Tsukino Beryl


By Pizzigri

Author's notes.

I am just having a bit of fun with this one. Please note that I am not a native English speaker, I am Italian, and as such, I find myself comfortable in writing in present tense (which I regularly mess up… oh, well).

I really hope you enjoy the story and do not forget to… REVIEW! PLEASE!

Disclaimer:Sailor Moon and all charachters © copyright Naoko Takeuchi and her publisher and distributors worldwide. No copyright infringement intended.


All is lost.

Almost all of her guard - the Inner Senshi - fallen, her only daughter and heir, dead impaled on Endymion's blade, unable to bear the pain caused by the loss of that damned Terran Prince.

Venus lies, last of the Senshi still alive, crumpled in absolute grief and confusion over her Princess' lifeless body, unable to comprehend her extreme and last act, unable to mercifully remove Endymion's sword from the young girl's chest, not even to defend herself from the approaching horde of Youma, to prevent her own end at Kunzite's hand.

Her most trusted friend Pluto removed herself from this plane of existence minutes before the Fall, stepping aside of the timestream, sentencing herself to guard the Time Gates; the Queen is truly alone now, with no one standing at her side.

She can only watch in horror as the Alignment plays itself out, and in a terrifying Domino effect, as the magic supported environments on each planet collapse, erasing all life in the Solar System.

A mass sacrifice of billions upon billions of sentient beings, their life energy siphoned to fuel the release of the Great Evil Metalia from her prison, the Sun.

Serenity stands tall, facing the whole of Beryl's army.

The redheaded woman smirks, the twisted Shitennou at her sides, their hands and uniforms red with blood.

Beryl… once an innocent girl, naïve and kind, but carrying a taint since birth, being the fruit not of love but hate, conceived because of violence and rape. To add shame to the Queen, the child's father was a Moon Kingdom soldier, that pillaged and raped during a campaign on Earth.

Beryl… a fertile mind, easy to suggest, to delude… to transform into the perfect pawn for Evil.

Ultimate Evil, Metalia, now free.

Metalia slowly materializes above the redheaded woman, in the form of a shapeless black cloud with a pair of glowing spots, grotesquely similar to eyes.

Beryl shrieks in pain and falls to her knees, as the entity suddenly streams in her body; her skin turns a sickly shade of green and her hair grows incredibly long and turns blue, while her eyes shine a malevolent red.

Serenity feels Beryl's corrupted conscience die within her body, replaced by Metalia. The redheaded woman's very soul disintegrates, leaving behind only a lifetime of memories.

The Ginzuishou shines brightly, hovering above the Moon Queen's outstretched hands.

Beholding the Silver Crystal, Metalia pauses, but in an instant regains confidence and smiles wickedly.

"Oh Mighty Queen, I'm calling your bluff: the Crystal's power has been depleted by thousands of years of sustaining the Solar System's planetary life. It is not enough to destroy us!"

"The forces of Evil will not prevail!" With these words, the Moon Queen gathers her power. "There's no need to destroy you and yours. I will seal all of you forever in an isolated dimension!"

In an instant, Serenity unleashes a blast of immense energy. Metalia screams in terror as the light engulfs everything.

The light fades, leaving Metalia still screaming shrilly. The Demon stops, patting and checking her body, surprised to still be on the surface of the moon, unceremoniously sitting on her butt. She looks down, to Serenity's figure sprawled face down on the ground, her left foot still over the rock over which she tripped, the right leg comically raised up, her outstretched hands pointing away from the evil entity. The Shitennou and the whole Youma Army are gone, presumably sealed in a pocket dimension.

Metalia actually gulps out, "You… Tripped?"

Recovering from her momentary incredulity, Metalia stands, smoothing her very revealing dress, muttering to herself, "I can't believe the rumors on the bitches' gaucherie are actually true…", and smiling horribly, raises her hand, a black fire enveloping it. "Be what it be, Serenity, you don't have any power left. Die"

Serenity, now on her knees, despairs, knowing that nothing short of a miracle could stop Metalia, and it is with wonder and joy that she feels an immense power surging within her. Well, actually, behind her…

"Silence wall."

