Hi everyone, it's been awhile and I apologize. I won't make any excuses, here's chapter 1, the re-vamp. I don't own Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto stood solemnly atop what had once been the Hokage Monument, staring mournfully at the ruins of Konohagakure. The blond shinobi sighed heavily. His home, destroyed and there wasn't a damn thing he could have done to save it. None of the fuuinjutsu that could have done anything were simple enough to be used in time. His senjutsu barely scratched his enemies, and even when he managed to injure them, they regenerated instantly. It was so unfair. But, at least he wasn't alone. That would have made this tragedy so much worse. At least there was another with whom he could share his pain.

He looked to the horizon. It was sunset and the vivid, vivacious, oranges and pinks that had once faded gently through violets and periwinkles to indigo and navy sprinkled with stars were now marred with grey slashes of fire smoke and hazy dust clouds from the devastation below. The scenery was ruinous and beautiful all at once, like Kami-sama had taken his masterpiece and in a fit of rage scarred it with the colors of death and destruction, leaving only the most durable, battle-worn bits of life's vibrant hues to grieve the loss of the rest. Naruto shook his head as if to shake his thoughts from his mind before turning to address his companion.

"We have one more chance Sakura; we have one more chance to make sure this doesn't happen again. Itachi and Sasuke, Gaara and Temari, Tsunade…so many people could have been saved-ttebayo! We didn't know!" He heaved a breath, and his body shook with emotion. "We didn't know!" Naruto was on the verge of tears. It had been years since the last time he cried. Probably when he found out that Jiraiya died. He hadn't even cried when Kakashi – he choked. He once again tried to shake the thoughts from his head, the action reminded him of Akamaru as he – No! He couldn't allow himself to go there. He spoke again.

"They're all counting on us. Itachi – he gave us this chance to make sure that the world survives. We're gonna make changes, we're gonna stop this from becoming the truth, right…?" He pleaded, "Right, Sakura?!"

"We'll save them all," She said, pulling Naruto into a hug. "They gave their lives to give us this chance, and we'll pull through. We gave them our word after all. And you don't go back on your word." She had to be the strong one now, for him, as he had been for her when she had been overwhelmed by her loss. Because at this moment he couldn't bring himself to hold back his tears anymore. They spilled one by one down his cheeks, over the whisker-like birthmarks that signified his burden, as he buried his face in her neck.

"Thank you, Sakura." Naruto mumbled into her shoulder many minutes later, before he pulled himself away. He didn't bother wiping the tear trails that streaked his dirt-brown face, the only one who would see was Sakura, and after all they'd been through together, a tear stained face was the least of his worries.

Pulling himself together, Naruto delved into his mindscape, searching out this vulpine tenant. "Are you ready for this Kurama?"

The fox demon grinned, "Just as ready as you are. We have just enough chakra between the three of us to go back to several months before your genin exams. That is where we will start making changes. When you resurface we will begin."

Naruto left his mindscape, "Let's do this, Sakura," and with that the two shinobi and one bijuu began to gather chakra as Naruto and Sakura started a long sequence of hand seals in synchronization. On the last hand seal the three cried together, "Jikuukan jutsu: Kin-Fuuin: Toki wo Gyakuten Suru no Jutsu!"

"Kit, hey Kit! Oi! WAKE! UP! YOU BRAINLESS, YELLOW-FURRED FLESH SACK!" Naruto bolted upright, finding that he was sitting in his old run-down apartment with his toad-shaped alarm clock blaring the early hour. Naruto yawned.

"Good morning to you too, Kurama," the blond replied cheerfully.

"Yeah, yeah," Kurama chuffed, happy that Naruto was finally awake. They'd been back for nearly fifteen hours now and Kurama had been afraid that something had glitched in the jutsu, but now that the boy was awake Kurama could happily pass out due to chakra exhaustion. "Gonna sleep for a while, Naruto. Time travel is exhausting, even for a sentient mass of chakra like me."

"Go for it, Kurama," Naruto replied, noticing that the clothes he was wearing were tearing at the seams. As the blue-eyed shinobi was about to get out of bed to rip his clothes the rest of the way off, a black cloaked shape flew through his open window, slammed it, then followed by placing a privacy jutsu around the entirety of the small flat. The cloaked character finally calmed down and pulled off the hood. Pink hair was revealed as Sakura slumped to the ground.

"Naruto, you IDIOT! Why didn't you warn me I was going to still be twenty when we came back! I had to sneak into my mom's closet to find clothes that fit, and I had to tear my way out of my pajamas! They were my favorite ones when I was twelve! How am I supposed to explain that to my mom later!? Speaking of my mom, had my parents seen me before I managed to get out of the house, do you know how awkward that would be?! And furthermore, I had to make it halfway across town, unseen! There are more ANBU out there now than we even had total by the time we could sense them! Please tell me you can do something about this!"

