This is gonna have a slight "The Games" feel to it.. I hope.. enjoy xx

Chapter 1

Leo, Raph and Mikey were awake. in the middle of the night. again. They were definitely not happy at all, in fact they were sick of the lack of sleep they were getting and they were concerned for their brother's health.

Donatello has spent the last two weeks in his lab, he has refused to sleep and rarely comes out of his haven. He has barely eaten anything and he's had more coffee than should be legal.

Master Splinter is away for five weeks so he has no idea about his sons unhealthy two weeks, he's had his feelings though. He calls to Leonardo during meditation to ask how Donnie is but Leo just answers with a unconvinsing "he's fine'' .

''You two up too?'' Mikey asks as Raph and Leo walk past his door,

''You look exhausted.. go back to bed'' Leo nods,

''Dude, we all look exhausted'' Mikey smirks tiredly, ''I think you should worry about Donnie for now though''

Raph shook his head as Mikey followed them, the three brothers were stood outside the lab. They were a little afraid to find out what kind of state Don was in!

There was the sound of hammering then a clang and a bang. Now it was silent.

''Donnie?'' Leo called as he knocked on the door, he opened the heavy steel door and they all walked in to find Donnie lying on the floor.

''DONNIE!'' Mikey yelped as they ran to his side, they all felt a little sick at his appearance. Donnie had always been the skinniest but now he looked starved, his skin was pale and glistening with sweat. He was filthy and malnourished, he had huge bags under his eyes and his fingers looked like they had been worked to the bone.

''It's ok... he's just sleeping..'' Leo nodded calmly, ''I wish he wouldn't do this..''

''Do what?'' Mikey asked quietly,

''He's working himself to death.. he always does when it comes to his inventions'' Leo shook his head sadly,

''Yeah... for a brainiac he ain't so smart when it comes to takin' care of himself'' Raph commented angrily, ''He's a bonehead''

''Lets go back to bed'' Leo motioned for his brothers to follow him, they all went to their own rooms and left Donnie to sleep on the floor of his lab with a purple blanket over him.

As Leo lay in his bed he couldn't help but hope this invention was worth Donnie's health.

I know it's short but it's only the first chapter.. I don't wanna give anything away! Please Review xx