This episode, was completely different from other episodes. For one, it didn't have the normal Total Drama intro sequence at all, as technically this wasn't even a Total Drama episode at all, instead, this was the episode of another show that would be hosting this special episode. Instead, this intro sequence was played with a theme song, a intro started with the opening of two red curtains, followed by a large group of women constantly chanting "Cassandra! Cassandra!", and making various other random singing sounds as sparks flew all over the place and they danced all across the stage. They were also dressed in incredibly skimpy outfits as they did their dance while chanting "Cassandra! Cassandra!" over and over, and eventually some guys dressed in BDSM bondage suits came on and did their own dances aswell, until finally the voice of a British woman finished the intro with singing tone of voice;

"Welcome to my show, where the best dish is served up! Ohhhhhhh, yeah!", and then a white flash of light covered the screen and a golden and shining logo of the name 'Cassandra' came onto the screen, after that, things went to the set, with an audience of thousands applauding on the circular stage of a talk show that clearly was not the Aftermath or Celebrity manhunt. This set actually incredibly well put together, and the name 'Cassandra' was right in the background of the stage with a large plasma screen HD TV was right beneath it attached to the wall. There was also a desk where the host stood, and two actually comfortable chairs beside it. Eventually the crowd went wild, absolutely wild, when the hostess of the show stepped onto the stage. She, simply put, was a fabulous woman. She was white-skinned and spoke with a British accent, and currently wore fabulous golden earrings, and wore an expensive cleavage-showing dark blue shirt with the waist area shiny and black. She also wore black skinny jeans which went down to her dark black boots that overlapped her jeans, and she also wore a pure golden belt with those jeans too. Around her neck was a golden necklace, and from her head was shoulder-length black hair to compliment her deep blue eyes. Once she sat at her desk, she gave the audience a big smile and said these words;

"Greetings!", the hostess opened with, showing her accent, "As you all might know, I am THE most famous host in all of international television, Cassandra Carla Shannon Price!", and the audience went absolutely wild again until she put her hands up to get them to stop, "And of course, we are on my show, named after myself, Cassandra!", they once more went wild until she stopped them, "Which is of course, the highest rated show in all of the great United Kingdom, especially over here in Liverpool! Now, today has so many topics, and I do mean PLENTY, but first, I think it is high time that you, the audience, finally gets to know more about me!", the audience then once more highly applauded, "Now I will keep this brief becau-"

"Cassandra!", an intern then whispered from backstage, "Cassandra!", Cassandra then gestured for the audience to wait, and then walked right over to the intern backstage, and was immediately angered with him;

"What in the bloody hell do you think you are doing?!", she exclaimed at him once they were out of earshot of the audience, "Incase you do not realize it but I am hosting a show, and when I am hosting a show, as the most famous host in all of television especially more so than that imbecile Chris McLean, I do NOT expect to be interrupted ONCE!"

"I am sorry, Cassandra!", the intern was practically trembling, "But...b-b-but, the guests-"

"I do not care about the guests right now!", Cassandra bluntly said, "Right now, what I am worried about, is the first topic, myself! So the best you could do, you little wanker, is just to do your job as an intern until I tell you to do something else!"

"Yes Cassandra", the Intern then calmed himself down, but was still scared of the woman, "I...I'm sorry."

"Good", Cassandra then looked the intern up and down and was disgusted, "For god sakes man did you just soil yourself?", the intern, now fully embarassed, just nodded, "Well clean your arse up, if you ruin my set's floor you will be the one cleaning it up!", and then Cassandra just walked back on set to her cheering audience but on her facade of being polite and charming as she walked back and walked right back into her desk all while her audience clapped, and she addressed them all, "Sorry about that. Anyway, as I was saying, before her second topic, me must of course talk of our first topic! Which, as I said before, is a brief recap of my life, let us, begin!", the television behind her then had it's screen go from the 'Cassandra' logo to instead being pictures from her childhood and early life, "Now, I will keep this as brief as possible! I was born right here in England, U.K., more specifically in Birmingham. I was born to a modest middle income family, a humble beginning, if you will. However, obviously, that meant my start to fame was going to be very difficult indeed!", then pictures of her with a teenage boy baring striking resemblance to Chris McLean were shown, "That's when I met my first lover, on a vacation to Newfoundland, Canada! Though, we were constantly on and off about it, and as such when he formed his boy-band with his fans, I became just a groupie for them. However, I bounced from groupie to back-up singer, but then the band fell apart for an odd reason.", she then paused to let the audience gasp, "That's right, I was once a groupie! I know it is shocking, but we all have to start somewhere, and it's best to not be ashamed of the truth! But in the end, I married my boyfriend, and after a messy divorce when he became just not right for me, I found my why here today!", and then everyone clapped and applauded her, making her feel flattered, "Oh thank you, thank you!", she then decided now it was time to change the subject, "But with that out of the way, it is now time to talk about the second topic! The ultra famous reality television show, Total Drama!", and then the crowd went wild again until she stopped them, "Now last season and last year on Total Drama, Total Drama World Tour, plenty of SHOCKING things happened! For one, there were several new contestants such as Alejandro and Sierra, and former co-host of the show Veronica even became a contestant! Later on even famous Canadian hostess Blaineley made a debut into the game! Alejandro and Veronica showed they were practically two of the best competitors the game had ever seen, Veronica even taking down Total Drama juggernaut Heather! In the end though, they were both defeated when they learned not to underestimate the geeks so much, when Cody took down both of them and became the richest teen on the face of the earth all in one SMASHING finale!", and then the crowd went wild once more, cheering at the recap, "In the end, Alejandro turned out to be Alejandra, Cody proved that he did indeed have what the tele world needs, and it came to a fitting climax, right? Well, today we are going to be shedding some light on the things that weren't cleared up so much in the finale! We actually do indeed have some of the former Total Drama contestants here today in Liverpool to talk about their lives since that finale!", and then the crowd truly applauded and went wild, some were even foaming at the mouth until they fell over, all until Cassandra stopped them with a hand gesture, "Now, while we don't have ALL of them, I'm you will still give a big hand of applause up for our first guest from the gobsmacking show, none other than the C.I.T. herself, Courtney!", and then the crowd went wild when Courtney walked to the stage in her normal attire, waved to them, and sat down on the stage.

"Hello, Cassandra", Courtney happily greeted the hostess, "I really do thank you for inviting me here."

"Oh the pleasure is all mine, child", Cassandra answered from her desk, "It's all my pleasure!"

"But I do have one question of myself."

"What is it?"

"Well", Courtney then took out a few sheets of paper, "Why did I have to sign contracts just to be a guest on a talk show?"

"Oh", Cassandra laughed, "That is just incase something happens while you are on-stage! You can never be too careful, and I simply want to be sure it's legally clarified as an accident and not my own fault!"

"Oh", Courtney then looked at the contracts, "Well, okay then. I was just asking because everything written in this contract is so vague."

"Well", Cassandra responded, "You were likely just confused by the brit words in it is all, nothing to be worried about I assure you."

"Yeah, you're probably right", and then Courtney tossed the contracts backstage, where it smacked the Intern from earlier right in the face and knocked him out cold, "So...I'm assuming you have things you wanna know about me?"

"Oh yes, yes we do!", Cassandra happily laughed, and it's notable that Courtney was still indeed suspicious about the contracts she mentioned, bur Cassandra was about to change the subject entirely, "So, I have heard from Canadian sources that you have, how you say, stopped being Queen of Flame Core?"

"Ugh", Courtney suddenly groaned and became angry, "Yes, I have!"

"Why is that so, darling?"

"Because, Mephiles betrayed me completely!", and the audience all gasped.

"Oooh? Tell us more, dear."

"First", and then the television screen went into a anime-styled dramatization while Courtney explained her story, "It was all right after I finished getting the castle redirected, then those Team Dark guys, ya know that black hedgehog, bat woman whatever and that big red robot, all bursted in and started destroying everything! Me and Mephiles tried to fight them off together, but then Mephiles just abandoned me right there at the scene! Luckily I made it through and tried to ask him why he did it, but me and him just started arguing because he accused me of ruining his immortal life! Then that Shadow guy came in with the scepter of darkness, and when he started being sucked in, Mephiles pulled me into the Scepter's path instead and got ME sucked up and then left me there!", and then the audience continued to gasp and talk about this to themselves, all of them surprised as things went back to what was actually happening on stage.

"Oh my!", Cassandra pretended to be shocked but really wasn't, "That's gobsmacking, Courtney, it truly is!"

"Yeah...whatever you just said, it is."

"Indeed", and then Cassandra decided to ask one more question, "So then, what is you and Mephiles' status?"

"DI-VORCED!", Courtney angrily shouted, and then continued to rant, "I honestly don't know what I was thinking marrying him, he just fooled me with the thrill of him being so bad, but unlike being just your typical bad boy, Mephiles is just a downright EVIL JERK! Infact, I later found out the entire time he was always planning on shoving me into the scepter instead him and only married me just so I would be able to be sucked into it!"

"Oh my", Cassandra once more was pretending to be surprised, "Once more, very shocking Courtney. Is there anything else you would like to add?"

"Yes, there is!"

"Well then", Cassandra said, "Why don't you sing about it? Many fans of Total Drama were very upset that you weren't a true contestant in the World Tour season, and many of them would adore it if you got one good smashing song! So, what do you say to singing one final song for old time's sake, old bean?"

"You know what?", Courtney then smiled, "I'd love to, Cassandra."


*Courtney is singing on a stage to the side of Cassandra's main stage, and has the scantily-clad women from the intro singing as backup singers*

Courtney - "Wooooah-woooah-ohhhh-oh-oh!"

Backup singers - "Ohhhhhhh-oooohhh!"

Courtney - "Yeah."


Courtney - "I've beaten up by critters, large and small."

Backup singers - "Large and small, yeaaah!"

Courtney - "Cheated from one hundred grand, by a nerd!"

Backup singers - "By a nerd, yeaaaah!"

Courtney - "Backstabbed and lied to by the devil himself!"

Backup singers - "Oh the devil, now!"

Courtney - "And then foiled once again, lost one hundred trillion bucks!"

Backup singers - "Trillion bucks now!"

Courtney - "But now, I..."

Backup singers - "Now she..."

*pause, then the song intensifies for real with;*

Courtney - "I'm gonna make it! I'm gonna win it! 'Cuz I am Courtney, and you better hear me roar!"

Backup singers - "You better hear her roar!"

Courtney - "I've lost too much, to just give up! I will never give up, cuz I am Courtney! You better hear me roar, because if you don't, you will wish you diiiiid! Oh yeah! I am Courtney, you should've heard me roooar! Cuz I am Courtney, and if you didn't, I'll make you wish you diiid! Not even Mephiles, can stop me now! If I get another chance at the money, I'll be sure to nail it! Because I am Courtney, and you better hear me roar!"

Courtney & Backup singers - "ROAR!"

Backup singers - "Cuz she is Courtney!"

*Courtney happily waves to the applauding audience while the backup singers just blow kisses and do various poses. Eventually though a large cane comes in and pulls Courtney backstage just as focus back to Cassandra on the main stage*


"Sorry Courtney, pip pip and all for now that is all the time we have for you, love!", Cassandra then said in regards to Courtney once she was gone, and then turned to the audience while still sitting at her desk, "Now our next Total Dram contestant has a story as if it were a good old fairytale and all that, and is considered one of the most excellent and perfect villains in all of the tele, let us give a warm and smashing hand to Alejandra!", and then mostly the male audience members clapped and cheered, for when Alejandra was on stage, a romantic pop song played. No longer Alejandro, Alejandra had much more longer and flowing feminine hair, but still retained the skin tone and green eyes she had before. She also kept the bull themed necklace, and had the same red shirt with a white undershirt, only now she had a much more smaller and feminine body build, very much large breasts with cleavage showing, and her dark jean pants were much more like skinny jeans showing off her butt and legs off well. She also wore more feminine heeled boots now aswell. Once she sat down and crossed one leg over the other on the couch after having a showing-off intro, she was ready for her interview; "'ello, Alejandra! I see the men in the audience are quite thrilled by your appearance."

"Of course they are", Alejandra proudly replied with her now more feminine voice, "Ever since my transformation was revealed, I have gotten a completely different reaction from men than I did before, and yes I am fully aware that it really doesn't need much explanation."

"So then", Cassandra began, "How has your life been since the transformation?"

"Well, I have been well adjusted to the life as a woman now", Alejandra explained, "Of course seducing the women won't work for me any more, but now I can easily work my way with the other gender", and the men in the audience actually seemed very excited by that, "I would say over all I have gotten very much used to life as a female."

"How about your failure to defeat Cody in the tiebreaker? What do you have to say about that?"

"Hahaha", Alejandra was clearly hiding a seething rage about that, "I actually have Cody to thank for my transformation into the opposite sex, so I am very much both mad and glad about what he did. Though I am shamed by the defeat, at least I when I get my second chance at Total Drama I will be competing for only myself rather than for Courtney and Mephiles."

"And how has your brother Jose been treating you since the end of World Tour?"

"Hahahaha", and now Alejandra was really hiding a true rage, clearly holding stuff back, "He has been much the same."

