hi! and welcome to Something to Live for.

I just need to point out that this is my very first SnK and yaoi I've EVER written so y'know. Don't be too judgy. I'm really excited to do this, because this will be my first multichaptered story that I'm actually planning on finishing:p please sit back and enjoy!

Also, the story will take place in an AU, this is just the prologue, so. ya. k. read.


Eren awoke to the sun shining behind his eyelids. Flashes of white could be seen dancing behind his eyes, and he could hear the faint chirping of birds as they sat outside the window. He sighed internally because he was not ready to get up yet. The night prior was a very eventful and action packed –Eren being an easy bottom and all- so a long and relaxing sleep was in order. But as he stretched his long arms over to the other side of the bed and felt the cold fabric there, he sighed. Though he was awake, Eren kept his eyes firmly shut; refusing to get up from the warm bed he shared with the man of his dreams. He wasn't even a morning person anyways.

Strangely enough, Eren was rather happy with his current life situation. Although it had taken some getting used to, Eren easily fell into the rather strict yet calm life style he and his lover shared. Though it was rather different than the one he had before, he was okay with changing to fit the others liking.

Speaking of his lover, "Get the fuck up you little shit. It's past 7"

A kick reached the side of Eren's hip and he groaned, burying his head into the blankets to block out the noise, "In a bit."

Another kick and Eren finally rolled over. Aquamarine met light blue, and a lazy smile broke out across the youngers lips. Eren reached out to him and pulled on his lover's hand. He was reluctant, but the older fell onto the bed beside his lover, and curled up in his arms, the side of his head pressing into his chest. The older listened to the sound of Eren's heartbeat, slow and steady. He could still remember when they first started doing things like this, and the younger's heartbeat would be erratic, beating in a wild frenzy he knew to be because of him.

"Good morning, Levi." Eren whispered, nuzzling into Levi's clean black hair.

Levi would never admit it, but he was a total sap. Not that he needed too, Eren knew everything about him, as he knew everything about the other.

"Hey," was Levi's curt reply. He felt Eren's chest rise and fall as the brunet chuckled. He lifted his head and so his eyes could meet the other, and he questioned, "What?"

Eren laughed a bit more, "Nothing, I just like you a lot."

Levi rolled his eyes and made a move to get off his still half asleep lover, but stopped when he felt hands tighten their hold on his hips.

"Wait," came Eren's small voice from below him. He looked down at the sudden seriousness in his eyes, and he remembered exactly why he had to wake Eren up so early, were they had to be. With a small tug, Eren pulled his lover so their lips could meet in a slow dance. They parted for a second, before coming back together again, this time Levi moving to straddle his lovers waist and kiss him harder. Feeling Eren's thumbs rub circles in his hip bones made him kiss his lover harder.

Eren's mind was in a haze. His heart beat fast and his mind was soon clouded with all things Levi. The way his lips moved perfectly against his, the way his hands tangled in his hair and gave a slight tug every so often, and then massaged the place he pulled a second after, Levis perfect thighs tightening themselves around Eren's hips. But it was cut short when Levi broke the contact and instead rested his head in the crook of Eren's neck, breathing slowly as the weight of the situation hit them.

And Eren asked him the one thing he asked every time they went out, the one thing Levi never had an answer for, "Please, promise to come home safe, heichou."

The only answer Levi could give was a light kiss on the neck, before climbing off his love to go get ready for the day ahead of them, leaving Eren to lay and take his answer as an unspoken, 'yes.'

The briefing was quick. Not much information was given, but then again not much was needed -Eren and Levi were shooting glances at the other, a habit each had discovered in the early stages of their relationship throughout the whole fifteen minutes of briefing-The mission didn't have many details. And it didn't have many soldiers either. But this was the most important mission the survey corps would be operating, and if they were lucky, one of the very last.

By some impossible chance, Hanji Zoe had discovered a way to destroy titans; to literally obliterate them. She was a hero amongst the corps, and although not many had believed her when she first told them of her discovery, a small demonstration had them all in shock.

She had convinced Erwin to take a small group of soldiers to the outer most wall of Trost to look out the fallen areas below. To prove her point, she needed to have a large group of titans. She demonstrated her discovery with Levi as her assistant.


Levi swooped through the buildings behind the ignorant titans. They were too distracted by the large group of humans to be bothered with just one. He flew through the air and landed on the top of a building, waiting for the titan-crazed woman's signal. He looked out to the row of humans and picked out the one he was searching for. Eren's eyes were trained on him, while everyone else's watched Hanji as she explained how her gas would seep into the titan's wounds, attracted to the abnormal heat they gave off. All the soldiers listened intently to Hanji's simplified explanation to how the gas worked inside the titans, and how it slowly cooled the heat they needed to survive.

