Lucette (Lucy)Fortune is 121 years old and trying to live her life in repentance for the lives she took as a newborn by being a French teacher for the freshman class of Central Kitsap High. Although she has over seventy years of teaching experience, things are going to change when a certain Resesme Cullen enrolls in her class. Canon, No Ness/Jake romance

Chapter 1

Part 1

"Although, I did complete my doctrine in psychology, I am not offended if you all want to refer to me as Ms. Fortune instead of Doctor Fortune. In fact, it's pretty funny. I promise that French this year shall be a killer." I mused with an even heartfelt smile. I could hear each sticky, enticing heart beat either slow or speed up in reply.

I turned to the chalk board and started writing. My penmanship was even and beautiful like my father had shown me all those years ago. Only this time, my careful hands made no errors.
I spoke over the sound of young contracting and expanding lungs.

"My name is Lucette Fortune, but colleagues call me Lucy. As you can tell from my accent I am from a French language dominate country. I was born in small place named Geneva in Switzerland. French is my first language although I speak Swedish, Italian, and obviously English."

I turned to the class and looked under my glasses. I saw few smiles, but mostly at my flawless appearance rather than my attempt at humor. I fixed my glasses as normally as possible and turn back to the board. I found that the prop of glasses softened the blow of how bizarre my eyes looked with these in furiously itchy brown contacts to hide my bright red iris.

"I am 24 years old. I'm only child and I live alone in my condo in the Northern part of Silverdale. This is my 3rd year as a teacher, but I am new to Central Kitsap High as well as being new to the Washington Area. That makes us both freshmen." I made another look to my students with a warm smile.
"I like to have fun, but take my native tongue very seriously, so I expect a lot out of you guys."
I looked out at the 14 pairs eyes staring me down. I was the new teacher here, at the first day of high school. I was as nervous as the new set of freshman in front of me.

Or least I tried to seem that way. I managed to restrict a few minor details about my life.
One: I was a vampire.
Everything else was fairly true. I am 21-phyiscally, but I had to jack up my forged ID age to make it sound more possible for all my achievements. I was new to this school, and to this area, but I have taught and practiced psychology in Universities in Germany, Switzerland, and France. I have visited America at least twice, but this is my first year lowering my roots and teaching…prepubescent children. What an experience would it mingling with the young of this generation.

One girl with ruby red hair raised her hand two rows from the back. With her movement her scent wafted through the air in waves.


"Will we have a lot of homework?" Her voice was high pitched. I grinned. "Well, depends on how much we get done during class. Let's dive in shall we? I introduced myself, now each of you stand up and tell me your name, age, and if you know any foreign language. If you don't know anything, tell me a language you would like to learn. You do not need to feel pressured to say French, but you will get extra credit."

Some the class laughed and I suggest the red head go first. She stood up. Her body was lanky and I could smell the roll of toilet paper stuffed in her bra. Poor girl.

"My name is Megan Cronly. I'm 14, and I don't know any language besides English. I want to learn French to become a model in France."

"Fantastique, Megan. France is truly a place for sure a beautiful Fashonista, such as yourself." I say clapping my hands together. Megan smiles at me and I know that I will be on the best teacher list in her opinion. As time continued, each child stood up and spoke and I tried to give a push of encouragement in each one despite some of their odd taste. All of their blood smelt great, but I learned to channel my blood lust into my passion for teaching. I have a talent for bringing out the best in people.

Both literal and figuratively.

My afterlife provided me with the vampire talent of being able to emit a wave that makes people's talent even more pronounced. I can make the hobby cyclist good enough to match anyone racing. However, if I focus enough I could also make someone absolutely terrible at something as well. Luckily this talent has an on and off switch. Sadly my other vampire talents did not.
I heard one male student who name was apparently Greg whisper "She's single. Jackpot. I've never seen anyone hotter than her." And his friend responded with a crude comment about my butt.

This was the part of being a vampire that you think would be always a distraction, but after a while you got used to it. Of course I was beautiful in their eyes. It's how I hunted- or how I used to hunt.

I had to pretend that boy was out of my range of hearing as I continued to let my students' converse with one another. I found it amusing that my fellow teachers would have to spend weeks to get to know everyone's name, but I had no issue remembering each name.

"Ok now that we all know each other, how about we play a little game. It's called, guess who. Based on everyone's short description, we try to guess what talents everyone has. It's a little childish for young adults like yourself, but humor me. It's the first day of school, and I doubt piling on the French will make you excited for the year" I grinned and reached over to pull a basket out from under the desk. "Write down something you can do well, and don't share with your partner. Fold it up and placed it inside the basket."

I walked around to collect the pieces of paper and was extra careful not to accidently brush hands with my students. The same blonde hair kid looked up at me with a bug eyed expression. Like he was going into shock, and judging by his skyrocketing pulse, I'm sure that was the case.

