Hi there! EDM's here for the last chapter of "You're My Other Half"! I hope you all enjoy it! ^.^

It has been two months since John had moved with Sherlock, and he didn't regret his decision for a second. Being with him was… just incredible. Well, if we don't include the experiments on the kitchen table, the shoots to the wall, the different human parts on the fridge, the explosions that occurred now and then and the times when they had a row because Sherlock was behaving like a child or an insufferable bastard, that's it.

And then, there was that connection they felt whenever they locked eyes. It has increased with the time, and both were sure that they were soul mates, but they didn't do anything to prove it. Why?

John, because he was afraid. Sherlock had told him the first time they went to Angelo's that he didn't wanted a soul mate, and that he was married to his Work. So what if they were soul mates and Sherlock didn't want to feel… attached to him? What if he told John, not to move out (because once you found your soul mate instinct made it difficult to live without them) but to not talk to him, or even worse, that he wouldn't be going to solve cases with him? Sherlock could spend the major part of the day out doing God knows what, and John would find himself unable to stop him. First, because Sherlock was an unstoppable force, and if he decided to do something nothing could stop him (stubborn bastard, John thought at least 15 times a day)

And second, because when soul mates were from the same sex, one of them was the dominant one, and the other couldn't defy his orders, and John supposed that if they were soul mates Sherlock would be the dominant one. How could he ever be the submissive one when the flamboyant detective couldn't bear to take orders from anyone?

In short, John was insecure and had no fucking idea what to do. Because he wanted to be the detective's soul mate, God he wanted.

And what about Sherlock?

Well, he was also scared. But not for the same reasons, he wasn't afraid of losing John. He was afraid of John. John and the feelings he produced. Sherlock had been convinced that he didn't need a soul mate, that he could be fine without one. But now that John had appeared, instinct told him that he was his soul mate, and now he wanted a soul mate. Need it. No, scratch that: he craved to join his hand with John, to feel completed, to let him take care of him (because in Sherlock's logic John would be the dominant one, always looking out for him and nudging him to eat). That the intensity of those feelings, the urge of that need was what scared Sherlock. Because once they joined hands, he would practically belong to John, meaning that the doctor could do anything he wanted with him. Anything.

Of course, Sherlock knew that John would never use that power to hurt him, but he was afraid of being that vulnerable anyway. Not that he didn't trust John, but…

Okay, he didn't have any excuses to why he was afraid. Maybe, if he looked in the hidden depths of his heart, was because he thought that no one would like him for a soul mate. He was bossy, selfish and a… a freak. Maybe in truth he was just insecure of himself, and how he would respond to being in a relationship with anyone, and with John mostly. Maybe he felt that he didn't deserve John, the kind, caring John, with his hideous jumpers, his stunning blue eyes and his gentle smiles. John, that called him amazing and genius, and bloody brilliant bastard. John, with his perfect tea and his addiction to jam. John, with his warmth that warmed Sherlock's heart.

Maybe he felt all that. But of course, they were only "maybes", nothing serious, he told himself. Nope, not the truth. Never.

Were them?

The sexual tension was unbearable.

That day Sherlock and John were at a crime scene, near the body. Normally, there was a slight tension between them, a sexual tension, that everyone at the room could notice.

But this? The ambient between them was so tense and just so dense that Lestrade and Donovan (Anderson didn't cared) thought that they could cut it with a knife.

"Why can't those fools notice that they're soul mates and get on with it?" Lestrade whispered "This isn't normally this bad"

"The freak and John are just fools" Sally sneered "For someone who presume to be a genius, the freak can't notice what is clear as a day"

Even though Lestrade didn't approve of how Sally had said that, he totally agreed with the meaning. And he noticed also Sally's concern for those two, concern that he shared. He considered John, and even Sherlock, to be his friends, and if things continued like that between those two… well, he wasn't sure of the consequences, but he was damn sure that they wouldn't be good.

"Hey, you two, can you just stop this?"

Sally's voice made him snap to reality, to see the sergeant glaring at the pair, and them to answer with a confused look (John) and a defiant glare (Sherlock)

Sensing that Sally had had enough and was about to talk with them, and fully intending to support, he ordered everyone out of the room.

"What are you talking about Sally?" Asked the doctor "And why have you made everyone leave?"

"Because this can't continue like this" Greg said firmly "You two and the sexual tension between you makes it difficult to work"

"Normally it's bearable, but today it's just impossible" Sally interrupted "And for a freak that prides himself to notice everything, you're jus a fail if you couldn't notice the fact that you two are soul mates. So please, just admit it and get on with it already"

If the situation wasn't so serious, Greg would have laughed about their blushes and dumbfounded looks.

"So, I'm sorry but you have to go home" Greg said "And I won't accept a "no" for answer Sherlock" He added, cutting Sherlock's protests "You two are coming with me to your flat, and won't get out until you bond"

"And how are you going to do that, Detective Inspector?" Sherlock asked, venom in his voice.

"I'll call guards to block the doors and watch the windows if I need it, and if that doesn't work I swear that I would make a call to your brother to ask for help, Sherlock, and I'm sure that you won't be able to fight against that. So" Greg said with a serious tone and cold face "Will you do it on your own, or are you going to make me take the measures I consider necessary?"

"We're not…"

"We'll do it on our own" John interjected, stopping Sherlock with a glare "Sherlock, Greg and Sally are right, we need to talk"

Sherlock pouted, but followed John without more protests. At least for the moment.