"Sakura, breathe." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath, held it for a few seconds and let it out slowly. Now that she was calmer, he continued "Did you think that maybe you could use a henge…?"


"I thought so."

"…and I thought I was supposed to be the smart one…"

"Well, thanks," he bit out sarcastically. As much as he loved her like a sister, it got old listening to people underestimate his intelligence. Sure, he wasn't necessarily book-smart, but he had his uses too.

"…my original question still needs an answer, Naruto. Can you do something semi-permanent about this? I don't have enough chakra to hold a henge 24/7."

Naruto looked at his female companion and rolled his eyes. "Sakura, is that a serious question? I became a seal master for a reason you know. Lucky for you I know Tsunade-baachan's permanent henge seal. It took me nearly a month to decode it, but I know it."

"You know, it would take most competent sealers almost three years to do what you managed to do in three weeks. Don't grumble." Sakura replied, finally starting to relax.

Naruto stood and began to rip his clothes the rest of the way off as he moved toward his dresser. He dug around in the drawers for a few minutes, trying to find something that would fit his twenty-year-old body, he pulled out a pair of ripped ANBU-style pants of unknown origin that looked like they might fit. He removed the remains of the boxers he woke up in and pulled on the tattered pants. They were a little snug around the waist but they would do until he finished Sakura's seal work and set some kage bunshin on his own.

He turned around to dig under the bed for where he hid his childhood calligraphy set. He'd never used it until he began learning fuuinjutsu in his mid-teens with Jiraiya. The brush would be student-grade, but in the hands of a master like himself, that wouldn't matter.

Pulling his smallest brush from the fude-maki, he grabbed his ink-stone and ink-stick and checked that he still had water in the glass on his bedside table. Dripping some water from the cup into the well of his ink-stone, he began to grind ink for the seal, slowly infusing it with his chakra as the solid stick of resin and pine soot sluggishly dissolved into the water. Grinding ink was an unhurried process; to pass the time, he questioned Sakura.

"Where do you want the seal to go, and what do you want it to look like?" Sakura just looked at him as if he had grown another head. The blond nin sighed, as he continued to grind the ink. "That diamond shaped Infuuin on Baachan's forehead didn't just enable her Sosou Saisei, Sakura. It was also tied to her permanent henge. I had to disentangle the seals on her henge from her Sosou Saisei when the latter became too dangerous for her to use. Why else do you think her henge collapsed every time she used Creation Rebirth?" Naruto explained, "Now, where do you want the seal and what do you want it to look like?" He tested the opacity and chakra density in the ink. Perfect.

Sakura contemplated for a moment, then nodded to herself. "Since it will show after the henge is applied, I want the seal here, and I want it to look like Shishou's." She pulled her hair to the side and pointed at the nape of her neck.

Naruto nodded, then began to trace the seals with a steady hand that came from years of practice. While trying to ignore ticklish feeling of brush bristles sweeping across the expanse of her nape, Sakura began to contemplate their travel. "Naruto? Why are we still 20? I mean, the jutsu name is literally "Technique to Reverse Time" so why didn't we reverse back to our original states in this time?"

Naruto huffed keeping 90 percent of his concentration on the complicated seal he was laying out, "The reason for that, Sakura, is because the jutsu is half ninjutsu, half fuuinjutsu channeled through our bodies and the implanted mangekyou sharingan that Itachi stuffed down my throat. If we had also de-aged with the world around us, we would have been unable to keep up the necessary chakra flow to continue changing the flow of the time/space continuum to bring us back. If it were just you and me, we may have been able to go back a few months and it wouldn't matter anyway.

"It's unprecedented to travel back this far, and the only reason we could – and with so few draw backs – is because I have a good relationship with Kurama and he supplied the lion's – or rather, fox's," He grinned cheekily, "share of the chakra necessary. As it is, you alone may have been able to go back maybe a week or two if you had all the prerequisites, such as a mangekyou sharingan, advanced sealing knowledge and so on, so it wouldn't really be worth going back by yourself anyhow. By myself I could probably travel back a couple months…again, not really worth it.

"Also if we had reverted back to our previous states in this time period, our memories and powers would have been locked away like everyone else's. Our bodies wouldn't have been able to take the strain of our current chakra levels and our brains wouldn't have been properly developed enough to handle the strain of so many more memories than they were built for at this point time. The jutsu would have fallen apart, and we wouldn't have remembered what we were doing or what for. Our plans would have pretty much been for nothing. It is possible however to get other people in on our plan. Adults at least, like Ero-sennin and Kakashi-sensei, or even Hokage-jiji. Because the memory suppression was triggered with the reversal through Kurama's chakra, sharingan and fuuinjustu, it is possible with the combination of those three to unlock the memories."