A dome of dark violet energy envelopes a very surprised Metalia, confining her in an unbreakable prison. The Demon uselessly casts immense amounts of evil energy against the translucent shield, her rage twisting her already horrible features in a grotesque mask.

The Queen of the Silver Millennium turns slowly, to see a Senshi she never, ever believed she would live to behold.

Her uniform has purple and white as dominant colors, her dark hair is short and she looks incredibly young, only a child, maybe twelve years old. But her violet eyes are deeper than Time itself, and a crackling aura of immense Power surrounds her.

Unable to speak, Serenity suddenly notices that every sound simply ceased to be, as the Child of Ruin whispers, her words clear to everyone, no matter how near or distant.

"I am Saturn, Senshi of Death, destroyer of worlds, and I have awakened to bring forth the Silence."

With a flash of purple light, a Glaive appears in her lithe hands. Serenity closes her eyes, realizing time has indeed run out. A plan forms in her mind, and knowing she has but instants before everything ends, the last Queen of the Moon holds the Ginzuishou above her heart.

Using her very own lifeforce, Serenity formulates a wish, gathering the souls of her daughter, her Senshi, the Earth Prince's and sending them forward in time, thousands upon thousands of years in the future, to be reincarnated. Her most trusted Mau advisors are already deep asleep in a capsule on Earth, where life and civilization will start anew; they will wake at the Princess' rebirth.

Her last thoughts of pity are, oddly, for Beryl, whose soul is beyond salvation and irrevocably lost, but of which a trace still lingers over the battlefield, lost and forsaken.

The Crystal flickers once more and becomes gray and dull, as the majestic figure of the Queen slowly crumples upon itself.

Without a word, Saturn steps in front of a frozen Metalia, and calmly allows her Glaive's blade to fall towards the ground at her feet, and in a deafening Silence, everything turns white.


The Dark Dimension. Present day

Three men, clad in grey uniforms with golden buttons, resignedly sit around a circular table, set in an expansive hall bleakly illuminated by torches, candles and a quite eerie luminescence that seems to be emitted by the distant ceiling. The hall appears to be carved out of a granite mountain, and it's so coarse that it gives the impression of a colossal cave.

A fourth man, very tall with steel grey eyes and a striking mane of silver hair that falls straight down his back, approaches the table, emerging silently from the dark.

Piercing the other men's eyes with his icy glare, the man sighs loudly and clears his throat.

"Nephrite, Jadeite, Zoicite. Damburite died a couple hours ago, by the hand of Sailor V", the tall man states.

Jadeite, a very well built man with somewhat short blond hair and intense blue eyes comments drily, leaning back against his chair. "Figures. We should have rid ourselves of him, years back. He was the only one of us that joined Beryl and Metalia of his own will, we should have never relied on him for the Agency's operation."

"We all know that we had no choice in the matter, Jade," Nephrite, a tall man with long, wavy brown hair and chestnut-brown eyes interjects.

"We had no choice at the time," Zoicite, the youngest, with a boyish face framed by wavy blonde hair tied back in a ponytail and soft green eyes, replies. "since he was the only one that had access to a dimensional wormhole to gain access to Earth."

The tall man with silver hair unperceptively nods at Zoicite's statement, but remains silent.

"But, he had a personal agenda. His drive was lust, and he never reasoned with his mind, rather with his loins. His final goal was not finding a way to free all of us from this prison, but stick his nose up Sailor V's skirt and get inside her panties. V has an uncanny resemblance to Venus, too, don't you think so, oh Fearless Leader?" Nephrite spits out, glaring back at the tall man that spoke first.