"Does he still call you, Al?"

"Yes", Alejandra's eye then twitched, "Yes he does. And yes, I hate it even more now that I am a female."

"Completely understandable, love", Cassandra replied with, "Completely understandable. Now, the only other thing I believe the fans want to know is what was your deal with fellow contestant Heather? Many people are very curious about the relationship between you two."

"Ah, to be honest that is tricky myself", Alejandra answered, "At first, everything was purely strategic. Though, while I was a male, I did think perhaps Heather was the only one a match to me, only at that point Veronica had her cheated off and shoved off of the plane immediately, and I didn't worry too much about her after that."

"I see, I see. So, how about in the modern time? Is there any feeling for Heather lift in your now female spanish heart?"

"Ahhhh", Alejandra then pondered her response, "Well, I wouldn't really like to answer that, I'm still trying to decipher whether my attraction to her was indeed legitament or if it was instead just me being a male at the time. I will have to get back to you on that question later."

"Well I shall certainly ask you again when I can", Cassandra then said before turning to the audience again to be ready for the next Total Drama guest, "Because now it is time for our next guest! Well, actually our next TWO guests! So sorry, Alejandra, but that is indeed all the time we have for you at the moment, darling.", and Alejandra just silently walked off the stage to be backstage while Cassandra introduced the next two Total Drama guests, "Our next two guests from the series of Total Drama are one of the most shocking couples to form during the previous year's series, just under another couple actually! Let us all give yet another smashing hand, for Noah and Gwen!", and of course, the crowd heavily applauded for Noah and Gwen walking on stage, both of them smiling as they sat down. Noah actually letting Gwen sit on one of the chairs before he did so himself, once the crowd calmed down, that is when Cassandra started their interview, "So you two, how has life treated you since the World Tour?"

"Ugh", Gwen then groaned, "I will say this, much BETTER."

"Oh really?"

"Yes", Gwen answered, "After how I was eliminated, I don't think anything could be worse, and you would not know how much of a relief it is to meet a television host who isn't Blaineley or Chris."

"Oh I am flattered", Cassandra answered with, "Now, Noah, do you share your lover's thoughts?"

"Yes", Noah bluntly answered with, "I do share her thoughts. I share them completely. I share them so much actually, that you might think we're clones if I say my thoughts aloud."

"So, you are not too bothered by what the fans think of your relationship?"

"Uhhhhh", both Gwen and Noah replied in unison, "What?"

"Well", Cassandra then clapped and the screen then showed a chart, with Noah, Gwen, Duncan, Cody, Heather and Alejandro (prior to becoming Alejandra)'s heads all as options, "This chart shows the fans favourite pairings by season for the both of you, as you can see you two are the main options, and in actuality, very little fans actually support you two being a couple."

"So what?", Gwen answered with, "I don't care what anybody thinks of who I love.", Noah just nodded in agreement.

"Yeah", Noah replied, "Infact, let me guess, every single damn fan wanted me to get with Cody or something", he then folded his arms, "Right?"

"Actually, after you said no to having sex with Cody", Cassandra explained, "Everyone wanted you with Duncan instead.", and it was at that moment Noah's eyes just widened in shock, and Gwen just laughed.

"Duncan?!", Gwen said through laughing, "The fans thought he would hook up with Duncan?!", she then laughed more, "Man that would NEVER work!"

"Yeah", Noah said for Gwen, still in shock, "What she said."

"Oh why not?", Cassandra responded, "You two are said to be compatible."

"No we're not", Noah answered, "The fans just think it's cute. That's all. Duncan likes people who can actually kick his ass if they wanted to, and incase you haven't noticed, I'm not exactly capable of doing any such thing. Now seriously", he then turned to the cameras, "Why do none of you guys think I'm straight? Are there any straight couples you guys pair me in at all?!"

"Well there is you with Heather.", and then Noah and Gwen both just looked at Cassandra with the same shocked and confused expression, and there was a pause before finally Gwen responded;

"Well, I can promise THAT won't be happening."

"Yeah. All there is to say."

"Are you sure?", Cassandra asked, "You sure you wouldn't have sex with Duncan or Cody? How about we speak of this hypothetically, hypothetically Noah, if you were gay, which of your fellow contestants would you want to have sex with?"

"You really aren't going to shut up about this unless I say an answer, are you?"

"Pretty much, you are correct."

"Ugh", Noah then groaned, "Fine, since you really want the answer, fine I will give it to you."

"Well then, what is it?"

"If I were gay", Noah then paused, building up anticipation until he finally revealed his answer, "I would discover how change my sexuality just so I could go out with Gwen instead.", and while the audience and Gwen found that both funny and adorable, Cassandra however was not amused at all, and infact seemed quite annoyed that answer actually.

"Very well then", she said to the two of them, "Don't answer my question. I still have plenty more questions to ask the other guests of this special reunion."

"Wait", Gwen replied, "So everyone else is here?"

"Well", Cassandra then explained, "Most of them are simply going to be in the audience later, but the rest of you are going to be guests here."

"Wait", Gwen then said, "What do you mean by later? What did you have us sign contracts for?"

"That's enough time for now!", Cassandra then said as interns suddenly came out to take Noah and Gwen both backstage, thus leaving Gwen's question unanswered, "Because as I have just said, we have much other smashing contestants of Total Drama to bring out for the special surprise we have in-store for all of them later on in Cassandra's Gobsmacking and Barmy Total Drama Reunion Special!", and then once more the audience all madly applauded as Cassandra then continued, "And our next tow guests are actually one former contestant and one never a contestant, and yet another surprise couple from the end of last year's series! Let us give it up for my chin wag with Lindsay and her boy to have the old slap and tickle with, Brady!", and then once more everyone went wild as Lindsay and her new boyfriend Brady walked onto the scene holding hands. Brady himself was a beautiful boy, he had a red polo shirt with a moose logo on it, and the collar went upwards. His brown hair was in a rather stylish quiff-like updo, and he wore khaki shorts with sandals. He also had beautiful green eyes and quite the butt on himself he and Lindsay both smiled at the audience, though they both ran right into eachother by accident when they tried to sit down, before then figuring it out. After that there was a pause, "So, Lindsay and Brady. The gobsmacking couple, how did it happen?"

"Uhhh, what?", was all Brady asked in response to that.

"Yeah", Lindsay added, "What couple? Oooh what, did you mean to say jawbreakers! Oh my gosh they are sooooo tastey!"

"You want me to go buy you some, Lindsay?"

"Awww that'd be so sweet and yummy, Brady!", and then they both seemed confused for a bit, before then turning to eachother, "Wait...your name is Brady right? Or...was it Tyler?"

"I think it's Brady", Brady answered, "Your name is Lindsay right?", and then Lindsay gasped;

"Oh my gosh!", Lindsay was absolutely shocked, "I don't know!", and then both her and Brady began panicking, and Lindsay turned to Cassandra with said shocked face, "Quick! Tell us who were are, is my name Lindsay?"

"And is my name Brady?!"

"You know what?", Cassandra was not at all surprised at all by them hooking up anymore, "My first question was rubbish anyway."

"It was what?", Lindsay questioned, "What's ruggish mean?"

"I said RUBBish.", Cassandra explained, "Have you honestly not ever been to England before?"

"Oh my gosh!", Lindsay then squealed, "I'm in England?! EEEEEEEEEEH!", she then went over to Brady, "We're in England, Brady slash Tyler! We're in England! EEEEEEH!"

"Oh my gosh that's so cool!", Brady happily replied, "I always wanted to know what Fish and Chips are! Will we get to try some?"

"Yes", the not surprised Cassandra answered, "You will", and in response Brady 'woo-hoo'ed while Lindsay squealed, both in enjoyment, before then Cassandra tried once more to ask the two an actual question, "But before you two get that oppurtunity, can I ask you a few questions first? About your time on the tele."

"The what?", both Lindsay and Brady asked that in unison.

"About Lindsay's time on Total Drama."

"OHHHHHHHHHH!", Lindsay replied, finally getting it, "Well, sure! I think I can do that."

"Great", Cassandra then thought of what to ask that hadn't already been answered for her, before then finally coming up with something, "So, is there anything you would like to say to Tyler?"

"Well", Lindsay then turned to Brady, "I love him very much because he is my boyfriend!"

"Awww, thanks baby!", Brady then happily responded.

"I didn't mean him", Cassandra replied, "I mean your now pretty much ex-boyfriend Tyler."

"Ohhhhhh!", Lindsay then got somewhat angry, "He was a nasty pervert who only wanted me for my body, and I doubt his name was even Tyler because, like, what chinese guy is named Tyler, right? Anyway I am soooooo over him!"

"I didn't mean that Tyler either."

"Ohhhh!", Lindsay was the not so angry anymore, "Well, I think that Tyler's love with, uhhhh, uhhh, that singer person guy, is sooooooo cute!"

"You mean Trent?"

"Yeah that's the one!", Lindsay replied, but then got confused again, "Right? It's Trent, right?", Brady just shrugged in response, not knowing for sure himself. Cassandra then facepalmed, getting annoyed with the two at this point but trying to be as nice as possible for this part of the special.

"Yes, Lindsay", Cassandra said, "Tyler is dating Trent now."

"Awwwwww!", Lindsay responded with, "That's so cute!", she then got confused, "Wait...isn't Tyler my boyfriend?!"

"Not the one dating Trent, Lindsay."

"Oh!", Lindsay was then happy again, "Well then it is cute!"

"Yeah, I believe that this chin wag is done", Cassandra then said to the two, "You two can go backstage now, it's time for my next pair of guests."

"This what is over?", Lindsay responded, "Nobody told me that there was a chin wagging contestant! Wait, how do you wag your chin?"

"Just go backstage!", and with that angry exclamation from Cassandra, both Lindsay and Brady then got up and proceeded to indeed go backstage, but were slightly confused and offended by how Cassandra told them to do so. Once they were gone, Cassandra then took a sip from a cup of tea she suddenly had in her hands, put it down on her desk, and then finally addressed her audience again as they all finished clapping, "Well, now that they are gone, we can show off our next TRULY gobsmacking former Total Drama contestants! That's right, some TRUE smashing ones who are beyond ready for their chin wag with me! Let us give it up for the two contestants with some of the most mad abilities, LeShawna and Harold!", it was then though that only LeShawna walked onto the stage, and she was oddly alone for some reason though. This of course, confused and slightly annoyed Cassandra. "Where is Harold?"

"Oh he wants to have a musical numbah of his own", LeShawna bluntly answered, which just annoyed Cassandra even more;

"You are telling porkies, right?"

"Excuse me but what?"

"Ugh", Cassandra then facepalmed and groaned, "Don't tell me you are a slapper like Lindsay, you have to be familiar with the british language!"

"What did you just call Lindsay?"

"Ugh Sweet Fanny Adams I am almost officially both knackered and off my trolley now!", while Cassandra was sipping her tea to calm her self down, LeShawna just looked around completely confused before turning to the intern backstage and asking;

"What the hell did she just say?"

"Let's just get Harold's knees up done with already!", and after Cassandra, still clearly stressed out, said that, LeShawna was only even more confused. However, focus soon went to the side stage, where not only Harold, but also every other member of Drama Direction, as in him, Justin, Cody, Trent and even the Saquatchenawkwa, all in their DD outfits, were ready to perform. The british and welsh crowd went absolutely mad at that point, but the song started immediately;


*Song starts off slowly*

Harold - "I never did, get a chance, to show what I'm capable of. On Total Drama, World Tour. So even though I don't know why I'm here. I hope Cassandra will be pleased to, here in Liverpool, give me a chance to..."

Cody, Trent and Justin - "Chance to..."

*short pause, and then the song intensifies*

Harold - "Show off my Mad Skills!" *doing karate poses*

Cody, Trent and Justin - "Mad Skills!"

Harold - "Yeah, I just wanna show off my Skills!"

Cody, Trent and Justin - "My Skills!"

Harold - "Yeah, yeah, My Skills! My MAD skills!" *he starts doing more karate poses, LeShawna and Cassandra both just watch in confusion and not knowing what to do about this* "My Mad Karate skills, including tie-qwon-do!" *tries tie-gwon-do move, but ends up falling right on his face when he tries*

Cody, Trent and Justin - "Tie-gwon-do!"

Harold - "And of course mad skills on knowing history! Such as how Liverpool here was founded in 1207, but became a city in 1880!"

Cody, Trent and Justin - "1880!"

Harold - "Yeah I'm a karate wiz, a history wiz and let's forget an internet wize!" *random phone dial-up noises followed by the sound of a 1990's computer turning on, which greatly annoys Cassandra even further* "Oh yeah, you got that right!"

Cody, Trent and Justin - "Computer Wiz!"

Harold - "So even though I never got a chance last year on Total Drama, at least Cassandra's giving me a good extra chance!", *Cassandra just rolls her eyes*, "To show off my mad skills!"

Cody, Trent and Justin - "Mad Skills!"

Harold - "Mad Skills, boy!"

Cody, Trent and Justin - "Mad Skills!"

Harold, Cody, Trent and Justin - "Mad Skills!"


