Chapter 1 : An unexpected turn

I do not own anything from Naruto or anything else.

Have fun! XxS-ChanxX

It was morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone. It wasn't pleasant at all, who the hell calls someone at 6 in the morning! "Sakura pick up your damn phone or I will kill you!" Karin, my slut sister yells at me. "Hello, who is this?" I said in a low sleepy voice. "Well it's about time you picked up your phone, let me guess you're still in bed?" "And what if I am its Saturday, why the hell are you calling me at 6 in the morning, and who the hell is this already!" "My, my you don't even remember me, I thought we we're friends? It's Ino, forehead! Oh and get dressed, it's Monday already! I'm outside your house get the hell here in 5 minutes or I'm leaving without you!" I looked at the screen of my phone, it read Monday 1 September, 6 am. "I'll be right there." I shut my phone and went to my closet, picked some clothes and put them on. Took my bag, said goodbye to no one in particular and went out the house. When I closed the door, I saw Ino waiting at the front. "You look terrible, oh well I can fix everything, here let me help you." Ino brushed my hair and did some make-up on my face. "Thanks." "No problem, come on let's get going." As Sakura and Ino walked to school they talked about what they did in the weekend because Sakura didn't had a clue. After a long talk and a sandwich Ino had with her, Sakura found out she went to a bar and got really drunk, her parents got so mad they wouldn't even talk to her. When they got to school it was only 7:20. Today they had to be early because it was the first day of school, and they needed to get their schedule for class and it was always hard to find your class on the first day. Sakura and Ino arrived at a huge line of people who were also waiting to get their schedule.

"Uh why is everything here so slow?" Ino said. "I don't know but, one thing I know for sure is that I'm not going to wait here for ages, I'll be right back." As I said that I walked straight to the person who caused this. A few of the people who stood in line waiting yelled at me to get back at the end of the row. I just ignored them and continued walking towards the office. I arrived at the office and I saw the secretary really busy, so I yelled:" Why the hell do we need to be so early when you can't work faster and we need to wait an hour to get our schedule!" "I'm sorry Miss Haruno but we are a bit short on staff people." "Ugh, Tsunade really needs to do her work better, here, let me help you." I jumped over the desk and put my bag down." Ino-pig get me a coffee I'm going to help Shizune with the schedules!" "With cream or sugar?" She yelled back. "No black is good." I heard a few people chuckle at me and Ino's little conversation and other people would cheer in delight." Oh thanks for your help Sakura." Shizune told me." No problem."

"Okay people, everyone be quiet, I want all of you to form a line for each grade starting with the freshman and ending with the seniors, you got that? Then let's get moving!" I yelled at the students. Everyone immediately started moving in a line. I took all of the schedules and sorted them quickly by grade. When I was done, I asked every time the students name and just handed his or her schedule. 30 minutes and a coffee later I was done and took my own schedule and went to class. In the classroom principal Tsunade was waiting for me. "Sakura Haruno, where have you been, class is already 10 minutes busy." She told me in a stern voice. "Helping Shizune, because someone doesn't do her job well enough." "I beg your pardon miss Haruno, you are not one to tell me how to do my job, now come on you are coming with me." "Where to." "To my office."

The whole walk to the principal's office was deadly silent. When she opened the door, the first thing I noticed were my parents sitting in the chairs in front of Tsunade's desk. "Mom, dad? What are you doing here? What's going on?" "You are getting transferred to another school." I was in such shock that I didn't say a word. "C'mon let's get going your car is waiting outside." My dad said. Anger was boiling through my veins. I knew I wouldn't win this battle, so I didn't argue about it.

Normal pov.

Sakura walked out of the office and out of the school, she saw her driver waiting for her. He opened the door and greeted her. Sakura didn't say a word and stepped inside. The driver closed the door and stepped inside in front of the car. They drove about an hour before they stopped in front of a huge building. "Is this the college I will be attending?" Sakura asked the driver. "Yes Miss Haruno, your clothes and other stuff will arrive this evening. He stepped out of the car and opened my door again for me to get out. "I'm really sorry this had to happen Miss Haruno." He said to Sakura with a sign of sadness in his voice. "It's not your fault Sebastian, you don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine." As Sakura said that she began walking towards the entrance of the building.

Sakura's pov.

I walked inside the building and want straight towards the secretariat. "Eumh, hello can someone help me." I said to no one in particular. "Why yes, wait Sakura? What are you doing here?" "I was going to ask the same thing, Shizune do you work here?" "Yeah, well Tsunade doesn't pay me a lot so I work here too, she knows that if you were wondering. Now what are you doing here?" "Yeah I transferred here, my parents are really mad at me and they transferred me over here." "Oh well okay, let me get your schedule." She gave me my schedule and I said thank you. "Well if you need someone to talk to, you can always come to me, oh and here is your key for your room." "What room?" "Oh you don't know? This school is a private school, you sleep here over night." "Oh god why me, oh well I'm of to class, thanks for everything." "No problem and good luck!"

Shizune's pov.

I wonder if Sakura knows that she is the only girl on this school. Oh well she'll be all right I guess.

Normal pov.

Sakura walked around in the huge school for about an hour until she found her class. She nocked at the door and waited for an answer. "Come in." A stern voice said. The pink haired girl opened the door and stepped inside.

Sakura's pov.

I stepped inside the classroom and the first thing I notice is a classroom full of guys. "Oh you must be the new student?" The guy, probably the teacher said. "Y-yes, I'm Sakura." "Well Sakura, I'm Kakashi, but you can call me Kakashi-sensei, welcome to biology, I guess you just arrived at this school?" "Yeah, this morning I was still at my old school." "Well it's good to see a new face, you can sit wherever you want." I took a seat right next to the door. "Heeeeeeeeelloooooooooo, MY NAME IS NARUTO UZIMAKI, NICE TO MEET YOU!" The boy next to me yelled. "Hi I'm Sakura Haruno nice to meet you too, and could you please not yell in my ear." "How troublesome, I'm Shikamaru by the way." The boy next to Naruto said." Oh that's right, does anyone have any questions for Sakura?" Kakashi-sensei said. As he said that, the whole class waved their hands in the air to be picked. 'Oh god why did he say that?' I thought. A boy with brown hair yelled: "will you go out with me?" "NO, go out with me!" Another boy yelled. I started to feel dizzy and my face began looking pale. "Kakashi-sensei can I go to the nurse, I don't feel so well." I asked Kakashi. "Yeah sure, do you need someone to come with you?" The whole class was now screaming PICK ME! "No, I can go on my own." "Ok, you can go." I picked up my bag and stepped outside the classroom. 'Damn I don't know where the nurse is? But one thing for sure, I'm not going back in that hellhole.' I thought. "I guess I'll just ask shizune." I spoke to no one in particular.

Normal pov.

Sakura walked towards the office where Shizune is, but when she was almost there, only 2 hallways left to go, she collapsed.

Sakura's pov.

I was walking and all of a sudden my sight went blurry and I got really hot, my legs are shaking and I breathed really heavy. Then I let out a weak groan and I just collapsed.

Itachi's pov.

I was walking through the hall on my way to the student council when I heard someone groan, it sounded like a girl so I walked in the direction of the sound. A moment later I heard a loud smack against the floor, so I started running towards it. I ended up seeing a girl collapsed on the floor breathing heavily and really pale. 'Why is there a girl here?' I thought. I picked her up bridal style and took her with me.

Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Okay so this is chapter 1. Where will Itachi bring Sakura and what will happen?

XxS-ChanxX out