He slowly and levelly states "Sailor V is only a pale imitation of Princess Serenity's Senshi of Venus. Although undoubtedly a former denizen of the Moon Kingdom, as her attire attests, she probably is one of the lesser Senshi, a coward that somehow managed to survive in a stranded escape capsule, and awakened to usurp and sully Her name."

"Kunzite, no one of us ever saw "V" in person. We have only Damburite's recounts, a few shaky still images and even less video tapes in which she blurrily appears for a handful of frames. We cannot estimate her actual strength, and it seem that she did singlehandedly beat Damburite." Zoicite, always the analytical strategist, comments.

"Please, Zoi. If my memory serves me correctly, in the Silver Millenium Damburite was a low ranking Venusian foot soldier traitor that had as much power as I had in my pinky at the time - and Sailor V still struggled with him for over a year. I second Kunzite, V cannot be the Senshi of Venus. Besides if she really is Venus, what happened to the others? Where is Jupiter, Mercury?" Jadeite heatedly debates, and somberly adds, almost as an afterthought, "where is Mars?"

Nephrite sadly leans back on his chair. "The whole point is moot, my brothers. It does not matter whether "V" is Venus or not, we are still stranded in this hellhole, and now we're unable to harvest stolen human life force to both return human and break free. Damburite failed, taking the secret to the wormhole coordinates with him and all our operations in London are thus forfeit."

Jadeite rolls his eyes, his arms crossed over his chest,. "Nephrite, Nephrite, Nephrite… even if we did break free, what would have we accomplished? Sure, with Metalia gone, we are again ourselves, at least in our minds. But our bodies aren't completely human anymore, our Prince is long dead, we each killed our lover with the most atrocious of betrayals, and thousands upon thousands of years have since passed. We have nothing outside of here. No one waiting for us, and, frankly even if the Senshi were alive, I sincerely doubt they would welcome us back with open arms."

"Shitennou. We all felt Queen Serenity perform a great spell, moments after we were sealed. She had her court, her daughter, and- and Prince Endymion, our Prince - sent to the future, to be reincarnated on Earth." Kunzite pauses, before continuing.

"I felt our Prince's birth, in my dreams through Elysion. Helios managed to slip through this knowledge, and this is the true reason I awakened you all from your sleep. He is reason enough to return, he needs us. Even if it was to allow him to take our lives in revenge for our sins."

After a moment of utter and complete silence, Jadeite slowly asks, his eyes burning with ill hidden rage, "Why did you keep this knowledge from us? And why tell us this now, once all hope to escape has died with Damburite's death?"

Kunzite turns to the youngest Shitennou.


With a grin, the boyish General stands to announce "I have managed to trace another wormhole, that we can effectively use to create portals to Earth, that is entirely under our control. We have anew a means to harvest energy, and a possibility to escape!"

Jadeite and Nephrite both stand and shout over each other. Kunzite rises his left hand, silencing the room. Then he nods towards Nephrite. The tall General asks, with some trepidation, "Where on Earth does the wormhole lead to?"

Zoicite, his smile actually reaching his eyes for once, answers.

"Tokyo, Japan."


Tokyo, Japan

Fourteen year old Usagi Tsukino runs as usual late for her Junior high school class, hugging tightly her bookcase to her bosom, her golden locks trailing behind her. People in the way of the lithe girl on the sidewalk hastily move aside, knowing well that her deceptively small frame packs a helluva punch should she accidentally collide with someone… a much more frequent event than anyone would reasonably suspect.

In her rush, Usagi fails to note a small black cat with a band aid placed on its forehead in her way, stepping on its tail and tripping over the cat's body, ruinously falling against a group of garbage cans.

Moaning and holding her hurting forehead in her hands, she takes a brief glance to the pained cat wriggling on the ground.

Oh my God, Usagi panickedly thinks, I've killed the poor thing!

Sprawled on the ground, staring guiltily at the cat, Usagi wails desperately. The black cat shakily stands up from the ground, distressed from the girl's Banshee like cries.

