Disclaimer: Alas, I own nothing.

Katie-Kat1129: the answer to your question is revealed in this chapter so...enjoy.
kara-hime24: sorry to trick you but it's not a one-shot. Japan is always up to something. O.o
harmlessmelody37: yes, I am continuing it. Also, thank you.
raykel455: here's the next chapter. Now you know what happens. Hope you like it. Love you babe.

Germany stepped out of the room as he heard Japan approach. Japan held up a tray of leek soup and smiled. Germany internally cringed at the meal and felt sorry for little Italy.

"I'll take it to him." Germany held out his hands to take the tray but Japan snatched it back. "I won't take credit for it." Germany snorted.

"I want to give it to him." Japan said.

"Japan." Germany sighed. The little Asian was not wavering. "I want to be alone with him because when you're with him it makes me jealous." Germany said.

"Jealous?" Japan asked.

"Yes." Germany cringed. He was going to make him say it. "I like him ok?" Germany said. "I love him." He sighed.

"Really Germany?" Italy asked. Germany spun around to find Italy standing there in the doorway. He was still in his boxers and wrapped a blanket around him. He felt his face burn as a blush covered it and he sputtered.

"Here" Japan pushed the tray of soup into Italy's hands and scurried off. Germany just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Why are you out of bed?" He asked after a long awkward silence.

"I woke up and you were gone." Italy responded sounding hurt. "I was scared." He said timidly. Germany internally kicking himself.

"I'm sorry." He said shyly.

"So...ah...Germany?" Italy asked looking down at the soup.

"Ya?" He responded warily.

"What is this?" He asked.

"Japan made it for you. It's leek soup to help you feel better." Germany said slowly. He had to keep himself from laughing at the look of revulsion that spread across Italy's face. Italy, for all his sweetness and innocence was, unfortunately, a food snob.

"Ah...Germany?" He asked looking up at the taller man. Germany looked at him expectantly. "What do I do with it?" He asked. Germany chuckled and ushered him back into the bedroom.

"Eat it." He said once Italy was once again settled in bed. Italy looked horrified at the thought of eating it. "And Italy?" Germany made sure Italy was paying attention. "When you finish it we can make pasta." He said. Italy looked overjoyed and instantly ate the whole thing. He looked a bit green in the face but he finished it all. Germany smiled weakly at him and they made their way to the kitchen. Italy in his boxers and blanket, and Germany in his black tank top, black gloves and green pants. Germany made the pasta per the instructions Italy gave him step by step. When he was done they went back to Italy's bedroom to share the meal. They ate in silence for a while until Germany became uncomfortable with Italy's eyes watching him intensely. "What?" He asked.

"I was just wondering..." Italy trailed off and looked down at his pasta.

"Just ask." Germany snorted, the suddenness, startling Italy.

"Was it true? Do you really...do you love me?" He asked looking up with a blush. Germany felt his face get red again and he looked down. He rubbed the back of his neck roughly.

"Ya." He said shyly.

"Germany?" Italy asked. Germany looked up into Italy's adorable face.

"I love you too." He said with a small smile. Germany sat there dumbfounded, just staring at Italy. "Why did Japan kiss me?" He asked. Germany sobered and frowned.

"He likes you too." Germany said carefully.

"And that made you jealous?" Italy prodded.

"Ya." Germany said nodding.

"No." Japan said from the doorway. Germany turned around angrily. Why did people keep eavesdropping on him while he was talking about them from doorways? "Well that and, I knew it was the right thing to get you two together." Japan said smirking. Italy and Germany looked at each other. Germany had to admit, it worked. "How did you like my soup?" Japan asked smiling warmly at Italy. Germany cringed preparing himself for an argument.

"It was horrible but I do feel better now." Italy said smiling. Germany smiled, Italy smiled, Japan smiled. Everything was perfect. Japan left the two alone. Alone at last, to be together forever. It really was perfect.