Flora woke up with the sun hitting her face softly. Her eyes fluttered open as she gazed up at the familiar four walls surrounding her. This had been her home for three years now.

She heard a moan come from across the room. Her roommate for all these years, Bloom, was also waking up slowly. It was the spring holidays.

"Good morning Flora," Bloom greeted the fairy of Nature.

"Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" Flora asked.

"Like a baby," the fairy of the Dragon Flame responded, sighing happily.

They both got out of bed and headed for their closets. They were going on a holiday with the guys for three weeks. Their destination: Earth. They would be staying in a holiday house in Gardenia, Bloom's hometown. They had seen pictures of the house on the Internet, and they had immediately known that it was perfect for them. It was a two storied white house with twelve en-suite bedrooms, a big living area, kitchen and terrace. The house was located a few hundred meters away from the sea and had a beautiful view over it. All in all, it was exactly what they were looking for.

After Flora and Bloom got dressed, they went into the dorm's common room. Their best friends were already waiting for them. Musa, the fairy of Music, Aisha, the fairy of Waves, Stella, the fairy of the shining Sun and last but not least, Tecna, the fairy of Technology.

The girls greeted each other before heading out for breakfast. They talked casually until they arrived at the cafeteria and sat down. Food appeared in front of them and they started eating.

"Did you hear about that new store that opened in Magix?" Stella asked.

"Yeah, there used to be a nice little shop there. It's a pity they closed," Flora said.

"Yeah... but I heard it's a new clothes shop and apparently, the clothes there are gorgeous!" Stella exclaimed.

"Oh-oh… That sounds like we're going on a horror- I mean shopping trip again," Musa sighed.

This caused a round of laughter at the table. Well except for Stella who wasn't laughing. After a minute or two, they finally settled down.

"So did you guys finish packing yet?" Tecna asked.

The girls all nodded.

"Wait a minute! Finish packing for what?" Stella asked.

"Oh no, she forgot to pack! Now we're not going to leave until next week!" Aisha exclaimed, dropping her head in her crossed arms.

The girls chuckled at Stella's horror stricken face. "Oh my God! I totally forgot our trip to Earth with the guys was this week! I have to start packing this instant!" she stood up and ran off to their dorm.

Musa sighed "Is this girl ever going to at least try and act normal?"

"Nope," they all answered together and laughed.

After the girls finished breakfast, they went up to their dorm. As they opened the door, they found the common room in a total mess. Clothes were lying everywhere!

"Stella!" Musa screamed.

"What's up?" Stella asked casually, coming out of her room.

"Care to explain this mess to us?" Tecna inquired, tapping her foot.

"I'm done packing!" Stella exclaimed happily.

"Perfect! Now you can start tidying this mess up," Bloom told her.

"Nothing a little magic can't fix," the princess of Solaria snapped her fingers and the room was tidy again.

"We should start to go down. The boys should be here any minute," Flora said.

The girls went to their rooms and came back into the common room with their suitcases. Stella, as usual, had more luggage than she could carry, so hers was levitating beside her thanks to a handy little spell. They all headed out to the courtyard and waited for the boys. They didn't have to wait long until they felt a strong wind blow around them. They looked up and saw a familiar hovercraft. The ship landed a couple of meters away from the girls.

As it finally touched the ground, the ramp opened and six boys walked out. Each guy walked to their respective girlfriend and greeted them.

"Hello, my beautiful flower," Helia kissed Flora's hand.

"Hello, Helia," the fairy of Nature blushed.

Riven, keeping his usual bad boy style, greeted his girlfriend casually, but she still managed to make him smile by kissing his cheek. Musa was the only one capable of bringing the soft side out of her boyfriend.

Brandon and Stella on the other hand, weren't as discreet about their love.

"Hey there, sunshine," he picked her up and kissed her passionately on the lips, showing their love for each other to the world – or in this case, Alfea's residents.

"Get a room!" someone yelled at the couple. But they couldn't care less.

Nabu had proposed to Aisha a few days ago, and she was still over the moon.

"Hi, Aisha," he greeted the love of his life.

"Hey, Nabu," she kissed him on the lips.

Timmy and Tecna were the least showy couple. And even though they wouldn't show it the same way other couples did, they loved each other to pieces.

"Hey, Tec'," he greeted her, pushing his glasses back up his nose.

"Hi there, Timmy," she kissed his cheek.

Last but not least, Bloom and Sky also demonstrated their love to everyone, but not as much as Brandon and Stella did. Sky did still feel the need to twirl his girlfriend around, even though they had seen each other just a few days ago.

After their greetings, the large group headed into the ship, the boys taking their girlfriends' luggage and storing it away into a special compartment in the hovercraft. Brandon struggled with all of Stella's bags, but after a few minutes, he too had stored everything away safely. Brandon walked into the ship after closing the ramp and took a seat. The boys sat at the controls while the girls sat in their usual places around the main floor.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Brandon said through the microphone while pinching his nose to sound like a pilot. "Welcome on our flight to Gardenia on Earth. I am your pilot Brandon and these are my co-pilots. The trip will take approximately four hours. Please take notice of the emergency exi - OW! Riven! What the hell was that for?!"

"Could you concentrate on flying? I don't want you to crash into something or make us land anywhere but on Earth," Riven replied.

"Kill-joy," someone coughed.

"I heard that!" Riven exclaimed.

Conversations soon filled the aircraft. Everyone was happy about this vacation that they really needed and deserved.

Little did they know that this trip was going to change their lives.