Author's note!

Hello All! As of late there has been some buzz about my little story, despite how confusing it may be. I wanted to answer a few questions I had been getting.

1.) Who is Kat?

If you are reading this you probably noticed the name Kat, or Lucyrine floating around. Kat is Lucy. Originally when I thought of this story (back when Breaking Dawn wasn't old and dry) I named my character Catherine or Kat for short. I wanted to really play on her symbolism as a "cat" like attitude and appearance. So if you see those names its spell checker and editor not working well

2.) Why didn't you write a love story?

There is different kinds of love. It doesn't always come as a knight in shining armor and it doesn't always come in healthy ways. I think the ending was great, despite the MANY errors with grammar.

3.) Will there be a sequel?

Maybe. I sometimes feel like my inner fangirl for twilight has burnt out as it is 2015 and I read the stories in middle school -I am a junior in college-. I have an idea to explore and Lucy is my my all time favorite OC I have created. If there is I will post up the first chapter and link right to this story. So stay tuned...or maybe don't hold your breath! I am not sure! What I am sure is whatever it is I will make sure it is Very well written and does justice to Lucy's story!

Again thank you! Cheers!