Following the song, Harold literally jumped into the air over the massively cheering crowd and did various backflips right into the chair right beside LeShawna, and after that the crowd cheered for about a good minute until finally Cassandra stopped them once more. With that, the interview with Harold and LeShawna finally and actually began to start;

"So...Harold", Cassandra began, "I see you brought your fellow band-members with you."

"Well of course!", Harold answered, "They had to come with me if I was going to finally get my solo song, which obviously I never got on the actual show. But I guess that's okay, I did get some good song roles around the end."

"Yes yes, we all saw those."

"But I have one question of my own actually", Harold then brought up, "Why did me and LeShawna have to sign contracts to be on here? This is just a talk show, right? And why was everything on them so vague?!"

"Yeah", LeShawna then added, "I wanna know that too!"

"Don't worry", Cassandra assured them, "It is just as I told Courtney, it is simply incase something happens on the stage, I want to be sure the courts realize anything bad that happens on-stage is clarified as an accident. I assure you, that is all the contracts are for", even after she said that though, Harold and LeShawna both remained suspicious, and as such Cassandra immediately changed the subject, "So either way, there is something plenty of fans TRULY wish to know from you!"

"Yeah?", LeShawna replied, "What would that be?"

"Well", Cassandra began, "Plenty of the fans were actually very much disturbed and hurt when you two went on that famous break after Total Drama Island, the first season, and many of them were wondering if you two ever stopped doing the break or are still on it? So, would you two like to reveal if you've been doing the old rumpy-pumpy or have been simply too fagged to do such a thing?"

"First off", LeShawna said in response, "The hell's the rumpy-pumpy?! Secondly, shouldn't you have been censored for sayin' that word out loud?"

"Actually", Harold explained, "In Britain the word fag stands for cigar, and fagged as she said means being interrupted or bothered."

"Oh", LeShawna said in response, then turning to Cassandra, "Why can't you just talk like normal people?!", the british and welsh audience both laughed at her comment, finding it hilarious she wasn't understanding their slang actually. "Now what does Rumpy-Pumpy mean?!"

"Hehehe", Harold lightly blushed at explaining this, "It means the, well, you know.", LeShawna immediately understood what he meant, her eyes went wide in surprise as she turned right back to face Cassandra;

"Okay no, we have NOT been doin' no rumpy-pumpy recently!", LeShawna responded with, "I ain't sayin I wouldn't want to, I'm just sayin' that I think that's a little TOO personal a question, girl."

"What is the matter, LeShawna?", Cassandra asked, trying to hide being offended by LeShawna not understanding her language, "Are you not enjoying our chin wag? Have you been lurgy lately or has one of Harold's crusty dragon's turned you into a more literal crusty dragons?", after that, there was a long pause before LeShawna said anything in response. Once she did, it was just this;

"I don't know whether to be offended by what you just said or to be complimented by what you just said."

"Listen", Cassandra then checked her watch, "I do not have time for this we really have to get on with this immediately so just please answer my question before I start looking like a daft cow for asking it. Once answered, I will go to my next and final special guest before we move on to the later part of the show."

"Fine", LeShawna answered with a sigh, "If it will get me to some people who can actually speak english!", Cassandra actually did glare at that remark. However, it was then Harold who actually answered Cassandra's question;

"To be honest I am actually very happy to announce", Harold said, doing an intentional pause just to make everyone grow suspenseful, "That me and LeShawna, is our status, LeBeautiful Goddess?"

"Oh Harold", LeShawna was flattered by the compliment, but did then finish it, "Well, we aren't OFFICIALLY back together, but since we are livin' together now, I guess we're closer to ending the break than we were before. Just not there yet. I just wanna be sure we know all there is about eachother befo' we actually make it truly official."

"And I can promise you", Harold then said, "The day that is made official, will be the day I will be the happiest man on earth!", and it was with that comment that the audience, and Cassandra for she wouldn't have to put up with either of them, as keeping with her promise, she saw that now it was time for them to no longer be on the main set until the next part of the special;

"Well, that is all the time we have for you two", and once Cassandra said that, she then turned to the audience as two interns dragged LeShawna and Harold backstage where they would meet back up with Courtney, Alejandra, Lindsay and Brady. Only once they were backstage did Cassandra did she would continue with the actual show again, "Now, before we bring out our next major guest, I think it's only fair for the rest of the Total Drama contestants, all of whom who did NOT sign the contracts to be on my smashing show, who are all up in the balcony up top!", and then a spotlight from the ceiling shined on a balcony in the back of the set as the crowd went wild. Cassandra then introduced all of those up there; "Let us all continue cheering for Trent, Duncan, Cody, Justin, Eva, Ezekiel, Beth, Tyler, DJ, Heather, Geoff, Bridgette, Katie, Sadie, Izzy, Owen, and even Blaineley!", and of course most of them waved. Most, because Heather was still in her full body cast and on her dolly, meaning she wasn't mobile on her own at all, and needed her father there, sitting next to her, to push her around. However, Heather's hair was now back to it's longer original length as of now. Owen was also different, as he was no longer deflated but now had actually regained all of his formerly lost pounds, and even Katie & Sadie were different too. Katie looked the same as she did from the TDWT finale (pink sweater, dark skinny jeans, heels and hair worn down), and Sadie of course was wearing the same outfit, but had a shorter bob-cut hairstyle instead, but it was her natural hair. Cody however, was very different now. His hair was no longer parted but was now more ruffled but still fashionable, and he was wearing his red cap on his head with a dark blue hoodie with the hood pulled up over the hat. He also had a golden dollar sign necklace on, a new more prominent butt despite his thin physique, and his new jeans now had tears designed on them. His sneakers were the same, though. Everyone else though, was mostly the same for some odd reason.

"WOO HOO!", Owen cheered extremely happily from the balcony, "GO TOTAL DRAMA! YEAH! Hahahaha!"

"Owen!", Cassandra said back to him, "I see you have given up on being fit like you were trying before!"

"Yeah", Owen answered, rubbing his stomach, "It was just too hard, plus, no offense, but when I looked in the mirror and saw myself, MAN was I terrifying looking! Why didn't anybody tell me?!"

"Yeah...", Duncan then said to the others, "We probably should have done that now that I think about it."

"I would have said something", Blaineley added in, "But there was simply much more interesting drama to talk about. And then I was busy being the mother of the richest boy on the planet!", and of course she once more gave Cody a hug and kissed him on the cheek in love, Cody just smiled in response, clearly happy about making his mother so proud of him.

"Speaking of which", Cassandra then said, turning to Cody, "Cody! I see you've changed a lot since before you won the trillion."

"Yeah", Cody replied, "I decided that since I am rich and stuff now, like even MORE rich than EVER before, I didn't really have to act cool anymore, and, well, this makeover just kinda came overtime."

"I see", Cassandra actually found herself thinking of Cody as somewhat atttractive, but quickly snapped herself out of it and continued with hosting, "Well, while I would love to talk with ALL of you, we really need to get the announcement of what our previous guests will be doing in the later part of this show! Now, first let us bring in our grand last two guests, the Drama101 Network President, Robert Blackburn!", and then the audience cheered loudly as a man with a fine black suit with dark purple tie, oddly red eyes, a rather charming gentlemen look, a thin mustache, and a fine southern gentleman styled haircut, and he even carried a cane with him, and wore gloves, he smiled at the applauding audience, and then Cassandra even shook hands with him, having stood up to do so, before then introducing the next guest, "And of course we also have the runner-up of Total Drama World Tour herself, Veronica Brittany Sampson Artemeyeva!", and of course it was right then that Veronica came walking out like a diva with hands on her hips. She also looked different, with her blonde hair now being worn down, and her outfit now being a short pink skirt with a white belt on the waist, with bright pink heeled boots, and a pink shirt with the left sleeve being wrong while the right sleeve being short, and she even had a pink choker too. She still kept her hairband, however. She and Robert both sat down in the two seats as Cassandara leaned sat on her desk rather that on the chair behind it.

"Might I say Cassandra", Robert commented, having a gentleman accent to his voice, "You look as lovely as ever."

"Oh Robert", Cassandra replied in the same flirty tone, "You look as handsome as ever."

"Yes you both look good today, can we just get on with this as fast as possible?", Veronica then bluntly interrupted, "I want to get to the second part of this show already. I mean, we spent so many hours in the planning room thinking it up."

"Right", Robert answered, "Well, I guess I had better reveal it", Cassandra just smiled and gazed flirtatiously at Robert the entire time, and Robert then addressed the audience, "As you all might know, the fourth season of Total Drama will be coming soon, but rather than use the old cast, we will actually be having a completely new cast of thirteen new contestants!", and the old cast up in the balcony all could then be heard cheering happily at not having to be in another season again, until Robert continued, "And not only that ,but seeing the ratings Veronica gave to the show in the previous season, and due to suggestions from her father, I-"

"Have returned my hosting job, given me ALL the privileges and powers of Chris with the show, AND even made me executive producer!", Veronica then bluntly finished for the man, "Though sadly, only he is able to fire Chris.", and it was that which made all of the original contestants stop cheering, though some of the male members of the audience did, which made Veronica just shrug and accept it.

"Yes", Robert then confirmed, "But that is not all, not only has Veronica been returned to her original position and made equal to Chris, but I have also decided", he then looked flirtatiously back at Cassandra who returned those looks and included body movements, "With a massive executive meeting, that Chris McLean no longer be the main host of Total Drama.", and then everyone, even the entire original cast in the balcony and the ones backstage, all gasped. Everyone except Robert, Veronica and Cassandra really. Even Chris and Chef, who were watching this from a nearby hotel's dining room, gasped. Chris spat out his coffee right in a male waiter's face before looking back at the television in shock as Robert continued, "And not only will he no longer be the main host, but he will also be being replaced, by Cassandra Carla Shannon Price herself!", and of course he gestured over to Cassandra, and at that point Chris became angry at the dining room of the hotel, and Chef watched as Chris' anger got him to literally crush a coffee cup and let the coffee splash all over his hand without screaming in pain at all. That made Chef gulp, as he had never seen Chris so angry before. Meanwhile at the show, Cassandra was taking full advantage of her cheering audience, even the original contestants were cheering at this point.

"Oh thank you! Oh thank you yes!", Cassandra said to her fans, and even gave Robert a hug, though after parting they exchanged flirtatious glances one last time, "I am so HONOURED! To be the new main hostess of Total Drama, especially over my disgrace of an ex-husband Chris McLean!", Chris was now growling in anger as he watched her say this, "And you might now be REALLY wondering, what does the next part of this special of my show have? Well, we'll be right back with it, over showing all the audition tapes of the thirteen new contestants of MY next season of Total Drama!"


*This audition is from the dark-skinned, tall and dark-haired outback survivalist Jasmine from the fourth TDWT Aftermath, standing in her room, which had a wilderness theme to it*

Jasmine - "Australia is home to eleven of the world's deadliest creatures! Oh, and our toilets do not flush backwards. I think that's about all you need to know about where I'm from." *a cat then jumps on her arm* "Aw, and this is my cat, Whiskers!" *Whiskers then bites her arm, making her and by extension Whiskers fall to the ground with a thud, Jasmine then gets back up soon after though, "She's pretty frightful."


*This audition is in an apartment, in a room mostly pink and decorated with various stuffed animals and Disney movie posters and princess dolls, and Ella is standing by the camera, she is a girl with short black hair styled like Snow White, with a pink bow in said hair. She also has on a short pink princess dress, pink princess shoes, pink princess gloves, and you might get the point now*

Ella - "My name is Ella" *does princess bow*, "I was a huge fan of Total Drama World Tour! I memorized all the songs of that season and peformed them in a one person flash mob. The nice security man told me I had a beautiful voice! And that I was banned from the mall. Plleeeeeasssse piiiiiiiick meeeeeee!" *banging and yelling from the nextdoor person can be heard* "My apartment walls are very thin...SORRY MR. MCGILLIS!" *Mr. McGillis still complains but it is intelligible*


*This audition is from a girl with teal-blue eyes with blonde shoulder-length hair, dressed in a red & white coloured cheerleader uniform and having white heeled boots pretty close to her knees, she was a quite attractive looking girl aswell*

Samey - "I'm Sammy, not samey! I..I don't even know why I said that. No one has ever called me Samey! I mean, who would, right? Anyway, I don't have a sister, or anything. It's pretty much just me, and, I'm really confident cuz of the no sister thing, and-"

Voice from other room - "SAMEY, GET YOUR BUTT OUT HERE!"

Samey - "Ah, I gotta go! Pick Me!"


*This audition is from a girl who looked and dressed just like Samey, except she had a mole/beauty mark on her right cheek*

Amy - "I just saw Samey's pathetic audition tape for Total Drama, so I decided to submitted my own! Because oh my gag! Who'd pick HER over ME?! I was born first and Samey has been coming in LAST ever since! My bags are already packed just send the limo!"


*This audition comes from a farm possibly in Texas, USA or Alberta/Saskatchewan, Canada. It is from a girl with a Texas-like accent, well done blonde hair, a pink shirt with frilled sleeves, and very tight looking jean pants with a belt on. She also had wedge heels, and blue eyes, a gap in her teeth, and even very well done eyelashes too. Her name is Sugar.*

Sugar - "I'm an obvious choice because I've been on t.v. before! Probably recognize me from the Darwin's Food Safari restaurant commercial! Oh yeah, I'm a pro!"

