Requiem of Spring

He left the dead bodies just as they were; sprawled on the forest floor, in their so very still state, some had been drowned in lakes of their own blood and some had missing body parts; forever parted, as they were now parted from the mischievous existence called life. Their misery did not concern him; for they had been foolish enough to stand before him with the intent to take his life at all costs. They had fought bravely, he admitted to himself, yet it had not been enough - they had been naive to a certain point of foolishness. What could they ever hope to achieve against him? How very pitiful their lives were, continuing to cling to their breaths at their very last moments. They had never fully comprehended the graveness of their situation, as well as they had never fully comprehended their loss of life's blood which was continuously drained from their bodies; losing their lives had never seemed like an option for them. Sadly, it had been his only option in their encounter.

Seemingly aimlessly, he walked away, his black robe got caught in the wind and it struggled to let loose, it rippled like waves in the soft current of the wind. As he slowly walked by trees by trees, endlessly they appeared, there was something in the middle of the greenery which caught his ever seeing red eyes. The cloudless sky shone mercilessly on the darkly green forest, creating shafts of light which all fell gently on the feather moss covered ground - as well as a body. An outrageous, yet soft, colour of pink bubble gum hair, a pool of red liquid running in currents into different directions and a shivering petite shape of a female Konohagakure ninja lay in front of him, as if placed there by fate - in the middle of his path in life. He did not care for the fallen strange and pink-haired kunoichi, he was about to pass her, yet a flicker of a distant memory made him stay. As he regarded her again, he recognised her. This fallen kunoichi had been an accomplice of his younger brother once. Since he had no knowledge of his brother's whereabouts, mayhaps this one injured kunoichi had such. Interrogating a dying woman should not deem to be a difficult task, he knew by experience, as well as logical reasoning and instinct.

As he hovered above the dying kunoichi with bubble gum coloured hair, he saw her delirious gaze wander to his own. Her body was scarred, her abdomen had been slashed open and it seemed the loss of blood was the cause of her dying state. When he met her verdant eyes, he was suddenly enveloped in her dying feelings, as a cause of his always active Sharingan. However, this time, it seemed he was not in control. He could not sort through the information in her eyes, all he saw was her raw feelings. Feelings, the taste of the word on Itachi's tongue was familiar, yet so very distant. It was a long time ago he had let himself be overwhelmed by them. With shivering hands the girl stretched out to him, and he somehow let her touch him - since she was no threat to him at all, and she somehow succeeded in gasping out a few audible words. He felt her fingers touch lightly on his chin, smearing blood on his pale complexion.

"You are ill."

He almost twitched. None had noticed his illness before, he had hid it exquisitely well and he kept it that way because he knew that he deserved this excruciating pain. His past actions were not amendable. Then, how come this dying, blood splattered female knew his severe medical condition? Just by touching him and looking at him, she saw the sickness instantly - in her condition it was a feat in itself. Suddenly green, shimmering chakra flooded into his eyes from her bloody fingertips and he felt how her last remaining chakra was transferred to his eyes. He was shocked, to the point of being unable to move. This dying kunoichi was healing him? He felt how his vision became clearer and he could finally see her face as well as the world surrounding him; yet he only looked at her, as a blind man seeing the sun for the first time. Her last effort in life was to save him from blindness. Her feelings was transferred as well, along with her healing, he felt them overwhelm him. He saw a man's shape in the unusual symmetrical chaos of her feelings. The man's broad shoulders, his raven coloured hair and his pale skin was similar to his own, he noticed. The man had the same eyes as well. It was Sasuke, the one she loved so passionately. The dying kunoichi's feelings caught Sasuke where he stood, her feelings caressed him, and Sasuke smiled. It almost broke his heart, it had been a long time since he had seen his little brother smile, even though this was but a flicker of her memory. It seemed this kunoichi had seen his brother smile even after he had left Sasuke that bloody fateful night, drenched in the blood of their parents. He felt a harsh clinging feeling being created in his chest, how come these feelings influenced him so? He was always emotionless, yet a mass of emotions shot out to the surface of his steely composure, his suppressed emotions were suddenly everywhere, surrounding him and making him feel.

The love she felt, he knew it. But her love was somewhat different for Sasuke - his younger brother. What he felt for his younger brother was strong by their bonds, but her love had no bonds nor boundaries. Her love was seducing him. It was hot, feverish, raw and her feelings were intact, there were no holes of uncertainty nor hesitation. Her love for his brother consumed him. It made something within his ribcage pound harder.

As the girl felt her chakra subdue, she smiled with blood-smeared lips; as if she had kissed a blotched cherry it coated her lips in a morbidly beautiful shining red.

"It's alright - you are alright now."

She whispered with strained words, yet it seemed like she felt satisfied with her accomplishment in the moment of her death. Surprised, he saw her smile falter, her shimmering chakra covered hands fell to her side, he heard her heart falter and her verdant eyes were now lifeless - no light was reflected in them, even though the sun shone directly on her. It almost seemed like her life had been absorbed by the sun. Her face was peaceful and she was simply beautiful, even in death. He decided that he felt no remorse for not saving this girl, yet her memories of his younger brother flooded into his mind. The feeling of her love... Sadness gripped him suddenly, choking him in coldness and he felt as if he was drowning but at the same time he was burning in flames, ravaging him in every corner of his body and shredding his skin off his bones. He almost fell down, overwhelmed by this emotion of sadness. He looked at the dead kunoichi. What could he do?

Electric currents suddenly sparkled in his right hand. He did not know what he was doing, but all he could think about was to save this girl with pink hair. He did not want this sadness in his heart. Her love had been so strong - it had consumed him completely, without neither remorse nor regret.