"I got the idea after I experimented a little more with the way titans react to things without the sun; the more I looked into it the more possibilities came out." Hanji's faint voice registered in the back of Levi's distracted mind. -He prayed at least Eren was listening, he's need to know this shit later. But right now, the concerned look on his lovers face was to captivating to look away from- "I ran many tests, before a landed on an answer. The sun produces heat, and the inside of a titan is abnormally hot. They had to be connected in some way."

Levi completely zoned out after that. A slight breeze blew, allowing Eren's brown hair to sway ever so lightly in the breeze. Levi sighed as he watched him. Was it even possible for someone to be as in love as he was? And yes he said love. They had admitted that emotion to each other long ago. The relationship they shared at the beginning was originally awkward, unbalanced and unbearable. But they had each given an equal effort to keep it alive.

Levi flicked his eyes back to Hanji when he saw her gesture to him, "Levi is going to cut into a single titans arms and legs, the minute he does so, Mikasa," Hanji gestured to the girl on a building not too far away from where Levi was, "will release the gas around the titans. As soon as they are done, they'll retreat, the titan will heal and in one minute they'll all be dead."

Levi wondered how this wasn't any different than cutting out the slab of skin on the neck, but was grateful when Eren's small, blond friend did so for him. "How is this any different than how we usually defeat the titans?"

Hanji smiled at Armin, actual happiness radiating from her. "If you haven't noticed, more titans are heading in this direction as we speak. Once the gas is released, it manifests inside the titans body, so although the titan is dead, it still takes a while for its remains to decompose. So it sits there. The gas is still attracted to the heat, and therefore will still try and find it. As long as a titan has an opening, a cut, a missing limb, a mouth even, the gas can affect it; it just needs a previous subject so it understands what type of gas it's looking for."

"In other words," Armin began, "You're saying that if we killed one titan with this gas and gathered the rest of them around the area, they'd all die?"

Hanji's smile only widened, "exactly."

And with that, she began the demonstration. Levi swooped in low, begging to spin as he neared a titan. With the two blades, he cut evenly into the titan's calf, steam exploding from the wound and spraying him as he retreated for the next phase. Mikasa swooped in soon afterwards, the gas open and spraying all around the now flailing titan. The other titans reached to grab the now retreating humans, but it was too late, they were already shooting back up the wall.

As the gas cleared from the titans, they all gasped. The attacked titan had indeed fallen to the ground, slowly decomposing and letting out a black mist. The other titans ignored their fallen brethren, and continued snapping their jaws and trying to reach for the gathered humans at the top of the wall. The black steam rose from the dead titan, and swam around the others, before quickly moving to fill their noses and mouths.

The soldiers waited. Levi now standing beside Eren watched in complete anticipation as his partner did as well. A thick air of anticipation hung in the air as they watched the titans go on, seemingly unaffected by the effects of the gas sprayed at them. Hanji's eyes didn't change until the smallest titan twitched. She smiled and began to laugh.

The titan exploded in a shower of skin, not even the usual bone or steam rising from the titan as it disappeared, a shower or black mist moving from the sky and frolicking about before dissipating. The rest of the titans soon following in the same fashion the other had. The mist inside each titan moved, and most dissipated, while the rest moved to the titan's further back, infecting them with gas. All eyes flew to Hanji.

"As you can tell, the gas cannot survive on its own if it cannot find a host in the correct amount of time. It dissipates before another titan can come along; which is why we need many titans at once for it to work."


Leaving the briefing room shortly after the presentation, Eren made his way back up to the shared room he had with Levi, knowing the other was following not too far back. Though everyone knew of their relationship and accepted them, they still didn't publicise it, they still wanted to keep their privacy. As he walked, Eren found himself contemplating the mission.

The mission was simple. There were two groups, 1 distraction team -Eren, Levi, Mikasa, Annie, Ymir, and Jean- and 1 infection carrying team -Hanji, Armin, Sasha, Connie, and Christa- each group would head out into the field and release the gas into a titan. The gas was stronger now, and wouldn't dissipate unless it hadn't infected anything for a while. This gas was going to save humanity. There were no flaws in the plan, but Eren couldn't shake the lingering feeling he had lurking inside his heart. Something was going to go wrong, he just knew it.

Before he knew it, he was in the basement, standing outside the cell of the room he had 3 years ago when he joined the Scouting Legion. He rested his head against the bars and smiled. This room held so many memories for him, both good and bad. He smiled and thought about how far he'd come from that little boy who lived in Shinganshina, the one overflowing with passion and blinded by hatred, alone and confused- to the man standing here today. Eren was still hotheaded and ignorant, but he understood how to keep his emotions in check; he understood that this life was cruel and there was nothing you could do but press on and keep driving yourself forward. He had grown, and his mother would be proud.