*audition goes to said commercial, where Sugar is dressed as a cow and standing infront of a table filled with various good looking foods*

Sugar - *singing* "Hungry for, a tasty snack? Deep fried tiger, dolphin, yak! Come inside, please join me! At Darwin's Food Safari! Let us put a smile on your plate!" *realizes she messed up* "I mean a face on your plate!" *head of costume begins to slide down* "Uh,uh, smile on your face!" *is happy she got it right just before she falls over* "Nast!" *farts*


*Dawn is a girl with long light blonde hair, pale blue-ish eyes, a long-sleeved green sweater, purple leggings, a black skirt, and black shoes. She is meditating on what appears to be a platform in the forest surrounded by dream-catchers and candals and with a rung on it*

Dawn - "Greetings citizens of the universe, I am Dawn. And I am recording this for the purpose of participating in Total Drama Revenge of the Island!" *squirrel runs up to her, she is happy to see it* "Oh hello there, blessed little one!" *squirrel jumps into her hand happily and just sits there* "I read my tea leaves this morning, and they said the show would make me a lot of money! Well money's not important to me. Nature and my animal friends are!" *she tickles the squirrel a bit, getting it to chuckle happily as it lets her* "It's by channeling their harmony that I will win Total Drama, and take my money to help mother earth!" *is holding squirrel up towards the sky, until an eagle comes out of nowhere and takes off with it*


*This audition is coming from the bedroom of a rather tall boy, with a gap in his teeth, brown eyes, tanned skin, brown hair in a spikey up-do, and a blue shirt with long jean pants and sneakers, there's also a photo of the Australian outback, and a picture of a famous gymnast who looks almost related to Mike on the wall aswell*

Mike - "Hi, Mike here! Not Malloy! I don't know why anyone would call me that, but, um, yeah. Anyway, to explain why I would be great for the next Total Drama! For one, I have a lot of different talents to offer! I can be agile, and graceful! But also tough! And scrappy! With the keen senses of a wilderness survivor, I'm ready to win this season! I don't care what my doctor says!" *realizes what he just said and is worried about it* "Um, did I say doctor? I meant psychiatrist, AH! No! I mean, Ah, DO-OVER!" *he then tries to fool with the camera further but ends up falling onto the ground in trying to do it, and groans until the tape ends*


*This audition comes from a rather run-down trailer, and is also from a boy with blue eyes and freckles with short red/orange hair, and who is white-skinned. He wears a white tank-top, with simple blue jeans and brown sneakers, he is also holding a baseball bat. His name is Scott.*

Scott - "Camera on, Pappy?" *the camera silently nods* "Okay good. For my audition, I'm gonna demonstrate how my pappy taught me how to hunt kitchen rats!" *A rat runs across the floor, Scott chases after it with the bat, he hits something off-screen, garbage flies everywhere, either the same rat or another one comes out and runs the other way, Scott chases it* "There's another critter!" *again, hits something off-screen, garbage flies everywhere, again either another rat or the same one runs the other direction, but this time Scott stops to address the camera.* "How do you like my moves, Chris? Call me, you're little island won't know what hit it!" *Then gives chase to the rat again*


*This audition is from a boy with somewhat shaggy brown hair, a green beanie hat, a red sleeveless vest that was something of a life jacket it seemed, hard to describe, a long-sleeved white shirt, blue jean pants, sneakers, and he did his audition tape somewhat like it was lost footage, giving a view of wherever he was to be extremely dark and barely visible. His name was Shawn*

Shawn - *might be moving, it's unable to tell* "Hi, I, I don't know if I should say my name or not, but incase this footage gets lost, it's Shawn. I'm hoping this footage gets out. I'm saying this, because I am convinced the chance of a mass zombie attack is high in this town! I've done the research, I know it is! Just, just if you get this, know I wanna be on the next Total Drama because I'm sure an isolated island would lower those chances!"

*This audition is from a dark-skinned boy who is rather short, has shaven hair, wears glasses, has a red jacket on with bright yellow and rather smile shorts, and also socks and sneakers to finish off the look. His eyes are also dark. He's also sitting on his living room couch*

Cameron - "I'm what's known as a bubble boy. Growing up my mom was reeeeeeeally over-protective. So I've never gone swimming before. Up until six hours ago, I've never done anything before! Except read and sigh alot." *sighs* "But that doesn't mean I'm not a force to be reckoned with!" *A butterfly flies into the room and he is surprised by it* "No way! Danaus plexippus! The Monarch Butterfly!" *it lands on his head and it's so heavy compared to him that literally makes his upper-body slant down* "Ah! Oof! It's so heavy!" *falls back down onto the couch due to it's weight*


*This audition comes from a dark-skinned and rather buff boy with a shaven-hairstyle. He has a blue jersey with a yellow '1' on it, khaki shorts, and sneakers, and is in a football field, sitting on one of those agility dummies*

Lightning - "Man, Chris should'a let Lightning be a team of ONE! Lightning's used to carryin' his team back home, but at least those guys can actually play the game! Not like this bunch o' losers! But if Chris is tryin' to make Lightning look bad, he can think again! Lightning nevah gives up and nevah surrenders! Sha-Lightning!"


*This audition comes from a simple home, a room by a computer, with a Chris McLean picture on the wall, and the audition comes from a young boy with brown hair in somewhat of a quiff hairdo, and wears a simple blue shirt in the shame shade of blue as Chris' trademark shirt, with a white collar on it though. He also wears khaki pants and the same sneakers Chris does. There's also a cat sleeping by the window nearby*

Topher - "Topher here, a lot of people have told me I look like a young Chris McLean. In fact, my nickname is Chris 2.0. I gave it to myself." *Pulls out megaphone and uses it;*" Hey hey! Morning Campers! It's time to eat pain! Right Chef?" *puts megaphone down, not noticing his cat is pissed the hell off* "I don't care about the money, I just want the chance to stare down the barrel of the camera and say, WELCOME, TO TOTAL DRAMA-" *His cat Chef pounces on him and is attacking him offscreen, making Topher of course, make noises of being in pain* "Bad Chef, Bad, bad!" *makes unintelligible noises of being in pain*


*This audition is from that oddly looks like a wizard's den. Seriously, candles, dragon skulls, spell books, everything. The boy of this audition is dark-skinned, has a gap in his teeth, slight freckles, but seems kind. He wears a green wizard hat, a fake white beard, and a green wizard robe almost all day actually.*

Leonard - "What would make me a good contestant? Well, I've battled armies of vampires and demons from Ravendroft, and I've defeated them all with my-" *his cellphone rings, interrupting him, he answers it* "Hello? Oh, hey Timmy. No, can't, making a video. Plus yesterday someone stole my unicycle! Yes, I'm very serious! What? But it's raining!" *laughs a bit* "No, I'm not made of paper. But my cape is!"


Following the audition segment, things went right back to Chris and Chef watching as the commercial break started up. Chris was seething with pure rage about Cassandra replacing him, and Chef was actually worried. Worried about Chris' anger, of course. He just looked over to Chris and had these things to say;

"Chris?", he began with, "You okay man?"

"I'm fine, Chef", Chris said, still clearly angry, "I just need a ride to me and Cassandra's former home."

"Why you wanna go over there? I told you it's best to keep away from that woman!"

"I know", Chris then got a scheming look to his face, a face of pure evil on it, "But I have things I need to do that involve that place.", and Chris let out an evil laugh, Chef just looked on worriedly, but of course, he ended up just shrugging, and soon enough he and Chris were on their way to the place where Chris used to live, the place where Cassandra currently lives. They went directly into a taxi, which Chef basically hijacked when he pulled the driver out of it to drive himself, and they were on their way. Chris of course, still seething with pure rage.

"So...Chris...", Chef began while driving the taxi, "What you thi-"

"I can not believe they think it's a good idea to not only replace ME, but replace me with that WHORE!", Chris angrily snapped, Chef was nice enough not to speak when this happened, "WHAT THE HELL WERE THEY SMOKING WHEN THEY CAME UP WITH THAT IDEA?! I bet she's sleeping with Blackburn, that's the ONLY way she'd ever get to be as powerful in Total Drama as me! Veronica I can understand, but not Cassandra! HELLLLL NO to Cassandra! FUCK NO to Cassandra! That bitch is a WHORE, Chef! An A-class HOE!"

"Ya know what", Chef then said, "Why did you two break up anyway? Y'all made a spicey hostin' couple."

"Because she's an A-class WHORE, Chef!", Chris answered with, "The night we broke up, was the worst night", he then started to cry, "Of my life."

"Awww come on now", Chef said to him, "It will make ya feel bettah if you let it all out. Think o' me like ya therapist or somethin'...but not literally. Like, seriously. Don't think o' me like that TOO much now."

"Fine", Chris replied, "I'll say it.", he then took a deep breathe and explained, "The night we broke up, was the day my cooking show was cancelled after two episodes. I was feeling down that die as I rolled up to my mansion. It was raining, ya know, the normal stuff. I parked the car in our mansion's garage, got out of my car, and walked inside. When I got there, she wasn't there at all. Normally, she's there waiting for me or something. But I just thought maybe cuz I got home early she wouldn't be there...but then...when I walked upstairs. I heard sounds coming from the bedroom. And when I got into the bedroom...I saw..."

"Oh my god.", Chef then gasped.

"Yes", Chris answered, "With another guy. With TWO other guys. With two other guys who were the hosts of my rival cooking show!"

"No!", Chef was shocked, "She cheated on you?!"

"Yes, and that wasn't the only time!", Chris replied, "The bitch just directed them out of the house, bluntly told me she slept with all of my old fametown bandmates, the producer for every show I ever hosted, every straight or bisexual dude friend I ever invited to my house, every not obese cable repair guy that came over, and she even slept with my dad the day before he died!"

"She slept with yo' daddy?!"

"YES!", Chris replied, "But he was drunk off his ass and thought she was my mom. Anyway, she also was the one who wanted the divorce in the first place, and she took away all of my nice things, and only after season one of Total Drama did I start getting back in shape, but she's always been one step more famous than me! She's taken everything I held near and dear to me away!", he then cries as he takes out a photo of his original hair, which looks the exact same as current hair, "Even though it's all grown back", he cries, "It's just not the same!"

"Now now Chris", Chef then stopped the taxi to pat Chris on the shoulder, "It's alright now, she not in your life no more."

"Oh yes she is now!", Chris replied, "But I'm gonna get her out of it. Back when I was still married to her, I actually got something from her that would have ruined her career, but I didn't show it to anyone because, well, married. But now, oh-ho, now, she's made it personal! So if you will please, Chef?"

"Heh", Chef then got an evil grin to his face, "It'll be my pleasure.", and he then stepped on the gas, he and Chris definitely heading as fast as they could to Chris and Cassandra's former original home mansion. As they did so, the episode faded out into a commercial break, or in other words, things went back to the actual show which was on commercial break;


*This commercial is actually an advertisement for Total Drama itself*

Announcer - "Ever wanted to own all of the Total Drama from Total Drama Island? Well now you can! Introducing, Total Drama Island: The Complete First and Second Total Drama DVD Box Set! Featuring all twenty-seven original episodes, including the reunion special, all of the original twenty-two character's auditions, a documentary on how Chris McLean came to be who he is today, and even the never-before-seen actual audition tape from Veronica herself! But what would Total Drama be without season two? Well, guess what? Total Drama Action is ALSO included on the DVD, including Celebrity Manhunt's Reunion Special too! All things Total Drama Action related are on those dics! As for Season Three? Well, the DVD for Total Drama World Tour is scheduled to come out just before this Christmas, as it has to include Cassandra's special episode AND the entire Season Four with it too!"



*This commercial is actually a PSA with Sonic the Hedgehog standing in the middle of a grassy field, with two dead Men In Black members behind him and both Miles "Tails" Prower the two-tailed and anthro fox and Knuckles the Red anthro Echidna with extremely alien-like weapons shooting down an entire army of Men In Black members while hiding behind a tree, Sonic's taking cover behind a rock*

Sonic - "Kids, I'm here to talk to you about two subjects today! One, is the Men In Black. The other, is Alien Evidence! Kids, DON'T be scared of the Men In Black! If they come up to you, tell them they have no right to take away your alien evidence, that it is a freedom of speech, and that they are denying your right to speak about it! If they come up to you, get your gun out and don't hesitate to shoot 'em down! Treat 'em like drug dealers! Second, if you have Alien Evidence, take it to the media immediately, don't give the Men In Black any chance at gettting it from you! It's no good what they do, and we need to put a stop to it!" *he takes out an RPG launcher that says 'MINI-NUKE' on it, and fires it at the Men In Black behind him, he, Tails and Knuckles then run as a massive nuclear explosion occurs, destroying literally all of the Men In Black and the surrounding fields, but not the escaping Sonic, Tails and Knuckles*


Following that, things went to a stage that was actually very similar to the Aftermath set, except a bigger stage, with both Cassandra and Blaineley standing infront of a fully downed curtain. To the other side of the stage was Courtney, Alejandra, Noah, Gwen, Lindsay, Brady, LeShawna and Harold all standing and all silently wondering why the curtain was down and why they were standing there. In the audience's front row though, was Heather (still injured so more to the side of the front row), Heather's Father, Cody, Higgins, Veronica, Robert Blackburn, Justin, Duncan, Sadie, Katie, DJ, Bridgette, Geoff, Trent who was on Tyler's lap and making out with him, Eva, Ezekiel, Beth, Izzy and Owen. On the other side of the audience seats, but still technically in the front row, was the second generation cast of Jasmine, Shawn, Amy, Samey, Topher, Leonard, Sugar, Mike, Dawn, Scott, Cameron, Lightning and Ella. The entire rest of the audience was literally compromised of a mix of English, Welsh and Scottish people. Naturally, it was indeed Cassandra who kicked off introducing this second half of her show;

"Greetings my loyal millions of viewers!", she opened with, "And welcome back to Cassandra, I of course being Cassandra Carla Shannon Price, your host! But or this half of Cassandra's Total Drama Reunion Special episode, I also have, thanks to Mr. Blackburn's last minute choice, a co-host-"

"Blaineley Stacey Andrews O'Holleran!", Blaineley bluntly answered for herself very happily, "A.k.a, the richest mother in the entire world!"

