Disclaimer: Still not mine.


Professor Severus Snape yawned as he patrolled the Hogwarts corridors looking for any students out of bed.

It was a slow night and he was in a bitter mood. It would be therapeutic to take points from someone but all the students actually seemed to be behaving tonight.

Snape scowled, about to give up when he rounded another corridor and saw a dark head of messy black hair and his heart sped up.

Was it…?

Could he really be so lucky? Why wasn't the boy wearing his invisibility cloak?

He crept up behind the black haired boy, sneering when he knew for certain it was who he had thought. "it doesn't surprise me, Potter, that you think curfew is beneath you but I assure you the rules are meant for everyone. Even you," he drawled.

Potter kept walking. The boy showed no sign of hearing his professor at all.

Snape frowned.

"Potter!" he snapped.

No response.

Finally, impatiently, Snape reached out and grabbed the boy's shoulder, halting him and turning him around so he could look into his face.

Lily's beautiful green eyes stared blankly at him, not seeing, not aware, and for a moment Snape felt his heart skip a beat. What was wrong with the boy?

He almost looked as though he were… sleepwalking?

Snape's eyes narrowed. He had never found the boy sleepwalking before. Was it possible he was faking in order to escape detention?

"Potter?" Snape said silkily, in one of his most dangerous tones, his eyes still narrowed.

Potter again made no response.

Unless you counted attempting to wander away a response, that is.

Grabbing the boy's arm Snape kept him still.

If it was an act it was a good one. And frankly Snape didn't have that much confidence in the boy's acting skills.

Potter was mindlessly straining to keep walking and Snape ignored him, his hand on the boy's arm keeping him in place while he considered what he should do next.

Ideally of course, he would most like to be able to take points from the arrogant, dunderheaded teenager and Snape scowled. He would be so much happier if Potter were faking.

It bothered him that he hadn't known Potter was prone to sleepwalking.

Maybe it had never happened before? Could it be possible it had something to do with the thoughts and dreams he was sharing with the dark lord?

Snape frowned again, considering.

He could wake the boy and question him…

It was something he and Dumbledore should know, after all… and he had never seen any sleepwalking when he had been in the boy's head during their Occlumency lessons…

Still, if it could be avoided you weren't supposed to wake a sleepwalker.

Potter whimpered then, still struggling against him and Snape sneered. The boy was even annoying in his sleep.

Another whimper and, looking at the boy's face Snape didn't notice how the teenager's free hand went down and gripped his crotch, squeezing it agitatedly.

He would take the boy back to Gryffindor Tower and he would speak to Dumbledore about the incident in the morning. And in their next Occlumency lesson he would find out for sure whether this sleepwalking was related to the dark lord or not.

Plan decided Snape started walking in the direction of the boy's dorm, pulling said boy along with him.

Potter kept trying to go off in different directions but eventually they made it within sight of the portrait hole which, Snape saw, was hanging wide open.

Potter's doing no doubt.

Still, he had a brief word with the portrait just to make sure before pulling on Harry's arm to get him into the portrait hole.

Potter abruptly refused to move though and irritated, Snape turned back to him, about to force him forward, shock however, making him stop and just stare in surprise.

The crotch of the boy's pajama pants was steadily getting darker and as he watched the wetness spread down his legs and started pooling around the boy's feet.

Potter was wetting his pants.

Snape sneered, his eyebrows rising. Yet another thing he hadn't known the boy was prone to doing. He would enjoy making Potter's life hell over this.

For now though… Snape raised his wand and, when he was sure Potter was finished emptying his bladder, banished the mess and cleaned the boy's clothes.

Next he ushered the boy through the portrait hole and closed it after him.

He drew the line at tucking the boy in. Potter could find his own way back to bed. Or not. At least he was in Gryffindor Tower now.

Heading to his chambers for the night Snape found himself smirking. The night had turned out better than he had anticipated and he had found out some interesting things and he was looking forward to rubbing them in Potter's face.

"Harry. Harry, what are you doing sleeping here, mate?"

Blinking his eyes open Harry found himself staring into his best friend Ron Weasley's face.

"What…?" he muttered, sitting up and looking around. He was on the floor of the common room in front of the fireplace…

He had no memory of coming here.

"Are you okay, mate?" Ron asked anxiously.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine," Harry muttered, getting to his feet. And he did feel fine…

"Did you have another dream about You-Know-Who?" Ron whispered.

Harry frowned, thinking. "I don't think so," he said slowly. He remembered… looking for something… a bathroom maybe?

Worriedly he chanced a glance down at his pajama pants, relieved to see they were dry. He hadn't wet himself in some time but still… old habits die hard he supposed.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Ron asked skeptically.

"Yeah. I'm going to go get ready. I'll meet you at breakfast, okay?"

All in all it was a strange start to the morning but Harry put it out of his mind.

He'd had stranger, after all.

At least he hadn't wet himself.