking at Kyle with an amused expression. "If you keep your mouth open any longer, flies… or worse, mosquitoes will fly in. And this is South America. You don't want that."

Kyle attempted to close his mouth multiple times, but his jaw kept dropping. "A– I– Bu– Wh– Huh– I–What the hell?" Then he mused. "Wait… would that make Dick–"

"Robin? Yeah," I nodded my head. "You'll be surprised how many heroes live right under your nose." I gave a cheeky grin to Kyle.

"Well, at least that explains how you know Verena," Kyle looked at his mentor. "Even if you are a test pilot. Of all the test pilots in the world, you get to personally meet Bruce Wayne and his wards."

Hal shrugged.

I let out a smile and asked, "So, Hal, is Kyle joining the Team?"

"Not yet," Hal replied. "John and I have been training this kid, but we don't think he's necessarily ready yet."

"Aw, c'mon, Hal. I'm totally ready!"

"You totally ruined the mission," Hal retorted. He looked at me, a bit wary. "Did he?"

I shrugged. "It could've gone a lot more smoothly, but… not really," I responded. I pulled out a microchip from the inside of my glove, showing it to Hal.

"See?!" Kyle exclaimed. "I'm so ready!"

"Maybe," Hal mused. "Anyway, wanna drop us off at the Cave?"

"Sure," I replied. "Just letting you know though, Kyle, Dick and my identities are a secret. You can't let anyone, not even the rest of the Team, know. I only told you 'cause it's a lot easier telling you flat out than hiding the secret from you. It sucked doing it for a whole year."

"Gotcha," Kyle told me.

I did an easy turn in the air, and flipped a couple of switches to connect me to the Cave. I flipped up the switch that allowed me to open the bay doors, and flew in easily.

I slipped my mask back on with one hand as I controlled the jet with the other with ease. Once we landed smoothly, I opened the doors.

I stepped down and saw Conner and M'gann in the hangar with Wolf and Sphere.

"Hi there, Falcon!" M'gann greeted me happily. "How was the mission?"

"I got some intel, but ran into a bit of trouble," I frowned.

"But you're a master at stealth," Conner said, looking at me, confused. "What happened?"

"My protégé happened," Hal's voice came as he descended from my jet with Kyle right behind him.

"Team, report to the Mission Room," Batman's voice echoed throughout the Cave. "An important announcement."

I quirked an eyebrow at Hal, who gave me a smile. "Scurry on," he told us.

"I don't scurry," I frowned.

"You'd make a cute meerkat though," Kyle grinned.

I rolled my eyes, but followed Conner, M'gann, and our Team pets out of the hangar. I made a few familiar turns down the hall, and ran into Garth and Tula on the way.

"Welcome back, Black Falcon," Tula smiled at me. Garth smiled and nodded his greeting.

"Thanks," I replied. "So everyone's here today?"

"Yeah," Garth nodded. "I think Wally was pulled out on a mission with Flash, but he's back."

I nodded to acknowledge what Garth had said before we entered the Mission Room. The others were already there, standing together and talking with each other.

"Fal!" Wally was the first to see me, and waved enthusiastically.

"Hey," I greeted everyone. I walked over to Batman and he held out his hand. I dropped off the microchip and reported, "There wasn't much information on Cadmus, but I did manage to get their next targets and deliveries. A few… complications arose and the building kind of… exploded."

"But we weren't there to mess it up," Wally pointed out. "Ow!" he cried out, and I turned to see him rubbing his abdomen, glaring down at his girlfriend. "What?!"

"We don't mess up every mission!"

"Actually, we do, girl," Rocket nodded in agreement. "But seriously, what happened?"

"That was uh… my fault," Kyle's voice came. "I kinda sorta got detected."

"How many Green Lanterns are there?" Zatanna asked, confused, looking at Kyle.

"There's no more than four on Earth," Hal assured. "But there's plenty more in the other planets and galaxies. Everyone, this is my protégé, Kyle. Kyle, this is the Team."

"What happened to secret IDs?" Kyle turned to look at his mentor.

Hal shrugged. "No one on the Team keeps a secret ID unless you're Batman's kids."

"Huh…" Kyle mused, looking around. "Oh, dude. Wally?!"

"Wait… I know that voice…" Wally mused. Kyle took off his mask. "Dude! Kyle!" He ran over to Kyle and they did their little bro-handshake thing. "You joining the Team?!"

"That's correct," Batman spoke. "Green Lantern will be joining the Team. The twelve of you will be split into two teams of six. Team Alpha will consist of Aqualad as leader, Rocket, Superboy, Miss Martian, Tempest, and Aquagirl. Team Beta will have Robin and Black Falcon as co-leaders, Kid Flash, Artemis, Zatanna, and Green Lantern. These teams are primary, but the roster can be changed to work well with the mission."

"Sweet!" Wally grinned, fist-pounding with Kyle.

"I never would've thought you were Batman…" Kyle mused, looking at my mentor.

