Kenny kept on looking at the halls that Stan and Kyle had disappeared into. Kenny looked at Leopold, almost glaring at him. Leopold glanced at Kenny glaring at him, Leopold quickly looked away, scared and nervous. Leopold's heart was beating, hard. Kenny walked over to where Leopold was at. Leopold's heart was fastening, and getting louder. Dun dun. Dun dun.

Craig's P.O.V

What's with Kyle and Stan? Where'd they go? I looked at the little girl, Karen? Right? Yea, her name was Karen. Whats with her?

"Do you like it?" Karen asked, looking at me with big hopeful eyes. She was holding up a stuffed animal. A black cat. I stared at it with a blank face.

"Do you?" She kept asking me. I looked at Clyde. He looked..happy. I looked back at Karen. How can they be happy..when we're practically at war? I felt someone nudge me. I look at Token staring at me with a face saying, 'What are you waiting for?'. I look back at Karen, but this time, she looked at me with an upset face.

"C-Craig? W-why are you i-ignoring me?" She was about to cry. I kinda felt bad. I frowned.

"I think it's pretty cute." This made her eyes widen. She smiled, which was pretty contagious. Me, Token, and Clyde couldn't help but to also smile.

"His name is Neko. I want you to have it." I looked at 'Neko' for a while. I smiled and thanked her.

"Thank you. I will cherish Neko forever." I could tell this made her very happy because her face had a big smile on it, and her cheeks were pink. Probably normal for like, a 8 year old? 6? How old is she?

With Kyle and Stan~ *Flash back*

'Come on shorty! Hurry up!' A sweet voice yelled.

"Who are you calling shorty? We're like, the same height!" A small, girly- looking child yelled back.

"You sure we're the same height, shorty?" He smiled than laughed. 'Shorty' pouted.

"Oh yea, well, when I'm older, I'ma be wayy more taller than you! Just wait!" Shorty looked at the other kid. The other kid stared blank at him for a while, until he burst out laughing.

"W-Why are you laughing?'' Shorty asked. The other kid wiped his eyes.

"I'm sorry but, you're so cute! Your curly red hair, your height, your pink cheeks, and your beautiful green eyes!" This made shorty blush, hard. Shorty turned around and covered his face with his hands, and walked away.

"H-Huh? Shorty, where ya' going?" He followed him.

"H-Hey, I'm sorry about what I said, but, it's true!" This made shorty walk away faster.

"H-hey, just hold on-" He pulled shorty's arm, and made shorty's body face the other body. The boy with the raven hair eye's widen, he was shocked. His shorty was crying. Shorty looked down, afraid to show his face to the raven haired boy.

"Shorty, why are you crying?" That sentence made him cry and angry even more.

"Stop it! Just- please stop.." The raven haired boy's heart aced.

"I thought- I thought you were different.." This made the raven boy eyes widen. Different...?

"What do you mean by different?"

"I mean, I thought you were not a bully!"

"I'm not a bully!"

"You're just like the others!" This broke his heart. They stood there, the wind blowing on their hair.

"That was a compliment; that you had beautiful hair, that you have beautiful cheeks, that you had beautiful eyes."


"I was trying to make you feel better! You shouldn't let others bring you down. If someone calls you girly or ugly, then they could just go fuck themselves! You're beautiful! Don't let others bring you down! They were only bullying you because they're jealous of your beautiness! They pick on you because you're smart, funny, kind, sweet, fun, and beautiful! Don't you get it? They don't pick on you because they think you're girly, its because they wish they had what you have. You have so many qualities that everyone wants to have." Shorty's eyes widen. He leaned into the other ones chest.

"I'm sorry." Shorty said, hugging the other taller kid.

"It's okay." He smiled softy.

"Lets go play?" The raven haired boy asked. Shorty smiled.

"Race you to the pond?" Shorty smirked.

"You think he can keep up with this?" They both laughed.