Naruto finished explaining just as he completed Sakura's Infuuin: Henge. "There, done. I need some of your blood." The pink haired woman bit her thumb and allowed a few drops to fall on Naruto's out held brush, afterward healing the small wound with her green healing chakra. He thanked her and swept her blood across the seal in a spiral pattern. He then pressed his hand over the seal and filled it with chakra, as he did so the lines of the seal wiggled from Sakura's back shoulders and collar bones to collect under his palm. When the seal flashed with blue chakra to indicate its completion, he pulled his hand away to reveal the diamond shape of the finished seal.

As Naruto made a kage bunshin to do his seal (which he he had decided to conceal with an image of Kurama lying in a relaxed position with his tails waving behind him idly, staring out lazily with one red slit eye – chakra and henge are amazing things) – turning away from Sakura, as he was placing it across his hipbone – the green eyed medic contemplated Naruto's explanation and the idea of returning memories to trustworthy adults. Well, Inner Sakura sounded; we'll discuss all the ramifications when Naruto's done with his seal.

"I think we should bring in Jiraiya-sama and Hokage-sama. They have the ability to do things, Hokage-sama in the village and Jiraiya-sama outside the village." Sakura said quietly, as Naruto finalized his seal behind her.

"Okay, that makes sense. It'll take me a day or two to formulate the seal to unlock their memories. Jiraiya won't even be in the village until Chuunin-exam time. I'd also really like to unlock Kakashi's memories…"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Naruto," Naruto gritted his teeth and growled, upset. "Yes, I know you two were together…" She trailed off at his irritated hiss, "But at this point it could just cause unnecessary problems for the team dynamic. You know how Kakashi is."

Naruto sighed heavily in resignation. "I know, I know-ttebayo. Kakashi had a really hard time forgiving Sasuke, even when he came back to fight with us against Madara, and Kakashi had already –" He stopped and took a deep breath, almost choking on the air, "he was already gone before Sasuke really redeemed himself. I understand; Kakashi wouldn't be able to look at Sasuke like we do… Okay, just Jiraiya and Hokage-jiji."

Sakura nodded thoughtfully, leaning against Naruto's back. "Naruto, we need to activate the henge now, it's been almost three hours since I got here and I think your ANBU watchers are getting antsy, the privacy jutsu's been up too long. I think they think you're getting attacked or abducted or something."

The blue-eyed shinobi responded quickly, "Okay, the way you activate the Infuuin is really easy, use the standard hand seals for the henge, but rather than channel chakra to your hands, channel it to your seal. The seal has an infused voice altering array, so you'll sound like you did when you were twelve, so will I…" He activated his henge, "I hate this!" he yelped, unused to the sound of his twelve-year old voice, "I was such a squeaky little shit when I was twelve, dattebayo."

There was a tense silence for about 20 seconds before both time-travelers burst into unrestrained laughter. Sakura wiped hysterical tears from her eyes, "I th-thought you had g-gotten rid of that verbal t-tick of yours," she stuttered through her giggles.

Naruto snickered back, "The thing is hereditary! I can't get rid of it that easily. It comes back when I'm surprised, shocked or really excited."

Sakura stopped giggling in her surprise, "Hereditary? You never told me you knew about your parents…"

"Yeah," Naruto sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "Just a second, Sakura, we should get dressed first these clothes don't fit anymore." Naruto got up, holding the pants around his waist as he stumbled a bit, not used to this size. He'd have to retrain his taijutsu and hand signs so he could use them fluently at both ages. Walking gingerly to his closet, he grabbed some boxers and one of his usual jumpsuits, and an old T-shirt and pair of shorts that would probably fit Sakura. After Tossing the clothes to Sakura and shrugging into his own, Naruto ran through a string of hand seals to alter the privacy jutsu, letting his ANBU watchers see into his apartment, but still blocking the sound.

He sat back down, "Saa, where should I start?"

"Um, your parents?" Sakura suggested.

"My parents, huh?" Naruto started, "Well, on October 10th twelve years ago, now, I was born to Uzumaki Kushina, heiress of Uzu no Kuni, formerly of Uzushiogakure, Konoha no Akai Chishio no Habanero, and her husband Namikaze Minato, Konoha no Kiiroi Senkou, the Yondaime Hokage."

Sakura gasped and looked over her shoulder at Naruto in shock, "I thought you might be related to the Yondaime, because of the resemblance between you and the picture in the Hokage's office, but to think you're his son…Unfortunately I've never heard of your mom."

