Hey guys this is my first story so please don't be too harsh with the reviews. After I finished watching the Inuyasha anime and reading some of the manga I began to wonder what would happen to Inuyasha and Kagome in their future together, I couldn't help imagining if they ever had children or any of that stuff and after waiting for what seemed like forever for a sequel I finally realized that there probably wasn't going to be one. So dreams shattered, childhood ruined etc. It wasn't long after that I realized that whining about it and creating a load of fantasies in my head about a sequel also wouldn't help, so I thought WHY DON'T I WRITE MY OWN SEQUEL? Well that's that, enjoy the first chapter of Inuyasha: Beyond Tomorrow!

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

Chapter One

The air was fresh and the trees were lush and green. Wild flowers bloomed everywhere and coated the air with their strong and luscious scent, and a cool, spring breeze blew in the area as Inuyasha leapt swiftly from treetop to treetop.

It had already been two years since Kagome had returned to the feudal era and she was expecting a baby any time soon. It had been a rather risky and tricky pregnancy so far due to the fact he, the father, was half demon, meaning that the child would contain some of the features that a demon would. And because the growth rate was more rapid than a human's, the foetus had grown considerably in a matter of months and had swollen Kagome's stomach so much it almost looked like one of the inflatable balls from her time that the children would use to play with.

Though he himself had not noticed it, everyone had noticed that ever since Kagome had returned Inuyasha had been in a much better mood than usual and had stopped constantly shouting cuss words and biting people's heads off. Well come on, he had moped around on his own for three years whilst Sango and Miroku had gotten busy and built themselves a whole family. But hey, it had taken him long enough to get over Kikyo and he'd had no intention whatsoever of giving up on Kagome as easily. Not after all they had been through together and all they had had to sacrifice.. including Kikyo herself.

But all that was important now was that Kagome was back and he finally had the chance of building a family too, even if he didn't exactly have a perfect history with children. But perhaps this infant would be different to all the other little brats he had encountered on his travels? But it didn't really bother him too much, he just prayed to god that it wouldn't be anywhere as annoying or tiresome as Shippo.

Inside the wooden hut was hot and humid, making Kagome feel sticky and as if she was going to throw up at any moment. She groaned loudly in discomfort - was it just her being weak or was being pregnant just like this for everyone? Well, she doubted that fewer people had birthed children with demon blood as oppose to fully human so she couldn't really ask Sango about her three past pregnancies, as they were bound to be completely different.

She opened her eyes, groaned again and peered down at her bloated stomach. It almost looked like a hugely inflated balloon or a football that contained so much air it was at the bursting point! It was awfully swollen and bruised too, but this was no human pregnancy after all so it was only to be expected.

She gave the lump a gentle stroke with her thumb only to receive a slight kick from the child inside in response. It was only a gentle tap from underneath her skin at first, but as she took deep breaths and tried to reassure herself, the kicking became a little more intense.

"Hey you! Behave." she giggled nervously, whilst tutting at her belly and trying her best to remain calm. There was no need to worry. It had done this before. It was all going to be fine! Wasn't it?

However with that thought placed in her mind, several more powerful kicks and strikes surfaced that caused her to cry out in pain. It was almost as if the infant was kick-boxing inside her, pretending to be a famous wrestler.

"INUYASHA!" she shrieked, in between heavy breaths as she sat on her hands and knees whilst painfully clutching her tummy, "INUYASHA!"

Rin sat up suddenly from picking herbs with Kaede, and scanned the field carefully. She could have sworn that she had just heard a scream of sorts so she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and listened more intensely.

"What ails ye child?" Kaede asked, also looking up from picking herbs because of the young girl's odd behaviour all of a sudden.

When there was no further sounds, Rin looked back across at the old woman and smiled brightly,"Oh nothing Lady Kaede, I was just positive that I had heard a noise just now."

"Aye? Are ye sure? I did not hear any such thing."