"Right", Cassandra then said, "Me and Blaineley, are going to be hosting this SMASHING second half of this special episode, which I'm sure all of my non-Total Drama contestant audience has been eagerly looking forward to!"

"Oh yes", Blaineley giggled a bit, having been told of the surprise during the break, "I bet they are!"

"Yeah about that", Courtney then added in, "What exactly IS going to be the second half of this episode you keep talking about? Does it have anything to do with this curtain being closed?"

"Why yes Courtney", Blaineley answered Courtney with, having a slightly evil sounding tone of voice, "Yes, it does. Cassandra, should we reveal it now?"

"I fully agree", Cassandra said before turning to Courtney, Alejandra, Noah, Gwen, Lindsay, Brady, LeShawna and Harold, "As you all, or most of you, brought up during our old chin wag, you all wanted to know about why you had to sign contracts, correct?"

"Yes", Courtney answered with, while the others beside her were just nodding, "We really would, well, I really would, anyway."

"Well then", Cassandra then turned to Blaineley, "Perhaps we should stop stalling this and finally reveal what this entire gathering was all about?"

"Very well", Blaineley and Cassandra then happily smiled as finally the curtain was lifted. Once it was risen all the way up, everyone saw a castle tower shaped something like a large cake. Of course, it wasn't a mountain, but really just a large fake one made out of stone, with each layer having Cassandra's face carved all over it for some odd reason. The top of each layer also had a different challenge for it. There were eight layers in total, and the first one had a wheel on it with various dares on it, and was clearly a redo of No Pain, No Game of some sort, including bleachers beside the wheel. The second level was a massive obstacle course, including a wall climbing challenge with ropes of licorice, dog hair, an open electric wire, and even thin vines, and also a pool with the challenge being to do a ladder climb over it, because it was filled with electric eels and snapping turtles. The third level was nothing but a dance-floor all around, with each square shooting either electricity, fire, or even acid. The fourth level was was similar to the TDWT finale challenge, a large chasm with millions of snakes with only scattered rock pillars to jump across. The fifth level was just a large circular pool of toxic waste, extremely deadly to the touch. The sixth level was a large circular pool of, literally, lava. Obviously instant death to the touch. The seventh level was a circular pool that was themed like a swamp, but with no trees, and in the water were alligators that hadn't been fed in months. The eighth level was smaller than the others, as it was the centerpiece, it simply had a small stone stand with a sword jammed into it and a large television screen infront of it. Courtney, Alejandra, Noah, Gwen, Lindsay, Brady, LeShawna and Harold were needless to say, confused and scared both once this was revealed to them all.

"Jes s Cristo", Alejandra commented, "What is this for?"

"I'm glad you asked", Blaineley replied, "You guys, the ones who actually signed the contracts, will be doing this as your challenge!", and then Courtney, Alejandra, Noah, Gwen, Lindsay, Brady, LeShawna and Harold all gasped. The non-competing original contestants also gasped, except for Veronica of course.

"Man", Duncan said with a slight laugh, "Glad I didn't sign anything!", and then focus went back to the contestants competing in this challenge. Cassandra was the one who explained everything;

"Simply put", Cassandra answered, "You little wankers will have to compete in one challenge per level of this mountain or castle, each getting either more sadistic than the last, or tricking you with how calm it appears to be. Once you reach the top, then you will finally have to pull the sword from the stone and win! Once you win...", Blaineley then finished off;

"You get to be the only veteran competing in season four, for one million dollars if you win that!"

"What?!", Gwen replied, "But, but I don't even want to compete anymore!"

"Yeah", Noah added, "And we don't want to!"

"You don't have a choice", Blaineley then revealed, "The contracts you all signed, make you HAVE to do this, whether you want to or not!", and once more, all of them gasped at hearing that. "Yes", Blaineley giggled, "That was Cassandra's own personal twist."

"Yes indeed", Cassandra explained, "I just hate giving people choices to do these things as they always get refused! Why else do you think my contracts were kept so vague? It would be the only way you could do this with me forcing you into it without you even knowing what you were getting yourselves into! And by the way, since you all signed the contracts, it is perfectly legal!", Courtney was about to call her lawyers on her PDA, but once she heard Cassandra say that, she eventually put her PDA away and just angrily glared at her.

"As much as I would love to compete again", Courtney replied, "Being FORCED into this is NOT the way I like to do this!"

"Yeah", Noah added, "At least Chris' contracts SAID what we were signing up for so we couldn't really complain about it once we already signed."

"Yeah!", Gwen and Lindsay both added.

"Whatever", was Blaineley's only shrugging response.

"Neither me nor Blaineley care", Cassandra answered, "You all have to do this now, and you wankers will do it even if I have to get my interns to do it!"

"I thought your show was just a talk show!", Harold replied, "Whenever I'd see my mom watching it you were always just talking to people on it!"

"Ah yes", Cassandra answered before revealing, "This half of my show only airs in Britain. I don't know why, it just simply does.", she then laughed almost evilly once more, "Now, if you don't mind, me and Blaineley will be waiting for you at the top, where we will be waiting for whichever one of you will be the winner! All you have to do to win, is get to the top and pull the sword from the stone!"

"Any questions?", Blaineley then asked.

"Um yes", Courtney then began, "What is-"

"Ohhhh I'm sorry!", Blaineley bluntly replied, "We're all out of time now, goodbye!", and then Cassandra and Blaineley both seemingly fell into a circular hole in the floor. In a reality, the floor moved like an elevator downward to them being brought up to the top level of the mountain/tower, where they would remain so that they could wait for the winner. Those being forced to compete just all angrily glared at them of course, neither of them wanting to do this or thinking it as fair that they were being forced into it. It is at this moment though, that we shall change focus to someone else. More specifically, Chris and Chef. They were either not being filmed or were being filmed by the cameras that float in mid-air like they were robots. They had just then arrived at Chris and Cassandra's original home, which was in Birmingham where Cassandra was born. Chris felt bitter-sweet upon seeing the mansion once more. He almost cried of real sadness. Of course, that was when he saw the statue of both him and Cassandra made of gold that was once in the middle of the front yard fountain was now just of Cassandra. Infact, the rest of the front yard was just a drive-way, a stone walkway, and the rest was just a large garden. The mansion was three stories tall, mostly white, decorated with gold, and having a black roof. Chris only got in thanks to the door still being opened by voice, and once he and Chef parked the taxi, they got out.

"Man", Chris replied, still clearly sad and angry at how Cassandra removed not only his statue, but also any decoration involving his face aswell, "The bitch clearly wants to remove me from existence. Luckily though, I came back just in time?"

"You did?"

"Yeah!", he then walked over to a bonfire barrel that had a painting of himself next to it, "She was about to burn my favourite picture of myself!", he then showed Chef the picture, it was literally just a painting of Chris looking the exact same as he does now, "Look! See! That's what I used to look like before she had custody of my original hair! See! Look what she's done to me!", and of course Chef didn't know how to tell him he looked exactly the same as he did back then, so he decided to just play along with what Chris was saying;

"Yeah", he said, clearly fake but Chris didn't notice, "You look so much different than now."

"I know right?!", Chris then put the painting into the taxi to take home later, "Alright, now let's go inside and get what I need then get my job back!"

"Wait, you sure you can even get inside this place?"

"Of course I can!", Chris assured him, "If she changed it, the security system, she would have tell every single man she repeatedly sleeps with the change, and trust me when I say she does not have the patience or the time to do that! I should Know! I was married to the whore. Anyway", he then went up to the door and input a single code on the security system beside the door, and both he and Chef finally managed to enter the mansion at last. Once they were in though, we should change focus back to the show Cassandra was currently hosting. Currently, Courtney, Alejandra, Noah, Gwen, Lindsay, Brady, LeShawna and Harold. All of them now were on the first level, and were all seated in bleachers with an intern standing by the spinning wheel.

"Alright!", Blaineley explained to them, using a megaphone while on the top level, "Welcome to the first level challenge of this tower of doom! Also keep in mind each challenge goes on for until one of you fails!", all of those competing just grimaced and glared, "Anyway, your first challenge is to go around in turns as that intern spins the wheel! When he does, you will be given something to answer about the former contestants not competing in this challenge! Answer correctly and you get a free pass on your next turn! Answer in correctly and you get electrocuted by your seats!", and then they all gasped, "Again I would like to remind you that Cassandra came up with all of this and not me!"

"Exactly!", Cassandra then said, "So, Intern, get to it!", the intern just smiled, nodded, pointed to Courtney, and then spun the wheel. Courtney gulped. Pretty soon, it landed on Duncan's picture. Courtney then got even more worried, but hid it by putting on a more determined face. The intern then took out an index card, read from it and then turned to Courtney;

"Alright", the intern said in a Scottish accent, "You must answer a question about Duncan!"

"Oh dear god", was all Courtney said in response, "I don't know anything about-"

"What is the name of Duncan's Mother?"

"What?!", Courtney responded, "I don't know the names of any of Duncan's family members! Who do you think I am? His ex-girlfriend or something?!"

"Is that your final answer?"


"Duncan", the Intern then turned to Duncan in the audience, "Is your mother's name What?!"

"Uhh", Duncan responded bluntly, "No."

"Well then", the intern then said, "Courtney got it wrong!", a buzz sound was then sounded, and Courtney screamed as her chair then electrocuted her, messing up her hair and ruining her clothes but not killing her. He then silently pointed to Alejandra, who then became worried herself, and then spun the wheel once more. It landed, on Cody. Of course, this made Alejandra immediately became incredibly angry, as Cody defeated her in the finale and brought her much humiliation. "Alejandra!", the intern then said, "What is Cody's favourite chip flavor?"

"Que?", Alejandra then replied, "I am not Sierra or Blaineley, how am I supposed to answer a question like that?!"

"Is Que your final answer?"

"No no NO!", Alejandra quickly replied with, then with a worried tone, she thought about her true answer, before finally saying, "Sour Cream with Union?", the intern then turned to Cody;

"Cody, is she correct?"

"No!", Cody said with an almost sadistic look to his face, "It's Barbeque. I even said it while on the show before that dumb-ass grizzly bear mauled me."

"Very well then", and then Alejandra screamed in pain as she was electrocuted by the chair. Cody actually visibly enjoyed seeing this, strangely. Though so did Bridgette, Sadie, Duncan, Veronica, Geoff, Justin, Ezekiel and Beth. Alejandra's electrocution also took longer than Courtney's for some reason, but still, it only ruined her hair and clothes, and didn't actually kill her. The intern then immediately pointed to Noah, who became worried, and then the intern spun the wheel. Gwen patted Noah on the shoulder just before the wheel landed on Blaineley. Noah gulped immediately.

"Oh dear god."

"Well!", the intern then said, "Who is Blaineley's super-fan from Siberia?"

"Uhhhh, some Russian guy we never knew the name of?"


"Ummmm", Blaineley then purposely paused before she finally revealed the true answer, "Actually, no. It was actually Bruno the entire time. Don't ask any further questions it will just make you more confused. Infact, he's in the audience!", and it was then that Bruno was revealed to be sitting right behind Cody in the audience, Blaineley happily waved to him and he happily waved back. Cody was not at all scared about having Bruno sitting behind him, while everyone was worried by his presence, even Eva and the second generation contestants.

"Wait hold on", Noah then said to the intern, "Before you shock me, are we to assume that Blaineley lives with a bear or something? Isn't that-"

"He's an anthro Bear", Blaineley revealed, "It's not Bestiality if he's an anthro. Incase you haven't noticed, about twenty perfcent of this audience are anthro", and then finally it was revealed that yes, 20% of the audience were anthro people, similar to Sonic the Hedgehog's kind actually. There were human-sized and cartoonish looking Armadillos, Foxes, Raccoons and other animals, such as a woodpecker. "Bruno is just one of the more not so human-like type."

"Ah", Noah replied, "Alright, now you can shock me.", and then Noah was promptly electrocuted. Again, only messed up his hair and clothes, it didn't actually kill him at all. The intern then pointed to Gwen, who then worried like the others did.

