
The red digital numbers were the first thing Riven saw as he opened his eyes and cleared his vision.

He tried to move around but his body was too achy. He slowly managed to turn around only to be met with a sleeping Musa lying next to him.

Riven smiled how at how pretty his girlfriend was. However, his smile turned into a frown when a question popped into his head.

'What happened?' He wondered as he looked around the room from Musa's bed.

Just then the door opened and Tecna quietly entered, not knowing Riven was awake.


Tecna jumped alittle startled by the voice.

"Riven your awake. How are you feeling?" she asked as she walked towards the bed.

"Achy. And my head hurts" he replied holding his hand up to his head. "What happened?"

"You collapsed after Musa took the pill. Musa said that she thinks the pill is hurting you" Tecna said cautiously, not wanting to upset Riven. But to her surprise, Riven didn't get angry. If fact she was more surprised by what he said.

"The pill is hurting me" he said quietly.

"What?" she asked even though she heard him.

"Musa is right" he responded.


Riven was hesitant about telling Tecna. He didn't exactly how to say it.

"Guys?" Musa said as she began to wake up.

"Musa, you're awake" Tecna said.

"How are you feeling?" Riven asked her.

Musa sat up on the bed and turned so she was facing them.

Tecna sensed that the two of them wanted to be alone.

"I'm going to go see where everyone went. See you guys later" Tecna said as she got up to leave, receiving a small smile from the couple.

Once Tecna left, Musa continued to answer Riven's question.

"I'm okay. But how are you? Do you remember what happened?"

"Tecna told me I collapsed" he responded.

"Yeah, you how are you now?"


Musa looked at him and he started speaking again.

"Uh Tecna also told me that you think the pills you are taking are hurting me".

"Yeah, well, the first time I took it you passed out, and the same thing happened last night when I took it. It can't just be a coincidence, can it?" she asked.

Riven was silent for a second.

"It's not a coincidence" he finally said.

"What do mean?"

"You're right Musa. The pill is hurting me" Riven said.

"How?" she asked.

"You see, the pill is designed to kill the evil Riven inside of you...but somehow, I am connected to that beast, so when something happens to him, something happens to me".

Musa stared at Riven in disbelief.

"Are you serious?" Musa asked.


Musa looked at her boyfriend.

"Riven, I fell so bad, I had no idea. I'll stop taking the pill-"

"No. You have to take it Musa. It'll kill the thing that is causing you pain".

"It'll kill you Riven".

"I don't care, as long as you're okay".

"Well I care Riven. I care alot".

"I know you do Musa, but, Donovan is really dangerous".


"That's his name".

"That thing inside of me is named Donovan?" Musa said in an angry tone.


"How do you know that?"

"Well, when I passed out, I kinda had a dream and he was there. He told me his name was Donovan" Riven said. "He also told me if I didn't stay away from you, he would hurt you more".

Musa took in the information she was given. While she was lost in her train of though, Riven spoke up.

"You okay?"


"Listen Musa, we are going to be fine".

"No we're not Riven. Nothing about this is okay. This thing inside of me, 'Donovan', can cause me pain at any time, and if I try to relieve it, you'll go into pain. Why is this happening?" Musa said, tears forming in her eyes.

Riven instinctively brought her into his arms.

"Musa, listen to me, I'm not-"

"AAAHHHHH!" Musa started screaming.

"Donovan, stay away from Musa" Riven said in a loud voice as he continued to follow him.

"I'll stay away from her when you stay away from her" he said with a smirk.