"Kevin? Are you ok?" I asked after he didn't put his paper in the basket. He simply stared up at me in amazement, a pool of drool starting in the corner of his mouth.

"Huh! Yes I am fine!" He fumbled to throw his paper into the basket, but he was off about a centimeter. He would knock over the basket and although I had plenty time to react, I had trained my body and mind to react the human way. I let his clumsy hand knock over the basket of notes, making the class giggle and mock the poor boy.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Ms. Fortune! Here let me…" Again he was off another inch making his body crash into his desk. I could have moved out the way, but with so many eyes on me, I had to get this right. I grimaced probably a second too early as the desk turned over and fell on my feet. I didn't feel anything, but I grunted and managed out a loud yelp- perhaps a bit too overplayed, but I have never faked an injury before and I really had to sell the 'I feel pain' thing.

If the class wasn't laughing, before they were sure hooping and hollering now. Kevin who was already fair skinned was red as an apple. Some more beefy looking boys near me helped me remove the desk off my feet and I thanked them kindly. I got control of the class, and told them that I was fine and there was no need for concern. Kevin apologized and then laid his head on his desk for the rest of the class period. He didn't even bother to play the game. When the bell rung, Kevin tried to hurry out, but the red head cut him off.

"Way to kill the awesome new Teacher, Kevin." She chuckled before walking out before him. The two beefy boys followed behind her like she was some sort of princess. I had to repress my urge to roll my eyes. Perhaps dealing with highschoolers was not so interesting after all. The new class started to pile in as quickly as the old ones left and I smiled and waved as the class stumbled to their seats as many took double takes of me, before whispering how pretty I looked. When the late bell rang, I turned to the chalk board and restarted my earlier rant.

It was my last class before lunch and I was starting to believe that teenager from my time, had not really changed from now. Sure the taste in music and clothes were outlandish at best. But they were just as hormonal and easily bored. I used my charm and dazzle to attempt to get them excited for the school year, which worked wonders. By now, all of students (three periods worth) had left the class talking about how "cool" I was compared to the other teachers. This gave me full gratification, but also unnerved me. I couldn't help, but feel a little bad for tricking their tiny minds into think I was normal. If they knew how monstrous I could be, the whole lot of them would run away screaming and crying bloody murder.

I waited and watched each of the new students pile in and each was excited. I guess they must have heard the news about me. Everything was going normal until I saw her.

Well I smelt her way before she entered, but when I saw her, my careful face dropped. It wasn't the fact she was the prettiest student thus far, but her smell…

She smelt of roses. Her blood was intoxicating, but her skin sang of vampire. I could hear her heart, but there was something so particular about this student's pulse. What was that other scent she held? Woods maybe, but worst? In fact the scent of something revolting lingered on the edges of her clothes

The bouncy movement of her curls stopped as she stared me down. She was tightly clutching her books to her chest so I was sure she was going to snap in half. She stared right through me and for a second I was afraid she knew something she should not have had.


I had meet a few other vampires in my travels and while I researched my heritage. None of them could have withstood the smell of his girl. Maybe there many vampires in Forks like me… Or maybe not. I relaxed and extended my hand to gesture for her to come in.

"French 101, right? You are in the right place."

She smiled a little bit and nodded. She was dressed to nine in a blue cotton button up dress and some black converses. Her bronze curls were perfectly framing her face, but her tight jaw didn't ease up she carefully walked a few steps to me and I smiled encouragingly.

"I don't bite." I grinned at her and her eyes went wide, before she laughed out loud. It was short burst that didn't have too much humor in it. I wonder what was going through her head. She took her seat in the back and didn't break away from watching me.

After that, I sat in at my desk and awaited the rest of the class to find their seats.

I listened to a boy ask if her if he could sit to her, but she nodded abstinently and continued to stare at me. "Oh yeah, that's cool." She said still staring at me and I pretended to do work at my desk and that I did not notice.

"Hey, I'm Chad. You must be new." The black haired boy continued to talk to the bronze hair one, but the girl seemed severely distracted.

"No, I'm from Forks. I just moved down to this part of Washington though." Her voice was steady, yet really mature for her age. When the bell rung, I hastily hurried through my introduction. I gave this class the same chance to introduce themselves. But I have to say I was interesting in the rose blood one. I would have to be extra careful to survive this year without incident with this one. Chad Williston stood up and happily introduced himself first.

"My name's Chad. I play baseball and my pop taught me how to ride Harley's. I'm 15. The only language I speak is the language of love." He smiled down at the bronze hair girl who didn't pay attention, while the rest of my girls giggled.

"Baseball. I do hope you try out for the team here! Jr division could count on a fresh new face." I said and he nodded. "I am good for varsity. My gramps coaches here."

