Is This a Date?




Jayden couldn't wait to spend the day with Emily. They had talked before breakfast and agreed to head out for lunch. Jayden hoped there weren't any attacks to get in the way of what he hoped would be his and Emily's first date. He had already picked out what he was going to wear. Emily on the other hand was having trouble finding a good outfit.

Mia entered Emily's room to help her with her hair and was shocked to see so much clothes thrown all around the room. "Whoa! Did your closet throw up?"

"I'm trying to find the perfect outfit."

"Emily, you know Jayden is crazy about you. He thinks you look great no matter what you wear. Besides, I thought this wasn't going to be a date?"

"I haven't decided if it is or not."

"Well if it's not a date then why are you trying to find the perfect outfit and why did you ask me to help you with your hair and makeup?"

Emily sat on her bed with a stressed sigh. "I don't know Mia. I know Jayden's a great guy but…" She trailed off.

"You didn't think you'd be interested in him?"

"No, Jayden's a really great guy and I always thought he was cute too, I just never thought he'd be interested in me. To be honest I didn't feel anything beyond friendship for him until last night."

"What happened last night?"

"He kissed me, I've been kissed before but not like that." Emily smiled remembering the feeling of Jayden's kiss.

"So instead of a kiss out with Mike you had it with Jayden?"

"Yeah, and ever since then I can't get him out of my mind."

Mia smiled and began working on Emily's hair. "Looks like you're getting a crush on our fearless leader now."

"It sure seems that way."

"Okay, so how do you want your hair? Want to go back to the wavy hair?"

"No, I liked it straight and so did Jayden."

"Straight it is, after your hair we'll pick out a great outfit for you then we'll do your makeup."

Jayden was waiting for Emily by the front door. He was dressed in dark blue jeans, his favorite red shirt and his usual jacket. All the guys wished him luck and he was hoping their wished luck would help him win Emily's affections.

"Hi Jayden," Emily said breaking him out of his thoughts.

"Emily, you look amazing." Emily was wearing light blue jeans with a yellow tank top and a white crop top jacket. "You're always amazing."

"Thank you, so what do you have planned for us?"

"I thought we could take a walk while we find a place to have lunch."

"Sounds good,"

"So what are you in the mood for?"

"Well, we had pizza last night, and Ji is bound to be over his cold by tomorrow so I think we should have more junk before he starts cooking healthy again. I think we should go to that new burger place in town."

"I like the way you think, "

They made their way to the restaurant and ordered their lunch. Emily had a simple cheese burger, Jayden had a double bacon cheeseburger and they shared fries and a soda. When they finished eating they decided to go to the park. They walked by the swings and Jayden gestured for Emily to sit in a swing. When she did he began to gently push her.

"You have no idea how long it's been since I've played on swings," Emily laughed.

"A few years?" Jayden guessed.

"Yeah, I never really had much of a chance to be a kid."

Jayden sat in the swing next to her and began swinging. "You didn't?"

"No, even though my sister was supposed to be the yellow samurai my parents wanted to make sure that I could protect myself in case someone tried to kidnap me or something so I spent a lot of time learning self-defense. I'm their youngest kid, they worry about me."

"So when your sister got sick, your self-defense training became more vigorous and you had to start training to be a samurai?"

"Something like that."

"I know what it's like not having a childhood but the training pays off. You're the best we've got."

Emily smiled at Jayden. "You're not so bad yourself,"

"Thanks, so would you like to see a movie?"

"Sure, I'm not sure what's playing though."

"We'll just have to see when we get to the theater and then we'll decide."

"Let's make a bet," Emily suggested.

"What kind of bet?"

"Let's jump off the swings and whoever jumps farther picks the movie."


They pumped their legs getting higher. "Jump on the count of three?"

"Okay, call it,"

"One…two…three!" They both let go of the chains jumping off the swings. They flew through the air and landed, with Emily a few feet ahead of Jayden. Emily jumped up and did a celebratory dance. "Oh yeah! I won!" She sang to herself.

Jayden stood up and rubbed his knees. "It wasn't really fair Em,"

"In what way was it unfair? You told me to do the countdown."

"It's unfair because you were swinging longer than I was and you're smaller so you go farther."

Emily grinned and stepped closer to Jayden. "Don't be such a sore loser Jayden, now come on we have to get to the theater." Emily took Jayden's hand and dragged him along. He didn't mind, all he cared about was that Emily was holding his hand.

When they got to the theater, Jayden gave Emily his share of the ticket money. He almost feared what Emily would pick. He knew her usual taste in movies and was worried he'd have to sit through a sappy love story. He would much rather experience his own sappy love story than watch someone else's. He also didn't want to watch a children's movie, he knew Emily and Mia had been wanting to see that movie about the turkeys.

Jayden waited by the doors while Emily got the tickets. "So what did you pick?" Jayden asked when Emily walked up to him with the tickets in hand.

"Well, first I considered Free Birds but then I realized you probably wouldn't have a good time having to sit through it so I picked something else."

"What did you pick?" Emily handed Jayden his ticket and he looked at it. "No way!" His eyes widened when he saw the movie title. "You got tickets to Thor?"

Emily laughed. "I thought you'd like it. I remember how much you guys were really into it when you saw The Avengers."

"Yeah, but I would've been okay if you picked the movie you wanted because I'd be with you."

"Well I kind of want to see Thor too, Chris Hemsworth is hot."

"I'll just pretend I didn't hear that." Jayden opened the door for Emily. She walked in and he followed her. "You don't want popcorn or anything do you?"

"Not really, I'm still okay from lunch."

"I'm going to get a soda," Emily waited by the claw machine while Jayden got his drink. "Hey," He said tapping her should. "We should go find some seats. The movie is supposed to start in a few minutes."

"Okay," They headed into their theater and found some seats near the back. The movie was newly released and the theater was very crowded.

For a few minutes they sat in their seats holding hands on the arm rest. The guy sitting on the other side of Emily was bothering her she spent most of the movie leaning towards Jayden. She even let him let her hand go so he can put his arm around her shoulders; his subtle hint to the guy bugging Emily that they were on a date.

When the movie was over, Emily went into the bathroom. Jayden was playing with the claw machine hoping to win a stuffed animal for Emily. He was successful in getting a white stuffed rabbit with a yellow bow.

"What did you win?" Emily asked approaching Jayden as he was reaching into the prize slot.

"I won you a fluffy bunny," He said holding it out for her to take.

"It's adorable," Emily took the bunny and kissed Jayden's cheek. "Thank you,"

"You're welcome."

"What do you say we head back now?"

"Okay," The entire walk back to the house they held hands and continued to have another conversation. They stopped right outside the door. "So, this is it." Jayden finally said.

"Yeah," Emily said knowing what he meant.

"So, was this a date or just two friends having fun?"

Emily put her hand on the back of Jayden's neck and pulled him down for a kiss. When they pulled apart Jayden had a big smile on his face. "It was a date,"

"So does this mean we can go out again?"

"Only if you'll be my boyfriend."

"I like your conditions." Jayden drew a symbol in the air and a yellow rose with red tips appeared. (Have you seen those bi-colored roses? They're beautiful)

"Wow, Jayden it's beautiful." Emily said admiring the rose. "It looks like us."

"A yellow rose means friendship, a red rose means love."

"I knew that, what does it mean when a rose is two colors?"

"It depends on the colors, this one means friends falling in love."

"Sounds about right,"




Whatever happens next for Jemily is left up to the imagination. I'm not sure when a new story idea will pop in my head but I'll keep thinking. Until next time fellow readers and writers