So it had just been her imagination? But it had sounded so real and so... alarming as if someone somewhere required immediate attention or things would end badly for them. There was an uneasy weight suddenly pressed onto Rin's conscience and she could not sit still in anxiety. What was this sudden feeling of dread that had washed upon her?


Rin and Kaede both jumped in fright as they heard Kagome's distant but deafening cry, and they leapt to their feet and ran as quickly as their legs would carry them to Inuyasha and Kagome's house (A/N: or in Kaede's case, the same speed as walking).

They rushed into the wooden hut and gasped when they saw Kagome kneeling on her hands and knees, panting heavily and with the futon sheets sprawled all around her on the floor - and they were drenched with sweat and another clear liquid. Kagome's water had broken.

They were at the young priestess' side in a matter of seconds as they helped her up into a sitting position onto the futon sheets, as she continued to pant and panic due to the situation. But why was she all alone here at such a vital time in her pregnancy? Just how much more useless and unreliable could that husband of hers get?

"And where might Inuyasha be!?" Kaede snapped in irritation.

Kagome squeezed the old woman's hand as she panted, a thin layer of cool sweat forming across her brow in her exhaustion."Miroku," she gasped in between heavy breaths, "h-he went to.. see-Miroku! Whilst I.. was-asleep!"

"Is she going into labour?!" Rin asked Kaede, panicking slightly and looking around the room frantically for a bucket that she could use to fill with hot water for the dire occasion.

"Yes child! Now go get some hot water and blankets and ye be quick about it!" Kaede ordered as she wiped Kagome's sweaty forehead with a wet cloth, whilst Rin ran off in pursuit of the birthing requirements.

On her way to Sango's house, where there would be towels and buckets to spare, she ran bang into Inuyasha who knocked her flying through the air with the ridiculous speed he was going at! If he was going this fast then how the heck wasn't he back with Kagome yet!?

He noticed her on the ground before him and knelt to offer her his hand. "Oops, sorry Rin! I didn't see you coming at me straight on like that! If I had then I could have avoided you." he apologized, "But where you running off to in such a hurry anyway?"

Rin leapt up immediately without the help of his hand and started jumping up and down in panic. "The baby!" she cried, "Kagome! It's coming!" And with that final exclamation, she sped off before Inuyasha could even try to ask her what the hell she was blabbering about.

"It's coming?" he muttered to himself.

It took a moment for Rin's words to fully sink in, but when he finally came to his senses and realized the meaning behind her words, he panicked. "THE BABY! OH CRAP, KAGOME!"

How could he have not known that that was what Rin was trying to say to him? She had even said the word 'baby' for crying out loud! He needed to get back to Kagome - NOW. So with that motive set in his mind, he ran straight to his hut at such a speed that people would have to squint just to catch a glimpse of his figure whizzing past.

"Breathe Kagome, breathe!" Kaede said encouragingly as she continued to squeeze Kagome's smaller hand tightly in her own. At this point Kagome was crying out in agony and bashing her foot against the floorboards in pain. Kaede continued, "Keep breathing, girl!" she cried.

Inuyasha swiftly burst into the room and ripped the straw flap that covered the entrance to shreds, "OH MY GOD KAGOME, ARE YOU OKAY!?" he screeched in hysteria. When he saw Kagome's condition, his instincts were going wild with how vulnerable she looked like that and he was going insane just watching her.

Kaede looked up at him with a stern look and bellowed so loudly that it almost burst his eardrums, "Finally ye arrive!"

He jumped back, startled as Kagome resumed shrieking in pain and kicking her foot. Her lower red priestess garb had been torn off long ago by her constant kicking and wriggling around, in fact it was all torn in a heap across the room where he assumed she had thrown it violently.

Right on cue, in came Rin, balancing a bundle of white blankets on her small raven head and a bucket of hot water juggled in her arms. "Out of the way Inuyasha!" she shouted urgently, as he moved to the side just in time as she zoomed past and set the equipment down beside Kagome.

Inuyasha was freaking out inside of his head. He honestly didn't have the faintest idea what to do in this situation and he wasn't sure in the slightest how to silence Kagome's awful shrieking.

