A/N: Charlaine Harris owns all this.
Remy Savoy lived a long life and had a bunch of adventures (which I might write about later if I can remember some more details about this guy).
Hunter Savoy grew up and decided he'd no longer feel sorry for himself and think of his telepathy as a "disability" as his dysfunctional family had always made him believe. He went to medical school, and became the leading researcher in brain activity, eventually curing Alzheimer's disease and dementia which won him the Nobel Prize. He married a fellow researcher and had two children who inherited his gifts.
Delia Shurtliff did a bunch of stuff that still made it impossible for people to remember her, and died in obscurity.
Jason Stackhouse left his job with the parish and founded a non-profit organization to help the inbred families of Hot Shot. With financial assistance, many were able to go to college and get out of that hell hole. Some followed Jason's example and returned to give back to their community. Jason's wife, Michele, spearheaded the Hot Shot Library Project (later known as the Stackhouse Library), and wiped out illiteracy in Hot Shot within a decade. Jason and Michele had two children, Marie and Corbett. Marie, a telepathic beauty like her aunt, grew up to be a beauty pageant contestant—just kidding! That's not a career. She became a doctor and joined her cousin, Hunter Savoy, in his research, later opening a facility in Vienna. Corbett won the marriage jackpot by marrying a rich lawyer—also kidding! He actually became a rich lawyer and married a federal judge. Their daughter, Hadley Stackhouse, cured Lupus, which although isn't contagious, had become widespread in women's prisons.
[Imagine a beautiful and very large drawing of Sookie in a wedding dress here—one so large that it takes up an entire page.]
Sookie Stackhouse planned a big wedding to Sam in which she'd wear white because that's the color brides wear at weddings. She and Sam argued about which church they'd have the ceremony in, and decided that was too boring to argue about, even for them. They agreed to have a reception at Fangtasia even though Sookie had been banned from there for life. They thought the hideous vampire décor designed to draw tourists into the bar would make a beautiful backdrop for the wedding photos, and Sookie hoped Pam would send some of the photos to Eric because Sookie was too immature to pick up a phone and talk to him. It was far easier to have a big wedding, marry a guy she didn't love, and hope to make Eric jealous with the wedding photos.
Eric sent a set of silver flatware as a wedding gift and two books entitled The Meaning of Silver as a Gift from Vampires and The Symbolism of Giving Knives to a Bride. It took Sookie an hour to write the thank you note because she wasn't very bright. She thought the silverware was really pretty and hauled it out for holidays until the Thanksgiving Pam was burned when she touched one of the spoons and took the entire set and stuffed it through the fairy portal in the woods behind Sookie's house, mumbling something about someone being too thick to "get it."
Sookie and Sam had four children, the last being a complete surprise because Sookie forgot how to count the days of the month. Neal and Jennings came first, apparently twins because otherwise they'd be described as coming first and second. Adele and Jillian Tara were born after the boys. Sookie and Sam hoped to send them all through college so they started holding wedding receptions at the bar and catering parties, saving almost enough to put one child through community college for two years. The rest were on their own because their parents were unaware of how much a college degree would actually cost, much less four of them.
Jennings inherited his mother's telepathy, and she constantly told him he was disabled and cursed. Unlike his successful telepathic cousins who went into brain research, Jennings spiraled down a dark path of self-loathing that ended in a fatal heroin overdose when he was nineteen. His twin, Neal, suffered terrible guilt because he was the favorite son due to his lack of telepathy, and after two years studying marketing at Red Ditch Community College, he moved to New Orleans and went to work for the Salvation Army. Adele and Jillian Tara fought a lot with their mother and became strippers at Fangtasia when they turned eighteen. Adele was killed at twenty by an abusive boyfriend, and Jillian Tara was turned by Pam when she was twenty-five. Eventually, Jillian Tara and Eric fell in love and remained devoted mates for many decades after Eric killed Freyda and became the King of North Carolina.
Sookie and Sam had a good marriage because they compromised and talked about their feelings. Sookie caved and let Sam have affairs with trashy shifter woman as a compromise, and told him how she felt by calling him an asshole almost daily. When they saw Eric on television, Sookie drank more than usual.
Niall gave Sam and Sookie an invitation to the Summerlands, which Sam interpreted as a death threat. Sookie put the invitation in her lockbox at the bank, but was unable to retrieve it later, not realizing fairy magic can't be contained in a lockbox. Both Sookie and Sam thought about Niall's offer all the time, longing for an escape from the tedious lives they'd chosen for themselves, but were unable to do anything about it.