"Gwen!", the intern then said before spinning the wheel. Once he spun it, Gwen bit her lip in anticipation and worry for herself. Noah put a hand on her shoulder to do his best to calm her worries down. Once it finally landed on it's target, it was soon revealed to have landed on non-contestants the Hipster Bitch Girls from Eastern Estonia (HBGFEE), and then they were revealed laughing as one being in the audience. Though now, they were all wearing one outfit, they were all wearing preppy sweaters with diamond designs on them, all of them being burgundy (main colour)/darker red (diamonds colour) in colour, short khaki shirts, and black dress shoes with white knee-high socks, and none of them had glasses any more.

"They aren't even contestants!", Gwen exclaimed, "They just some Hipster Bitch Girls from Eastern Estonia!"

"Actually", the HBGFEE then said all as one being, "We're now called the Preppy Rich Girls from Eastern Estonia. Mother was upset with how we had to use a swear word just to say our title.", and then the PRGFEE smirked wickedly at the intern, "Now, would you, kind sir, please read the question we submitted to you all?"

"Yes Ma'ams", the Intern then read the PRGFEE's question to Gwen, "What is the real name of Mother, the mother of the Preppy Rich Girls from Eastern Estonia? And also name the names of all the individual Preppy Rich Girls."

"How on EARTH am I supposed to know that?!", Gwen replied with, "They were never even contestants and I never even talked with them a single time!"

"Is that your final answer?"

"I can't even answer that question at all!"

"Mother?", the intern then turned to a woman sitting next to the PRGFEE, she was strangely all pure black with a slight red outline to herself, but she appeared to be wearing a corporate suit with a skirt, and held a purse with her. Though even her clothes and high heeled shows literally matched her body. Her eyes strangely glowed yellow, and her hair was in a bun style. "Would you mind answering?"

"Not at all", Mother politely replied, "My actual birth name is Jacqueline, and all of my darling preppy children are named Zoey, Carly, Brittany, Mary and Honey."

"Thank you, ma'am", and then Gwen was promptly electrocuted. Like the others, she only had her hair and clothes messed up, and was not actually killed. However, literally as soon as the intern pointed to Lindsay, both her and Brady were immediately electrocuted as if they answered a question wrong. Though this wasn't a malfunction, quite literally, the intern made a prediction they would answer wrong and electrocuted them on purpose.

"Hey!", Lindsay then said to him, "We didn't even answer anything!"

"I know", the intern answered, "But Cassandra said you would have gotten it wrong anyway and wanted me to do it ahead of time."

"That's no fair!"

"Well she says life isn't fair!", the intern then immediately pointed to LeShawna, who was already angry at him for what he just did to Lindsay and Brady, and then just angrily glared at him went he pointed to her.

"Ya know what?", she taunted, "Bring it!"

"I will!", and then the intern spun the wheel. It didn't take long for it to land on nobody else, but Heather. Heather immediately let out a muffled laugh, while the now officially determined LeShawna just prepared for the toughest question yet. The intern was almost scared off by how determined LeShawna became, but after gulping immediately read the Heather related question."Name the thing that Heather has a secret collection of back home."

"What?!", LeShawna responded with, "How am I supposed to answer a question about the bitch I don't even like!"

"Too bad", the intern then turned to Heather's father in the audience beside his injured daughter, "Do you know the answer, Mr. Heather's Dad?"

"Why yes", her father answered, "I do! I believe it's some type of glitter glue actually."

"Thank you for your time!", and then LeShawna was promptly electrocuted. Heather let out another muffled laugh as she saw this, enjoying every second of seeing LeShawna get shocked by her chair. Though, it didn't kill the girl. It just made Harold a bit angry, is all. Speaking of which, that was obviously, who the intern turned to next. The Intern could see Harold was ready for his question, "Are you prepared for this, Harold?"

"Of course I am!", Harold replied, "Me and my Mad Skills are always ready!"

"Let's see about that!", and then the intern spun the wheel. Within seconds, it landed on none other than Justin. Harold was actually happy about getting Justin as the question he had to answer. The intern then read the index card for the Justin question. "How many hours does Justin spend maintaining his looks all for just one day?"

"Easy!", Harold replied with, "It takes five hours in the morning, and two hours at night, so seven hours total."

"Justin, is he right?"

"He...", Justin was visibly surprised, possibly a bit disturbed, but clearly surprised, "He is actually", Trent and Cody both nodded to show that Harold was indeed, correct in his answer.

"Very well then", the intern then said, "Harold technically wins the trivia challenge.

"Yes!", Harold said, pumping his fist happily, "Mad Skills!"

"BUT", Cassandra then announced from uptop, "Since the scrawny will wanker is the ONLY one who answered correctly, I have to change the rules! Since that means he knows more about the original cast than the others, he is the one who also loses, for to be in a season with mostly new contestants, you shouldn't be that stuck in the previous contestants!"

"What?", Harold answered, "That's no fair! You can't change the rules like that!"

"Actually", Cassandra replied, "Since I am hostess, producer, director AND creator of my show, I CAN change the rules like this! Now", it was then that rope ladders came out of the walls to allow Courtney, Alejandra, Noah, Gwen, Lindsay, Brady and LeShawna to move up to the next level. "All of you that are not Harold competing in this challenge, proceed to the next level. As for you, Harold", the intern then literally kicked him off of the tower.

"GOSH!", was all Harold said as he hit the floor with a thud.

"Yeah", Cassandra replied, "You've already learned". It's at this point that we shall change focus back over to Chris and Chef. Amazingly, the two were in Cassandra's massive master bedroom now, with the television actually on. Mainly because Chef was busy eating popcorn and drinking a fancy british soda while watching the show. Cassandra was having the remaining contestants in the challenge run along the dance floor, with some of them being burned by the flames, electrocuted, bounced into the air, or hit right in the groin by a flat-ended pipe. The challenge was to not get kicked off and to make it to the rope ladders to the next level.

"Man", Chef commented while watching this, "She comes up with some original stuff", he then munched on his popcorn just as one of the two remaining boys got hit in the groin hard, "OOOOOOH! Now THAT's gonna leave a mark! Hahahaha!", and then he saw someone else get hurt burned badly, but not losing their hair, "Hahahahaha! Chris, we gotta steal some of your Ex-Wife's challenges one o' these days, they're hilarious!"

"Actually", Chris said as he was rummaging through his old closet, tossing out a massive amount of shoes and every article of clothing Cassandra had just to look for something, "Not a bad idea, Chef! Wait...she has challenges on her show?"

"Yeah!", Chef answered, "It's the second half of it, it only airs over here though."

"Chef", Chris then stepped out of the closet and saw that Chef was not looking for any incriminating evidence at all, "Didn't I say we had a mission to do over here?"

"Oh", Chef then remembered what he should be doing and tried to make it look like he was looking under the bed, "Oh yeah Chris, sorry! I almost forgot about that! Thanks for remindin' me, man! Heheh, heh...heh."

"Forget it", Chris answered as he walked over to the television, Cassandra still on her second challenge in her special, he ignored that and started throwing stuff out of the cabinets underneath the television, looking for evidence against Cassandra, "Man, where the hell IS IT?!"

"What are we lookin' for again, Chris?"

"We're looking for evidence!"

"What kind o' evidence?"

"The kind that I put on a disc back before me and Cassie broke up", Chris replied, continuing to look through the cabinets under television monitor, "I KNOW I recorded it, I just don't remember where I put it!"

"Well", Chef said, looking under the bed for some disc, "Where'd you last put it?"

"I know it's gonna be in the last place I think to look", Chris replied, "But...I", he then snapped his finger, "Of course! I put it in the one place Cassandra would never think to look in!"

"Where would that be!"

"In here!", and then Chris pulled up a condom box, which was fully empty, but inside of the condom box, was a single DVD disc. Chef was going to comment, but then decided it was better to not question or even comment at all. Chris just had a smile on his face as he gazed at the disc. He actually let out a small laugh as he looked at it actually, and then he turned to Chef while still laughing. Chef of course, was actually almost scared at how wicked Chris' laughs sounded. "Chef, it's time to go to Liverpool now!"

"Aww man, right now?", Chef replied, "I wanted to play around in this place a little while longer! Ya know, like in those movies and stuff."

"Alright", Chris replied, "We play around a little bit longer. THEN we go to Liverpool.", Chef smiled at Chris changing his mind, and they then went on to waste some time before heading over to Cassandra's show. Speaking of which, that is what we shall change focus back to. On Cassandra's show, they were now at the third level of the show. The competitors left in the challenge now were just Alejandra, Courtney, Gwen, LeShawna and Lindsay. Lindsay and Gwen were both sad when they saw Brady and Noah both in full-body casts and needing wheelchairs due to the previous challenge. Only once they looked back infront of them did Cassandra explain the challenge, still of course using her megaphone;

"Alright! Welcome to the fourth level, remaining competitors!", Cassandra began to them, "As you wankers can all see, it's inspired from the final challenge of Total Drama World Tour! Where you must avoid the pit of snakes by jumping across the rock pillars. Only this time, the rock pillars will crumble once you step on them, so make your moves quick! And if you even think about planning your move, the floor will electrocute you!", and of course, the remaining competitors just looked at Cassandra & Blaineley with both angry and not-surprised glares, "So then! You all ready to play?"

"Not really", Alejandra answered.

"But", Courtney continued, "Since you're forcing us to."

"We have no choice", LeShawna angrily finished.

"Exactly!", Cassandra replied, "Now, hop to it!", and it was then that the challenge immediately began without any further hesitation. Literally, there was no hestitation. Lindsay, Alejandra, LeShawna, Gwen and Courtney all immediately began jumping along the rock pillars, desperately trying to avoid the snakes, and also being careful to not stay too long on the pillars, as they did immediately begin sinking as soon as they were stepped on. There was no room for speaking even, for LeShawna did see some of the snakes actually slithering up the pillars. Lindsay meanwhile, had actually gotten to scared she just jumped off of the tower itself, which simply meant she was instantly eliminated from the challenge in doing so. She was also seriously, but temporarily, injured in doing so. LeShawna however screamed and actually jumped to a pillar that Gwen was on and almost knocked Gwen off the pillar. However, LeShawna quickly saved Gwen from falling by grabbing her wrist just in time. The two then shared smiles at this.

"Thank you", Gwen then said to LeShawna, relieved.

"No way am I gonna let anyone fall to a pit of snakes!", LeShawna replied, "Unless you Heather or something", and of course Heather angrily scowled from the audience in response to that. While Gwen and LeShawna tried to help eachother in the challenge, things went to Alejandra, who had managed to actually perfectly get across to the other side without falling in at all. This of course, surprised Courtney who was just about to do so;

"I thought your flawlessness went away when you transformed back!", Courtney said to Alejandra while stumbling on a rock pillar, "Shouldn't you not be so perfect anymore?!"

"Actually", Alejandra said back, climbing up the rock pillar, "Only my gender was affected, not my abilities. All of these were gained by myself, and of course, from my family."

"Oh whatever", and then Courtney managed to jump to the other side, meaning she too was going to be in the final stretch of the challenge. Of course, it was then that it was Gwen and LeShawna's last turn. LeShawna managed to make it, though Gwen literally just missed it. LeShawna tried to stop Gwen from falling in, but Gwen jumped out of fright at too late a time, and then;

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", was Gwen's scream as she fell right into the snakes. LeShawna just gasped and looked on in horror, but she didn't stay to watch. She just had to bow her head, and then climb up to the next level with Courtney and Alejandra. Once they were done with this level, there were now only four levels to go. However, there were also only three of them. Needless to say, all three of them were all terrified once they saw the fifth level, having nothing but toxic waste for them to cross.

"Okay", LeShawna replied, "Are you serious, bitch?!"

"Yes", Cassandra replied with a laugh to, "I am serious! Me and Blaineley are both serious! Now this part of the challenge, is an endurance run. You must find a way to cross the fifth level of toxic waste, and then do the same to the levels with lava and a minature swamp! Be aware though, the last part, has, well, surprises!", and of course the alligators hissed, and a bear with scuba gear briefly lifted his head out of the water. Once you reach the top, you will get a random trivia question about one of your fellow challenge competitors, and THEN you will be able to lift the sword from the stone and, while not becoming queen of all England, you will get to compete in Total Drama: Revenge of the Island!"

"Right", Alejandra said, clearly worried for herself, "That's perfectly possible...perfectly, possible."

"UGH!", Courtney then groaned, "I did NOT come all this way in this mini challenge just to GIVE UP over some toxic waste! I don't care what it is I have to cross, I'M CROSSING IT!", and then Courtney pushed Alejandra to the side as she noticed a barrel and jumped right onto it. By a mircale, she managed to actually be successful, and managed to ride towards the other side by just the force of her jumping onto the thing. Alejandra and LeShawna both then panicked. Alejandra quickly noticed a second barrel and with a;

"Aha!", she tripped LeShawna to the lower level to do a backflip right perfectly onto the barrel, and then immediately jump a second time with yet another flip onto the rope ladder just Courtney climbed hers. Of course, they soon both reached the lava level in no time, and it was naturally, that part that got both of them worried once more, and also desperately looking for a way across. LeShawna meanwhile, just climbed back to the toxic waste level, when she realized there were no barrels close enough for her cross the waste with;

"Ah god DAMN it!", LeShawna compliment, "Evil fuckin' bitches."