Eren wasn't the only one who grew up into something bigger, something stronger. Mikasa had grown quite a lot too. She was a new person. Though still slightly over protective, she was her own person, even friendly. She had accepted that the people around her were here for her and that she had a family. A family beyond what she and Eren shared. The people in the Scouting Legion were the people who looked after her, who cared for her and protected her through everything. She wasn't alone when she had the Scouting Legion. Even Mikasa ended up finding someone special to her, someone she could call her own, and someone she could end up being with forever. But forever wasn't long enough in this cruel world. Her love had died in an expedition outside the walls 4 months into their relationship. Though Mikasa had recovered, she hadn't been with anyone in over 2 years.

Many relationships bloomed throughout the years spent at the Scouting Legion –From Armin to Jean, to Connie and Sasha, to Erwin and Hanji- So many dates to celebrate and cherish -weather they were happy occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or even retirement. But also the sad ones, such as the deaths of the close friends or family members lost throughout the hellish war. Everyone had come to accept the old castle to be their haven; their safe place to hide when the world was too much. The Scouting Legion troops came and went, but Eren's immediate family was there to stay, he firmly believed that.

He sighed again as he looked around the room. What if this mission ruined everything they had all built up together? What if he lost someone else? The feeling in his stomach only worsened. That is until a voice floated through the door into to his ears.

"Oi, Brat. What are you doing here?" Levi called from the doorway.

Eren turned slightly, looking at Levi from head to toe. Levi's hair slightly fell into his eyes, as his head was tilted slightly to the side. His arms where crossed and he leaned against the door frame. His uniform perfectly sticking to his body, advertising the fact the Eren's boyfriends had really nice abs. He shook his head to clear his thoughts before answering, "I just came too... remember."

Levi only raised an eyebrow before moving to the spot beside his boyfriend, slightly leaning into the side. His voice lowered as Eren's arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him even closer, "What are you trying to remember?"

Eren didn't reply immediately, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "My mom would be so proud of me."

Levi's eyes widened some. They didn't usually talk about Eren's mother, or anything having to do with Shinganshina. Those experiences were the things Eren wanted to forget more than anything.

When Levi didn't respond, Eren continued, "I've changed so much since I started here. I've become such a stronger person."

Levi nodded into Eren's side, "What brought this up?"

"The mission, I'm not sure, but I feel like something important will happen, I feel like something is going to change." At the look Levi gave him, Eren added on, "Something other than the titans getting destroyed."

When Eren added nothing else, Levi brought his face close to his, lightly brushing their lips. Though it has happened before, the times when Levi was so uncharacteristically soft and nice was still shocking, and it took a moment for Eren to react. But soon enough he did. His arms moved to wrap around his lovers waist trapping the older's hands against his chest, where they stayed pressed into him. The kiss was soft and slow and so full of passion that Eren almost wanted to cry, but then again Levi would probably hit him if he did.

Levi pulled away, looking Eren in the eyes, "nothing is going to change, everything will be just fine."

Eren nodded, grabbing his lover before pulling him closer to his chest. He nuzzled his head into the older's hair, breathing out a quiet, "I love you."

Levi nodded into his chest, being unusually receptive, "I love you."

Eren shot through the forest, ripping into one titan for the gas which followed him to enter. Long ago had he lost the other members in his group, trusting them to stay safe and trust him to do the same. He shot forward narrowly missing the hand a titan smashed down in attempt to catch him. He only slashed through the hand, allowing the gas to fill the wound with disease. He fought and fought, bringing down one titan after the next, seeing the black mist fly through one to the next; until he was so exhausted he had to take a break up in a tree. He watched as the mist flew through the trees running into the titans and infecting them immediately. It was amazing how fast the titans fell; evaporating into nothing so fast you'd miss it if you blinked. He felt a sense of pride swell into his chest at the thought that one of their own had created this. Humanity was fighting back, and they were winning.

And then Eren saw Levi and the world crashed down so fast he didn't have a chance to scream.

He raced down to were Levi had been swatted out of the air, were the titan was seconds away from grabbing him and devouring him just Eren had seen them do to just about everyone he cared about. Eren swooped in and cut into the titan's neck just as its giant mouth opened to take humanity's strongest inside itself. The titan collapsed just beside Levi, and Eren landed beside him.

"Heichou! Heichou!" Eren called as he picked Levi up in his arms.

Levis eyes opened ever so slowly, and while they did, Eren checked his love for any injuries. Other than a bruised head, he was fine. "Shut up, I'm fine." He sat up slowly, looking around them. "We need to get off the ground were not safe here-"

"Don't scare me like that!' Eren yelled, jumping forward to hug his lover, "I was so worried!'"

"Eren, listen-"

"I know, I know, I'll get us up-"

"Mikasa is dead."