Noticing that the cat is, indeed, still alive, Usagi approaches it. "Aww my goodness, kitty, I really thought I had killed you! What is that thing on your head? A band-aid?!"

Without thinking, the young girl removes the adhesive strip form the cat's head, exposing a quarter moon symbol. Usagi tenses instantly, as a spark jolts from the cat's symbol and her fingers. Mixed feelings flood her mind, both of intense hate and deep affection for the small black cat. Confused, the cat takes a long, intense glare at Usagi, then swiftly jumps away, and disappears in an alley.

Usagi shakes herself from the daze the emotional turmoil gave her.

"W-what am I doing? I'm late! Aaaargh, I'm going to get detention… again!"

Later on, her homeroom teacher, Mrs. Haruna, hands Usagi the failed results of her Math test. Way below average, the young girl cannot help feeling depressed, as her only friends and classmates, Naru and Gurio, try in their own way to console her, without much success. That is, until Naru, a cute redhead with wavy hair that Usagi considers her best friend, manages to convince the dejected young girl to visit her mom's jewelry store, the Osa-P, which is having a clearance sale. The store is overcrowded with customers, and Usagi is unable to purchase anything, despite the fact that every item in the store is priced at 90% less of retail.

Feeling even more miserable, Usagi leaves the Osa-P store and heads home. The young girl cannot help thinking about the reaction her parents will have once she hands over the test; in a fit of rage, Usagi crumples the test paper and throws it, growling, behind her. The balled up test hits the head of a very handsome young man.

"Watch it, meatball head!"

Turning on the man's exclamation, Usagi glares at his smirking face reading the test paper.

"A 30%? What are you, stupid, or incredibly lazy?"

The man removes his shades and flashes his midnight blue eyes directly in Usagi's cerulean blue pupils.

"Give that back! I… ulp."

Usagi's eyes shine with a red glow for an instant, and suddenly she falls to her knees, her mouth open.

"H-hey, are you all right…?"

In an instant, faster than the eye could follow, the blonde girl is all over the young man.

"Oh my GAWD! You're soooo- GORGEOUS! Please, let me be your girlfriend!"

"What!? Hey! Let go, take your hands off me!"

The handsome young man tries to pry Usagi's hands off his legs, only to have her glomp him and try to smother his face with kisses. He finally manages to break free from Usagi's attention, and while she falls on her rump, the man leaps away in a desperate dash, disappearing around a corner.

"My God, he's a HUNK! I never felt like this, he makes me feel all tingly inside… Wow!", Usagi exclaims with a stupid grin on her face, before somewhat recovering and pulling herself together.

Meanwhile, inside the Osa-P jewel store, Naru discovers that whom she believed to be her mother is not what she seems, turning into a monster – a Youma - as all the customers around her start falling to the floor, drained of their lifeforce energy.

The Youma channels all the stolen energy into a siphoning portal leading to the pocket dimension in which a very happy Jadeite awaits, in front of a glowing storage orb. "I can't believe it! It's working, we're finally receiving energy!"

Zoisite smiles widely, "I told you brother, we've done it! In a week we'll be able to heal our bodies and break free!"

"Jadeite. Did you instruct Morga to not permanently harm the human beings we are stealing the energy from?", Kunzite somberly asks.

"What a spoilsport. Of course I did, now relax, o Mighty Leader."

Only a block away from the Osa-P store, Usagi feels a terrifying jolt of electricity, in the same moment that the lifeforce flows through the portal. A painful tidal wave of very confusing images, sounds and feelings course within her mind, and for the second time within minutes, she's forced to her knees, but before the young girl can even try to understand what is going on, a scream of help rouses her: Naru! She's in trouble! Recognizing the voice, Usagi shrugs off the pain, jumps to her feet, and heads back running towards the jewel store.

Usagi effortlessly kicks open the locked doors of the store. She finds the Youma strangling Naru, and immediately orders it to let her go.

The Youma turns her head to glare with dead black eyes at the young girl.

