This idea was givin to me by snowleapord0! thank you!

Make sure to read my CYOA about Danny Phantom! I don't own DP or Subway Surfers.

Read on!

Danny*Phantom* was compleatly BORED. No ghost's were bothering him, no ghost hunters, no fans, witch had now been officially dubbed as Phans, were bothering him either, he hung lazily in the park. Danny floated lower to the ground turning himself upside down in mid-air.

"AGH! I'M BORED OUT OF MY MIND!" Danny thought aloud.

A group of A-listers walked around the corner, spotting Danny

"Look guys!" Dash yelled "Its Danny Phantom!" The group quickly rushed over to him as Danny landed on the ground.

well... at least im not bored anymore... Danny thought

"Hello" He said doing a single hand wave. why am i talking to him?

Dash ran up to him shaking his hand violently

"HiDannyPhantomitsahonortomeetyouimlikeyourbiggest fan!" Dash said, really,really, fast.

"yea..." Danny said rubbing his hand "I think I'm gonna go hang out with my friends..." he said accending into the air

and by that i mean avoiding you.

"Wait!" Dash called to him "Can I at least see one of your powers?" He asked

This pleased Danny, a mischievous smirk flew up his face. "Sure..." He said flying down at full speed, He rammed himself into Dash Overshadowing him

"Hi! I'm Dash Baxter! I sleep with CuddleBears and am a big bully to all of the so called "Geeks" at Casper High, But don't let that fool you, I can be an Idiot!"

And with that he flew out of Dash laughing his head off.

"Whoa.. What just happened?" Dash asked his Friends, but they were busy laughing there heads off too.

That probably wasent the nicest thing i could of done... even if he dose pick on us at school. oh well, I cant do anything about it now. Danny thought, even though he shouldent of done it, it still was funny.

Danny landed on the curb of a street near Casper High. He reached inside of his pocket and got out his phone, he had 2 now, Sam gave him the second one for ghost stuff. That way, if Danny ever called them on that phone, they would now he needed help or something.

He opend his Phone and swiped his finger along the screensaver of him*Phantom* and his Friends *Sam and Tucker*. He texted Tucker

Just overshadowed Dash, lol he pressed send

after a few minuets of Subway Surfers, he herd a 'ding' from his phone, he clicked home and read the message.

nice. GTG

Danny deleted the message and brushed his hair out of his face as he returned to his game of subway surfers.

After a few minuets Valarie showed up out of what seemed like nowhere on her hover bored.

"Freeze creep!" She screamed pointing her gun at him.

Danny set down his phone.

"Seriously? I didn't do anything, EVER." he said flying away

The Red Huntress chased after him.

A little later walked up to the school, noticing the phone on the ground. Thinking it belonged to one of his students, He picked it up bringing it with him to his office.

A little later after THAT Danny returned only to find his phone missing.

"Thats not good..." Danny said to himself reverting to Human.


Danny hurried into class, obviously late.

"Mr. Fenton, Your late.,Again" Mr. Lancer said handing Danny a pink detention slip.

Danny groaned and toke the slip from his hand. Mr. Lancer got up tapping his desk to get everyones attention

"Now class, yesterday i found a phone outside by the school" He said holding up the Green and Black cell phone.

Danny Paled. Sam and Tucker glared at him.

"Dose this belong to any of you?" Lancer continued

Nobody responded. Kwan raised his hand

"Yes Kwan? *dont know his last name*" Lancer asked

"Why don't you look at the contacts, find out whose Phone it is." Kwan suggested

Lancer opened the phone, to be surprised at the screensaver.

"Tucker, Sam, is this one of yours phone?" He asked

Sam sighed in defeat as Danny slumped lower in his chair

"It belongs to the guy, in the middle." She said

"GULIVERS TRAVLES!" Lancer yelled "are you telling me this phone belongs to none other then the ghost boy?!" Lancer asked in disbelief

Paulina squealed, "Am I on his screensaver?!"

Sam glared at her

"NO." Sam said

Tucker noticed a blue whips come out of Danny's mouth. Danny raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Fenton." Lancer said staring at the phone

"Can i go to the bathroom?" He asked, Lancer sighed,

"I suppose Daniel." He said, Danny rushed out the door.

After Lancer attention refocused on the Phone he asked

"How do we have proof that this belongs to Danny Phantom?" He asked Tucker and Sam

"Just look at the pictures," Tucker asked, playing with his PDA

Lancer reluctantly tried to find out how to get to pictures until Dash stepped up.

"Let me do it!" Dash said reaching for the Phone. Dash fiddled with it for a moment until he finally got to the pictures. His jaw dropped.

There were one handed pictures of Phantom (you know were you turn your phone backwards and take a picture of yourself.) with Tucker and Sam occasionally in it, Pictures of Tucker and Sam holding weapons and much more.

Dash just stood there in disbelief.

There was an awkward silence until a annoyed 'ahem' came from behind him. Dash spun around to see Danny Phantom with his hand out, asking for his phone.

"Thats mine.' He said pointing to his phone. Dash shakily gave him his phone.

"S-Sorry Phantom" He said

Danny flew into the air and said

"Don't worry about it,"

The class just stood there, like a tornado had just struck them.

Danny *Fenton* walked in about three seconds later.

"did I miss something?" He asked, The hole class nodded, including mister Lancer.

Danny just shrugged and sat down in his chair.

After the bell

Dash walked out of the class, bragging about all the things he had seen on Phantoms phone, and how no one else got to see them. He stopped to see Sam dragging Danny into the janitors closet. but what made him even more suspicious was that Fenton was holding PHANTOMS PHONE.

"Guys! did you see that!?" Dash asked the A-listers

The A-List shoke there head

" Follow me," He said,

When he reached the Janitors closet he leaned his ear to the door,

Danny! that was way to close! if someone was to scroll down just a LITTLE farther, your secret would be blown!

I get it! i wont let it happen again! Valarie showed while i was playing a game, then when i came back for my phone, it was gone!

Then dont leave your phone around! do you KNOW how much havock it would cause if- she whispered quieter- they-Danny-

Dash couldn't here the rest of the conversation because the door started to open, Dash and the A-List ran for the hills!

Dash was hideing behind the trash can as his mind raced,

He had a secret, Valeire was involved, and little else was known.

Why did Phantom hang out with the techno geek and the goth geek anyway?

But what made Dashs mind twist was that, he had just given the phone to Phantom, yet, Fenton had it after class.

How was that possible?

do you like it? want me to continue? mabey? no? dont really care? please review! it would mean a lot!