"Oooh!", Blaineley commented, "Looks like LeShawna's out of the game."

"Pity", Cassandra commented, "I was hoping for a fight between her and the grizzly bear that Cody called a dumb-ass earlier, because yes, it is THAT bear. Heheh.", and then Blaineley became worried, as immediately the scuba gear grizzly became angry about hearing what Cassandra said. It came up from the water with an angry growl on his face, and Blaineley was extremely scared, being so far from her son. Cassandra just had an evil smile on her face the entire time. The bear however, didn't go for her or any of those still in the challenge. Instead it literally jumped from the tower itself to be right infront of Cody in the audience. Cody was frozen in terror while everyone else, even the second generation cast, Robert Blackburn and Veronica all ran into a corner while the non-contestant audience just stampeded out of the door in a panic. Heather though, was just abandoned where she was at by her coward of a father.

"Oh god!", Cody panicked, cowering in fear as the bear prepared to attack him, and he could tell in this bear's eyes it was the same bear that attacked him before, "Not again, not again!", but this time, just before the bear could attack him a second time, Bruno finally rose up from behind Cody and let out his own mighty roar, telling the scuba bear he was going to defend Blaineley's son just like he would Blaineley.

"RAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWRRR!", was Bruno's roar, but the other bear didn't back down;

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWR!", it roared back, and then it even flipped Bruno off with it's middle claw. This immediately got Bruno to jump from his seat and tackle the brown bear. Cody, having soiled himself in fear by this point, immediately ran for the corner with the others. Heather still being left right where she was, and she was scared herself too. The bears faught, rolling all over eachother on the floor, punching and swiping at eachother every second. They both even managed to draw blood from eachother in scratching and gashing eachother. Even Courtney, LeShawna and Alejandra watched in fear from the tower, the challenge stopped. Eventually though, Bruno got the grizzly in a headlock and was punching his stomach. This made the scuba bear spit out a fish, a magazine, and one of Cody's old shoes from when he mauled the boy. And then, Bruno did an upper-cut right in the grizzly's jaw, but the scuba bear wasn't done yet.

"Damn", Eva said, impressed with Bruno's tactics, "That bear can hit.", and then focus went right back to the fight. The bears were now in something of a wrestling match with eachother. Dawn and Ella were the most concerned with this, but both thought it was wiser to not get involved with two incredibly ticked off full grown bears. That, and Dawn explained when she stopped Ella from trying to stop it;

"It's wise to not get inbetween a fight between an attacking bear and one protecting something it sees as it's young", Dawn explained, "No song could possibly stop either bear at this point!", and then focus went to the fight. The bears were now violently roaring at eachother, and growling, until finally the scuba bear did one final lunge, at that point Bruno smiled and with one claw punctured the grizzly's oxygen tank, causing the bear suddenly fly off like it had a jetpack on. The grizzly panicked as it blasted through all of the audience seats, and Bruno just smiled as it did so. Once it hit the wall, the grizzly made itself turn up, and blasted through the balcony, which also caused the entire structure to collapse. This also of course, made the two generations of contestants, including Blackburn & Veronica but discluding Izzy who was accidentally pushed back in the chaos, all panic and this time run to where Heather was, but they trampled her to the ground in the process as they hid in the front corner by the stage itself. Heather remained on the floor, extremely angry about what just happened to her. The bear then tried to direct himself towards Bruno, but his evil smile turned to an expression of pure shock when he saw where he was really headed.

"RAAAW-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", was the bear of Wawanawkwa's final words before it fell right into the lava level of the tower, directly into the lava. With a splash, which Courtney and Alejandra dodged, the bear was finished. It's scuba gear floated up just before bursting into flames, and only one of the bear's arms came from the lava, and it was only to give Bruno the middle claw as it sank back into the lava, signifying that this bear, at last, was dead. Blaineley and all of the contestants except Dawn and Ella were extremely happy to see this outcome to the fight, and all of them actually cheered upon seeing it too;

"YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!", they all cheered, actually applauding Bruno defeating the grizzly;

"Way to go BRUNO!", Cody cheered, the most happiest of all to see that grizzly dead at least, "Ding Dong that Grizzly's DEAD! Hahahaha! FINALLY!", he then turned to the tower and mocked the now deceased bear, "That's what you GET for mauling me, you big furry bastard! Haha!", Blackburn and Veronica were just frowning at this, as was Cassandra. Bruno folded his arms and had a proud and triumphant look to his face. Blaineley though, was looking at Cassandra with pure rage in her eyes.

"Awwww", Cassandra mockingly said, "I was hoping for a second mauling. But I guess since someone fell into the lava", she then pressed a button that brought up metal bridges, allowing Alejandra and Courtney to cross the lava safely, "Fine."

"Oh", Blaineley angrily said to Cassandra, "That's IT, Bitch!", and then she immediately tackled Cassandra, and they two had a violent catfight on the top of the tower. Cassandra was pulling at Blaineley's hair (extensions) while Blaineley was clawing at Cassandra's face. Their fight was even causing their shirts to gradually come loose, and also for their their makeup to of course be ruined. They were also rolling all over the floor as Courtney and Alejandra climbed to the penultimate level of the challenge, all of the others just watching in awe from the bottom, none of yet noticing Izzy's absence. They were watching as Courtney and Alejandra both had to hop literally over the Alligators to get to the other side. Alejandra was doing so which such a speed and perfection that the alligators barely had enough time to actually react to her at all, while Courtney, while avoiding them, each jump she came closer and closer to them actually biting or tail slapping her. As such, Courtney made various;

"EEK!", and, "HEY!", and "OUCH!", sounds as she crossed the moat of swamp water. Though eventually, one alligator slapped her in the rump with it's tail, sending to the ground just infront of the rope later. As Courtney struggled to get up, she saw Alejandra was on her way to the top level, and growled in anger at that, "Oh no you don't!", were Courtney's last words in the challenge though, as once she got onto her ladder, Alejandra reached the top anyway. This meant, a hole opened up beneath Courtney, her and ladder being sucked into it like a vaccum, Courtney "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", screamed as she was sucked in, but soon enough she was spat out from the ceiling right next to Blackburn, Veronica and the other contestants of the show. "Owwwwww", was Courtney's last groan as from the vacuum hole;

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", and soon both Gwen and LeShawna both landed right on Courtney. No doubt, Courtney was crushed by the combined weight of those two, and let out a muffled groan from beneath them. Topher and Duncan laughed at Courtney's pain together though, but everyone else was just silent about it. At that moment though, focus went right back to the top level, where Alejandra was just seeing the fight between Blaineley and Cassandra. Cassandra had actually snapped off Blaineley's hair extensions, exposing the back of Blaineley's hair to be shoulder length, and Blaineley had made alot of scratches on Cassandra's face and even ripped off Cassandra's earrings, causing bleeding, and also torn off the woman's fake eyelashes. They both also ruined eachother's makeup, revealing Blaineley to be more paler and older looking than she typically appears to be, and Cassandra to simply be more paler than she puts off. Cassandra was pulling Blaineley's hair still, while Blaineley was doing the same to Cassandra but also going for the woman's face when Alejandra finally addressed them;

"Ahem!", she began with, "Fellow ladies? I believe you had to ask me one trivia question?"

"Fine!", both Blaineley and Cassandra said in the same time, finally breaking from the fight and standing up. Once they dusted themselves off, Blaineley, who suddenly had put her makeup back on to look younger again, took from Cassandra's hands an index card and was about to read from it but Cassandra snatched it back, this of course led to them having a tug-of-war over the thing until it flew into the air and Alejandra caught it.

"Ah, I'll read it for you two", Alejandra then said, and she read the index card, to see her own question, "Ahem. What is the name of Courtney's lawyer.", both Cassandra and Blaineley folded their arms and just nodded as Alejandra began thinking about what to answer with, pondering her answer, "I'm going to go with...", and then there was a dramatic pause as if Alejandra was at an elimination ceremony, "Micheal?", and then Blaineley and Cassandra turned to Courtney down below, who was extremely hurt and dazed from being crushed by LeShawna and Gwen, but she muttered a single;

"Yes", and as such, as Courtney finally passed out from the pain, Blaineley and Cassandra turned back to Alejandra with smiles on their faces;

"You are correct!", the two hostesses then said in unison, Alejandra grinned happily;

"Which means!", Cassandra explained, "You win a free spot to compete Total Drama's fourth series! That is of course, if you manage to pull the sword from the stone!", and Alejandra immediately approached the sword with her grin, and was preparing to pull it, while everyone watched in awe, but just before Alejandra could pull the sword from the stone, Chris and Chef crashed the party. More specifically, the appeared out of nowhere from behind the screen behind the stone, and Chef shoved Alejandra to the side, preventing her from winning the challenge as Chris had a smile on his face;

"Not so fast!", Chris said as he stopped the scene, much to everyone down below's shock and gasp, Robert Blackburn and Veronica both then heading up to the top level via the hidden elevator upon seeing this, and Chris continued once he saw them arrive on the top level, "No way am I letting this show end so suddenly! I thought you knew how to make things dramatic, Cassie!"

"It's Cassandra to you, Christopher", Cassandra coldly said back to him, "And besides, you're fired right now. Shouldn't you be like, digging in rubbish or something? Being homeless? Oh wait, that's right, you live with your mum. Despite, you know, being thirty-six years old.", and once more the contestants all had to hold in their laughter down below. Even Bruno had to hold in his laughter, and even Topher held in laughing.

"Yeah", Chris was now a bit embarassed, "But that's only because of you! Besides, I do have my own house now!"

"Yes I saw your post on MyFace", Cassandra rolled her eyes, "It's an R.V."

"It still counts!"

"Not really", Veronica replied.

"Oh enough!", Chris then said, "The point is, after me and Chef looked around our old Birmingham home, I found a little something I think Mr. Blackburn ought to see?"

"You broke into my home?!", Cassandra angrily exclaimed, "Oh that's it!", she then took out her cellphone, "I am calling the police!", and then Blaineley just bluntly slapped Cassandra's hand, knocking the phone into the lava, much to Cassandra's shock, Blaineley's smirking smile, and Chris' laugh. "MY PHONE!"

"Haha!", Chris laughed, "That almost makes up for blowing up the plane! Almost.", he then finally held out the disc, "Anywho, Mr. Network President, prepare to see what Cassandra REALLY thinks of, well, alot of things!", and then Chris put the disc into the televisions DVD slot. Blackburn just raised one eyebrow, being officially curious, while finally Cassandra gasped as she realized what the world was about to see.

"No", Cassandra went, shocked and afraid, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

"Oh yeah", Chris coldly said, Chef too smiling as this happened, "Oh YEAH. Now, let the truth, begin!", and it's notable now that all the contestants could still hear what was being said from the clips due to the speakers along the side wall of the stage. As yes, what followed, were clips of Cassandra;


Chris Narrating - "This first clip, is from when me and Cassandra were still married. Just, keep that in mind!" *he presses play on the clip*

Cassandra - *Is in the master bedroom of her mansion/estate, talking on the phone* "Listen, I assure you that he is NOT going to come home and catch us! Listen, you are scheduled to have sex with me tonight, we made that promise! Just because I'm married does not mean I can't have sex with other men! I just can't get caught doing it is all. Just get your arse over here now!" *hangs up*

Chris Narrating - *presses pause* "Later, I came home early and found her having sex with that guy. We immediately started our divorce*

*The sounds of all the contestants gasping could be heard*


Chris - "Now THIS one, oughta offend some people! Again, she didn't realize my special hosting camera was on while she was in the room."

Cassandra - *On the phone and in the bedroom, walking around it* "UGH! No! I am not going to have a threesome with your filthy ****** assistant! Why? Because he's a filthy ******! His kind need to be shipped back to that desert filled continent and stay there! I am not having sex with any of them! Ugh, like, revolting!"

*The sounds of LeShawna saying "Oh HEEEELLLL No" aswell as virturally everyone being offended could be heard*


Cassandra - *again, walking in the bedroom while on her phone* "UGH! Why won't you listen to me, Tom? Oh, I see, because I'm married to a Canadian? Ugh, I know! He's such a bollocks person. He keeps saying aboot over and over again and that annoying accent of his is just annoying. The fact he keeps talking about his homeland sickens me, I don't see how anyone could be proud to be from that bollocks nation. It has no culture, horrible sports teams, and you never hear about in the news anyway so who cares about Canada anyway?"

*Again, virtually everyone could be heard being offended by that*


Cassandra - *Sitting on bed and talking on phone* "Oh my god!" *she laughs* "That is such a good joke, mate! Those stupid Australians! All they ever do is speak with their wish-to-be british accents and act like their country is so great and vast when really it's a wannabe Russia with a desert instead of Siberia! That's all! Dangerous creatures? Oh please, darling. My mother-in-law is more dangerous than those kangaroos."