"You weren't there for the whole father-son reveal on the battle field, were you? You were in the medical tent. I thought you knew though." Naruto replied, before shrugging it off, "Well, most of my mom's friends are either dead or too dense to figure out the relation. I have her eye and face shape, but my father's build and coloring. So…"

"I've also never heard of Uzushiogakure or Uzu no Kuni,"

"About that," Naruto ran his hand along the back of his head sheepishly, "It's because the village elders didn't want me to put together where my family is from and defect. Not that there's a village to defect to, anymore. During the years I was in the Academy, the council took out everything relating to the Uzumaki and Uzushiogakure out of the curriculum. Let's see if I can remember everything." He said, looking at the ceiling, and letting some of his weight rest against Sakura, before going into lecture mode.

"The Uzumaki were known for their red hair, large chakra reserves and vitality, their kenjutsu, and their use of fuuinjutsu in battle. Uzushiogakure was nicknamed the Village of Longevity, as the Uzumaki tended to live well into their hundreds. The Uzumaki and Uzushio were allies of Konoha, and helped fund its construction although they weren't included in the founding families. They were also distant cousins of the Senju.

"During the Dainiji Ninkai Taisen, Kiri and Iwa came to a short term alliance to wipe Uzushio off the map, due to the possibility that they would back up Konoha. It took three days for Iwa and Kiri to get through the whirlpools and security seals that surrounded the island and another week to overpower the ninja forces of Uzushio, even though they had the Uzu forces outnumbered 7 to 1. Although Konoha got their distress call and request for backup, our forces didn't get there in time, and all that was left was destruction and ruins.

"As a symbol of remembrance to the friends of Konoha that we were unable to save, the Uzumaki Clan swirl is emblazoned on the backs of all the Konoha standard issue chuunin and jounin flack jackets and the standard issue Konoha ninja uniform." Naruto continued as if reciting from a textbook as he indicated the swirl on his jumpsuit.

"As for Uzumaki in Konoha, Uzumaki Mito was the wife of the Shodaime Hokage and the second daughter of the Uzumaki Clan Head, who was the leader of Uzushiogakure. She was also the first Jinchuuriki of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, Kurama. She sealed him into her own body during the battle between Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara at the Valley of the End, to take him out of the battle. She was Tsunade-Baachan's grandmother and my mom's great aunt. When she was getting too old to restrain the Kyuubi, my mother came to Konoha from Uzushio, to become the next Jinchuuriki. Because the Uzumaki have special chakra and large reserves, we are the only ones able to hold back Kurama's malevolent chakra. So, she became the second Jinchuuriki of Kurama.

As Konoha's Akai Chishio no Habanero, my mom was feared for her kenjutsu, fuuinjutsu and quick temper, as well as her work on the battlefront with Kumo during the Daisanji Ninkai Taisen. Oh yeah! She also had a verbal tick like mine, dattebane," he chuckled.

"That's about it for Uzumaki history…so, yeah…" Naruto finished, looking as Sakura's flabbergasted expression.

"Um, wow… I don't know what to say, other than I guess it's fitting that Konoha's Orange Hokage is the progeny of the Red Hot-blooded Habanero and the Yellow Flash."

"I thought so too, but you know, my ramen addiction is hereditary too."

Sakura looked at him skeptically, "Yeah! My dad was totally addicted to ramen, the only thing he liked better than ramen was my mom's cooking. You can ask Kakashi! He was on the genin team under my dad! I'm pretty sure he made ramen runs for him! Or you could ask Ero-sennin, I mean they named me after ramen! Although the kanji translates to maelstrom, the name came from Ero-sennin's first book, The Tale of the Gutsy Ninja, where the main character was named Naruto and he got the name from the naruto floating in his ramen."

Sakura sighed, her friend's family was soooo messed up. "So, back to more serious topics," she said, "what do you want to do about Sasuke? I mean, Itachi's already massacred his family and he's already a broody asshole, and I'm supposedly still a love-struck fangirl, I can't change my tune overnight… or over the weekend as it maybe."

"Hmm, good question. Damn, I wish it was possible to unlock Shikamaru's memories, he'd definitely be able to help us strategize, as it is, though, it's not safe to unlock people's memories until they're 15, at that point they're building new synapses, so it's possible for them to regain memories without undue problems…gahh!" Naruto scrubbed his fingers through his messy spikes of hair in frustration, "I don't know; let's wait until we talk to Hokage-jiji. He might be able to help us."

Sakura was unimpressed, but she couldn't expect Naruto to have all the answers. As it was, she didn't have any ideas either. She huffed, annoyed, "Fine, we'll go see Hokage-sama tomorrow. I'll see you later, Naruto," she said as she got up. She grabbed her cloak and gave Naruto a friendly hug before walking out the door.

Thank you for taking the time to read the this story, whether for the first time or to check out the re-vamp, I'm very grateful for your support. Let me know what you think, or if you have any questions via either review or PM. I will answer to both as soon as possible.

Thank you!

One Plot