Kaede shouted again suddenly, making him jump in shock, "Inuyasha! Make yerself useful and come hold Kagome's hand at once!"

"Right okay!" he nodded hysterically as he rushed to Kagome's side and grabbed her hand. She squeezed open her eyes and looked up at him in pain. Her face was all scrunched up in agony and her eyebrows were knitted tightly as she let out an excruciating groan that drove Inuyasha even more around the bend.

"You can do it Kagome!" he ranted, "You're gonna be just fine! You got that?"

He was trying his very best to think of encouraging things to say to her right now, but in reality he had no idea if Kagome was going to be okay or not, he was just praying for the best! But who could blame him? After all, this was his first time being a birthing partner and soon if he was lucky... a father.

Kagome scrunched her face up even more in pain as she dug her blunt human nails into his hands. Lucky she was only a human and not a demon, for if she wasn't then his hands would have been torn to shreds by her sharp talons and bled for days. If birthing a little brat was so much hassle then why the heck did women agree to do it?! There were stronger than they looked, that was for sure. He suddenly found himself having a lot more respect for females than he had originally had.

"Now push!" Kaede boomed, clean blankets at the ready, "Push like you've never pushed before!"

Kagome did as she was told with a truly horrific expression plastered onto her face that made Inuyasha nearly flip out and have a panic attack.

Her deafening cries seemed to go on for hours and she would occasionally lose consciousness for a short while only to wake once again and resume her shrieks. Tears were streaming down her face and she had bit right through her bottom lip with the force she had sunk her teeth into it with, causing droplets of fresh red blood to trickle down her abnormally pale face. Inuyasha found it painful to see her like this and almost lost consciousness himself. It had to have been hours now and she was slowly growing dangerously fatigued and was running the risk of blacking out for a longer period of time.

After what seemed to be an eternity, Rin's excited voice restored hope to the four. "It's coming!" she shrieked, "I can see a head!"

This news seemed to relax Kagome a little but it did not stop the awful noises she was making, nor did it help her condition. Inuyasha kissed her pale hand and brought it up to his cheek, cupping it gently in an attempt to calm her.

"Push!" Kaede ordered once again, only more forcefully this time.

And that was it. Kagome forgot about her weariness and snapped. "I AM PUSHING GODDAMMIT!" she screamed up at the old woman above her, "I'VE BEEN PUSHING AS HARD AS I CAN FOR HOURS NOW IN CASE YOU HAVEN'T NOTICED! DO YOU WANNA SWAP PLACES WITH ME SO YOU CAN GIVE IT A TRY, HUH?!"

Inuyasha whimpered quietly in fear as he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. Damn she was angry. And she was pretty scary when angry - pretty scary indeed.

She turned to him aggressively and shot him a death glare, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WHIMPERING ABOUT? YOU'RE NOT THE ONE WHO'S GOT A HEAD COMING OUT OF YOUR ASS!"

He trembled slightly and gulped. If looks could kill then he'd be dead as a doorknob.

"IF YOU THINK I'M SQUEEZING OUT ANOTHER KID FOR YOU, YOU'VE GOT ANOTHER THING COMING MISTER! GO FIND SOMEONE ELSE WHO'S MORE WILLING TO DO IT FOR YOU NEXT TIME!" she screamed louder, crushing his hand with her anger and pain as she coughed up vomit into the wooden bucket that Kaede was holding (also splashing some of it onto the old woman's arm, much to her joy).

Inuyasha was completely and utterly shocked! Did she mean that what she had just said? Well actually, said would be an understatement seeing as she had practically just bitten his head clean off with her sharp tongue. Maybe women were just moody whilst giving birth, like when she always had the face on with him for a few days every month during her time of bleeding. Women were very sensitive and hormonal creatures, and should not be messed with when in one of those moods.

Kagome stopped crying out all of a sudden and loosened her grip on Inuyasha's hand. She lay her head back on the futon sheets and let a long exhausted sigh escape from her cracked lips. Inuyasha thought that something serious was wrong with her as he went to feel her forehead and put his head against her chest in an attempt to listen to her heartbeat.