*Jasmine could be heard cracking her knuckles upon hearing that insult to her country*


Cassandra - *now laying on bed while talking on phone* "Oh my GOD! Bloody Americans. They drive me insane! Like Canada, they believe they have culture when in realty all they do is steal it from other countries and people! They even dare to call one place in it New England! What kind of bollocks is that?! All Americans really are, is just overweight, lazy, inconsiderate, slow-in-the-mind, dim-witted, mentally retarded, drug dealing and uncultured people! I've been there and I have yet to see a single person as cultured as my people! America is nothing more than a giant internet meme in and of itself, nothing more!"


"What kind of people is she reffering to?", Jasmine, who was angry as she could possibly be and restraining herself from running up there and beating Cassandra up the best she could, "The racists?"

"What is she?", Amy commented, also clearly offended, "Some kind of British redneck?", everyone had much the same reaction, some being more offended than others, but clearly everyone was very angry with Cassandra now. Cassandra herself, just stood there in shock, as Chef then handed Chris a stack of papers, which Chris then handed to Robert Blackburn.

"What are these?", Blackburn then questioned, looking at the papers.

"Turns out Cassie here took a few tests back in the day for various STDs!", Chris then revealed, "For Herpes, Gonorrhea, Syphilis and even well, STDs we haven't heard of! Apparently, she's a bit immune, but, well, she still has 'em! Boy am I glad I didn't have sex with her skanky ass, well except that one time, but that was before she got infected!", and it was then that Robert Blackburn saw that literally every single test came back that Cassandra was positive for every single disease, and as he looked at each paper his eyes widened, he began to sweat, and he became extremely scared. "Yeah, spoiler alert, she came back positive for EVERY. SINGLE. ONE!", and then Cassandra cringed in worry and fright as she saw Blackburn's expression. The man then looked to her and said;

"Cassandra Carla Shannon Price", Blackburn said, "For being racist, insutling Australia, Canada and the United States, and for being infected with numerous sexually transmitted diseases, as network president of Drama101, I officially STRIP you of your job as main host of Total Drama, and give it back to it's rightful owner, of Chris McLean!", and then Chris nodded with a big grin on his face, and all of the contestants actually clapped and cheered, for they now knew Chris was not the worst host they could have. Yes, even the first generation was happy at Cassandra's firing. Cassandra however, was still rather smug;

"Ha!", the horrible woman laughed, "I still have my own show! Like it even matters at all!"

"Actually", Blackburn then said, "Your show is still part of the Drama101 Network, and as such, ALSO for your comments, your show is being thrown off the air", and then Cassandra's eyes went wide with shock, her mouth agap, and everyone down below once more cheered with this revelation, some of them even laughing at Cassandra's misfortune, "And it's being replaced, with a new show with a more deserving host, Blaineley!", then Blaineley clapped happily to hear that;

"Oooh yes!", she said happily, "Yes! Thank you Mr. Blackburn! Oh I KNEW I'd get my own show, and I knew buying that summer house here in England was not a waste of money ! Now all I need is to tell Josh about this, I'm sure he'll want to be my co-host, but his name is so going after mine I can say that right now!"

"Very well", Blackburn was smiling at Blaineley before then turning with a cold and angry look to Cassandra, "As for you, I'd suggest you leave to your mansion estate and start your life as a crazy old cat lady now.", everyone, even Veronica, laughed at that comment. However, Cassandra took it to heart. Not wanting to live the rest of her life secluded in her estate surrounded by nothing but cats, she immediately growled with pure rage;

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!", was her scream as she shoved Blaineley away from herself, kicked Blackburn right in the groin and knocked him to the ground, shoved Alejandra right down to the ground, and then grabbed the sword all in a pure blind rage, "I'M NOT GOING TO LIVE AS A CAT LADY, CHRISTOPHER! I, AM, CASSANDRA CARLA SHANNON PRICE! AND I AM THE ULTIMATE TELEVISION HOST THERE EVER HAS BEEN! IF I'M GOING TO GO DOWN, YOU ARE COMING WITH ME!", and then, as Chef panicked behind the television, she pulled out the sword from the stone. However, Chris just smiled as this happened. Reason, was because once she did, party music, confetti and balloons came down from the ceiling, and upon seeing Chris' grinning, practically evil, face, she realized what she had just done, "!" and she dropped the sword and dropped to her knees for one extra, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", that echoed through not only the set, but also the entire studio itself, and even half of the city of Liverpool, too.

"Hahaa, YES!", Chris laughed, "CASSANDRA HAS WON THE CONTEST!", he then announced, much to the Second Generation's evil smirks, literally, everyone had a bit of an evil smirk to their faces as Chris explained the rest, "Which means, Cassandra is going to be the bonus fourteenth contestant of Total Drama: Revenge of the Island! Which is the next season of Total Drama!"


"Yeah, and your rules said, that whoever pulled the sword from the stone, becomes a contestant on the next season!", Chris replied, to which Blaineley nodded, "Therefore, by you pulling the sword from the stone, you automatically became a Total Drama contestant! Thus, you officially give up all rights to privacy, property, and even your hosting privileges such as changing the rules! So yeah, we'll all be seeing you on Camp Wawanawkwa next season!", Cassandra was then about to speak, but Chef quickly kicked her off of the tower and down to where the contestants where soon enough, the fall immediately knocked Cassandra out on impact though. Chris then addressed the smiling and pleased Second Generation cast, "So! Second Generation contestants! You all were accepted, one of you of course just won a contest, and therefore, I, the TRUE main host of the show, alongside my trusty co-hosts Veronica and Chef, will be seeing you on the island about, oh, say in a few weeks or so. SO, you guys will find a parked Zeppelin out back, you all will be boarding that for the flight over to the island! But first, seeing as how this one of the only times both generations of contestants are going to be together, I say we put on one final song before you guys have to part with eachother!"

"Oooh finally!", Ella happily said, "I am honoured to participate in the final song of this wonderful season!"

"Now I will say this!", Chris then said, "None of you actually HAVE to sing in this song, but SOME of you have to sing for obvious reasons, have to sing for it to be a song and all. So...yeah. Let's give this season an EPIC send off guys!", and then the members of Drama Direction all looked to eachother with smiles, and pulled out their instruments, and then, everyone got ready on the stage used for the previous two songs, which was to the side of the one used for the challenge.


Harold - *sounds like robotic DJ for this song* "Floorfiller*

*Pause/Robotic noises*

Amy, Ella, Lindsay & Samey - "Floorfiller!"

*Robot noises*

Harold - "Foorfiller*

Cody - "Hey Mr. DJ, in case you forgot, I came to get down, so you better make it hot!"

Trent & Justin - "Cause I can't jump around when I hear-"

Amy, Ella, Lindsay and Samey - "Groove Killers!"

Trent & Justin - "When I'm sitting down it's a clear-"

Amy, Ella, Lindsay and Samey - "Time Stealer!"

Cody - "Give me a track with a phat kind of beat! A groove so unique that it kicks me off my seat!"

Trent & Justin - "Cause I won't find a mood with a new-"

Amy, Ella, Lindsay and Samey - "Spine Chiller!"

Trent & Justin - "When the crowd hits the room it's a true-"

Katie, Sadie, Sugar and Bridgette - "Crowd Thriller!"

Harold - "Freeze!"

Amy & Samey - "Better make it hot!"

Harold - "Music Please!"

Amy & Samey - "Blow the spot!"

Harold - "Play that funky music!"

Cody, Trent & Justin - "That is how we want it!"

Amy, Samey, Sugar, Ella, Lindsay and Sadie - "Floorfiller!"

Cody, Trent & Justin - "That is how we need it!"

Amy, Samey, Sugar, Ella, Lindsay and Sadie - "Floorfiller!"

*During this part, Izzy gets out of the rubble, and is clearly back to her normal self, with her hair now down, once she sees the song going on she cheers and rushes to join in*

Cody, Trent, Justin, Amy and Samey - "Something's out of order, people in the corners, can't you see it? don't you feel it? Floorfiller!"

*Long solo portion, where the contestants and the hosts are all shown cheering to this, Blaineley cuddles up with Bruno almost romantically, Heather is stuck in her cast by the seats and begins to scream in anger, Trent starts break dancing, but then Cody continues singing as Izzy climbs onto the stage showing she is her old crazy self again;*

Cody - "Crank up a bass that can raise up the roof! A bomb diggy drum comin' at me with a poof!"

Trent & Justin - "Gotta boom, shake the room, cause we're all-"

Izzy, Amy and Samey - "Heat Seakers!"

Trent & Justin - "With a jam that can slam down the walls-"

Izzy, Amy and Samey - "Mindfreaker!"

Harold - "Freeze!"

Amy, Samey and Izzy - "Better make it hot!"

Harold - "Music Please!"

Amy, Samey and Izzy - "Blow the spot!"

Harold - "Play that funky music!"

Cody, Trent, Justin, Amy, Samey and Izzy - "That is how we want it! Floorfiller! That is how we need it! Floorfiller! Something's outta order, people in the corners, Don't you see it?!

Amy - "Can you see it?"

Cody, Trent, Justin, Amy, Samey and Izzy - "Can't you feel it?!"

Amy - "Can you feel it?!"

*Brief solo of music, and then spotlights come down from the ceiling to make the scene of the song even more intense looking*

Cody - "You know by the sounds when the crowd is getting wild, Hands swinging high like a chopper in the sky!"

Trent & Justin - "But a slow bumping flow ain't the way!"

Izzy & Samey - "Pulse freezer!"

Trent & Justin - "See the name of the game is to play!"

Izzy & Samey - "Crowd pleaser!"

Harold - "Freeze!"

Amy, Samey and Izzy - "Better make it hot!"

Harold - "Music please!"

Amy, Samey and Izzy - "Blow the spot!"

Harold - "Play that funky music!"

Cody, Trent, Justin, Izzy, Samey and Amy - "That is how we want it! Floorfiller! That is how we need it! Floorfiller! Something's outta order, people in the corners, don't you see it?!" *at this point almost everyone is dancing on the stage happily to the awesome music*

Amy - "Can't you see it?!"

Cody, Trent, Justin, Izzy, Samey and Amy - "Can't you feel it?!"

Amy - "Can't you feel it?!"

Cody, Trent, Justin, Izzy, Samey and Amy - "That is how we want it! Floorfiller! That is how we need it! Floorfiller!"

Amy - "Woooah-woah-wooah!"

Cody, Trent, Justin, Izzy, Samey and Amy - "Something's outta order, people in the corners! Don't you see it?!"

Amy - "Don't you see it?!"

Cody, Trent, Justin, Izzy, Samey and Amy - "Can't you feel it?!"

Amy - "Can't you feel it?!"

Cody, Trent, Justin, Izzy, Samey and Amy - "Floorfiller!"

*The rest of the song is just a long solo of music as everyone dances to it. Trent and Tyler start making out, Bruno and Blaineley return to snuggling, Lindsay sits in Brady's lap in his wheelchair, Gwen hugs the also injured Noah and kisses him on the cheek, Heather continues being injured and desperately trying to scream for help, Amy shoves Samey away from the camera to have more screentime than her, Dawn and Ella have dozens of cute animals, such as squirrels, birds, young deer and rabbits all flock to them and they all enjoy the music happily, Eva actually starts smiling and tapping her feet/nodding her head to the music at last, and Geoff & Bridgette also start making out again at last*

*The song ends with all of the singers; Cody, Trent, Justin, Harold, Samey, Amy and Izzy all posing as the stage's edge as those classic flames come from it and the music comes to an end*


Following the final song of the season, things went right over to Chris and Veronica, both of them standing just outside of the studio itself and right infront of the Zeppelin Chris had mentioned before. They were essentially waiting for the second generation of contestants to step out of the studio to enter it, but naturally, they first had to sign out the special;

"Well", Veronica commented to Chris, "Seems as though World Tour has finally come to a close."

"Yes indeed", Chris added, turning to the camera, "Yes indeed! We've had songs, we've had drama, we've had pain, we've had gays, we've had bis, we've had kisses, we've had crying, we've even had sex changes! We even had a DEATH!", he then laughs, "But in the end, it's now over! It's time to however, go back to where we started! Next season, will be right where it all started, the original setting, with a whole new cast of fourteen! We will have some NEW sets of drama, kisses, maybe gays and bis if we're lucky, heck, maybe we even got some lesbians!", he then really grinned at the thought of that before continuing, "I don't know! We don't go that personal when we look for campers, but what we do know, is that those fourteen will be competing against eachother together, on", and then he and Veronica finished in unison together;

"Total, Drama, Revenge of the Island!", and with that, Total Drama World Tour was officially over. This final special episode faded out to it's credits, which this time had the music of Come Fly With Us without the vocal parts, but once those credits finished, Total Drama World Tour was officially over. With it, things would now be prepared for the next season instead.

Total Drama: Revenge of the Island contestants:

Cassandra - The Conservative Bigot

Ella - The Fairytale Princess

Sugar - The Pageant Queen

Jasmine - The Outback Survivalist

Dawn - The Moonchild

Amy - The Bad Twin

Samey - The Good Twin

Mike - The Oddball

Scott - The Devious One

Topher - The Chris Wannabe

Leonard - The LARPer

Lightning - The Athletic Overachiever

Cameron - The Bubble Boy

Shawn - The Zombie Conspiracy Nut