Connor heard some noise coming from the bathroom. He knocked on the door, only to receive a harsh "Go away, Connor!" through a cracking voice. He tried opening the door, but it was locked.

"Abby, please let me in. I can help if you let me."



"I said no, Connor! Leave me alone!" She wasn't going to open the door until she was ready, but Connor had an idea...

After a few hours of sitting on the floor leaning against the wall next to the door, his brilliant plan seemed to lose its appeal. But his patience was rewarded when he heard the doorknob turn behind him. Abby was finally ready to talk. "You were out here the entire time?" She sniffed.

"Yup. Figured you could use the company when you came out. I know all I wanted to do was curl up in your arms and sob, so..."

She scoffed. "That's what you did, Conn." He chuckled lightly. "How did you get over it so quickly? You just... you cried right away and... You were done in three days. It's Cutter... He's gone, and..."

"It's hard to accept?"

"Yeah. I just don't know how you got through it so well." She sniffed again.

Instead of answering her, he just took his hands out from behind his back. "Here." He handed Abby a stuffed lizard. "Thought this could help."

Her eyes grew wide. "I told you to throw this out…"

"Well, I didn't listen, did I? Figured if Abby Maitland still had a stuffed toy after all these years, it must be pretty special."

"I used to play with it when I was younger... I'd play wedding, and he'd be the groom. Used to have a suit and everything, but I lost it years ago... I didn't want you to think I could get sentimental about a toy, so I told you to throw it out... I missed this silly old thing."

"What changed about it? You're telling me the entire story of it now. Warming up to me?" he joked, trying to make her smile.

She punched his arm and clutched the toy to her chest. He winced but said nothing. "... Thanks, Conn. For saving it."

"Of course, Abs."