But a small squeal that was coming from where Rin and Kaede were sitting made him pause in his act and sit up straight. Also calmed by the soothing sound, Kagome closed her eyelids over her sore, bloodshot eyes and relaxed.

"It's a girl!" Rin exclaimed happily, whilst cradling a small white bundle in her arms that appeared to be the source of the squealing. Her big brown eyes widened as she studied the new born more carefully, "Wow, she's already very big for a newborn baby." she muttered to herself.

"Would ye like to hold her, Inuyasha?" asked Kaede, shifting her gaze towards him and smiling a genuine smile.

He paused for a moment before nodding his head nervously and extending his arms to accept the small bundle from Rin.

She smiled widely at him and placed the soft white object into his hold carefully, "Oh don't worry, she won't bite... yet anyway!" she laughed heartily, as Kagome managed a small chuckle along with her.

Inuyasha balanced the tiny bundle in his arms and discovered that it actually fit quite nicely in his strong hold, it was light and snuggled closer to him for warmth and protection. He looked down into the white ball of blankets, not quite sure what to do and simply blinked innocently. The infant stopped squealing all of a sudden and opened her eyes to gaze up at him.

Inuyasha gasped.

She was beautiful.

No... she was more than beautiful. She was positively angelic.

She gazed up at him with her large and warm bronze eyes that shone like honey, blinking every now and then in curiosity with her thick patches of black eyelashes that were arranged so neatly. Her cheeks and little button nose looked smooth and soft to the touch and were tinted a creamy colour that was much paler than both he and Kagome's skin tones. It was almost the exact same fairness that Kikyo had and made her have the charm and beauty of an antique doll. Her cute round face was framed with almost a full head of hair already and shone like diamonds in the light. Oddly enough though, the colour of her strands was neither black nor white.

It was a fine pale lilac. A floral lavender that shone with an imperial air to it.

How strange. Was it normal for someone to have naturally orchid coloured hair? True he had thick amounts of silver hair flowing from his head but he was half dog demon, and dogs could have white/silver coloured fur. But purple... that he wasn't so sure about. Maybe it was something to do with Kagome and her futuristic ways that had generated this impossible yet so lovely shade of pastel.

He continued to gaze at her in awe, taking deep breaths as he took in her scent and marvelled at its magnificence. She smelled of fresh running water and the soothing spring breeze that danced around the cherry trees. Never had he known the damp smell of aqua to be so refreshing and inviting to his nose that it was actually vaguely comforting to him.

He felt a wide grin of pride slowly spreading across his face, as he exposed his fangs in his contentment. She copied his happy expression, as if she were a living mirror. A big smile appeared over her face too and lightened the atmosphere all around the room, the sunlight growing brighter and harsher as her smile became more and more true. The streams of light from the sun shone behind her and cloaked her in a warm veil, turning her soft honeycomb eyes into a molten hot colour, her affection as clear as the day itself.

She lifted her small hand towards his face and watched intently as Inuyasha also lifted his clawed hand up to brush his large thumb across her smaller hand gently. Her tiny fingers closed around his thumb and held onto him with the surprising amount of strength that she had for a newborn baby, which caused him to raise his eyebrows at her tight hold.

"She's holding my hand!" Inuyasha announced proudly as he laughed loudly, with the surprised expression still on his face. Rin and Kaede watched the moment carefully and smiled happily at one another.

Seeing his dumbfounded expression caused her to let off a small giggle from her very young and inexperienced voice box. Her laugh was like tiny bells tinkling along with the sound of the pitter-patter of the rain falling down on the roof of a hut. It was bright and filled with nothing but pure joy.

This small creature seemed so bright - almost a small handful of sheer and utter happiness - the blessing and reward that both he and Kagome had been waiting for after all they had suffered through in the fight against Naraku. Could it be that the Shikon Jewel had given them its blessing before disappearing completely? Was this small child a gift from the enigmatic gemstone they had clashed against so many times before?