Back at the flat, they stood ankwardly at the living room, looking at anything but each other.

"Sherlock" John said, breaking the silence "I think we need to talk about what's happening between us"

"And what is exactly happening between us, John?"Sherlock asked.

"I-I, well..." John stuttered, then sighed "Don't play dumb Sherlock, it really doesn't suit you. You clearly know what I'm talking about"

Sherlock didn't answer. Instead, he took his voiling and began to inspect it.

"Look, if you want me to move out, just say it and I'll be out by the end of the week"

That got a reaction from the detective. He left the violing and walked until he was in front of John.

"Who had told you that I wanted you to move out?" He asked, his face and voice emotionless.

"You don't want a soul mate, but at the rate we're going we'll end either bonding or insane, and to avoid that one of us needs to move, Sherlock. You know that"

"So are you telling me that you don't want to bond with me?"Sherlock asked, hiding his hurt.

"What, no!" John said "You told me that you didn't want a soul mate, and I don't want to force you or drive you to the limit. If you don't want a bond I... I understand I'm not worth it, so say it and I'll move out by the end of this week"

Sherlock blinked, surprised. So he didn't thought that Sherlock wasn't worth of him, but that it was him who wasn't worth of Sherlock. That had left him without words.

John, taking the silence as a bad sign, excused himself to go to his room, feeling empty and broken, but before he could get to the stairs Shrlock grabbed his left arm with his left hand, making a wave of warmth to travel through both of them, making them gasp.

"I-I... John" Sherlock said "I don't want you to go. I have always thought that alone protected me, that I didn't need a soul mate, that I was fine in my own, but now I don't think like that. I am afraid... but I want to bond with you"

John gaped at him for a few seconds, the smiled gently. He understood those words had been hard for Sherlock. He despised the sentiment, and wasn't good to express his feelings. And he also understood his fear, because bonding with someone implied trusting him, depending on that person.

He understood everithing, and with his eyes he told Sherlock that it didn't matter if he was the dominant one or the submissive one, he would never hurt him, never leave his side. Sherlock smiled at him a with a slight nod told him that he had understood his message and that he trusted him.

Locking gazes, they smiled and moved to join hands when Sherlock stopped.

"Would you mind if we do this shirtless? I want to see the process" He hesitantly asked. John chuckled.

"Of course. You and your curiosity" He said.

Shirts were out in a moment, and they could see their identical guidances.

Then, finally, they joined hands.

And God, it felt wonderful.

A wave of warmth, stronger than the one before, travelled through their bodies, and their gidances started to glow, John's one in a golden light and Sherlock's one in a silver light. The shape of the half heart, even though they couldn't see now the pattern or the colour, changed to be one of a complete heart.

And when their lips got together, the light grew to make a bubble of light around them, a mix of gold and silver that grew and greww until it could blind to anyone who merely took a glance at it.

Then, the need of becoming one in body and soul became overwhelming, and clothes disappeared from their bodies. When they joined, the bubble grew even brighter, and when they came, the bubble exploded, adding to the extasy of the moment a wave of warmth that took them to Heaven for a few seconds that felt like hours.

Then, exhausted, they went to sleep.

When they woke up the next morning, they saw that their guidances had took the shape of a complete heart, which was of a mix of gold and silver. But when they looked at each other, they let a gasp of surprised: the colour of one of their eyes had swapped. Now, both of them had a blue eye (John's) and a grey-green-blue one (Sherlock's)

"It seems that our bond isn't a normal one" Sherlock said. John chuckled.

"With you nothing it's normal, Sherlock, you should know that" And he pulled him into a deep kiss.

Sherlock chuckled as well and responded to the kiss, tongues battling for a few seconds until Sherlock submitted and let John take control, like last night.

"I thought you would be the dominant one" John whispered to him.

"I knew you would be the dominant, John, you're the one who always takes care of me"

John blinked, the sighed.

"How can you be so bloddy right even in this type of things?" He asked with a fond voice.

"The facts were there, John, I just observed. It's easy"

"Yeah, whatever" John mumbled "Want some breakfast?"

"No thank you, I have to go to the Yard" Sherlock said, streching like feline and getting up as well.

John frowned.

"Sherlock, you should eat something, you haven't eat for four days"

"Eating slows me, John, and you know it"

John sighed.

"Sherlock, go downstairs because you're goig to eat breakfast. Now."

Sherlock felt his body obeying him and pouted, but inside he was smiling. He knew that John would use his dominance to take care of him. That's why he was the dominant one, he supposed.

John, seeing that Sherlock had obeyed him, followed him to the kitchen and started to make some breakfast (toast and tea for both). Then they sat in silence and started to eat their breakfast, enjoying each other's company.

When Sherlock finished, he got up to get change and head off to the Yard, but before he could do anything John grabbed his arm and kissed him .

"I love you Sherlock" He said, smiling at him. Sherlock returned his smile.

"I love you too John"

Life, at last, was completed for both of them.

Well, that's the end of you're my other half! How have you find it? Maybe it was a bit OOC, but I think it's sweet.

Well, please leave a review to tell me what do you think about it! And don't think this is my last Johnlock story: I have other stories in mind, and I'm working on them too, because I just love this pairing. And why?

"Because Sherlock and John are meant to be together"

(Jejeje that looks really formal, don't you think? XD)

See you soon!