He brought his hand over her so very still chest, over her dying heart, and the blue electric currents sparkled with power. He forced his hand into her chest and the electric currents was brought into her heart, sparkling life and the heart was forced to beat yet again. He had opposed the sun and had brought her life back to earth. He took away his hand and regarded her as she caught her breath and coughing blood, her eyes opened wide and she gasped. Her eyes found his as she was still trying to catch her breath and it seemed she realised who he was. He stared at her. Yet, her green eyes did not shine with fear for him. Her eyes were filled with the feeling of surprise and... gratitude.

"Thank you."

He felt his head spin. She lay there, helpless and covered in blood, and she was morbidly beautiful. Her emotions, her feelings, were raw and beautiful. And he had always had a thing for beautiful things. He saw how healing chakra spread over her body and gathered at her abdomen, the power from his electric blue current into her heart had provided her with strength and a powerful chakra reserve, so she healed herself easily and it seemed it was unconsciously as well. His recently surfaced strong feelings, which had been suppressed for so long, was now in a chaotic state. He had never felt this way. His ribcage almost started to hurt, as the pounding inside had started to get harder than before. He had heard of this feeling. He had read about it. He had despised it and disregarded it - it was a weakness. He had never experienced it... until now. All he could think about was one thing.

He slowly bent over her, shadowing her face with his long raven hair which fell like silky water on the grass beside her head, protecting her from the stark sun. Her jade eyes were questioning, yet she made no move to remove his face. He was close now, he felt small puffs of breaths come from her cherry kissed mouth on his skin, her lips inviting in its gloss and fulness. He noted how a pink shade slowly tinted her cheeks, she looked at him straight on while blushing profusely and he felt how he almost caught his breath. He then saw that she was about to say something, but he wouldn't let her. He tilted his head to the side and his mouth closed hers, lightly, ever so lightly, he brushed his lips on hers. He tasted blood, yet this metallic taste was not bad; it was seducing. His feelings were raw with her emotions of love towards his brother, so much more fierce and seducing her love was. He felt how she responded to the intimacy with the strength of her emotions which had overwhelmed him, her eyes closed with fluttering pink lashes as she kissed him back. Without question. He felt that life-giving muscle behind his ribcage pound even harder, however that was even possible, at this reaction of hers. She slid her tongue in his mouth, something he accepted and the kiss deepened into something only used in the bedroom. She showed arousing urges to kiss him further, her blood stained hands took a gentle hold of his neck and she caressed his silky hair. She was greedy. He felt that what he was doing was wrong, but he could not help himself. This was the first time in his life that he was completely lost to an emotion, or rather, so completely lost to a person. He suddenly took, while still kissing her, her body from its lying position over to his lap, lifting her with ease, and he had her legs spread at his sides and she held him close all the same. He held her steadily with his hand around her hip with one hand, the other hand he held in the crane of her neck. He ran his fingers through her pink hair, which was filthy with dirt, sweat and blood, yet he did not care. His feelings were so passionate and so rough, he had never felt this ecstatic in his life before, he had never kissed like this before, he had never held someone so close and he had never felt so complete. But it all shattered into a thousand pieces when she whispered a man's name, which was not his, in a moment of pause in the heavy kiss.


He broke the kiss and looked at her. She showed surprise in her green eyes, her face flushed and she breathed heavily. He had never been this attracted to a woman before. But what she had breathed, what she had whispered in that moaning voice, was not to him. He let her gently back on the forest ground and stood up. She looked up at him, confused and bloody, she had after all died and then been revived by him, a dangerous man, and he had unexpectedly kissed her - overcome by her emotions which had created emotions of its own within him. All this time, he had not said a word to her.

"My name is Uchiha Itachi."

He growled and was about to leave her on the ground. He had never pouted in his life before, why did he do it now? He was not jealous of his brother, he told himself - yet he failed miserably to convince himself. His brows furrowed and he cursed these annoying feelings. He then heard a weak yet beautiful voice in the background, carried to his ears by the soft wind.

"I'm sorry... I know who you are. I am Haruno Sakura."

He bit his lip and turned around to see her stand up; he hadn't expected she had that much chakra to be able to stand straight. Or maybe she didn't, but she forced herself to stand up either way? Her eyes stared at him without embarrassment, she held his Sharingan eyes courageously - as none usually dared to do - and she suddenly smiled. It was still unwanted, but he felt his heart skip a beat. She was so very beautiful it pained him.


And she was gone, as cherry blossoms scattered in the wind she disappeared. He sighed, he had been abandoned. She had unexpected strength left in her legs, for he had seen her fast movements as she ran away from him. She was obviously and enemy of Akatsuki, yet... Why had she presented herself? Why had she kissed him back? Why had she apologized? He tasted her name on his tongue, Sakura. It tasted sweet. It tasted like their kiss. The moment that thin layer of blood coating vanished from her lips, out flowed the liqueur of her essence which made him drunk on the feeling. Slowly, he had felt the diminishing effects of her taste as it electrified his senses... The shocking taste of her contained within nonchalantly delivered the flavour of spring and it had seduced him. He could not stop thinking about her. Sakura.

He wanted to taste her again, he craved her sweet and alluring flavour of spring.

A/N: Hello everyone!

This was just an idea I've had for a while now, and it was sparked by a few wonderful drawings of Sakura and Itachi on Deviant Art. I'm actually more of a SasuSaku-fan but I just couldn't resist to write this little one shot.

Besides, I need to take time off The Light Seal which consumes me entirely. It's fun to write The Light Seal, but it's just so time consuming and I really need to think about everything so it all falls into place. But this oneshot was nice to write - I just wrote whatever I seemed fit.

Please review and I will love you to death.