"It's called a secret for a reason," Batman replied. "That's all." He looked at Hal, and the two Justice League members walked to the Zeta-Beam.

"Recognized: Batman: Zero-Two. Green Lantern: Zero-Five."

"I wonder what my designation is," Kyle mused out loud.

"It's probably B-One-Three, since I'm the last one," Tula said. She smiled kindly at Kyle and extended a hand. "Hi, I'm Aquagirl, but you can call me Tula."

"Tempest, but I'm Garth when not working," Garth introduced himself with a smile.

"I am Aqualad, but please, call me Kaldur," Kaldur greeted politely.

"I'm Zatanna! I don't really have a… superhero name," Zatanna gave a sheepish smile.

"The name's Rocket, but my real name's Raquel," Raquel smiled.

"I'm Artemis," Artemis explained. "I don't have a different alias either."

"My name's M'gann, but I go by Miss Martian on missions," M'gann introduced herself. "This is Conner, or Superboy." She gestured to her boyfriend.

Robin grinned at Kyle. "I'm Robin," he said, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"So no real names for either of you two?" Kyle asked, looking at me.

"Nope," Robin and I shook our heads. "Call me Falcon or Fal."

"You know each other?" Artemis asked, looking back and forth between Kyle and us. She looked at Kyle strangely. "You look familiar, but I can't remember where I've seen you…"

"Ever been in Manhattan?" Kyle arched a brow. "I live there. You might've seen me walking around?"

"Probably," Artemis agreed, nodding her head. I'm glad she didn't remember seeing Kyle at Dick's birthday party last year.

"How old are you?" Raquel asked curiously. "You look like you're Roy's age."

"Roy?" Kyle cocked a brow.

"Red Arrow," I explained.

"Roy… Roy Harper?" Kyle gaped. "What the… all you guys were superheroes?!" His eyes darted from Wally to Robin to me. "That," he started loudly, "… That actually explains a lot." He let out a sigh, now understanding why we sometimes abruptly left him.

"Meeting up in Manhattan at eight and not being tired?" Robin offered. Kyle nodded. "Yeah, we Zeta'd there."

"That makes a lot more sense," Kyle nodded his head. "Wow. I'm pretty dumb for falling for your guys' lies."

"You're taking this pretty easily for finding out we've been lying to you," I mused.

"Well, I can't really be mad since I know now, when I'm a hero too," Kyle said, looking at me. "And it's pretty cool. My best friends are Robin, Black Falcon, Red Arrow, and Kid Flash."

"Are we missing something here?" Raquel cocked her head to the side.

"And the secret life of Robin and Black Falcon makes an appearance! Bam! Cue confusion! What will happen next? Will the Team discover Robin and Black Falcon's true identities? Will–"

"Wally shut up?" Robin interrupted, looking up at his best friend with mild annoyance.

I let out a small giggle and Robin threw me a smirk. Wally, on the other hand, pouted. "You didn't have to be so mean," he almost whined, his green eyes getting exceptionally larger as he attempted a puppy dog pout. "I just wanted to try to be a narrator."

"Is it always like this?" Kyle quirked an eyebrow at Kaldur.

"Pretty much," the Atlantean nodded his head.

Raquel went to ask Kyle a question, and Robin reached forward to grab my hand. Without another word, we left the group, with Wally letting out a wolf-whistle behind us.

My face flush a bit at the insinuation, but I continued to let him drag me down a hallway. He quickly found the room that we shared in the Cave when we slept over, and the second the door was closed, he had me against the wall.

He buried his face in the crook of my neck and I tilted my neck so he could get closer to me.

"I missed you…" he muttered quietly, his voice causing a vibration to tickle my neck and down my spine. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, pulling me to him.

"I've only been gone for two days," I responded just as he pulled back. He reached forward, taking off my mask, and I did the same to him.

Steel blue met my own forest green and Dick smiled softly. "Two days is two days too long," he told me, reaching to cradle my face.

My heart rate increased dramatically at his words and I swooned. Ugh. I did end up becoming one of those girls. "You've gotta stop that," I warned him half-heartedly, my face slightly flushing.

Dick chuckled softly, and because of our close proximity, I felt his chest vibrate against my own. "I like what you do after I do that though."

Ugh. Of course he did. Instead of reply, I threw my arms around his neck, stood on my toes, and crashed his lips against my own, just like I always did when he took my breath away.

Our top lips stayed connected as we both pulled back to take a deep breath before my hands shot up to his hair, tangling the strands with my fingers. Dick pulled me flush against him, keeping his hands on the small of my back.

"I missed you," he sighed once we pulled apart. "I missed this. I missed us." He let out a heavy breath. "I'm glad you're back."

I smiled softly, leaning up to give him a swift peck. "I am too," I told him, before going in for another kiss.

A/N: Did any of you catch the last part of the story? :) Review, guys~ I will respond in the next chapter! :D