A feline master sprinted throughout the trees. Her orange and black fur was a mess, but not a tear rolled down the cheek. The rain helped the mood of her thoughts. I wasn´t fair, it just wasn´t fair. She fought her entire life just to get Shifu´s approval. She trained until her bones broke, until her knuckles bleed, until she couldn´t feel anything. But what happened? He recognized that flabby panda as a son, the flabby panda she loved. Their chat still claimed her ears. Po came a year ago. Shifu gave him the approval she craved for so long, he gave him his trust, and now he recognized him as family.

Hurt by those words, Tigress wrote a letter. She asked the Master Council the opportunity to train with them in Gongmen city. Immediately after sending the message, a medical scroll and a long dagger disappeared. In the woods, blood ran along with the rain. The scroll laid open on the soil. A stained and injured tigress hit roughly the ironwood trees. Her paws spread the crimson liquid as did several wounds all over her body. She had screwed up her nerves.

Three days lapsed in no time. Not only were her arms senseless, now it was every single muscle. Shifu talked to her. He said he was sorry for her lonely childhood, he said he was sorry for his behaving, he asked for forgiveness, and he asked if he could call her his daughter. Those were the word she spent her life waiting for, but now they just seemed useless. She denied his offer politely, replying that she stopped looking for his acceptance some time ago. When he tried to talk to her once more, Zeng came in a hurry. A letter had arrived from Gongmen. The master council agreed on her petition. After reading the scroll to herself, she left.

The next morning, after the morning gong rang. A note took her presence away.

¨Masters of the Jade Palace:

I have decided to leave and train with new challenges. I think it is better for you not to know my current address. Pray to the gods we will meet again someday.

Sincerely, Master Tigress¨