A/N: I don't own any of this...Just you know putting it out there. Please R&R so I can make this the best FanFic that I can write! Enjoy!

~Chapter One: Where the Wind Blows~

~Sometime in the afternoon~

The sunlight was bright in the brownstone. It contradicted the events that were transpiring before the great Sherlock Holmes. He couldn't quite make sense of it nor could he figure out a proper response to it. It had been a while since the whole Irene incident. Watson was leaving, no indication of how long she would be gone or circumstance but that she was leaving. He needed more time to try to figure this out, more than he anticipated at least. But he didn't have that time because Watson was standing at the main door with her suitcase by her foot and her coat on.

"It's been a pleasure working with you Mr. Holmes," Watson said with such formality.

"May I inquire about the reasons behind your sudden departure?" He asks.

"The wind is blowing in a different direction for me. It's time for me to leave. The good news is you can finally finish your steps with Alfredo," she says giving a sure smile. He stays silent, again unsure of how to respond to this. She stretches her hand out, a gesture he knew indicated that a hand shake was in order. But for some reason he found a part of him was reluctant to the idea of saying farewell after all they've been through with a mere hand shake. He succumbed anyway and returned the hand shake.

"Best of luck, Watson," he says before he releases her hand. Again he senses this unknown reluctance. She nods her head and picks up her bag and turns to leave. A cab was waiting for her outside. He stood in the doorway, watching her as she got in the cab. She didn't turn around. For some reason he was hoping that she would turn around, one last look. But she didn't.

He stood in the doorway for five minutes...ten. That part of him that was reluctant before came back, it wanted to think that this was a joke. A practical joke to get back at him for something or other. That she would come back, he would yell at her and say that this action was completely irrational just to prove a point. But his logical side knows somehow that this is in fact reality. She's gone. His body moves inside the house but his mind is still at the door. Still replaying the scene. Still replaying how he came from the roof from tending to his bees. He was startled a bit by her standing in the doorway staring expectantly at the stairs with a firm face. She was waiting for him to descend before she left.

He found himself standing in the doorway of her room. The bed was neatly made and everything that may have said someone else was living there was gone. Everything but the smell of the perfumes she used on occasions. It lingered. It was a barren room besides the furniture. He was by himself. He could do whatever he wanted now. He goes to inspect the bathroom and again anything that may have indicated he had someone else living there was gone.

His phone rings in this moment bringing him back from his thought. He finds that he is disappointed to see that it wasn't Watson who was calling him. It was Alfredo.

"Hey, I just wanted to remind you that we have a meeting to go to tonight." Sherlock thought for a moment before responding. Watson had no doubt selected her day of leave to be the day of a meeting. Perhaps, in a way, to mandate him to converse about the events that took placed. "You didn't forget did you?" Alfredo asked.

"No, I haven't. I will see you at the meeting," he said in his best composed voice. He hangs up the phone but is still lost in thought. Trying to figure out what could have happened that led up to this sudden departure. She seemed to have been acting as her usual self. He couldn't quite pinpoint it. She seemed despondent after receiving a phone call from her mother, but he had come to know her holding mixed feelings towards her mother.

Sherlock stares at the time seeing that it was almost time for the meeting. Despite saying to Alfredo that he was going to make he wasn't sure if he would. There was a knock at the door and he walks quickly over to it. A sense of disappointment can be felt when he sees it is Alfredo at the door, which he mentally dismisses the possibility of feeling that emotion. Though they had not spent as much time together Alfredo could pick up the slight differences in Sherlock's tone and facial expressions.

"I said I hadn't forgotten about the meeting," Sherlock said.

"I know, but you sounded a little off earlier so I thought that I should come by and see how you're doing."

"I'm doing quite fine. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Joan told me about today being the day that she leaves. Said to keep an eye on you."

"You knew about her leaving before today?" he asked while a strange fury began to build its way up. She told Alfredo of her leave but not him?!

"Just this morning. Said she was already in the car and that she got called back for an emergency client, and that she was going to try to keep in touch but couldn't guarantee anything."

Sherlock was lost in thought trying to figure out everything. How long has she known about this new client? Why hadn't she mentioned it before? Was she afraid of his reaction to it? The questions kept piling up.