~End of flashback~

"Stan.." Kyle's eyes were getting watery again. They hugged.

"I miss you shorty." Stan said.

"You haven't grown shorty, your thesis was incorrect." Stan smiled. He could see Kyle's face burning up with embarrassment. Kyle pushed Stan away. He pouted.

"Hmpf." Kyle started to walk out of the bathroom. Stan sighed and followed him.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Stan asked with a huge grin on his face.

"Nope." Kyle answered.

"Whats with your friend Kyle?" Kenny asked Leopold. Leopold, was nervous.

"K-Kyle? He's just upset that we had to leave." Kenny was about 6'4 or 6'5. I was 5'5. I had to look up to see Kenny.

"Does he know Stan?" Kenny asked, looking into Leopold's eyes. Leopold was un-sure.

"No..? I don't think so." Leopold said. Kenny sighed and leaned back against the wall. He looked back at Leopold with a puzzled face. Leopold's heart was beating faster.

"Leopold doesn't really suit you that much...Can I call you butters?" Leopold's heart stopped. His face was burning hot.

"Butters?" Leopold asked. Kenny smiled, almost looking pleased with himself.


"I-I'm sorry but, why Butters?" Kenny looked kinda confused.

"Why not Butters?" Kenny smirked.

"I mean, Butters suits you. Your golden hair...It looks like butter." kenny said. Leopold smiled. Kenny was being nice to him.

"Thank you." Butters said. Kenny smiled. Later on Kyle and Stan walk into the room. Karen notices Stan and Kyle walk in.

"Stan!" Karen's face lit up and ran to him. She hugged Stan.

"Miss me so soon?" Stan looked down at her. Karen looked up at Stan and grin a bit.

"Maybe." They both shared a laugh. Kenny kept his eyes on Kyle. Kyle felt some eyes on him, he looks around the room and see's the Kenny was looking at him. He quickly turned his face away.

"So, I guess we should start goin' else where. " Kenny walked towards Karen and kneeled down to hug her.

"Goodbye Kenny. See you soon?" Karen said, with hope in her voice. Kenny smiled at her and nodded. He got up and headed out the room. Stan looked at Kenny with a puzzled face. Stan was about to say 'why so soon?' But, Stan knew his best friend and when he was allowed to speak. He didn't want to make his friend angry-He didn't know how-but-he knew when to talk and say the right words.

"Alright, let's go people." Stan walked out the door and stood next to Kenny, who was standing outside the room. Everyone started to get out of the room, but one didn't leave. Karen waved good-bye to them. "Bye-bye!" Kenny smiled to himself. Once everyone got out of the room, they all started to walk towards the main hall. Kenny shoved his hands into his pockets. Kenny was being real quiet. Stan was nervous. Kenny was never, this quiet.

Kenny stopped and turned around, facing Stan.

"Can you watch over them for a bit? I need to so something." Kenny looked into Stan's eyes. Kenny looked like he was really bored. His attitude was lazy too..Stan got the idea that maybe he was tired. Kenny did look a bit tired..Stan agreed with himself. But still...Kenny should tell Stan things-like Kenny should be able to tell Stan what he needs to do and other things..

"Sure, what do you need to do?" Stan questioned him. Kenny turned away, and started to walk away in a steady pace.

"Things." That's all that Kenny said. Stan looked at Kenny's back, moving away into the distant. Stan frowned. He was kinda heart-broken that Kenny didn't tell him what he was up to. Stan stood there for about 2 minutes, staring at where Kenny had gone away to.

"U-um Stan?" Butters stood next to him. Stan looked to his left and nearly jumped.

"Whoa!-" Stan clutched his heart.

"I-I'm sorry! D-did I scare you..?" Butters face was filled with sadness. Stan took a second to read His face. He relaxed a bit and smiled.

"No you didn't..?" Stan laughed a bit. He turned to face the other people. "I'm sorry, let's go explore some more, shall we?" Stan smiled at the others.