The girls seemed more impressed now, and the rose blood gave a small sigh. As soon as Chad sat down she decided to stand up.

She smiled very big, to let people know she had no problems with being the center of attention. "I have a funny name to be honest. It's Renesme. I love it, but it can be a mouth full. I go by Nessie. Nessie Cullen. I'm thirteen now. I really love to listen to music, and I can play the piano, but the violin is my favorite. I love to hike like the rest of very large family and might be out sometimes to go on family trips. I love classical literature and shopping is my favorite sport." She paused to laugh at her little joke, before she put a finger on her mouth. "Um, let's see. Oh language… I can speak French pretty well, but my older brother and our adoptive father can speak it much clearer than I could ever. I am trying to grasp German, but that is also something I am a little while from mastering" She smile and took her seat. She has spoken that last line in nearly flawless French and it had caused many of us to go still.

She seemed so natural at it that I think we were all taken back.

"Is french you first language, miss Cullen?" I ask back in the language. She shook her head. "No. I was born in Forks, but my father and my family had spent a year or so over in Europe." She was answering in English now and her eyebrow was slightly raised like she was waiting on me to ask an obvious question.

I instead nodded and continued with the rest of the introduction. Before I moved on, there was a girl who whispered. "What a show off-y bitch." To which Nessie's head turned too slightly. It was almost like she had heard that and had to stop herself from glaring.

By the end of the period, I had gotten to know each one of the students and Nessie never stopped glaring me down. Not that I could blame her, since I caught myself looking her direction more often than not. My throat was on fire, but so was my curiosity. She was not an average child. She smell was so odd that it drove me crazy not have any knowledge of it.

The bell rang and she gracefully stood up and looked me square in the eye. Her face was steely cold, but it had a sense of fear. She forced a little smile, before she left with a group of boys trailing her.

When the room was empty I let go a deep sigh of relief. My first day of high school was half way over. I only had one class after lunch and then I had the rest of the day off. I was sadly expected to laze around the school until it ended officially, but since I only taught freshmen I had a flexible schedule. I'd have my classroom all to myself.

I waited till lunch was well in swing before straighten my bun and heading out to the cafeteria.

Part 2

I had not a clue why anyone- human or not- would want to eat this slop. I grimaced at the slice of mystery meat smothered in what I assumed what was brown gravy. When I was younger, I used to really enjoy roast pork belly and cranberries, but now even now the smell and the memory of the taste are revolting. If that high class food made me sick, then is slop deserved a spot in hell. I was sitting in front of the cafeteria right at the door, in order to make my escape as soon as the lunch bell rang. I had a bottle of water of which I take small sips of occasionally to avoid suspicion. I found water was the less repulsive humanity amenity by far. I could stand it in short burst, but I had a feeling I would find myself over my toilet later tonight expelling the contents that wasn't blood in my body. I had experience with such things. Upon deciding to stop my monstrous ways I tried to 'de-vampire' myself by eating human food again. The results were violent heaving, gagging up the pieces of venom melted meat and other awful viscera. However I should count myself lucky that only one end was still in operation.

I tried to burying myself into my book, a tale of two cities, but the loud chatter of the teens made it hard to concrete. Now that it was bad, but these kids few completely bemusing. What would they think if they knew that I could hear everything? A group of high school boys across of me were contemplating how to switch into my class and there were clear cases of wild fantasies about me, which I dare not repeat. Some of the older girls were poking fun of the upcoming freshmen and the freshmen themselves shuffled around uneasy and horrified.

I saw Kevin from the corner of my eye. He was stiffly holding a tray and looking around desperately. When his eyes finally caught mine, I grinned to which his blush covered his face like a red blanket. I laughed and nodded my head over to the right. Slowly his body moved towards a gesture. There were tables of equally frighten freshman at the empty corner of the café. The sweet kid would have no problem fitting in over there. He smiled, and hurried over to the other side. I felt particularly sorry for the boy having a tough time, so I put down my book and started to focus on the boy. His coronation skills were appallingly awful, so I thought I'd spike it up. I pushed my will for him to do better on the human child and instantly his lanky walk, become smooth and controlled. His hunched over shoulders evened out and his face twisted up in an expression of relaxation. He most certainly looked better now that I was helping him with his balance issues. As I predicted he took a seat at the table and the freshmen greeted him nice enough. I continued pushing my will to Kevin until and a girl who was in Kevin's period- Melanie as she introduced herself- was having a very sweet conversation on how first period went. I figured he'd be ok for now on and I let my will fizzle out and the metaphorical chains snap off of him. Kevin never even noticed as he continued.