Eren froze. The whole world suddenly started spinning as Levi spoke. "Hanji's gone too, Listen, we're falling back. We've lost too many-"

The rest of Levi's words were cut off as Eren lost sense of everything. His mind fell into a dark hole. He couldn't breathe, couldn't focus. Only the words of, Mikasa is dead, Mikasa is dead, Mikasa is dead, echoing throughout his mind. He could vaguely hear Levi calling out for him, telling him to snap out of it, but Eren was already too far gone.

The world was cruel. When you think you're okay and you've built up support to keep you together and strong, it comes in and takes them away, leaving you to fall in to the black hole. What did Eren have left? Mikasa was gone.

A sharp pain snapped across Eren's face as his head whipped to the side.



He still had Levi. 'Levi is still here. Levi is still here,' he chanted over and over again in his head. As he came back into focus, he looked to the man in front of him. Terror reflected in his eyes, wide and watery.

"We need to get off the ground." Levi said standing and helping Eren up. It was then Levi noticed the aberrant charging towards them.

3 things occurred to him at once, 1, Eren wasn't in any condition to fight, 2, his own 3DM gear was crushed, 3, two scouting legion soldiers trailed the titan, but it wouldn't reach them in time.

It all moved to fast Eren didn't have time to react. He turned just in time to see the giant hand swing down. He felt Levis small body move in front, watched as the titan picked him up and brought him to his lips. Eren moved his hand to his mouth, preparing to bit down. But he hesitated, his mouth hovering over his hand just long enough for Levi's message to get across.


And the titan bit down, severing Levi's upper half for the bottom. Eren screamed just as Jean ripped through the titan, cutting into its shoulder and letting the black mist flood in.

Levi's emotionless body fell to the ground, Eren was quick to react and catch him. He landed on the ground, tears streaming from his face. "Why?" he whispered, stroking Levi emotionless form. "Why didn't you let me change? I could have saved you!"

Eren cried harder, burying his face into his now dead lover's neck, rocking back and forth before he heard Armin's small voice, "We need to retreat."

Eren only shook his head no, crying harder. "I can't leave him..."

"Eren..." Armin tried, setting his arm on his friend's shoulder, only to have Eren shake it off. Armin stepped back, and looked to Jean for support. Jean only sighed, before marching forward and grapping Eren by the shoulders, forcing the delirious boy to look at him.

"He's GONE Eren! He's gone! Heichou is..."

Eren searched his eyes, and Jean let go. Eren took a few steps back, before turning back towards his lover. "Okay."

Armin and Jean looked at each other, before Jean spoke, "I'll give you a second."

Eren sank down to Levi's side, stroking his fingers through his lover's hair for the very last time. "I love you... I love you..." He leaned his shaky body down to his forehead, giving Levi one, final kiss. "I love you."

With that, he turned and left the body of the one he loved, forever.

When Eren reached the wall were they were told to retreat too, he fell to the ground. Not even half of the 2 teams made it home. In front of him were Jean, Armin, Sasha and Christa.

Hanji, Connie, Ymir, Annie, Mikasa and Levi were missing.


"Why didn't he want me to transform?" Eren asked Erwin, sitting in his office, drinking his sorrows away. Levi had been incredibly close to the both of them, Levi being almost like a son to Erwin.

Erwin laughed a bitter laugh, "You don't know?"

Eren looked offended, "Of course not! I could have saved him! " Tears escaped the corners of Eren's eyes, "I could have done something and I didn't! I could have saved him! If I hadn't of left the group in the first place, Mikasa never would have died! I could have used my titan form to save them all." Eren's voice faded into small sobs. It was his entire fault. He could have stopped so many deaths, saved so many lives.

His mother would not be proud of him.

"Levi gave his life for you, and you think its you're fault?"

"I could have saved him-"

"Eren." Erwin spoke, his voice hard. "There is a gas flying around to kill titans. If you transformed, you'd have died too."

Eren froze. He was such an idiot. How had he not realised? He was so stupid.

That night when he left Erwin's room, he crawled up to Levi's, crawling into bed and hugging his lovers pillow tight to his chest. It was all his fault. Eren cried.

"I'm so sorry heichou."

shitty ass ending but who gives a shit. welcome to this new adventure chapter story piece of shit writing i just created. dear lord i am so unhappy with what my fingers just typed. like, ugh. anywho, i absolutely promise the story will actually get good from here on out, as i've actually put a shut ton of effort into making this little ass. so thankyou so much for reading this far and i swear to SATAN the story will be better, plus it's a reincarnation fic, they're just wonderful aren't they?

idk if you'll read this, but ashley you are one of the most wonderful people in my life, and i really hope you'll stay for a long time. thank you for putting up with me, because it means so much to me that i mean something to you. butterbeer you make my world go round,


