No Phantom Planet. And Danielle AKA Danni is not the Danielle that appears in the show. If you notice I spell the Danielle-that-appears-in-this-story's name D-A-N-N-I and I spell Danielle-that-appears-in-the-show's name D-A-N-I.

I don't own Danny Phantom.

It all started off like an ordinary day for Daniel Fenton AKA Danny Phantom. He woke up, went to school, fought some ghosts, served detention, flew home, etc. The rest of the day he sat in his room and worked on his homework. Jazz and his parents were looking at colleges, Sam was in Paris with her parents, and Tucker was on a cruise. There really was nothing else to do.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed as a familiar ghost teleported into his bedroom. Danny shrieked and fell off his desk chair before glaring at the ghost.

"Really, Clockwork?" the halfa said as he got up. "Haven't you ever heard of something called knocking?"

The time ghost glared at him. "This is not the time for jokes, Daniel." He tossed something into the air. It landed on the floor and rolled up to Danny's feet.

Danny gasped as he saw the object. It was a beat up Fenton Thermos with a face smashed into it from the inside. The top was off and metal littered the inside. He knelt down and picked it up.

"He escaped," Clockwork said sadly. "I didn't foresee it and wasn't able to take him on."

Danny got up, dropping the Thermos on the ground. "Where did he go?"

Clockwork hesitated.


In an alternate dimension…

A 14-year old girl yawned and gazed up at the sky. Her icy eyes scanned the horizon. It was quiet. Too quiet.

A low growl escaped the teen's throat as she ducked back in the window. Her raven braid flew as she spun around the corner and dashed down the stairs. She flung open the door and ran off. The girl observed the horizon again.

She gasped and a blue mist flew out of her mouth. A grin lit up her face, just what she wanted. A little action.

Somewhere nearby a motorcycle turned the corner, its two occupants riding it.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Johnnie?" the green-haired boy driving it asked the girl behind him.

Johnnie snorted. "C'mon, Kyle, let's take advantage of the one day Phantom's out of town for our date."

"I guess," Kyle said shyly.

Suddenly, he stopped the motorcycle. "Something's wrong."

"Taking advantage of the one day Phantom's out of town are you, Johnnie and Kyle," a girl's voice echoed off the buildings.

"Who's there?" Johnnie demanded, jumping off the motorcycle.

"The name's Danni," a girl said, walking into the light. Her hair was white and she wore it in a braid. Her outfit was a long-sleeved HAZMAT suit top that cut off at her stomach and had a white DP symbol on her chest, white gloves (Like the Dani-that-appears-in-the-show's gloves except both white), a black mini-skirt with a white belt, and pearly white boots that went up to about her mid-calf (Like Danny's). Her radioactive green eyes sparkled. "Danni Phantom."

Kyle rolled his eyes. "We know that Phantom."

Danni growled. "Just making sure you didn't forget from our past meetings." She shot an ecto-blast at Kyle. "Like I didn't forget when the two of you almost possessed my brother!"

Johnnie growled. "Shadow, attack!"

The biker girl's shadow shot up from the ground and took on a more physical shape. It swept past the female Phantom causing her to spin in a circle.

Danni stopped spinning and shook her head. She turned to Shadow.

"Still having the dweeb of darkness do your dirty work, Johnnie?" she taunted, firing a ghost ray that successfully created a hole in Shadow. "Can't do it yourself?"

Johnnie, Shadow, and Kyle looked past Danni and their eyes widened.

"Shadow, retreat," Johnnie whispered.

Danni looked at her curiously. "What?"

Shadow did as it was told. Johnnie and Kyle ran back to their motorcycle and drove away quickly.

Danni landed on the ground, her eyes filled with curiosity. "Yeah! Um… that's right! Be scared!"

"They weren't scared of you."

Danni spun around just as a flaming-haired figure stepped into the light. "Daniella?" she asked cautiously.

The figure grinned, showing its fangs. "Nope."

The Phantom girl took a step back.


A swirling green portal popped up in the middle of the street in Amity Park. A teenage boy stepped out of it. His face was hidden by a black hood on his sweatshirt.

His eyes scanned the street around him. No one was around. The portal that he'd stepped through hadn't been seen.

Suddenly, a girl's scream split through the air. The teenager turned his head just as a black and white streak flew through the air and slammed into the ground behind him.

When the dust cleared, Danni Phantom was lying in the center of a crater. Her body was littered with cuts and bruises. Her left boot was torn to shreds along with her right glove. Blood and ectoplasm dripped from the side of her mouth and her white hair was stained with her odd mixture of blood. She attempted to get up but only managed to collapse back down on the ground.

As the teen watched, a brilliant white ring appeared around her waist and split. Her outfit changed to a white and red t-shirt, jeans, and red sneakers. Her white hair changed to raven black and her emerald eyes changed to sapphire blue. They fluttered shut.

"Done now are we?"

The teen's head spun around as he saw the figure that had beat the female halfa up step out of the shadows. Dan Phantom.

Dan glanced at the teenager and held up an ectoplasm-covered hand. "Stay there and don't move if you know what's best for you."

Trick him, the boy thought. He nodded.

Dan lowered his hand and walked forward towards the unconscious Danni.

"Didn't expect me did you, girl?"

Danni, of course, said nothing.

He knelt down at the top of the crater. "Thanks for helping me get my revenge. You are no longer needed."

"I wouldn't do that, Dan."

The ghost turned around to face the teen. "What?"

"Your obsession is destruction, which I know. But there's someone here with the obsession of protection," the boy continued.

Dan glanced at the injured form of Danni. "If you're talking about the Phantom girl, if you haven't noticed she's unconscious. Scram, brat." He paused. "Wait a second. How did you know my obsession is destruction?"

The teen lifted up his hood a little to show him smirking. His eyes were still covered. "I know a lot of things about you."

Dan slowly got up and the two of them started circling each other.

"You used to be Daniel Fenton AKA Danny Phantom, superhero and protector of Amity Park," the youth said. "You got caught cheating on the CAT test. Your teacher, William Lancer told you and your family to meet at the Nasty Burger. Your two best friends, Samantha Manson or Sam if you didn't want a combat boot in your shin and Tucker Foley the techno geek, showed up warning that the Nasty Burger was about to blow. It did. You were the only one that survived."

Dan ground his teeth. How did this boy know so much?

"You went to your arch-enemy Vladimir Masters AKA Vlad Plasmius, super villain billionaire. You asked for him to 'make the hurt go away'. He split Fenton and Phantom. Phantom split Masters and Plasmius. Phantom then merged with Plasmius, causing you to go insane and turn evil. What happened to Fenton is 'better left unsaid'. You attempted to kill Masters with an explosion. After, you went on a ten year long killing spree until you were captured by your past self."

Dan narrowed his blood red eyes. "How do you know all of that?"

The teen chuckled and in a flash of light Danny Phantom stood there, smirking his famous in some eyes, infamous in the other's smirk.

The future ghost took no hesitation to fly straight at the teen, who went intangible at the last second.

Dan shook of the shock of Danny's faster reflexes and started running at him. The halfa's hands glowed blue along with his eyes. The ground in front of Dan froze over and the ghost slipped and fell.

He looked up into the blazing blue eyes of Danny Phantom. "Fine, Danny. Another time." He shot into the air and was gone in a flash.

Danny stood there and stared at the place that his alternate future self had flown off too for a second before turning towards Danni. He picked her up and shot into the air.

Don't ask me who the "Daniella" person Danni mention is. Her identity will be revealed in the next chapter.