I smiled to myself and hoped that those two will be good friends the rest of the year. I only had a moment to bath in the glory of doing a good deed, before I caught the scent of roses again. I repressed a growl as I worked to gain control quickly. I turned to see Nessie walking to a table, her iphone was being tucked into her pocket, and I assumed she had just gotten off of it. Nessie seemed to know I was near her, but she didn't look my way. Instead she focused going to a table where a bunch of girls were yelling and waving at her.

"Nessie! You can sit with us." It was the same ruby head in my class early, Megan.

"Oh Thank you." Nessie and slide in the empty chair. "You seem to know me, but I am very sorry, but I cannot remember your name." She was polite for her age.

"I'm Megan and this is Debbie, Lucye, and Amanda. We heard about what you did in gym. I cannot believe you stood up to Michael. He is a senior. He doesn't talk to freshman, let alone exchange phone numbers." Megan's eyes were fired up.

Nessie nodded and took a big bite of the apple in her hand. It seems that she was smart enough not to get the cafeteria food. "Not my type. I do not think a man who only thinks with one head is suited for me. Besides, He really isn't that tough. My older brother Emmett would run Michael into a corner on his best day. My dog is scarier than him."

"Whoa Nessie. He isn't just a bully, but he is a hot bully. Not even the jocks mess with him." Lucye's braces were bright pink and her mouth seemed to glitter with each syllable she spoke. "I know you are pretty, but still. Any freshman girl would throw herself in his arms. He is totally tall, dark, and handsome."

"My idea of beauty is beyond Michael. I suppose he is decent looking, but like I said. Not my type." Nessie spoke a little louder and I wondered if she knew Michael was approaching her. Michael was a senior here, and my fellow teachers warned me about him being a notorious trouble maker. I had seen pictures of him. Black spiky hair, striking biceps, and tall even for his age. He frowned at Nessie and the girls turned a shade of white.

"Not nice to say, Loch Ness." He said bending over to Nessie's ear. Nessie took another slow bite of her apple and chewed unbothered. "You are in my personal space, kindly move away. And it's just Nessie, not Loch Ness."

"Loch Ness, you aren't going to like the rest of the year if you keep acting so stuck up. Who were on the phone with anyways? Your mommy?"

Nessie seemed visible annoyed now, but she sighed heavily and scooted her chair back. "If you ladies excuse me, I suddenly lost my apipette." She acknowledges her table mates with a kind smile, before walking around Michael.

"Loch Ness! You don't understand the order do you?" he tried to reach out to grab her, but she very swiftly moved out the way.

"Never touch me without my consent." Nessie hissed. Her eyes were losing their patience.

"Loch Ness, are you getting mad? That's pretty cute actually. Let me take you out." Michael's voice was smooth, but Nessie rolled her eyes. "I'm a freshman, go find someone your age."

"They aren't as hot as you."

"How about you leave me alone? Are you that hurt that I beat you in a stupid game of basketball? So I made a few more shots when Coach Hutch asked us to be different teams. Why are you bothering me?"

"Am I bothering you, Loch Ness?"

"If you call me that one more time…."

I walked started to walk towards them as quick as I could without attracting attention. I gave each of them a hardy smile, before asking if they were having any problems.

"No ma'am. I was just welcoming Nessie here to Kitsap High is all." Michael's smile was huge and he had great teeth for a human. And with that h turned and started to stroll the other way. I looked at Nessie who was visible pissed off.

"Are you ok, Renesme?" I asked and her eyes darted to mine, before landed on the floor.

"I actually need to go lay down, I feel a little bit sick. I had called my older brother and he is on his way to pick me up." Her voice was somber.

"Oh, I can walk you to the nurse's office, if you like."

Nessie quickly waved me off. "No, no. I am ok really. Just a little faint. Must be the food here."

"If that's what you call it. Pft! Food!" I say with a grunt, but quickly relized I should not bash the the food in front of a student. Nessie started to giggle and I relaxed a bit at my slip up.

"It is very awful, Ms. Fortune."

"Well does your older brother go here?" I started to look around for anyone who might be standing up.

"Oh no. My brother goes to Silverdale State College along with his wife and the rest of my siblings. I am the baby." Her voice was a little icy.

"Your brother sounds like a good brother to take time off to take care of you." I said in earnest.

Nessie's lip slowly rose on one side of her even face giving her a sly, yet cute crooked smile.

"My older brother, Edward is like a father to me."

I wanted to ask her about being adopted, but her cell phone rang. She glanced nervously at me, since teachers were supposed to take away cell phones if students use them. I didn't see much point, especially if she was ill.

"It's probably your brother. Get well soon, Ms. Cullen. See you in French tomorrow." I say moving out her way. Her eyes look glassy as she said her goodbyes and hurried out the cafeteria. Roses seemed be in every inch of the room and my throat was practically yelling now.

I needed to hunt and hunt a lot, if I would stand up to rose blood tomorrow.