"And who are you?"

Usagi recognizes the Youma.

"Morga! What the hell, don't you recognize your master?"

Startled, the Youma allows an unconscious Naru to fall to the ground, and turns all her attention to the young girl.

"What? How do you know my name! It doesn't matter; my children! Rise and subdue her!"

All the drained customers awake and gingerly stand, moving like zombies.

Morga tries to attack Usagi using impossibly long arms… which impact and are stopped by a form of invisible shield in front of a quite pissed Usagi.

"Morga, you dare defy me. You dare rise your hand against your Queen! I cannot allow such insolence. Die!"

A bolt of blinding energy explodes from Usagi's outstretched hand, engulfing both the Youma and all of the controlled customers. Morga finds herself cut to ribbons. An instant later, the Youma turns to dust… and a rose embeds itself in the ground in front of Usagi.

"I am Tuxedo Mask! Warrior of love and Justice, find into yourself the strength… uh… where's the Youma?"

A very handsome young man, very appropriately wearing a tuxedo and a mask, announces grandly from a window.

The young girl looks disgusted, and states, "Roses as a weapon? Selene be damned. You can't be for real, can you?"

"I… uh…"

"Scram, before I fry your underwear, Tuxedo Creep."

"But… but…"

Usagi's hair start to eerily float around, energy crackles around her, and her eyes flash blood red. A chilling wind picks up in the store.

"Maybe I have not explained myself clearly enough."

An instant later, Tuxedo Mask conveniently vanishes, while Usagi turns her attention to the traces of the dimensional portal, still lingering in the air.

The memories that flooded her consciousness only minutes ago, all come back to her; violence, destruction, an interplanetary war. The image of a frail, crying blonde girl with her same hairstyle, impaling herself on a sword in front of her, a beautiful man clad in a blued suit of armor lying in a pool of blood at her feet, and horrible monsters surrounding them…

Darkness wraps the young girl's body, as a black void opens behind her. She allows herself to fall back, the void swallowing her.

Jadeite watches as the flow of energy suddenly stops.

"W-What happened?"

"Morga died!", Zoicite cries, while both Kunzite and Nephrite rush in the room.

"How the hell that happened? Is Sailor V in Japan!?"

"Last I checked, she's still in Great Britain… but…"

Abruptly, all four men freeze, a dark power sweeping the room, an invisible wind chilling everyone to the bone, as all the Shitennou feel a tug to their souls, a dreaded bond reforming and desperation filling their hearts.

"No… This can't be true…", Zoicite whispers, clenching his jaw, a lone tear falling from his left eye.


As one, they beeline out of the room, heading silently towards the Throne Hall of the Dark Kingdom.

Entering in a place sealed and abandoned for millennia, they find a blonde girl with her hair tied in a twin Odango style ponytail falling down her back, and clad in what looks like a ball style long dress in black occupying a grisly and tall throne standing in the very center of the huge hall.

"My Generals, bow before your Queen."

Her eyes glowing an evil red, the girl elegantly rises and starts gracefully walking down the stairs, as the Shitennou fall down to a knee and bow their heads in fear.

"You will noaaaAAAAHH!" Her deep voice turns to a squeal as her foot trips into the helm of her long gown, and she crumples down in an impossible tangle of legs and arms awkwardly rolling over the last three steps.

The Shitennou watch in morbid fascination the display of utter clumsiness.

The young girl who claimed to be the terrifying Queen Beryl now sits wailing on the floor, her eyes turned the most beautiful cerulean blue, tears streaking her face, her lower lip trembling and her expression the cutest pout ever seen, looking with worry at her leg:

"Waaahhh! I scraped my knee!"


Uh, well. let me know what you think of it. Kudos to the totally idiotic fan fiction dot net automagicalformatting, which now removes any attempt to insert spaces to pause reading. Which in turn forces poor guys like me to insert ridiculous things like a "break"to space things a bit!