This is a series I wrote under the username Rachel (aka rache01), on the now-defunct pokemorphs website. It was written a very long time ago (back before the original Pokémon Gold and Silver were released, even!), and I was just a kid while writing it, so there's a lot of really goofy/cheesy stuff in these stories. They're loads of fun for a trip down memory lane, though. I've had a lot of requests to put these stories somewhere as the original site has been gone for quite a while, and now I'm finally putting them here on fanfiction. What took me so long? I have no idea.

Please note that these stories are being uploaded for archiving purposes only. I will not be continuing the series. I will, however, upload the "Pokémorphs Journal" as well (my original outline of the series, which can help give some closure seeing as the series is unfinished). The Journal will be added to the end of The Mew Chronicles, which is technically the last story I wrote in this series. (I suppose you could say the last one was the Choose Your Own Adventure story Pokémorphs Adventures #1, but that was just some non-canon fun.)

I'm also including my horrible original covers for each "book" for your enjoyment! Good god they're so awful. As a kid I thought they were the coolest things ever though, so I'm including them for completion's sake. :)

The basic premise of the series is a story highly influenced by the book series Animorphs, but set in the Pokémon world. Please enjoy!

- Pokémorphs #1: The Mew -

Cover Quote:

Rachel's going a little red...


Four kids are hunting for Pokémon one day when they come across a Mew. The Mew gives them the power to morph into Pokémon so they can fight the Weederpies. But they have no idea how strong the enemy is...




My name is Rachel. I shouldn't tell you too much about me, because they could find me. They could find my friends and I.

And we wouldn't want that.

People know about us. We're like heroes. And some hate us. Envy us. Try to capture us.

Why are we so popular? What's so special about us?

Well, I'd better start from the beginning...

"And so, as you see, there is only one known Mewtwo. The same goes with Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltres. But none of them have been seen for a very long time..."

It was our teacher, Ms. Mill, talking.

We were in Pokémon College, just like any other 14 or 15 year old who wanted to become a Pokémon trainer.

I was listening intently. I loved Pokémon.


Something hit the side of my head. The teacher didn't see, as she was drawing an extremely detailed picture of Zapdos on the board.

I glanced over. Michael was staring ahead, but I could see a smile creeping across his face.

I picked up the scrunched-up ball of paper, un-scrunched it, and read it.

It said, 'Wanna go to a movie?'

I wrote, 'Yeah, let's go see 'Michael gets mugged by a Weedle'. I heard that's a good movie. Signed by your never-to-be-girlfriend.'

I smiled to myself, scrunched the paper up again, and threw it back.

Michael read it and started chuckling.

"Is my picture that bad?" Ms. Mill demanded, turning away from the board just in time to see Michael's laugh.

"Oh, no Miss," Michael said, managing to keep a straight face. "I was just... um... he tickled me!" He pointed to his friend, Boris, who was at the desk behind him.

The teacher frowned for a moment, then turned back to finish her picture, adding labels to the Zapdos' different parts.

Michael and I locked eyes for a moment, and I mouthed the words, 'You are so lame.'

Lisa, who was sitting next to me, nudged me. When I looked, she showed me a picture she had been drawing. It was a Pikachu.

Lisa loves to draw. Especially during class.

Lisa is my best friend, and has been for a long time.

I turned my attention back to the board, where Ms. Mill was now drawing an Articuno.

Class went on, and finally the bell went.

Don't get me wrong, I love Pokémon, but sitting there waiting while the teacher draws pictures on the board is not exactly fun.

We pushed and shoved our way out of class, happy to be out.

Michael was waiting for me.

Big surprise.

Michael is sarcastic and witty, and has blonde hair. He's also very short.

Lisa, on the other hand, was tall. Very tall. She is very self-confident, and aggressive when she needs to be. She has short, black hair.

Meanwhile, Boris, Michael's friend, is very nice one minute, and aggressive the next. He has black hair and is about my height.

"Hello," Michael said, grinning.

"Hi," I said. "Bye."

That's when Boris suggested it. "Let's go look for Pokémon!"

Lisa grinned. "Cool. Let's go."

I sighed. I decided I'd better go with them.

So we headed out. Out into the fields beyond the edges of the town.

Little did we know how much danger we would get into. We had no idea what danger was.

Author's Annotation: It's been a whopping 14 years since I wrote these stories, so I thought it'd be fun to record my thoughts as I reread and format them. The Pokémon College idea simply came from being in school at the time, imagining how awesome it'd be to attend a school about Pokémon instead. Give me a break, I was a kid.

But drawing pictures of Pokémon on a whiteboard? They might need to overhaul their curriculum.