He moved the top part of the white blanket away from her head to study her more closely and noticed two small fluffy canine ears growing out of each side of her head just like him. They were very much like his, only they pointed down slightly and twitched quite frequently under his gaze. They weren't white like his either - they were jet black just like Kagome's hair. He laughed again in amazement as he rubbed the tip of one ear gently, being extra careful not to damage the delicate muffs that he knew were so very sensitive.

The child closed her eyes and growled quietly at his gentle finger work, a sound that greatly resembled that of a purr of pleasure. He now knew how to put her to sleep at night time.

Hearing the pleasant purring of her new daughter, Kagome opened her eyes and looked up at an incredibly overjoyed looking Inuyasha, so much for having a little brat. She smiled warmly at his expression and rested a hand behind her head. "Well?" she whispered tenderly, as he looked down at her and beamed with complete joy and bliss.

"Look Kagome!" he grinned widely, proudly showing her the little girl that was laid so positioned so perfectly in his strong arms.

The baby girl with the shimmering ube hair smiled down at Kagome and received a gentle smile from her mother in response.

"She sure is beautiful," Kagome whispered, never taking her eyes off of the little girl in her husband's arms, "You know... would you like to name her, Inuyasha? You could call her Izayoi if you want in memory of your mother?"

Inuyasha paused and pondered deeply. He hadn't thought of any names for the infant because he was sure that Kagome would have. Naming her after his mother would be a nice way to remember her by but... she would not be her own person if he named her that. He wanted her to be unique and different, not just have an inherited name of his passed away mother. But what to choose?

After a few moments of frantic thinking he finally muttered shyly, "No not Izayoi and uh.. I can't really think of any names that would fit someone as lovely as her. You choose Kagome, you're better at this kind of thing than I am."

She thought for a moment, before a small smile formed on her face, "Hanyuu is a pretty gracious name, don't you think?"

"Hanyuu?" he asked, "Why that?"

"Well she is a half demon like you, and the proper Japanese word for that is 'hanyou'." she explained, "But if we change the final syllable from 'you' to 'yuu' it has many different meanings such as tenderness, help and courage which is kinda nice don't you think?"

He nodded in agreement, "Yeah I guess."

"Good, then it's settled. She'll be Hanyuu from now on!" Kagome smiled, "Han-yuu."

Hanyuu looked up at him and blinked with her wide eyes of molten honey. "Hey there Hanyuu." he whispered, stroking her cheek with his index finger, causing her to giggle once again as her eyes filled with light.

The events of Kagome in labour suddenly rushed back into his head. "Oh by the way, Kagome? About that thing you said when you were giving birth." he started, changing the subject and also confusing Kagome, "Did you mean what you said?"

"Huh? What thing I said?" she asked worriedly.

It was Inuyasha's turn to be confused now, but lucky for him Kaede cut in, "Don't ye worry yerself Inuyasha, women often tend to scream things like that at their partners at their first childbirth because of the immense pain they are going through. Ye should have heard Sango at her first time and she had twins! Poor Miroku was frozen with shock and deaf in one ear. I'm sure Kagome that didn't mean what she said so don't let it get to ye too much."

Inuyasha had been so caught up in his family moment that he had quite forgotten that Rin and Kaede were still in the room with them. But Kaede's statement had cheered him up nevertheless.

"What did I say? Did I hurt your feelings, Inuyasha?" Kagome asked, a worried expression washing across her pale and sweaty face as her eyebrows curled upwards in panic that she had upset him.

"It doesn't matter. You just relax, Kagome. I'll take care of you girls, okay?" smiled Inuyasha as he cradled the now sleeping Hanyuu in his arms, "I swear to you both that I'll never let anything happen to either of you."

Well that's it for the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it! Was it long enough? Please leave a review if you liked it or if you can think of any improvements. I have already typed some of chapter 2 so I'll upload it as soon as possible. Thankyou for reading the first chapter of Inuyasha: Beyond Tomorrow! ^.^ ~Happy