Sorry for not updating in a while, serious writers block. ):

Oh well, her yous go!

Dash watched in awe as the blue rings formed around Danny's waist. And, partially annoyance at Tuckers excessive laughing.

Tucker eventually walked off to class, Dash following behind. Mr. Lancer noticed they were late.

"Foley, Baxter, care to explain why your late?" Lancer said sternly

"Uh, I hung Danny on the flagpole, again." Dash said saying the only thing he could come up with

frowned and gave Dash a pink slip.

"And Foley?" He asked

"I got down."

"I see." Lancer said, yet again, giving Dash another pink slip.

Dash groaned at the fact he now had 3 detentions and lazily went to his seat. As Mr. Lancer began his class again, the oh so wonderful types of social classes in, what was it? Ancient Mesopotamia or something? Tucker pulled out his PDA and text ed Danny.

Fighting Skulker, Danny's area

Danny was forcefully slammed against a brick wall with a loud "thud"

"Man skulker, this is worse then usual!" Danny said

"How so? Whelp." Skulker commented, but was surprised by an pleasant sucker punch to his metallic jaw.

"You cant fight any more!" Danny laughed shoot ecto beams.

"I am Skulker! Ghost Zones greatest hunter! I will have your pelt on my wall!" He said angrily

Danny was about to grab the Fenton Thermos and end it when a buzz came from his pocket. (A/N yes he has a pocket..)

He stopped what he was doing and pulled a green and black phone . He opened his text messages to see

Were r u from Tucker

He created a shield with one hand as his phone held the other and began texting. Skulker was madly firing at his invicable shield and pounding on it with but with no avail.

Dealing with

He slipped his phone back into his pocket and removed his sheild to be meet with a cold hand to his face.

"Hey that hurt!" Danny complained.

"Good, But it will hurt even more when your pelt is on my wall!" Skulker retorted

"Ew. No thanks." Danny said re-pulling out the Fenton thermos.

"What! No!" Skulker screamed as a blue light enfolded around him. 'NO. NO! NOO!"

Danny slapped the lid back on the thermos and hastily fled back towards the high school.

Danny was aproching the school when his ghost sense went off. Again.

"Really?!" Danny complained

A echoed voice greeted him "really."

Danny gasped and spun around.

"Clockwork?! Yes!" Danny shouted

Clockworks tower

"So, your going to help me?" Danny begged

"Mabey. I see time as a parade from above, all the twist or turns it-" Clockwork began

"So, you'll help me." Danny interrupted

"I never said anything of the sort." Clockwork said, his patience thinning "But I will see what i can do."

"Really! I asked for your help and you said, and I quote. "Go Home, Ghost Boy."" Danny said

"See, I never said no." Clockwork stated. "I told you to go home."

Danny gave him an irritated look. "So what are you going to do, reset it?

"Yes. But not now, As you see, your secret was blown as you were unconscious, you need to decide what to do, and when to do it. WITH OUT, breaking time." Clockwork stated, changing to a freaky old guy.

Danny contemplated this. How was this going to work!?

Ok, sorry for shortness, PLease review and give me some ideas for wha should happen next! PLZ! I HAVE SERIOUS WRITERS BLOCK!